EGBPC - 2019
Emerging Global Business Paradigms and Contemporary Management Issues - 2019
Organized by
Muscat College, Department of Business and Accounting, Sultanate of Oman
Mar 26, 2019.
The Effectiveness of High Performance Work Systems at Orpic: A Case Study Al-harthi, Al ’shifa Mohammed, Mathew, Binu James
Abstract - Studies state that human resources management is the process of selection and recruitment of employees as well as development of employees through their training and assessment of their performance. The objective of the paper is to examine the extent and effectiveness of arrangements at Oman Oil Refineries and Petroleum Industries Company (Orpic) to support.
The Effectiveness of High Performance Work Systems at Orpic: A Case Study
Al-harthi, Al ’shifa Mohammed, Mathew, Binu JamesThe Effectiveness of High
Effect of Teamwork of Work Performances of Employees Sheikha Almur Said Al-Stmi, Ahmed Hameud Sulaiman Al Mamari
Abstract-In today's world, the employees focus more on professional excellence and individual achievements in the workplace instead of getting involved and knowing the importance of the teamwork. It is witnessed that the importance of the team as the vital tool in the workplace has been overseen and neither the managers nor the workers know the importance of teamwork.
Effect of Teamwork of Work Performances of Employees
Sheikha Almur Said Al-Stmi, Ahmed Hameud Sulaiman Al MamariEffect of Teamwork of Work
Study on Performance Analysis of Training and Development Departments or T&D UNITs of Indian Companies O. Balraj, Venkata HRD
Abstract— Training and Development (T & D) department in any industry or corporate world is one of the most important unit (UNIT) to decide the success of any organization. The Training and development units (T&D UNITs) have multiple investments as inputs for extracting several tangible and or intangible revenue outputs. Each unit is considered as Decision Making Unit (DMU).
Study on Performance Analysis of Training and Development Departments or T&D UNITs of Indian Companies
O. Balraj, Venkata HRDStudy on Performance Analysis of Training
Recruitment and Selection in Practice: A Qualitative Study Ruba Jamal Al Shanfari, Dr. Ruksana Banu. A
Abstract - Today's institutions face great challenges to get employees with distinctive talents and retain qualified as well as skilled employees, as organisations isolate recruitment and selection process and are considered to be only a part of general human resource management practices. This report aims to examine the theoretical aspect of recruitment and selection process.
Recruitment and Selection in Practice: A Qualitative Study
Ruba Jamal Al Shanfari, Dr. Ruksana Banu. ARecruitment and Selection in Practice
A Study On Satisfaction Level And Challenges Faced By Foreign Tourists In Sultanate Of Oman Samaa Saif Ali Al-Mahrouqi, Maryam Obaid Nasser Al Junaibi, Ekhlas Abdullah Khamis Al Hadhrami, Marwa Ali Mohammed Al Khamisi
Abstract: Tourism Industry is relatively new to Oman. A lot of new tourism projects are coming up throughout the country. This has enhanced the employment opportunities in the industry. The awareness among the Omani public has to improve to consider a career in the tourism industry. This study is attempted to understand the satisfaction level of international tourists in Oman.
A Study On Satisfaction Level And Challenges Faced By Foreign Tourists In Sultanate Of Oman
Samaa Saif Ali Al-Mahrouqi, Maryam Obaid Nasser Al Junaibi, Ekhlas Abdullah Khamis Al Hadhrami, Marwa Ali Mohammed Al KhamisiA Study On Satisfaction Level
Reward Management as an aspect of Motivation and Human Resource Management : A Conceptual Review Ali Fahad Macki, Dr. Ruksana Banu. A
Abstract - The purpose of this paper is to critically analysis reward management as an important element of HRM and demonstrates the association between motivation theories and reward management. The online database and HRM books were researched to assess and explore the strengths and weaknesses as well as challenges that contradict reward management in practice with respect to HRM.
Reward Management as an aspect of Motivation and Human Resource Management : A Conceptual Review
Ali Fahad Macki, Dr. Ruksana Banu. AReward Management as an aspect
Students Perceived Satisfaction, Behaviour Intention and Effectiveness of Online Learning: A Study Focus on HEIs in Oman Lamees Al Hadharami, Gopalakrishnan Soundararajan
Abstract - Information and communication technology supports higher education to help the educational sector to provide high quality of teaching and learning process. Oman educational institution takes the steps to develop the various ICB tools to support learners from different back ground, nationality, age, mode of study, etc. The aim of the study is to know the students.
Students Perceived Satisfaction, Behaviour Intention and Effectiveness of Online Learning: A Study Focus on HEIs in Oman
Lamees Al Hadharami, Gopalakrishnan SoundararajanStudents Perceived Satisfaction
The influence of Human Resource Planning on Organisational Performance: A Study in Sultanate of Oman Fatma Ahmed AL-Riyami, Dr. Ruksana Banu
Abstract— This paper aims to study the impact of human resources planning on organizational performance in the government ministries in the Sultanate of Oman. It has investigated key determinants of human resources planning that may affect organizational performance in Omani ministries. The study population, which consisted of staff in human resources and human.
The influence of Human Resource Planning on Organisational Performance: A Study in Sultanate of Oman
Fatma Ahmed AL-Riyami, Dr. Ruksana BanuThe influence of Human Resource Planning
A Conceptual study on the Impact of Induction on Generation-Y Commitment, Engagement and Retention in the Private Sector in Oman Mr. Mahmood AlHusaini, Dr. Preeti Shrivastava
Abstract - Induction phase is the most important aspect for the new employees as they not only get familiarize themselves to the organization but also eventually affects their adjustments in the organization and their long term plans. Employees are the most important assets of the organization in this competitive and innovative world as they are the propellers of success.
A Conceptual study on the Impact of Induction on Generation-Y Commitment, Engagement and Retention in the Private Sector in Oman
Mr. Mahmood AlHusaini, Dr. Preeti ShrivastavaA Conceptual study on the Impact
Entrepreneurship: Initiatives and Challenges in Oman Muneer Ahmed Hamed Al Mahrooqi, Ammar Mohamed Amur Al Maawali, Dr. M.Krishna Murthy
Abstract: Entrepreneurship and its initiatives are the need of the hour around the world in general and in Gulf countries in particular. Starting a business activity involves risk and entrepreneurial initiatives by the ministry help to guide the Omani Youth to solve the problems relating to selection of business activity, mobilizing finance and to implement the proposed business activity.
Entrepreneurship: Initiatives and Challenges in Oman
Muneer Ahmed Hamed Al Mahrooqi, Ammar Mohamed Amur Al Maawali, Dr. M.Krishna MurthyEntrepreneurship: Initiatives and Challenges
What motivates women entrepreneurs in UAE? Are they different from men? Huda Al Khayyal
Abstract - The UAE government has significantly increased its support for entrepreneurs. It has been eager to stimulate the entrepreneurial spirits and ambitions among local Emiratis. This has resulted in various government-led campaigns trying to assist and encourage citizens to start up their own businesses.
What motivates women entrepreneurs
Awareness, Perception and Attitude of Young Omani Consumers for Halal Certified Cosmetics Products Tahera Humaid AL-musallami, Dr.Preeti Shrivastava, Nitha Siju
Abstract-This research proposal introduced give a general review of the dissertation topic that have chosen from consumer behaviour study. The bases of this proposal is present the general overview of the research to be undertaken. The study will be to investigate about Omani consumers’ awareness levels, perception and Attitude about these halal certified.
Awareness, Perception and Attitude of Young Omani Consumers for Halal Certified Cosmetics Products
Tahera Humaid AL-musallami, Dr.Preeti Shrivastava, Nitha SijuAwareness, Perception and Attitude
Factors affecting customer's Adoption of Mobile Banking in the Sultanate of Oman Dr.M.Nasrin Sulthana, Dr. Malik Mustafa, Kamira Diljan
This study aimed at identifying the major factors that affect customer’s adoption of Mobile Banking (m-banking) services in Oman. The study followed the quantitative research method and adopted the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model. A conceptual model was formulated and tested using the Partial Least-Squares Structural Equation Modeling.
Factors affecting customer's Adoption of Mobile Banking in the Sultanate of Oman
Dr.M.Nasrin Sulthana, Dr. Malik Mustafa, Kamira DiljanFactors affecting customer's Adoption
Corporate Social Responsibility and Enhanced Oil Recovery Process: A Conceptual Review Mohamed Salman. H, Mohamed Ali. H
In recent years, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is considered as a crucial approach for addressing the socio-environmental impacts of the company's activities, particularly in the oil and gas industry. The oil and gas industry is considered to be a leading sector of business and has to continuously engage with CSR practices in terms of political, economic, social, legal.
Corporate Social Responsibility and Enhanced Oil Recovery Process: A Conceptual Review
Mohamed Salman. H, Mohamed Ali. HCorporate Social Responsibility
Relationship between agricultural commodities' futures prices and spot market prices in India Hariharan.R, Dr.B.A.Karunakara Reddy
This present study analyses the agriculture market behavior and price effect in Indian Agriculture Commodity Markets. The agricultural commodity market in India has witnessed an extraordinary growth. In past decade the financial system has come across lots of changes globally. What has actually changed is the level of risk and the hedging instruments.
Relationship between agricultural commodities' futures prices and spot market prices in India
Hariharan.R, Dr.B.A.Karunakara ReddyRelationship between agricultural
Impact of Spot Prices on FuturesMarket Prices of Agricultural Commodities in India Minu.M, Dr.D.Raja Jebasingh
Agriculture sector is the backbone of India. There are various agricultural commodities which are traded in National Commodity and Derivative Exchange and Multi Commodity Exchange in India. Agriculture commodity market is growing very effectively in India but still farmers are facing various risks and most challenging part is price risk. Analyzing the market and price.
Impact of Spot Prices on FuturesMarket Prices of Agricultural Commodities in India
Minu.M, Dr.D.Raja JebasinghImpact of Spot Prices
Role and Importance of High Quality Financial Reporting Standards Farah Hussain Al Balushi, Fatema Al Mahrouqi, Dr. S. Varalakshmi
In any industry, it may be manufactured or service entity every function is related to each other to achieve the objectives. It is not sure whether the services and activities or interrelated or not. At the end of the day all the activities are connected to one common activity called accounting and finance. Such activities are important for the stakeholders.
Role and Importance of High Quality Financial Reporting Standards
Farah Hussain Al Balushi, Fatema Al Mahrouqi, Dr. S. VaralakshmiRole and Importance of High Quality
Women Entrepreneurs: challenges and constrained in Oman. A case of Muscat Governorate Maisa Mohammed Ahmed Al Bousaidi, Dr. Zaroug Osman Bilal
Abstract— The government of Oman recently has focused on preparing the environment for women entrepreneurs to participate and contribute in economic growth and development of the economy. This study aims to shed light and identify the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs in Muscat governorate of Oman. The data was collected through questionnaire from 80 women entrepreneurs.
Women Entrepreneurs: challenges and constrained in Oman. A case of Muscat Governorate
Maisa Mohammed Ahmed Al Bousaidi, Dr. Zaroug Osman BilalWomen Entrepreneurs: challenges
Understanding the dynamics of work ethics and organisational commitment Salima Said Al-Marzouqi, Dr. Ruksana Banu. A
Abstract: This study was conducted with the aim of understanding the relationship between work ethics and employee's organizational commitment in Omani companies especially MHD Company. The statistical population consists of MHD employees in Muscat (Oman). The questionnaire was filled out by 142 random respondents of Mohsen Haidar Darwish (MHD) staff in order.
Understanding the dynamics of work ethics and organisational commitment
Salima Said Al-Marzouqi, Dr. Ruksana Banu. AUnderstanding the dynamics of work ethics
Employees Perception on Dignity at Work: A Study in Oman Abir Khamis Alnadhiri, Dr.Ruksana Banu. A
Dignity at work is a personal feeling derived from a human being and is very important to employees in the workplace. It makes employees treat each other with respect and appreciation through his commitment to the duties of work and loyalty his requirements. Dignity at work consists of many dimensions, including security, reward, equality, individual and collective voice
Employees Perception on Dignity
Effectiveness and implementation of ERP in Shipping company in Oman- A conceptual study Faisal Al Sinawi, Dr. Preeti Shrivastava
This is a conceptual paper to study Effectiveness and implementation of ERP in Shipping company in Oman- A conceptual study . The purpose of this study is to give integrated details on the selected topic challenges, objectives and lists of the questions related to this study. An overall introduction to Supply Chain Management and what precisely is it.
Effectiveness and implementation of ERP in Shipping company in Oman- A conceptual study
Faisal Al Sinawi, Dr. Preeti ShrivastavaEffectiveness and implementation of ERP
Gender Discrimination Impact in Retail Sector: A study Focus in Oman Shima Khamis Saleh Khalfan Al Kiyumi, Gopalakrishnan Soundararajan
Employees from the whole world face the problem of gender discrimination in FMCG sector. A particular rule is required to overcome this problem, Government should develop the rule to create the equality among everyone. Few days ago, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1945) has provided a particular rule for this purpose, due to which there is no discrimination.
Gender Discrimination Impact in Retail Sector: A study Focus in Oman
Shima Khamis Saleh Khalfan Al Kiyumi, Gopalakrishnan SoundararajanGender Discrimination Impact in Retail
A Study on The Challenges and Empowerment of Women Entrepreneurs The Su Sandy, Drushti Jain, Rathinasamy Muthukrishnan
This paper mainly focuses on the challenges faced by women and the motivating factors which lead to development of women entrepreneurs and their evolution overtime. It explains the definition of entrepreneur and extend terminologies of entrepreneurship and women entrepreneurs. Additionally, information of how ASEAN organisation has helped Southeast Asian women.
A Study on The Challenges and Empowerment of Women Entrepreneurs
The Su Sandy, Drushti Jain, Rathinasamy MuthukrishnanA Study on The Challenges and Empowerment
The challenges of implementing TQM system in Omani SMEs Aisha Al Kharousi, Araby Madbouly
SMEs have been consistently and continuously highlighted as the backbone of the economy. Their contributions arise in areas of contributing to national employment, national economic activities, resource utilization as well as the support the balanced regional economic growth. Although that, SMEs face many challenges from different perspectives.
The challenges of implementing TQM
The Relationship between Working Capital Management and Profitability: Evidence from GCC industrial sector Ms. Marwa Salim Nasser Al Shekaili, Dr. Tamanna Dalwai, Ms. Syeeda Shafiya Mohammadi
This study investigates the relationship between working capital management and profitability of industrial sector companies in Gulf Cooperation Council countries. For every organization, short – term finance and asset management are crucial to meet its day to day needs. This requirement is met by operational working capital management.
The Relationship between Working Capital Management and Profitability: Evidence from GCC industrial sector
Ms. Marwa Salim Nasser Al Shekaili, Dr. Tamanna Dalwai, Ms. Syeeda Shafiya MohammadiThe Relationship between Working
An Empirical Study on Performance Evaluation of Merger of Indian Banks Ms. Chaitra M. Raikar, Prof. Manjunath B.R, Mr. Arun Kumar R
The motivation behind the paper is to consider the financial performance of the commercial bank. It additionally looks at the pre and post-merger financial performance of merged banks with the assistance of financial parameters such as, Earning Per Share (EPS), Net Profit Margin (NPM), Operating Profit Margin (OPM), Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE).
An Empirical Study on Performance Evaluation of Merger of Indian Banks
Ms. Chaitra M. Raikar, Prof. Manjunath B.R, Mr. Arun Kumar RAn Empirical Study on Performance Evaluation
Does developed market upbeat developing markets? Evidence from Indian, Brazil and US Data Mr.Rakesh G, Ms. Nithya S, Mr. Arun Kumar R
The Indian stock markets are influenced by different reason a portion of the worldwide components influences the Indian stock markets. The Indian market is associated with Global market this connection will assist the speculator in predicting the market by knowing the Global market. The data from 2009 to 2018 the daily returns are determined. The unit root test.
Does developed market upbeat developing markets? Evidence from Indian, Brazil and US Data
Mr.Rakesh G, Ms. Nithya S, Mr. Arun Kumar RDoes developed market upbeat
The Indian stock market and six other Asian stock exchanges: A Causality Analysis Mr. Dhanya Kumar S K, Prof. Manjunath B R, Mr. Rehaman.M
This paper investigation on the performance evaluation of Asian indices actuates of concentrate in the midst of the period from first January 2009 and 31st December 2018. The performance evaluation of every single Asian nation indices in the stock market of National Stock Exchanges (NIFTY) analyze the Jakarta Stock Exchanges, Korean composite price indexes.
The Indian stock market and six other Asian stock exchanges: A Causality Analysis
Mr. Dhanya Kumar S K, Prof. Manjunath B R, Mr. Rehaman.MThe Indian stock market and six other
An Analysis of pre and post-merger of Indian banks: An Event Analysis Approach Chaitra K, Manjunath B R, Rehaman M
This research paper analyzes the impacts of merger and Acquisitions on stock price behavior of banking sector in India by utilizing event study examination over a period from 1st Jan 2004 to 7th March 2019. It included both Public and Private sector banks. The t-test is being connected to decide the significance of the cumulative average abnormal return.
An Analysis of pre and post-merger of Indian banks: An Event Analysis Approach
Chaitra K, Manjunath B R, Rehaman MAn Analysis of pre and post-merger
Comparative study on performance evaluation of selected Indian Index fund and Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) Kavana AR, Prof. Manjunath B R, Nithya S
Both the exchange-traded fund and Index fund are classified under the head of 'indexing' as it involves making an investment in an underlying benchmark index. When compared to actively managed funds they have a low expense ratio. ETF is a security that tracks an index, commodity or basket of assets that are traded like a stock on an exchange.
Comparative study on performance evaluation of selected Indian Index fund and Exchange Traded Fund (ETF)
Kavana AR, Prof. Manjunath B R, Nithya SComparative study on performance
The Performance and future prospects of Islamic Banks in Oman with reference to bank Nizwa Ms. Balqees AL-Wahaibi, Dr. Gopalakrishnan Chinnasamy
The banking sector plays an important role in the economic development, and that the total dependence of the stability and growth of any economy in any country depends to a large extent on the stability of the economic sector of that country (Ahmad, A.2010). It also acts as an intermediary between the deficit and surplus units of the state and facilitates financial.
The Performance and future prospects of Islamic Banks in Oman with reference to bank Nizwa
Ms. Balqees AL-Wahaibi, Dr. Gopalakrishnan ChinnasamyThe Performance and future prospects
A Study On Financial Efficacy Of Selected NSE Listed Textile Mills In India P.Pravin karthic, Dr.S.Ayyappan, M. Sadika Sultana
India's textiles sector is one of the primary sector contributing to the development of the nation and employing millions. Even today, textiles sector has its contribution for exports around 11 per cent. The Indian Textile Industry contributes 5 per cent to India's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and 14 per cent to overall Index of Industrial Production (IIP).
A Study On Financial Efficacy Of Selected NSE Listed Textile Mills In India
P.Pravin karthic, Dr.S.Ayyappan, M. Sadika SultanaA Study On Financial Efficacy
A Study On The Financial Performance Analysis of Selected Nationalized Banks In India Mr. M. Sakthivadivel, Dr. R. Umarani
The performance of the banking system has been widely recognized as an important element for economic growth and for enhancing the economic and financial system buoyancy in facing financial crisis. In fact, such a vital role in the economy has made banks to be considered as one of the most strained kinds of businesses in the globe as they are subject to close scrutiny.
A Study On The Financial Performance Analysis of Selected Nationalized Banks In India
Mr. M. Sakthivadivel, Dr. R. UmaraniA Study On The Financial Performance
Economic Development of Singapore : Challenges and Key Success factors of each Decade Haifaa Al Maashani student, Araby Madbouly
This article expounds the conception of the development strategies in Singapore, analyzes the sources of Singapore’s GDP and ALP labor output growth in 1960s–2000s and discloses visions into linked movements and patterns. The study forms key findings of economic indicators overtime since the independence period. However, GDP and ALP in Singapore.
Economic Development of Singapore : Challenges and Key Success factors of each Decade
Haifaa Al Maashani student, Araby MadboulyEconomic Development of Singapore
Information Technology Employees Perception of Psychological Empowerment and its Influence on Work Engagement Harold Andrew Patrick, Sunil Kumar R
Today organisations are looking from strategic view point on the influence of psychological empowerment in creating higher level of work engagement among the employees. Psychological empowerment and work engagement are significant factors to be considered for enhancing both individual and organisational performance, while the focus has always remained on work engagement.
Information Technology Employees Perception of Psychological Empowerment and its Influence on Work Engagement
Harold Andrew Patrick, Sunil Kumar RInformation Technology Employees Perception
An Environmental Analysis On Pollution Eating Bikes Guruswamy Singharavel Sharan, Dr Srinivasan Uma Rani
Pollution eating bikes is an emerging technology that is used to control pollution all over the world. This technology was designed by a Dutch designer, Daan Roosegaarde founder of Studio Roosegaarde (Studio Roosegaarde, 2018). This technology is by far the most used technology in china to reduce pollution caused by bikes. This research is on pollution.
An Environmental Analysis On Pollution Eating Bikes
Guruswamy Singharavel Sharan, Dr Srinivasan Uma RaniAn Environmental Analysis On Pollution
A Scrutiny on the Sustainability of Different Brands in Emerging Business Environment Tran Thi Cam Tu, B. Vivek Manjunath, Dr Easwaramoorthy Rangaswamy
The subject of Sustainability is an important aspect for any company which has an impact on the natural resources of our planet. This is one of the important subjects where the young generations must study upon as our planet has limited resources. Initiatives must be taken strictly to preserve the scarce resources and companies must use the greenest.
A Scrutiny on the Sustainability of Different Brands in Emerging Business Environment
Tran Thi Cam Tu, B. Vivek Manjunath, Dr Easwaramoorthy RangaswamyA Scrutiny on the Sustainability
The impact of brand positioning and social media advertising on consumer purchase intention Fatema Al Nadabi, Khuram Shahzad
Fast food industry in Oman is poising a continuous growth with a number of well-established fast food chains in the country. The progression of the fast food industry is embraced with a variety of domestic and international brands. For customer retention, exploring the buying preferences of customers is always of key importance for the business managers.
The impact of brand positioning and social media advertising on consumer purchase intention
Fatema Al Nadabi, Khuram ShahzadThe impact of brand positioning