National Conference on Technology for Rural Development
Organized by
C. I. T. Gubbi, Karnataka, India.
An Automatic Effluent Treatment Plant For Coir Industry Rajendra C J, Suresh D S, Bindu M.D, Mahalakshmi B, Kanchana P
Water is basic necessity of life used for many purposes, the major one of which is industrial use. Industries generally take water from rivers, lakes and other resources but they have to pay heavy taxes for that. So it’s necessary for them to recycle it in order to reduce cost and also conserve it. This proposed work focus on a coir industry where an enormous amount of water is used as a source and equally waste water comes out as drain.
An Automatic Effluent Treatment Plant For Coir Industry
Rajendra C J, Suresh D S, Bindu M.D, Mahalakshmi B, Kanchana PAn Automatic Effluent Treatment
An Autonomous Fruit Picking Robot System in Green Houses Anushree T, Bhavya K H
Rapid increase in research and development in robotic technology has led to a gap between education and industry. Here we are going to develop an autonomous picking robot system for fruits. It consists of four major components the color sensor, servomotor, robot arm and Four channel relay. In this we use Arduino to develop the prototype. The use of robots in agriculture industry has been regarded as an important trend.
An Autonomous Fruit Picking Robot System in Green Houses
Automated Soil Nutrient Detection & Fertigation System Manuja S, Indu M J
Soil is a thin layer of earth’s crust which serves as a natural medium for the growth of plants. It is a vital, living component of the environment–a component that can be manipulated to affect crop performance. Soil contains vital nutrients, NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium) contents and pH which are necessary for successful growth of plants. Nitrogen helps plant foliage to grow strong, Phosphorous helps roots and flowers grow.
Automated Soil Nutrient Detection
Automatic Soil Moisture Monitoring For Irrigation System Rajath C S, Manasa U
This major project on "AUTOMATIC SOIL MOISTURE MONITORING FOR IRRIGATION SYSTEM" is planned to design and implement an automated irrigation system which turns the submersible pump ON/OFF on sensing the moisture content the soil via the sensor. The submersible pump will pump the water into the field until the sensor detect that the field is wet. The main aim of this automated system is to monitor the presence of moisture in the soil in a cultivating field.
Automatic Soil Moisture Monitoring
Energy Saving System Using Astronomical Clock Based Street Light Controller Praveen kumar C, Raghavendra K, Jagadesh. K R, Shrihari J
Currently, in the rural areas, enormous electric energy is consumed by the street lights, which are automatically turn on when it becomes dark and automatically turn off when it becomes bright. This is the huge waste of energy in the whole world and should be changed. To overcome the disadvantage of LDR and ordinary timers an astronomical timer is used. The main thought is to save the energy in twilight mode and increases durability of bulbs.
Energy Saving System Using Astronomical Clock Based Street Light Controller
Praveen kumar C, Raghavendra K, Jagadesh. K R, Shrihari JEnergy Saving System Using Astronomical
Bioelectricity-A Novel Approach to Power Generation Nandini G, Mahalakshmi J S, Ashwini G, AmreenBanu
What do you think a plant can give?? Of course pure oxygen, fruit and aesthetic look but what if it can generate electricity?? During Photosynthesis plants take Carbon-di-oxide and water in presence of sunlight to produce oxygen and organic matter. Small Part of this organic matter is used for plant growth. But a large part of this can’t be used by the plant and is excreted into the soil via roots.
Bioelectricity-A Novel Approach to Power Generation
Nandini G, Mahalakshmi J S, Ashwini G, AmreenBanuBioelectricity-A Novel Approach to Power Generation
e-Farmers Friendly App for Rural Development Pushpa.B, Chandan.N
Agriculture is believed to be the backbone of Indian economy. A backbone that has been bent since a long time as farmers are suffering huge economic losses. But the advent of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to develop agriculture in India shows us promising ways to solve this problem. People around the Globe from few years to now carrying a handheld computer connected to the Web to get the information about the World.
e-Farmers Friendly App for Rural Development
Portable e-Learning Box for Agriculture to Support Farmer in Rural Areas Manogna P, Amith K, Punith NT, Priyanka TM, Anil Kumar
This paper presents an economic e-Learning prototype for boosting up agricultural knowledge in rural regions of India. The proposed prototype is designed on low-resource and mobility concepts. An e-Learning service is utilized for local self-learning and local staff to instruct contents. Due to the limitations and problems of ICT infrastructure, we design our system to function in two modes which are an offline e-Learning server and a gateway hotspot.
Portable e-Learning Box for Agriculture to Support Farmer in Rural Areas
Manogna P, Amith K, Punith NT, Priyanka TM, Anil KumarPortable e-Learning Box for Agriculture
Construction of prefabricated buildings for the homeless people in rural areas Keerthi vijeth H S, Shilpa D R, Soukhya B Ganiger, V S Tejananda
This paper aims to study prefabricated low cost building for the people who don’t have proper housing facilities. Economical advantages are achieved by adopting this method and the rate of poverty will get reduce. The major current methods of construction systems considered here are construction of prefabricated structures in a plant and assembling them in a construction site.
Construction of prefabricated buildings for the homeless people in rural areas
Keerthi vijeth H S, Shilpa D R, Soukhya B Ganiger, V S TejanandaConstruction of prefabricated buildings
Applying Cloud Computing And Wireless Sensor Technology For Making Smart Agriculture Vishwas Rudramurthy, Bharath T R, Gangadhar S
Smart Agriculture is a development that emphasizes the use of information and communication technology in the farming. Most of the population in India depending on agriculture. This situation is one of the reason, that hindering the development of country. So new technologies such as the IoT and Cloud Computing are expected to leverage this development and introduce more automated systems in farming.
Applying Cloud Computing And Wireless Sensor Technology For Making Smart Agriculture
Vishwas Rudramurthy, Bharath T R, Gangadhar SApplying Cloud Computing And Wireless Sensor
Smart helmet for detection using IOT technology and reporting system Kaveri BL, ChandanaGS, Jeevan KSA, Praveen MG
The main objectives of smart helmet is to provide means for detecting and reporting accidents .rapid increase of 2weelers,range of accidents will be increased rapidly. A main cause of mortalities occur because the person not wearing helmets otherwise accident was not reported in time, he was not be saved because delayed of ingress to a hospital, or because he was drunk while in the riding.
Smart helmet for detection using IOT technology and reporting system
Kaveri BL, ChandanaGS, Jeevan KSA, Praveen MGSmart helmet for detection using IOT technology
Design and Development Mobile Groundnut Decorticator Nagesh S B, Mohan N, Dhanush M G, R Kiran Babu
Abstract-In India, Agriculture is the backbone of the country. Agriculture is widely practised in the rural areas. The groundnut is one of the major products across the fertile lands of India. But the major problems faced during agriculture are at the stage of processing the products due lack of machines and technologies. At the early days the groundnut was decorticated by workers which consume more money and less effective.
Design and Development Mobile Groundnut
How to Implement Hydroponic Fodder System to Be More Beneficial for Farmers Basavesh.D, Chandana.N, Pushpa.S
Abstract— This paper is aiming to identify the nutritional benefits and economic values of feeding hydroponically grown maize and barley fodder for cattle. Production of hydroponics fodder involves growing of plants without soil but in water or nutrient rich solution in a low cost devices for a short time approximately 7 days. The hydroponics fodder is like a mat of 20-30 cm height which consists of roots, seeds and plants.
How to Implement Hydroponic Fodder System to Be More Beneficial for Farmers
Basavesh.D, Chandana.N, Pushpa.SHow to Implement Hydroponic Fodder
Effect Of Developing A Copra Skimming Machine On Rulal Economics Giridhar S Kulkarni, Harshith K B, Darshan S, Bhyresh N S
Abstract - Copra is widely grown in south India and it is a very important source of income for the farmers who grow the coconut. The copra is the inner most part of the coconut. It is covered by a hard shell and tough fibers. The conventional shape (circularity) of the copra is very difficult to maintain due to many factors like skill of the labor, sharpness of the tool, material of the tool and etc.
Effect Of Developing A Copra Skimming Machine On Rulal Economics
Giridhar S Kulkarni, Harshith K B, Darshan S, Bhyresh N SEffect Of Developing A Copra
Crop Yield and Rainfall Prediction in Tumakuru District using Machine Learning Girish L, Gangadhar S, Bharath T R, Balaji K S, Abhishek K T
Abstract: Smart Agriculture is a development that emphasizes the use of information technology in the farming. Most of the population in India depending on agriculture. This situation is one of the reason, that hindering the development of country. Nowadays, even though farmers get more yield for their crop but the market price for that crop will be less, in that case farmers get loss for their product and vice versa.
Crop Yield and Rainfall Prediction in Tumakuru District using Machine Learning
Girish L, Gangadhar S, Bharath T R, Balaji K S, Abhishek K TCrop Yield and Rainfall Prediction
Review on Improvised Imbricate Cryptography with Pseudo Random Number Generator Moditha Vasuki R, Pooja H D, Nikitha H M, A A Priyanka
Abstract - Electronic-communications as internal communications tools are use by many organizations to enhance team work and to provide security. To provide a transaction in E-Business, it is important that the electronic-communication has high degree of security and privacy. Protection of the data is required during data transmission and thereby there is increasing utility of network security.
Review on Improvised Imbricate Cryptography with Pseudo Random Number Generator using Linear congruentiality Algorithm
Moditha Vasuki R, Pooja H D, Nikitha H M, A A PriyankaReview on Improvised Imbricate Cryptography
Food Reliability - Perverting And Indecisive Desires And Semiotics Vedashree N, Kavana V K, Bhavya R S, Megha G D
Abstract-Dynamic associations between and inside the bio-geo-physical and human situations prompt the generation, handling, circulation, arrangement and utilization of nourishment, bringing about sustenance frameworks that support nourishment security. Nourishment frameworks include sustenance accessibility (generation, dispersion and trade), sustenance get to (moderateness, distribution and inclination) and sustenance.
Food Reliability - Perverting And Indecisive Desires And Semiotics
Vedashree N, Kavana V K, Bhavya R S, Megha G DFood Reliability - Perverting
Detection of Cotton Leaf Diseases Using Machine Learning Regression Techniques Thara D.K, Sehla Saba, Vaishnavi S
Abstract— Cotton is one of the most important commercial crops in India. Every year the production of cotton is decreasing due to the attack of the diseases. Plant diseases are generally caused by pest insects and pathogens and they decrease the productivity in large-scale if they are not controlled within time. This paper presents a system for detection and controlling of diseases on cotton leaf along with soil quality monitoring.
Detection of Cotton Leaf Diseases Using Machine Learning Regression Techniques
Thara D.K, Sehla Saba, Vaishnavi SDetection of Cotton Leaf Diseases
Machine Learning Techniques for Load Disaggregation in Rural off-Grid, Isolated Solar Systems Thara D.K, Priya M, Indira K.M
Abstract: In power systems and electricity markets, accurate monitoring of electricity demand is important in order to manage real time load balancing and for distribution and transmission planning. In the context of rural electrification, the uncertainty of both supply and demand is large. And the central reason that the solar-based micro grids and home systems can be expensive.
Machine Learning Techniques for Load Disaggregation in Rural off-Grid, Isolated Solar Systems
Thara D.K, Priya M, Indira K.MMachine Learning Techniques
Technological applications in agriculture Hemachandrika H, Basant prasad mandal, Santosh S
Abstract - Manual cultivation and yielding was the old tradition and still now is a practice. It is to be improved due to increasing population and upcoming generation, with more production with less wastage of resources and with efficient output of the crops. The modern technology used in agriculture has brought rapid change in standard of crops, from well seeded to high yield in productivity.
Technological applications in agriculture
IoT Control Solar Based Electric Fencing For Agriculture Praveen M G, Prankrishna Saud, Nayan Kumar Shaw, Sujeet Kumar Gupta
Abstract-This paper presents the design of a solar powered energizer and on-line fence voltage monitoring system for electric fences. The fence voltage is continuously monitored and transmitted to the Central Monitoring System. If the fence voltage is reduced below the rated value, that fence is considered as faulty fence. Fault Identification System Transmits the voltage value to Central monitoring system.
IoT Control Solar Based Electric Fencing For Agriculture
Praveen M G, Prankrishna Saud, Nayan Kumar Shaw, Sujeet Kumar GuptaIoT Control Solar Based Electric
Precision Agriculture Using Soil Moisture Measuring System for Indian Agricultural Scenario Poornima U S, Biwas Subedi , Chandana Roopini
Abstract - The overall growth of any nation depends on the development of all domains with equal priority. Agriculture is one of the sectors which impacts the economical and social status of both rural and urban population, there by contributing to nation development. Half of the country’s population is sustained by agriculture which serves a backbone in rising and balancing the rural economy with limited resources.
Precision Agriculture Using Soil Moisture Measuring System for Indian Agricultural Scenario
Poornima U S, Biwas Subedi , Chandana RoopiniPrecision Agriculture Using Soil
Critical issues in Brand Management with special reference to Toothpaste Dr. T. Karthikeyan
Brand is an extrinsic cue of a product and stands for its meaning like quality, technology etc. From consumers’ point of view brand is value addition. But, for an organization, brand building is an asset creation. The critical management factors such as Brand heuristics, Brand knowledge, Secondary brand knowledge, Brand trust, Brand loyalty, Brand association, Brand extension, Brand delight.
Critical issues in Brand Management