ICIIPM - 2019
Organized by
DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT, Idhaya College for Women, Kumbakonam, India
15th April, 2019.
A Study on Cash Management in Central Bank of India at Kumbakonam S. ABINAYA, Mrs. N. ISVARYA
"A STUDY ON CASH MANAGEMENT IN CENTRAL BANK OF INDIA AT KUMBAKONAM" in this title focused on management of cash. In a banking activity anything is done by financial requirements. Cash management is ensuring to there should be enough cash availability and to finding out the solvency ratio involves ratio of fixed asset to current ratio and ratio of fixed assets.
A Study on Cash Management
A Study On Financial Risk Management With Specific Reference To Neycer India Ltd, Vadalur ABIRAMI, Dr. CHITRA ISAC
A project report entire to “A STUDY ON FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT SPECIFIC REFERRENCE INDIA LTD. The project report including secondary data in preparing cost sheet. This study is undertaken to prepare cost sheet from the financial statements. so an to analyze the expenses which are contributing to the decline in the firms profit.
A Study On Financial Risk Management With Specific Reference To Neycer India Ltd, Vadalur
ABIRAMI, Dr. CHITRA ISACA Study On Financial Risk Management
A Study on Organization Development In Employee Perception With Reference to OHM Energy (Chennai) V. AKSHAYA, Mrs. C. SANGEETHA
Worker observation is a need to fulfill their association and what are the challenges looked in their association it will just a capable of on association representative needs to conduct is a method for dependable of association.
A Study on Organization Development In Employee Perception With Reference to OHM Energy (Chennai)
V. AKSHAYA, Mrs. C. SANGEETHAA Study on Organization Development
A Study On Ratio Analysis With Special Reference To Neycer India Ltd,Vadulur K.Arthi Prabha, Mrs.N.ISVARYA
"A Study On Ratio Analysis With Special Reference To Neycer India Ltd., Vadalur" is utilized to decide the money related execution of an association and furthermore measure the liquidity, dissolvability and benefit places of an association. The association are bit by bit expanded in the liquidity position of an association consequently the Ratio Analysis is to assess.
A Study On Ratio Analysis With Special Reference To Neycer India Ltd,Vadulur
K.Arthi Prabha, Mrs.N.ISVARYAA Study On Ratio Analysis
A Study on Credit Schemes at State Bank of India Jayankondam Branch M. BHUVANESHWARI, Mrs. C. SANGEETHA
This research paper is based on “A Study on credit schemes among state bank of Indi (SBI).Many of the credit schemes in the bank. Some of the schemes only known by the customers and analyze the customer benefits. Especially many schemes are favor for women and women entrepreneurs. Many schemes are very useful in future.
A Study on Credit Schemes at State Bank of India Jayankondam Branch
M. BHUVANESHWARI, Mrs. C. SANGEETHAA Study on Credit Schemes
A Study on Employer And Employee Relationship With Special Reference to Milk Producer’s Co-Operative Society in Kumbakonam R.BHUVANESWARI, Mrs. B.RENUKA DEVI
Abstract - A Good relationship in necessary for smooth running of any business. The relationship between employer and employees, A good communication is imperative for building a positive work place culture. Gratitude and appreciation is very important. Discipline that benefits the company and the employees, employers their treat employees with respect and all want to succeed.
A Study on Employer And Employee Relationship With Special Reference to Milk Producer’s Co-Operative Society in Kumbakonam
R.BHUVANESWARI, Mrs. B.RENUKA DEVIA Study on Employer And Employee
A Study on Employee Payroll Management with Special Reference to Visteon Electronics Private Ltd Chennai S.DIVYABHARATHI, Mrs. N.ISVARYA
The payroll management process is used to maintain the data of the employees who are working in the particular concern. As well as the need proof that the particular tasks which were done them also reduce the cost efficiency to maintain the wages which are payed to their employees. It will have an clear idea about the salary well reimbursement amount the loan amount.
A Study on Employee Payroll Management with Special Reference to Visteon Electronics Private Ltd Chennai
S.DIVYABHARATHI, Mrs. N.ISVARYAA Study on Employee Payroll Management
A Study On Investment Performance Analysis At State Bank Of India S. DURGADEVI, Dr. CHITRA ISAC
Investment performance is the return on investment portfolio. Investment performance needs to be analyzed on the bank profitability to identify the cash flows and comparison with one bank to another bank, helps to analyze the interest and to identify the factors affecting investment. Secondary data of State Bank of India is used to study investment performance.
A Study On Investment Performance
A Study on Customer Satisfaction Towards Airtel Network in Kumbakonam V.G.ESWARI, S. DURGADEVI
This paper have prepared to study on how consumer satisfied on using Airtel network. Now a days people suffered a lot in network problem. How Airtel network overcome with the difficulties and satisfied the consumer expectation is analysed through paper. I am going to collect the data by a questionnaire methods and my sample size is 50.
A Study on Customer Satisfaction
A Study on Organization Culture Among Employees with Special Reference to Tamilnadu Civil Supply Corporation Thirunageshwaram K.Ganga, Mrs. B.Renugadevi
This research paper is based on organization culture among workers. It is fundamentally center around to consider the worker’s conduct, standards, fulfillment, demeanor, convictions, and supposition sand execution through culture. This study was done among the workers in Tamil Nadu civil supply corporation at Thirunageshwaram.
A Study on Organization Culture Among Employees with Special Reference to Tamilnadu Civil Supply Corporation Thirunageshwaram
K.Ganga, Mrs. B.RenugadeviA Study on Organization Culture
A Study on Working Capital Management With Special Reference Tamilnadu State Transport Corporation Ltd., At Kumbakonam J.GAYATHRI, N. ISVARYA
A STUDY ON WORKIG CAPITAL MANAGEMENT IN TAMILNADU STATE TRANSPORT CORPORATION LTD AT KUMBAKONAM The process of identifying the working capital management of the corporation. To analysis the financial changes over a period of one year. The tools used for the analysis of current ratio schedule in changes in working capital.
A Study on Working Capital Management With Special Reference Tamilnadu State Transport Corporation Ltd., At Kumbakonam
J.GAYATHRI, N. ISVARYAA Study on Working Capital Management
Asset Liability Management of Aurobindo Pharma Limited DR.R.V.HEMA, MS. S. NANDHINI
India enjoys an important position in the global pharmaceuticals sector. The country also has a large pool of scientists and engineers who have the potential to steer the industry ahead to an even higher level. Presently over 80 per cent of the antiretroviral drugs used globally to combat AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) are supplied by Indian.
Asset Liability Management
A Study on Loans Performance in State Bank of India at Jayankondam Branch S.JUSTINA NISHA, Mrs. N. ISVARYA
Many of the customers to preferred to jewel loan. So get more schemes. Customers expecting to the less formalities of providing loans.Most of the customer interested to the EMI options. Personal loan customers are satisfied with the personal loan schemes and interest rate. The customers mostly preferred for the customers jewel loan.
A Study on Loans Performance in State Bank of India at Jayankondam Branch
S.JUSTINA NISHA, Mrs. N. ISVARYAA Study on Loans Performance in State Bank
A Study on Individual Perception on Mutual Funds With Special Reference to Kumbakonam Town K.KARTHIKA, Dr.CHITRA ISAC
A mutual funds is an important investment benefitting both individual and the economic situation of the country, but, mutual funds are not very popular well among as the especially those living in small town village. This study is undertaken to create awareness of mutual funds among the people of Kumbakonam town. This would help investment in mutual funds.
A Study on Individual Perception on Mutual Funds With Special Reference to Kumbakonam Town
K.KARTHIKA, Dr.CHITRA ISACA Study on Individual Perception
A Study on Customer Satisfaction of TVS Scooty S. Janaki, A. Karthika, Mrs. B. logeswari
This research paper is based on the “customer satisfaction of TVs scooty’’. Now a days scooty is become a very popular brand in consumers. This study is undertaken to know about the customer satisfaction. For the purpose of this study data was collected using Questionnaire methods and for the sample size is 50. Frequency distribution, chi-square test analysis.
A Study on Customer Satisfaction
A Study on Brand Loyalty of Consumers Toilet Soap in Kumbakonam Town Dr.S.KARTHIKEYAN
Brand loyalty is a products name, term, symbol or design or a combination `of them which is easily identify the goods and services of an seller and differentiate them from competitors. Brand loyalty is a flattering attitude and regular stand by purchase of a particular brand. Consumer purchase attitude is important key factors of brand loyalty.
A Study on Brand Loyalty of Consumers
A Study on Financial Performance Analysis with Special Reference to Central Bank of India at Kumbakonam R.kavitha, N.ISVARYA
A study on financial performance analysis with special reference to central bank of India at kumbakonam”. The title focused of the financial position of the bank. The title indicates financial position, liquidity position of the bank. Thebank successful function to help to the company financial statement.
A Study on Financial Performance Analysis with Special Reference to Central Bank of India at Kumbakonam
R.kavitha, N.ISVARYAA Study on Financial Performance Analysis
A Study on Financial Performance of Tamilnadu State Transport Corporation Ltd., Kumbakonam K. KEERTHIKA, Dr. CHITRA ISAC
A study on financial performance of Tamil Nadu state transport corporation ltd. at Kumbakonam is undertaken, to identify the financial performance of the Kumbakonam division. Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation in a state government owned transport service provider, providing cheap and safe transport facilities.
A Study on Financial Performance of Tamilnadu State Transport Corporation Ltd., Kumbakonam
K. KEERTHIKA, Dr. CHITRA ISACA Study on Financial Performance
A Study on Fund Flow Statement in Lakshmi Vilas Bank at Trichy K.KIRUTHIKA, Mrs. G. IMMACULATE PRISCILLA
Numerous transactions of financial nature take place in business firm over a period of time. It is necessary to consolidate and summarise the transactions to obtain a comprehensive idea about the nature,effect,consequences and result of the transactions. To prepare an income statement and a balance sheet at the end of a period to provide a summarized version.
A Study on Fund Flow Statement in Lakshmi Vilas Bank at Trichy
A Study on Strategic Human Resource Management of Career Planning for Employee OHM Energy (Chennai) P.KOWSALYA, Mrs. C. SANGEETHA
Profession arranging is the obligation of the worker, the association is relied upon to give the vital direction and guiding to infer ideal advantages of its HR. Vocation arranging profited both worker and the association are profited. Profession arranging causes him to move to predominant positions .Career arranging is a constant procedure as the workplace is never static
A Study on Strategic Human Resource Management of Career Planning for Employee OHM Energy (Chennai)
P.KOWSALYA, Mrs. C. SANGEETHAA Study on Strategic Human Resource Management
Impact of Mobile Phones Among Students of Kumabakonam Town Manishya.K, Sornavalli.S, Mrs. B. Logeswari
This paper helps to understand the concept of impact on mobile phone among students. It discovered that the use of mobile phone is uncontrollable one among students. Mobile phones are having both advantages and disadvantages like two sides in the coin. All depends upon how we are using it. Today, mobile phones are playing vital role among students.
Impact of Mobile Phones Among Students of Kumabakonam Town
Manishya.K, Sornavalli.S, Mrs. B. LogeswariImpact of Mobile Phones
A Study on Capital Structure of Indian Bank at Kumbakonam S.Maragathavalli, Mrs.C.Sangeetha
This research paper is based on “A Study on capital structure of Indian bank at kumbakonam”. Capital arrangement in the development of identifying the first city assembly and concentration and weakness of the firms by fitting establishing link between the stuff of the profit passing away account . It is on the year between of 2014 to 2018.
A Study on Capital Structure
A Study To Analyse The Talent Management Of Sports Students With Special Reference To, Kumbakonam Mary Manonmani. V, Mrs. B. Renuka Devi
This research paper is based on “A STUDY TO ANALYSE THE TALENT MANAGEMENT OF SPORTS STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO KUMBAKONAM” Talent management is based on analyse the talent and their activities and how they motivate by their own skill and knowledge and their perception based on sports.
A Study To Analyse The Talent Management Of Sports Students With Special Reference To, Kumbakonam
Mary Manonmani. V, Mrs. B. Renuka DeviA Study To Analyse The Talent Management
A Study on Cash Flow Statement With Special Reference to Neycer India Ltd, Vadalur Mary Nishanthi, Mr.s.N.ISVARYA
This project is on based on A STUDY ON CASH FLOW STATEMENT IN NEYCER INDIA , LIMITDED VADALUR As in sight view of the project will encompass what it is all about, what is purpose and scope used for collection dada and their sources. Cash is considered as heard of entire business process. Cash is one of the basic foundations of all kind of economic activities.
A Study on Cash Flow Statement With Special Reference to Neycer India Ltd, Vadalur
Mary Nishanthi, Mr.s.N.ISVARYAA Study on Cash Flow Statement
A Study on Comparative Statement of Balance Sheet of Lakshmi Vilas Bank at Trichy B.MEENA, Mrs.N.ISHVARIYA
This project report entitled A STUDY ON COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF BALANCE SHEET OF LAKSHMI VILAS BANK AT TRICHY. The main objective of the study is to identify the financial position of the bank .Its help to know the comparative balance sheet of past three years of balance sheet in lakshmi vilas bank . Here the data analysis and interpretation.
A Study on Comparative Statement of Balance Sheet of Lakshmi Vilas Bank at Trichy
B.MEENA, Mrs.N.ISHVARIYAA Study on Comparative Statement
A Study on Organizational Climate With Special Reference To Tamilnadu Civil Supply Corporation In Thirunageshwaram B.Pavithra, Mrs. C.Sangeetha
This study is among the climate and cultural changes in the organisation. Cultural changes can affect the individual employee. However adopt their situations organisations should address these issues immediately. Expectation are very high in the employee. Whether the find the reason and issues in the organisation.
A Study on Organizational Climate With Special Reference To Tamilnadu Civil Supply Corporation In Thirunageshwaram
B.Pavithra, Mrs. C.SangeethaA Study on Organizational Climate
A Study To Analyse The Time Management Skill Among College Students in Kumbakonam Town J.PAVITHRA, Dr. CHITRA ISAC
Time management is very important to student and useful to keep their time. All activities and work is to be divided based on 24 hours allotted to everyone. So time management is essential for all of us. Proper time management helps student to work effectively and easily, with proper time management students can reduce stress and disorderliness.
A Study To Analyse The Time Management Skill Among College Students in Kumbakonam Town
J.PAVITHRA, Dr. CHITRA ISACA Study To Analyse The Time Management
A Study on Working Capital Management With Special Reference To Neycer India Ltd, Vadalur J.Preethi, Mrs. C. Sangeetha
This project is based on A STUDY ON WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT IN NEYCER INDIA LIMITED, VADALUR. As in sight view of the project will encompass what it is all about, what is it purpose and scope, the various method used for collecting data and their sources, include literature survey done, drawing inferences from the learning so far.
A Study on Working Capital Management With Special Reference To Neycer India Ltd, Vadalur
J.Preethi, Mrs. C. SangeethaA Study on Working Capital Management
A Study on Customer Satisfaction Towards Smart Phone With Special Reference Kumbakonam K.Preethi, T.Priyanka, Mrs. B. Logeswari
This paper is based on the “Customer satisfaction towards the smart phone”. Now a days the smart phone become most important think to each and every one. We want to know reason behind the usage of smart phone, as well as the satisfaction level of the customer. Not only for that and also to know about the brand which is mostly preferred by the customer.
A Study on Customer Satisfaction Towards Smart Phone With Special Reference Kumbakonam
K.Preethi, T.Priyanka, Mrs. B. LogeswariA Study on Customer Satisfaction
A Study on Comparative Balance Sheet With Special Reference to Indian Bank at Kumbakonam R. PRIYADHARSHINI, G. GAYATHRI
In this study to analyze the comparative balance sheet of Indian bank. A study to show the effect on increase of decrease of the balance sheet to compare with the previous and current year balance sheet. In this statement the various aspect of the balance sheet to effect changes was show in this study. The bank assets position for post three year.
A Study on Comparative Balance Sheet With Special Reference to Indian Bank at Kumbakonam
R. PRIYADHARSHINI, G. GAYATHRIA Study on Comparative Balance Sheet
A Study on Consumer Preference Towards Home loan With Special Reference To The State Bank of India (SBI) in Jayankondam N.RAMYA, Mrs. C.SANGEETHA
The research paper is based on A study on consumer towards home loan with special reference to the state bank of India (SBI) in jayankondam customer preference play on essential role in the marketing field a home (or mortgage) is a contract between and a lender that allows someone to borrower money to buy a house an apartment, condo, other livable property.
A Study on Consumer Preference Towards Home loan With Special Reference To The State Bank of India (SBI) in Jayankondam
N.RAMYA, Mrs. C.SANGEETHAA Study on Working Capital Management
A Study on Lack of Self-Confidence Among Women Students in Kumbakoanam RISVANA BEHAM.S, RAMYA .J, Mrs. B. LOGESWARI
This paper been prepared to find the self-confidence among the student's of Idhaya College. This study has been helpful to analyze the importance of self-confidence among the student’s. And to build the personality development, communication skill and attitude of the student’s. For this we have taken the sample size of 50 and we are going to percentage.
A Study on Lack of Self-Confidence Among Women Students in Kumbakoanam
RISVANA BEHAM.S, RAMYA .J, Mrs. B. LOGESWARIA Study on Lack of Self-Confidence
A Study to Analyse Leverages With Special Reference to Neycer India Ltd., Vadalur SARANYA, CHITRA ISAC
The main objective of this study are to analyze and impact of leverage on profitability neycer India ltd. Traditionally discussion on leverage were viewed from the perspective of financial leverage which arises from financing activities. However operating leverage arising from the operating activities of business Is also used extensively these days.
A Study to Analyse Leverages With Special Reference to Neycer India Ltd., Vadalur
SARANYA, CHITRA ISACA Study to Analyse Leverages
A Study on Customer Satisfaction Towards Coffee With Special Reference To Kumbakonam N.SHAPAN FURVIN, P.SANKARI, Mrs. B.LOGESWARI
Traditionally people have a habit of consuming coffee. Coffee consumption is used to relief from headache, tension, relation of mind, etc. coffee is almost people like. Coffee helps to the people brisk, healthy and active of people the people brisk, healthy and active of people it is more popular in Kumbakonam. Some people are addict in coffee. People drinking.
A Study on Customer Satisfaction Towards Coffee With Special Reference To Kumbakonam
N.SHAPAN FURVIN, P.SANKARI, Mrs. B.LOGESWARIA Study on Customer Satisfaction
A Study on Level of Motivation of The Employees in Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC), Kumbakonam G. SIVADURGA, Mrs. C. SANGEETHA
This article discusses about a study on level of motivation of the employees in Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC). Employee motivation is one of the major issues faced by every organization. It is the major task of every superior to motivate their subordinates to achieve their organizational goals. Every organization needs to have well motivation.
A Study on Level of Motivation of The Employees in Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC), Kumbakonam
G. SIVADURGA, Mrs. C. SANGEETHAA Study on Level of Motivation
A Study on Work Life Balance of Women Employees with Special Reference to Kumbakonam Town E.Sujitha, P.Suwathi, Mrs. B. Logeswari
To analyze the balance for the working women. Women are facing many problems towards the working time. This study is helps to understand what are the challenges or balanced by the women between their personal and professional life. The study related to aspects of work life balance through relevant statistical tools like percentage analyses, chi-square.
A Study on Work Life Balance of Women Employees with Special Reference to Kumbakonam Town
E.Sujitha, P.Suwathi, Mrs. B. LogeswariA Study on Work Life Balance of Women
To Analyse the Investment Behaviour of Private Sector Employees with Special Reference to Kumbakonam Town B.VAISHNAVI, Dr.Chitra Isac
Investment refers to the employment of funds with an objective of equity higher return is the long future. Money is being utilized with a hope of increasing the value of money .A study to understand the perceptron of investment behaviour among private sector employees Kumbakonam townwas undertaken. This study can support financial institution to increase.
To Analyse the Investment Behaviour of Private Sector Employees with Special Reference to Kumbakonam Town
B.VAISHNAVI, Dr.Chitra IsacTo Analyse the Investment Behaviour
A Study to Analysis The Work Life Balance With Special Reference To Work Unrealistic Demand Of Members Of Milk G. VANITHA, Mrs. B.RENUKA DEVI
This paper the working people facing their challenges and manage to the life as well as the works. Were faced this seven challenges and the success of their work and life. There faced unrealistic demands and lack of control challenges of work life balance. The workers many critical situations handle and compensation to the life. Every challenges adds to pressure.
A Study to Analysis The Work Life Balance With Special Reference To Work Unrealistic Demand Of Members Of Milk
G. VANITHA, Mrs. B.RENUKA DEVIA Study to Analysis The Work Life Balance
A Study on the Assertiveness for Entrepreneurs in Chennai Mr. A. Victor Valan Arasu, Ms. J. Annie Velma
Entrepreneurs are the engineers for any country because they are the ones who are entirely responsible for the growth of a country. Entrepreneurs always create lot of opportunities and motivate others to become entrepreneurs. So they are responsible for the success of organizations. These entrepreneurs need Assertiveness in their work.
A Study on the Assertiveness for Entrepreneurs in Chennai
Mr. A. Victor Valan Arasu, Ms. J. Annie VelmaA Study on the Assertiveness
Challenges Faced by Students of PULC Twinning Programme Mr. A. Victor Valan Arasu, Dr. Ayisha Millath, Mr. S. Thowseaf
Over a decade, Pondicherry University and Loyola College are conducting a twinning Distance Education for the benefit of working people in Chennai. Despite the induction of knowledge through quality faculties and teaching aids there is a significant difference in effort and result in most distance education programme.
Challenges Faced by Students of PULC Twinning Programme
Mr. A. Victor Valan Arasu, Dr. Ayisha Millath, Mr. S. ThowseafChallenges Faced by Students
Handling Psychological Changes Occurring During Transformation From Childhood to Adolescence Prof. A. Victor Valan Arasu, Prof. Annie Velma, Ponugoti Venkata Bhaskar
We must take responsibility for our thoughts because as we grow older we have to bear liability. Also, since our thoughts demand our actions and it leads to our destiny. Understanding and moving along with one's family situations and issues related to financial problems and stress is important. Circumstances such as close person accidental death, we have to realize.
Handling Psychological Changes Occurring During Transformation From Childhood to Adolescence
Prof. A. Victor Valan Arasu, Prof. Annie Velma, Ponugoti Venkata BhaskarHandling Psychological Changes Occurring
A Study on Importance of Communication Skill of The Students AYSHWARYA.K, ANEESA BEGUM.A, Mrs.B.LOGESWARI
In our fast lifestyle English communication is very important for us. I would like to know how the students are communicating in English in Idhaya College for Women kumbakonam also to analyses how much they are interested to communicate in English to identify how they are communicating with each other to analyses how they are developing.
A Study on Importance of Communication Skill of The Students
AYSHWARYA.K, ANEESA BEGUM.A, Mrs.B.LOGESWARIA Study on Importance of Communication
Impact on Level of Education in Quality of Work Life of Staff Nurses in Thanjavur Town B.RENUKADEVI
Quality of work life QWL is defined as the extent to which an employee is satisfied with personal and working needs through participating in the workplace while achieving the goals of the organization. The career and a personal life should be balanced by the employees in the organization to stabilize their quality of work life.
Impact on Level of Education in Quality
A Study to Rank the Element of Human Capital Perceived to be Significant in Contributing to the Organizational K.S. Antoniammal, Dr. Chitra Isac
Human capital management is the investment in human resource, focused on utilizing the skill, knowledge, attitude and value system of an individual within an organization. Advancement in technology has weaved a web around the individual distracting them from developing their emotional and intellectual intelligence.
A Study to Rank the Element of Human Capital Perceived to be Significant in Contributing to the Organizational
K.S. Antoniammal, Dr. Chitra IsacA Study to Rank the Element of Human
A Study on Teachers Motivation towards Students Learning Process in Kumbakonam Town S.DHARMESWARI, C.CHANDRA PRABHA, MRS.B.LOGESWARI
This article discusses student’s perception of those college classes likely to result in high and low classroom motivation. The theory of motivation relates to the reason for the learner believes are responsible for his/her success or failure. There is evidence to suggest that those learners who believes that success or failure result from “fixed” causes.
A Study on Teachers Motivation towards Students Learning Process in Kumbakonam Town
A Study on Factors of Implication of Non- Performing Assets in State Bank of India Dr.V.Sivakumar, Dr. K.Devanadhen
Banks play a pivotal role in the economic development of any country by providing effective institutional credit support to various regions and sectors. The banks have to deploy 30% of the total credit resources in priority and small scale sector. The present mainly analysis the factors implication of NPAs in SBI through factor analysis.
A Study on Factors of Implication of Non- Performing Assets in State Bank of India
Dr.V.Sivakumar, Dr. K.DevanadhenA Study on Factors of Implication
A Study on Stress Management of Healthcare Professional in Hospital Swathi.R, Swedha.R, Mrs.B.Logeswari
The young doctor should look about early for an avocation, a pastime that will take him away from the patients, pills, and potions.” Medical training should include helping doctors recognize their own limitations and develop skills to better track how stress affects their well-being and professional practice. This research work is a process to study the need.
A Study on Stress Management of Healthcare Professional in Hospital
Swathi.R, Swedha.R, Mrs.B.LogeswariA Study on Stress Management
A Study on Consumer Satisfaction towards Cosmetics in Younger Generation Umamaheswari.V, Vaitheeswari.V, Mrs.B. logeswari
This paper is to find the satisfaction level of consumer towards cosmetics in younger generation, like to use more cosmetics products because it makes and shows them more beautiful and make them to be confident in showing themselves to the society. The result of this study reveals that majority to respondent are interested in the regular use of cosmetic products.
A Study on Consumer Satisfaction towards Cosmetics in Younger Generation
Umamaheswari.V, Vaitheeswari.V, Mrs.B. logeswariA Study on Consumer Satisfaction towards Cosmetics
Solar Powered Agricultural Tools in India Overview Dr. R. Dharmalingam
India has very great opportunity of making solar energy. The geographical location of the India gets possible making solar power. India is a very hot country. It receives sunlight all over the year. Solar power helped to people for different way. Agriculture is backbone of Indian economic. Renewable energy is used for agricultural tools in India.
Solar Powered Agricultural Tools
A Study on Financial Ratio Analysis in Lakshmi Vilas Bank Trichy S.KAMALI, DR. CHITRA ISAC
Ratio analysis is a powerful tool of financial analysis. It is used as a device to analyse and interpret the financial health of a firm. Ratio analysis is used by creditors, banks, financial institutions, investors and shareholders. Secondary data of LAKSHMI VILAS BANK KAMBARASAMPETTAI, TRICHY was taken for the purpose of analyzing the financial ratio.
A Study on Financial Ratio
This study is undertaken to analyse the various investment decision taken by the Indian bank. Investment is treated as the blood of the any kind of company or the industry. It is treated as the very important decision to improve the level of the financial position of the bank. This investment decision is analysis is based on the Price Earning Ratio, Net Asset Value.