Volume 06, Issued 03, June 2020
Detection of Suicide Related Posts in Twitter Data Stream Mr. Vishal Shinde, Mr.Vaibhav Khare, Mr.Atul Patil, Mr.Pravin Shinde
Suicidal ideation detection in online social networks is an emerging research area with major challenges. Recent research has shown that the publicly available information, spread across social media platforms, holds valuable indicators for effectively detecting individuals with suicidal intentions. The key challenge of suicide prevention is understanding and detecting the complex risk factors.
Detection of Suicide Related Posts in Twitter Data Stream
Mr. Vishal Shinde, Mr.Vaibhav Khare, Mr.Atul Patil, Mr.Pravin ShindeDetection of Suicide Related Posts
Determining Fake Statement Made Public Figures by Means Artificial Intelligences Mr. Vishal Shinde, Mr.Roshan Dandkar, Miss.Sonal Vanave, Miss.Dipti Vide
The paper shows an approach for detecting fake statements made by public figures by means of Artificial Intelligence. Fake news problem may be solved automatically, without human interference, by means of artificial intelligence. This project describes a way for classification of short political statements by means of artificial intelligence. Several artificial intelligence algorithms were used for statement classification.
Determining Fake Statement Made Public Figures by Means Artificial Intelligences
Mr. Vishal Shinde, Mr.Roshan Dandkar, Miss.Sonal Vanave, Miss.Dipti VideDetermining Fake Statement Made Public Figures
Analyzing and Detecting Money Laundering Accounts in OSN Miss. Usha Nandwani, Miss. Sarika Mohape, Miss. Namrata Dandekar, Miss.Minakshi Patil
Money laundering refers to activities that camouflage money sustain through illegitimateoperations and make them legal. Virtual money in online social networks (OSNs) play and increasingly important role in supporting various financial activities such ascurrent exchange, online shopping and paid games. Users usually purchase digitalcurrency using real currency. This fact motivates attacker to instrument an army.
Analyzing and Detecting Money Laundering Accounts in OSN
Miss. Usha Nandwani, Miss. Sarika Mohape, Miss. Namrata Dandekar, Miss.Minakshi PatilAnalyzing and Detecting Money
Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Adaboost and Majority Voting Mr. Ravi Nagar, Miss.Samidha Daware, Miss.Aditi Phad, Mr.Manish Jalora
MasterCard frauds consist of consistent significant balk in money services. Millions of dollars and Euro unit of mensuration lost thanks to mastercard fraud once a year. There is Associate in nursing absence of study studies on analyzing real-world mastercard info thanks to confidentiality problems. Throughout this project, machine learning algorithms unit of mensuration accustomed notice mastercard fraud
Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Adaboost and Majority Voting
Mr. Ravi Nagar, Miss.Samidha Daware, Miss.Aditi Phad, Mr.Manish JaloraCredit Card Fraud Detection Using Adaboost
Securing Cloud Data Under Key Exposure Mr.Akshay Agrawal, Mr.Ketan Kadam, Mr.Gyaneshwar Singh, Mr.Jeetu Bhati
As per the recent news it is disclosed that a hacker breaks data confidentiality by obtaining cryptographic keys, with the help of intimidation or backdoors in cryptographic softwares. If the encryption key is exposed, then the only workable measure to preserve data confidentiality is to limit the attacker’s access to the ciphertext. This can be achieved, by randomly spreading the ciphertext blocks
Securing Cloud Data Under Key Exposure
Mr.Akshay Agrawal, Mr.Ketan Kadam, Mr.Gyaneshwar Singh, Mr.Jeetu BhatiSecuring Cloud Data Under Key Exposure
Separable and Error-Free Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image Based on Two-Layer Pixel Errors Mr.Satish Manje, Mr.Saurabh Fule, Mr.Tejas Kamble, Mr.Rickain Solanki
Data is very crucial part in human’s life. One can get easy access to data of unknown person while communication between two persons in that case any third person can get that data by some techniques. To avoid such things, Data in Image Encryption has been developed. It plays significant role in field of cryptography. Data is hidden behind image for more secure transmission of data.
Separable and Error-Free Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image Based on Two-Layer Pixel Errors
Mr.Satish Manje, Mr.Saurabh Fule, Mr.Tejas Kamble, Mr.Rickain SolankiSeparable and Error-Free Reversible Data
Ingredients Based Food Recommendation System Using Naive Bayes And KNN Algorithm Mr. Vishal Shinde, Miss. Asmita Bhoir, Mr.Jaywant Wagh, Miss. Varsha Shinde, Miss. Vishweta Thakare, Mr. Brijesh Pal
Personalized Recipe System is the system that describes/shares the recipes from one user to other on the web in culinary domain. With the help of internet, many users are connected to each other from different places/countries and shares millions of recipes on the internet world wide. In this system, it contains many features/information’s related to cuisine/recipe on framework like cooking ingredients.
Ingredients Based Food Recommendation System Using Naive Bayes And KNN Algorithm
Mr. Vishal Shinde, Miss. Asmita Bhoir, Mr.Jaywant Wagh, Miss. Varsha Shinde, Miss. Vishweta Thakare, Mr. Brijesh PalIngredients Based Food Recommendation System
Efficient Authentication for Mobile and Pervasive Computing Mr. Swapnil Wani, Mr.Farooqui Nabil, Mr.Khan Inamullah, Mr.Khan Mehboob
PRESERVING the integrity of messages changed over public channels is one in each of classic goals in cryptography and then the literature is made with message authentication code (MAC) algorithms that designed for the sole real purpose of conserving message integrity. Supported their security, MACS is either categorically or computationally secure. Categorically secure MACS offer message integrity.
Efficient Authentication for Mobile and Pervasive Computing
Mr. Swapnil Wani, Mr.Farooqui Nabil, Mr.Khan Inamullah, Mr.Khan MehboobEfficient Authentication for Mobile and Pervasive Computing
Converging Blockchain And Machine Learning for Healthcare Mr.Vishal Shinde, Miss.Shreya Bhagat, Miss.Kshitija Dongardive, Miss.Srushti Handore
Machine learning is immensely used to interpret design in data, analyzing and making decisions. Its significance is presented in various sectors. Data sharing and data reliability are two major components in machine learning. So, in order to improve its accuracy decent amount of data is required. In this project to overcome the issue of data sharing and data reliability, the decentralized database in Blockchain.
Converging Blockchain And Machine Learning for Healthcare
Mr.Vishal Shinde, Miss.Shreya Bhagat, Miss.Kshitija Dongardive, Miss.Srushti HandoreConverging Blockchain And Machine Learning for Healthcare
Privacy Preservation for Outsourced Medical Data with Flexible Access Control Ms. Gayatri Naik, Miss. Apurva Malgaonkar, Mr. Shriraj Tarkar, Mr. Vishal Badgujar
In current health care network, Electronic medical records (EMR) play a very vital role. As the records contains personal and sensitive information regarding patients, the system’s privacy preservation is necessary. The current scheme which is available permits the user to read EMR only if it satisfies the set policies. But the currently existing system links the identities of the patients.
Privacy Preservation for Outsourced Medical Data with Flexible Access Control
Ms. Gayatri Naik, Miss. Apurva Malgaonkar, Mr. Shriraj Tarkar, Mr. Vishal BadgujarPrivacy Preservation for Outsourced Medical
A Fast Security Evaluation of Support Vector Machine against Evasion Attack Prof. Swapnil Wani, Miss.Rakshita Ghodvinde, Mr.Saiprasad Gonage, Miss.Pushpanjali Sonawane
Conventional machine learning techniques may suffer from avoidance attack in which an assailant expects to have noxious examples to be misclassified as genuine at test time by manipulating the tests. It is pivotal to assess the security of a classifier during the advancement of a vigorous framework against avoidance assault. Current security assessment for Support Vector Machine (SVM) is very tedious.
A Fast Security Evaluation of Support Vector Machine against Evasion Attack
Prof. Swapnil Wani, Miss.Rakshita Ghodvinde, Mr.Saiprasad Gonage, Miss.Pushpanjali SonawaneA Fast Security Evaluation of Support Vector Machine
A Hybrid Cloud Approach for Secure Authorized Deduplication Mr. Swapnil Wani, Mr.Ankit Patel, Mr.Harsh Gajra
Deduplication of information is one of the most common strategies which are used for taking out the duplicate copies of rehashing information and this also has been utilized commonly in distributed storage. To ensure the privacy of delicate information while supporting deduplication, the united encryption method has been proposed to encode the information before re-appropriating.
A Hybrid Cloud Approach for Secure Authorized Deduplication
Mr. Swapnil Wani, Mr.Ankit Patel, Mr.Harsh GajraA Hybrid Cloud Approach for Secure
Hybrid Approach for Public Cloud Stored Data Mr. Swapnil Wani, Miss.Sayali Gholap, Mr.Yash Andhalkar, Mr.Akhil Singh
The new paradigm of outsourcing data to the cloud is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it frees data owners from the technical management, and is easier for data owners to share their data with intended users. On the other hand, it poses new challenges to privacy and security protection. To protect data confidentiality against the honest-but-curious cloud service provider, numerous works have been proposed.
Hybrid Approach for Public Cloud Stored Data
Mr. Swapnil Wani, Miss.Sayali Gholap, Mr.Yash Andhalkar, Mr.Akhil SinghHybrid Approach for Public Cloud Stored Data
RAAC With Multiple Attribute Authority For Public Cloud Mr. Swapnil wani, Mr.javed khan, Miss.Anamika jaiswar, Miss.priyanka gujar
Data access control may be a challenging issue publicly cloud storage systems. Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE) has been adopted as a promising technique to supply flexible, fine-grained and secure data access control for cloud storage with honest-but-curious cloud servers. However, in the existing CP-ABE schemes, the only attribute authority must execute the time-consuming user legitimacy.
RAAC With Multiple Attribute Authority For Public Cloud
Mr. Swapnil wani, Mr.javed khan, Miss.Anamika jaiswar, Miss.priyanka gujarRAAC With Multiple Attribute Authority
Detecting Stress Based On Social Interactions On Social Networks Mr. Akshay Agrawal, Mr.Vipul Mahanavar, Mr.Vikrant Ingale, Miss.Rasika Bhoir
With the increase in the pace of life, it can be safely said the stress level amongst people is rapidly increasing. Timely help, if not provided to the stress problems of any individual, can cause dire results. In the last few decades, social media has turned out to be the most powerful means of communication. With the growing use of social media, the amount of emotions which an average person shares online.
Detecting Stress Based On Social Interactions On Social Networks
Mr. Akshay Agrawal, Mr.Vipul Mahanavar, Mr.Vikrant Ingale, Miss.Rasika BhoirDetecting Stress Based On Social Interactions
Cryptocurrency Price Analysis Using Artificial Intelligence Mr. Vishal Shinde, Mr.Abhijeet Jadhav, Mr.Darshan Shinde, Miss.Priyanka Salunkhe
Cryptocurrency is taking an large important role in reshaping the financial system due to its growing popular appeal and mechant acceptance. while many of us are creating investments in cryptocurrecy, the projectile option,uncertainty,the foregone conclusion of cryptocurrency or still principally unknown, that dramatically risk the investements.. It is a interest attempt to perceive.
Cryptocurrency Price Analysis Using Artificial Intelligence
Mr. Vishal Shinde, Mr.Abhijeet Jadhav, Mr.Darshan Shinde, Miss.Priyanka SalunkheCryptocurrency Price Analysis Using Artificial
Detecting Malicious Accounts in OSN based on Promotions Ms.Usha Nandwani, Mr.Sandeep Waghmare, Mr. Santosh Behara, Mr. Sonu Pandit
Both OSNs and business partners are significantly concerned when attackers instrument a set of accounts to collect virtual currency from these events, which make these events ineffective and result in significant financial loss. It becomes of great importance to proactively detecting these malicious accounts before the online promotion activities and subsequently decreases their priority to be rewarded.
Detecting Malicious Accounts in OSN based on Promotions
Ms.Usha Nandwani, Mr.Sandeep Waghmare, Mr. Santosh Behara, Mr. Sonu PanditDetecting Malicious Accounts in OSN based on Promotions
Comparative Study Of Algorithms For Sentiment Analysis Mr. Akshay Agrawal, Mr.Vishal Kamlapure, Mr.Ravi Pai, Mr.Prasad Mahimkar
Sentiment analysis or opinion mining is the study of people's opinions, sentiments. attitudes, and emotions expressed in written language. In recent years natural language processing and text mining are some of the most active research fields. On this day there is tremendous increase in number of people using online social networks and services to not only connect and communicate but also to voice their opinions.
Comparative Study Of Algorithms For Sentiment Analysis
Mr. Akshay Agrawal, Mr.Vishal Kamlapure, Mr.Ravi Pai, Mr.Prasad MahimkarComparative Study Of Algorithms
Generating Cloud Monitors From Models To Secure Clouds Mr. Akshay Agrawal, Mr. Ninad Sawant, Mr. Vishal Shetty, Mr. Hrushikesh Salve
Authorization is a very important security concern in cloud computing environment. It aims to control an access of the users to system. An oversized range of resources related to REST APIs typical in cloud makes an implementation of security requirements challenging and error-prone. To overcome the problem, security cloud monitors are used. It rely on model-driven approach to represent the functional.
Generating Cloud Monitors From Models To Secure Clouds
Mr. Akshay Agrawal, Mr. Ninad Sawant, Mr. Vishal Shetty, Mr. Hrushikesh SalveGenerating Cloud Monitors From Models
Application of AI In Process of Crew Training Mr. Akshay Agrawal, Miss. Swapnali Rothe, Miss. Rinku Gundolkar, Miss. Gautami Sagar
This paper considers the issues of managing the process of integrated training of orbital space station crews in the context of conversion to advanced digital smart technologies, computer-assisted training and artificial intelligence. This approach is predicated on the utilization of machine-controlled info systems that support the look and management of crew coaching on special-purpose simulators mistreatment
Application of AI In Process of Crew Training
Mr. Akshay Agrawal, Miss. Swapnali Rothe, Miss. Rinku Gundolkar, Miss. Gautami SagarApplication of AI In Process of Crew Training
An Efficient Biometric Identification System Mr.Satish Manje, Miss.Tejashree Wagh, Miss.Pratiksha Bhavsar, Miss.Amrita Nath
Biometric identification scheme has been in huge demand since it provides a reliable way to identify the users. An efficient biometric identification outsourcing scheme which is privacy preserved specifically on biometric data, is proposed. The biometric data is encrypted and outsourced to the cloud server is present here. The owner of database encrypts the query data and then send it to cloud.
An Efficient Biometric Identification System
Mr.Satish Manje, Miss.Tejashree Wagh, Miss.Pratiksha Bhavsar, Miss.Amrita NathAn Efficient Biometric Identification System
Disease Prediction Based on Patient Treatment History Mr. Satish Manje, Miss.Roshani Adhikari, Miss.Shweta Jadhav, Mr.Ketan Mewati
In day to day life medical and healthcare industries has big business. Healthcare industry produces large amount of data in daily routines.Prediction is does on the patient previous history and health related information, prediction is made. Data mining techniques and machine learning technique are used for the disease prediction, and also for the progression and re-occurrence of those diseases
Disease Prediction Based on Patient Treatment History
Mr. Satish Manje, Miss.Roshani Adhikari, Miss.Shweta Jadhav, Mr.Ketan MewatiDisease Prediction Based on Patient Treatment History
Analysis of Users Behavior in Structured E-Commerce Website Ms.Gayatri Naik, Mr.Jitendra Waghchaude, Mr.Vijendra Kundekar, Ms.Nishi Jain
Online shopping is become more common in our daily lives. Recognize user’s interests and behaviour is required in order to adapt e-commerce websites to customer’s necessity. The user’s behaviour information is stored in the web server logs. The analysis of such statistics has focused on applying data mining techniques where a rather static classification is used to model users’ behaviour and the sequence.
Analysis of Users Behavior in Structured E-Commerce Website
Ms.Gayatri Naik, Mr.Jitendra Waghchaude, Mr.Vijendra Kundekar, Ms.Nishi JainAnalysis of Users Behavior in Structured
Social Network Mental Disorders Detection Mr. Ravi Nagar, Miss.Pradnya Kirpan, Miss.Neha Niwate, Miss.Swapnali Mohite
The strongest weapon to beat the information in today‟s world - “Internet”, has sadly clothed to be one amongst our greatest obsessions in killing time all the time. Though the Internet Addiction‟ is gaining attention within the psychological state field and had been recently adscititious to the Diagnostic and applied mathematics Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) as a disorder, it needs a ton of analysis
Social Network Mental Disorders Detection
Mr. Ravi Nagar, Miss.Pradnya Kirpan, Miss.Neha Niwate, Miss.Swapnali MohiteSocial Network Mental Disorders Detection
Automatic Palm Reader Using Scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) Algorithm Deepali Darade
Palm reading is a practice used very well in Indian astrology and Roman fortune-telling. It is a fun activity performed all over the world. This application aims to know about a human's health condition by analyzing the palm of our hand. Palm reading is used to discover about the character traits of a person. Palm reading is also advantageous for the medical field people. Palm reading has attained importance
Automatic Palm Reader Using Scale-invariant