MD - 2019
Special Issue on Medical Diagnosis - 201
Interproximal Enamel Reduction [IPR] - A review Dr. Ashwini Nalkar, Dr. N.G. Toshniwal, Dr. Vishal Dhanjani, Dr. Shubhangi Mani, Dr. Nilesh Mote
Abstract - Interproximal enamel reduction is a part of orthodontic treatment for gaining a modest amount of space in the treatment of crowding. IPR is safe and effective for alleviating mild to moderate crowding, improving dental and gingival aesthetics as well as facilitating post-treatment stability. The widespread recognition of enamel stripping technique was initiated by the advent of bonded orthodontic attachments.
Interproximal Enamel Reduction [IPR] - A review
Dr. Ashwini Nalkar, Dr. N.G. Toshniwal, Dr. Vishal Dhanjani, Dr. Shubhangi Mani, Dr. Nilesh MoteInterproximal Enamel Reduction [IPR] - A review
Fixed Functional Appliances - Right Time, Right Choice, Right Age Dr. Pooja Katkade, Dr. N. G. Toshniwal, Dr. Shubhangi Mani, Dr. Nilesh Mote, Dr. Vishal Dhanjani
Abstract-Fixed functional appliances are normally described as "Non compliance Class II correctors". The correction consists of advancing the mandible to a forced anterior position to stimulate growth and harmonize skeletal defects and also by eliciting dentoalveolar effects. They also improve the soft tissue profile. Fixed functional appliance was introduced first in dentistry by Dr. Emil Herbst of Germany.
Fixed Functional Appliances - Right Time, Right Choice, Right Age
Dr. Pooja Katkade, Dr. N. G. Toshniwal, Dr. Shubhangi Mani, Dr. Nilesh Mote, Dr. Vishal DhanjaniFixed Functional Appliances - Right Time, Right Choice, Right Age
Sustainability of Tourism in India: Perception of Tourists on Delhi Tourism Dr. Venugopalan T, M.Sushmaa, Dr.G.Barani
Abstract— This research paper attempts to examine the impact of tourism on economy, environment, and socio-cultural aspects of Delhi and explores how Delhi incorporated sustainable tourism development as the core mission to achieve economic, environmental, and socio-cultural development of tourist destinations. This research paper also examines the environmental, economic.
Sustainability of Tourism in India: Perception of Tourists on Delhi Tourism
Dr. Venugopalan T, M.Sushmaa, Dr.G.BaraniSustainability of Tourism in India
Factors Influencing the Producers' Market Channel Choice in Fruits Supply Chain: A Study in Kerala State, India Prof (Dr) K. S. Chandrasekar, Mr. Legesse Gudura Mamo
Abstract - The present study was undertaken with the main objectives of analysis fruits supply chain and factors affecting producer's channel choice in Kerala State, India. For the purpose of the study, both primary and secondary sources of data were comprehensively used and analyzed. Secondary data sources were obtained from the Vegetable and Fruits Promotion.
Factors Influencing the Producers' Market Channel Choice in Fruits Supply Chain: A Study in Kerala State, India
Prof (Dr) K. S. Chandrasekar, Mr. Legesse Gudura MamoFactors Influencing the Producers
A study on effective Talent acquisition practices for enhanced Talent Management with special reference to IT sector Dr. S. Rajarajeswari, Geetha. N
Talent Management is one of the primary management tools for 21st century human assets management (Cappelli,2008) because the significant resource for firms competing in this century is no longer land, capital, and other tangible assets but the human capital necessary to adapt organizations to global competition and maximize the benefits associated with the current technological.
A study on effective Talent acquisition practices for enhanced Talent Management with special reference to IT sector
Dr. S. Rajarajeswari, Geetha. NA study on effective Talent acquisition
Universal Banking In India: A Relative Study Linking The Selected Private And Public Sector Banks In India Gokul G, Dr. Ranganatha M R
In Today’s scenario Bank plays a very major role with each and every person for their financial needs or business. Nowadays bank provides so many diverse products and services to make the life of the people easier and simpler in ways of getting financial advices and needs. Universal banks are one of those kinds of financial institution.
Universal Banking In India: A Relative Study Linking The Selected Private And Public Sector Banks In India
Gokul G, Dr. 'anganatha M RUniversal Banking In India
Socio-Economic Empowerment of Women Through Self-Help Groups Dr.S. Kamesh, Ms.D.Indirani
Empowerment of women would mean equipping women to be economically independent and personally self-reliant, with a positive self-esteem to enable them to face any difficult situation. Moreover they should be able to contribute to the developmental activities of the country. Women empowerment is a dynamic process that consists of an awareness.
Socio-Economic Empowerment of Women
A Study on the Influence of Consumer Satisfaction and Trust on Consumer Loyalty while purchasing Organic Food Products Krishna. R, Dr. P. Balasubramanian
High competition within the target market has induced entrepreneurs to figure out the ways through which sustainability can be ensured and to attain advantage over other competing firms. Thus every business entity is organized in such a manner that it identifies and understands consumer’s needs and preferences.
A Study on the Influence of Consumer Satisfaction and Trust on Consumer Loyalty while purchasing Organic Food Products
Krishna. R, Dr. P. BalasubramanianA Study on the Influence of Consumer
Impact of Mobile Banking on Customer Satisfaction: A study with special reference to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Prof. (Dr.), K. S. Chandrasekar, Essayas Taye Lemma
The purpose of this study expected to add to the existing knowledge in the electronic banking field of study. To help the banks and policymakers have a better understanding of the Mobile banking dimensions and their contributions towards customer satisfaction. Especially since not much research has been done in this regard in Addis.
Impact of Mobile Banking on Customer Satisfaction: A study with special reference to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Prof. (Dr.), K. S. Chandrasekar, Essayas Taye LemmaImpact of Mobile Banking on Customer
Psychological Capital, Outcome Expectation and Job Performance: A Mediated Model of Innovative Work Behavior Maria Tresita Paul V., Dr. N. Uma Devi
The ever growing Indian Information Technology (IT)services sector faces major challenge in the constant innovative thinking required by its employees in their software coding and with the start of Artificial Intelligence era the need has become ever more imperative.Despite strong evidence that innovative work behaviour enhance their role performance.
Psychological Capital, Outcome Expectation and Job Performance: A Mediated Model of Innovative Work Behavior
Maria Tresita Paul V., Dr. N. Uma DeviPsychological Capital, Outcome Expectation
A Study on The Lending Relationship on Repayment Performance of MSMEs Loan Borrowers Dr. V.RAMANUJAM, S.MURGESH
India, as a developing economy, even after nearly five decades of planning, still has a long way to go to catch up with the leading developed economies of the world. The goal may be distant but surely, the time required to reach it can be cut down by accelerating the pace of development. One way of doing this is by the promotion of industrial.
A Study on The Lending Relationship on Repayment Performance of MSMEs Loan Borrowers
Dr. V.RAMANUJAM, S.MURGESHA Study on The Lending Relationship
To Assess The Brand Image of The MBA Institutions in Tamil Nadu With Reference to Coimbatore City Dr. N.Pakutharivu, Mrs.S.Poorani
In India, the development of higher education has been accorded priority as the society becomes increasingly knowledge-based. Its progress has become essential to educate and train responsible and enlightened citizens as well as qualified specialists for the overall progress of the society. The Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) attracts people.
To Assess The Brand Image of The MBA Institutions in Tamil Nadu With Reference to Coimbatore City
Dr. N.Pakutharivu, Mrs.S.PooraniTo Assess The Brand Image
Women Empowerment through Social Entrepreneurship Activities in Kerala: A Case Study of She Taxi RAISON SAM RAJU, DR.K S CHANDRASEKHAR
Social entrepreneurship is a venture that has been set up to find innovative solutions to social and economic problems prevailing in the society. Social entrepreneurs apply business principles and leadership skills to address social issues. In India there are several social entrepreneurship programs hosted by different individuals and institutions.
Women Empowerment through Social Entrepreneurship Activities in Kerala: A Case Study of She Taxi
RAISON SAM RAJU, DR.K S CHANDRASEKHARWomen Empowerment through Social
Consumer Behavior Analysis Towards Online Shopping of Apparels With Special Reference to Coimbatore and Erode Districts Dr. A.P. Muthulakshmi, P. Ramalingam
Online shopping is a good example of the revolution in business. E-commerce has made the life of individuals and groups simple and innovative; the behavior of consumers in online shopping is different from the physical market in which they have access to the product. The purpose of this research was to study consumer behavior in apparels online shopping.
Consumer Behavior Analysis Towards Online Shopping of Apparels With Special Reference to Coimbatore and Erode Districts
Dr. A.P. Muthulakshmi, P. RamalingamConsumer Behavior Analysis
Business Challenges and Opportunities for Self Help Group Women in Chennai Dr. Sreeya B, Mr. S. Gautham
Empowering women has become need of the hour in our country. Self help group is playing its vital role in empowering women. SHG helps women in establishment of business; this in turn helps women to be economically sound. Mohammed Yunus from Bangladesh introduced the concept of SHG in 1975. With the help of NABARD it was initiated in India.
Business Challenges and Opportunities for Self Help Group Women in Chennai
Dr. Sreeya B, Mr. S. GauthamBusiness Challenges and Opportunities
A Study on Training And Development of Employees at B.H.E.L. Trichirapalli Dr.A.Vinoth
It is important to the public sector companies to know the impact of training program’s among the employees. The purpose of the study is to know the demographic details of respondents and significant difference among the age groups of respondents towards impact of training programme. Frequency analysis and one way ANOVA has been used for this study.
A Study on Training And Development
A Study on Locus of Control Among the Employees of Retail Industry in Bangalore City Sumandiran CSP, Dr. S. Rajamohan
Locus of Control is a concept in psychology, originally developed by Julian Rotter in the 1950s. People tend to attribute their chances of future successes or failures of either to internal or external causes. Persons with an internal locus of control see themselves as responsible for the outcomes of their own actions.
A Study on Locus of Control Among the Employees of Retail Industry in Bangalore City
Sumandiran CSP, Dr. S. RajamohanA Study on Locus of Control
Factors of Visual Merchandising And Store Image and its Correlation With Purchase Decision of Women Shabana K A, Dr S Radha
Abstract— In India, one of the biggest ways of revenue generation, employment generation, increased turnover and many other growth factors is retail trade. The Indian retail industry has emerged as one of the most dynamic and fast-paced industries due to the entry of several new players. It accounts for over 10 per cent of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Factors of Visual Merchandising And Store Image and its Correlation With Purchase Decision of Women
Shabana K A, Dr S RadhaFactors of Visual Merchandising
Impact of Economic Growth on the Education Sector: India and China Compared Eben Priya A R P, Dr.K.Karthikeyan
Abstract: India and China are comparable on the basis of landscape, population and economic development. When Economic growth continues over a period of five plus years, a country experiences economic development. Economic growth results in increased levels of income and higher standards of living for the nation. Both India and China, the Asian neighbors.
Impact of Economic Growth on the Education Sector: India and China Compared
Eben Priya A R P, Dr.K.KarthikeyanImpact of Economic Growth
Corporate Social Responsibility Versus Social Accountability - Importance in Terms of Their Contribution to Long Term Survival of Companies P PRABAKARAN, Dr KRISHNA RAJ
Abstract - Corporate social responsibility personifies the strategies corporations or firms that they have to conduct their business in a way that is ethical, society friendly and beneficial to community in terms of development. This article examines the meaning of and it further discusses the Triple bottom line approach and the different phases of CSR
Corporate Social Responsibility Versus Social Accountability - Importance in Terms of Their Contribution to Long Term Survival of Companies
P PRABAKARAN, Dr KRISHNA RAJCorporate Social Responsibility