Volume 03, Issue 12, March 2018
A Survey Paper On Cryptographic Algorithms For SMART Voting Swapnil Randhave, Dr. Ayesha Butalia, Vaibhav Thakare, Sushant Nanaware, Sagar Bhor
Abstract: Nowadays, digitalization spreads very rapidly. In this digital age, democratic systems increasingly adopt to technology to support, and to transform political processes. There are some ways to tamper existing EVM machine by changing display or by rewriting memory and activating code on machine. So we propose the smart voting system in which hardware is introduced parallel to EVM machine which stores votes on server.
A Survey Paper On Cryptographic Algorithms For SMART Voting
Swapnil Randhave, Dr. Ayesha Butalia, Vaibhav Thakare, Sushant Nanaware, Sagar BhorA Survey Paper On Cryptographic Algorithms For SMART Voting
Analysis & Survey Paper on Voting Systems & Technologies around World Vaibhav Thakare, Dr. Ayesha Butalia, Swapnil Randhave, Sushant Nanaware, Sagar Bhor
Abstract - There are many of voting systems used widely in almost all countries. This voting system is very important aspect to elect organization or government. Description of this system is important for analyze the flexibility of system and to study the loopholes of different types of current voting systems. Analysis will help to improve the voting systems. To study the current voting systems analysis should be done.
According respective countries and there population they have accepted respected voting system. Every system has register a fault or bogus voting cases due its working methods to emphasis the development of more secure automated and flexible systems.
Analysis & Survey Paper on Voting Systems & Technologies around World
Vaibhav Thakare, Dr. Ayesha Butalia, Swapnil Randhave, Sushant Nanaware, Sagar BhorAnalysis & Survey Paper on Voting Systems & Technologies around World
Monitoring and Control of Speed of DC Motor using LabVIEW Environment Sandip Parmar, Kalpesh Chudasama, Jayesh Vankar, Apurva Gohil
Abstract - The control of the DC motors is necessary in industries. The major use of controlling the speed is in industries like drilling, robot industries. The main objective of this paper is to design an efficient and easy system to control the speed and direction of the motor. The proposed methodology is to design a system to control and monitor the speed and direction and to inform the changes when any of these factors goes higher than industry standards.
A mechanism using ARDUINO and LabVIEW is introduced in this proposed methodology, which will monitor and control the speed according to the need of industry. The system is implemented using LabVIEW software. The system also uses the motor driving IC l293D to change the direction of the DC motors. With the use of IC, the speed can be effectively controlled and the actions can be made accurate and effective.
Thus through this project we try to prove that control of speed can be easy and the directions can also change. LabVIEW is the powerful and changeable programming language for operating and controlling the speed motor and ARDUINO is suitable for interactive environment.
Monitoring and Control of Speed of DC Motor using LabVIEW Environment
Sandip Parmar, Kalpesh Chudasama, Jayesh Vankar, Apurva GohilSandip Parmar, Kalpesh Chudasama, Jayesh Vankar, Apurva Gohil
Location Based Automatic Profile Switching and Smart Transport Facility in Android System Vivek Pandey, Vishal Verma, Aman Kumar, Shweta Bhosale, Prof. Dipti Mukadam
Abstract - This is an Android application for automatic profile switching and transport facility as per location. There are many places like Hospitals , Petrol pumps, Universities, Corporate offices etc. where it is clearly mentioned, “KEEP YOUR MOBILEPHONES SILENT!!” Many times people forget to switch the mobile to the “Silent Mode” which is not feasible every time like in an important meeting, lectures etc.
Location Based Automatic Profile Switching and Smart Transport Facility in Android System
Vivek Pandey, Vishal Verma, Aman Kumar, Shweta Bhosale, Prof. Dipti MukadamLocation Based Automatic Profile Switching and Smart Transport Facility in Android System
Performance Analysis of Solar PV and NPC Inverter System Using SVPWM and SPWM Technology Girija Sandeep Naik, J. J. Inamdar, A. P. Kinge
In this paper, comparison of SPWM and SVPWM technique is illustrated with the help of solar PV and NPC inverter system. Novel configuration of a three-level neutral-point-clamped (NPC) inverter is used to convert DC from solar PV to three-phase sinusoidal voltages or currents which will be used to feed the RL load. The strength of the proposed topology lies in a novel, extended unbalance three-level vector modulation technique that can generate the correct ac voltage.
Performance Analysis of Solar PV and NPC Inverter System Using SVPWM and SPWM Technology
Girija Sandeep Naik, J. J. Inamdar, A. P. KingePerformance Analysis of Solar PV and NPC Inverter
Security Enhancement by Achieving flatness in Honeywords From Existing User Passwords Ankit Bhanushali, Atish Chavan, Sandip Maurya
Abstract: Every year new approach against cyber security threats are introduced. But simultaneously the adversary also create new techniques those overcome these efforts. So considering for security and data protection as a priority new techniques are needed. So, there is one of the important security issues is with disclosure of password file In each user account.
Security Enhancement by Achieving flatness in Honeywords From Existing User Passwords
Ankit Bhanushali, Atish Chavan, Sandip MauryaSecurity Enhancement by Achieving flatness
Secure File Storage System for Disruption-Tolerant Military Environment Mr. Sanjay Mali, Prof. Dr. Vivek Sharma
Abstract - Secure File Storage System is application to provide security to user for protect his file and also share file bin categorize we will implement some module like data storage module, data encryption module and data retrieval module and facilitate main storage and secondary storage.
Now the massive quantity of expanding industrial atmosphere each and everything depends on the other sources to broadcast the data strongly and maintain the data as well in the frequent medium. Convenient nodes in military surroundings, for example, a frontage line or a hostile area are prone to experience irregular system network and common partition.
Secure File Storage System for Disruption-Tolerant Military Environment
Mr. Sanjay Mali, Prof. Dr. Vivek SharmaSecure File Storage System for Disruption-Tolerant
A Review on Removal of Nitrtate and Phosphate from Wastewater Dr. S. B. Thakare, Ms. Patil Poonam Satish
Abstract - The control of the DC motors is necessary in industries. The major use of controlling the speed is in industries like drilling, robot industries. The main objective of this paper is to design an efficient and easy system to control the speed and direction of the motor. The proposed methodology is to design a system to control and monitor the speed and direction and to inform the changes when any of these factors goes higher than industry standards.
Thus study of removal of water and making it harmless also making it reusable is very important and need of the day. We know that in detergent phosphate and nitrate is main component they are harmful to ecosystem, so it is necessary to remove it from wastewater. So in this paper we had carried out study of different methods to remove nitrate and phosphate from wastewater.
We are studying low cost methods like by using different microalgae, wood and iron, bacterial culture etc. These materials are easily available. We are studying on different parameters for result like B0D5, Nitrate and phosphate content, COD etc.We want to find out removing nitrate and phosphate from wastewater at maximum level and reuse it for various purposes.
A Review on Removal of Nitrtate and Phosphate from Wastewater
Dr. S. B. Thakare, Ms. Patil Poonam SatishDr. S. B. Thakare, Ms. Patil Poonam Satish
Autonomous Mobile Mesh Networks for Missed Node Detection Using Enhanced R-Tree Topology N. Gomathi, S. Hemalatha
Abstract - Generally, in a static network, the shortest path from a source to a destination is usually the optimal route, but this scenario is not easily extended to Mobile Ad-hoc Networks because it need efficient distributed algorithms to determine the network organization, link scheduling and routing. Autonomous Mobile Mesh Network (AMMNET) [19] has been introduced.
Autonomous Mobile Mesh Networks for Missed Node Detection Using Enhanced R-Tree Topology
N. Gomathi, S. HemalathaAutonomous Mobile Mesh Networks for Missed Node
Nanotechnology for Water Treatment - A Review Mrs. Vandana Patyal, Dr. Geetha Varma
Abstract: New concepts and technologies are fast replacing the traditional methods of water treatment. Nano materials are well suited for water purification, disinfection and waste water treatment application as they have a very large specific surface area. Water is having a very essential role for vitality of life on earth and its treatment is very much required for day to day life.
Nanotechnology for Water Treatment - A Review
Design Analysis, Simulation and Fabrication of Spur Gear Cutting Attachment for Lathe Machine Gunturu Mohan, C. Vijayabhaskar Reddy
Abstract - Lathe is a very important manufacturing subsystem in many sectors. Even though it is a versatile machine, it has some limitations while performing certain operations like a spline, gear cutting. The use of milling machines in the production of gear cutting is well recognized. This paper aims at the design and development of an attachment that can help lathe operations to machine spur gear product effectively.
Design Analysis, Simulation and Fabrication of Spur Gear Cutting Attachment for Lathe Machine
Gunturu Mohan, C. Vijayabhaskar ReddyDesign Analysis, Simulation and Fabrication
High-Traffic Advanced Metering Infrastructure Using ZigBee Miss. Meera Baburao Musle, Prof. J.R.Rana
Abstract-The high-traffic advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) system for high rise building is develop called a ZigBee building area network (ZBAN). This system supports meter management functions such as Automatic Meter Reading (AMR). To provide for the high-traffic communication in these building area networks (BANs).
The technologies for e-metering (electronic metering) are going through rapid changes. This paper presents design of High traffic advance meter using GSM &ZigBee. GSM is used for automatic billing & managing the collected data globally. The proposed system provides the facility of ZigBee for monitoring of meter readings regularly instead of visit of person to each house.
High-Traffic Advanced Metering Infrastructure Using ZigBee
Miss. Meera Baburao Musle, Prof. J.R.RanaHigh-Traffic Advanced Metering Infrastructure Using ZigBee
An Application of Six Sigma DMAIC and DMADV Methodologies in a Two-wheeler Lead Acid Battery Manufacturing Industry Lakkamaneni Venkatesh, Dr. K. Ravindranath
Abstract— The paper illustrates how Six Sigma DMAIC and DMADV methodologies were applied to a Two-wheeler Lead Acid Battery Manufacturing Industry for reducing the rejection rate of a specific type of battery due to acid seepage at the terminals. The root causes for the problem were identified through a data-based analysis at different stages of manufacturing.
The process parameters were optimized and measures for sustainability of the results were incorporated in the process. As a result of this study, the overall rejection was reduced from the 3.32% to 1.6% by applying process DMAIC methodology and changes made in the design of the terminal by DMADV methodology that tends to 0% rejection of batteries.
Keywords: Battery Manufacturing Industry, DMAIC, DMADV, Lead Acid battery, Six Sigma, Two-wheeler battery.
An Application of Six Sigma DMAIC and DMADV Methodologies in a Two-wheeler Lead Acid Battery Manufacturing Industry
Lakkamaneni Venkatesh, Dr. K. RavindranathLakkamaneni Venkatesh, Dr. K. Ravindranath
Rail Crack Detection Vehicle (RCDV) Abhay Ajay Lachure
Abstract – The detection of critical inherent cracks in the railhead is a major challenge for the railway industry. Conventional inspection methods have proven not to be reliable enough in this context; therefore the aim of this project is to develop an alternative screening method. The designed robot will be used for analysis of railway tracks for various parameters and which will act as an assistance to manual checking process to ensure the safety of the track.
Rail Crack Detection Vehicle (RCDV)
Effect of Supercharging & Injection Pressure on C.I. Engine Performance Characteristic with Palm Biodiesel - Diesel Blend Gaurav N Sutaria, Prof. P C Sheth, Prof. R J Choube
Abstract: The progressive depletion of fossil fuel and increasing amount of fuel consumption for producing energy led to search for biodiesel as an alternative fuel for diesel engine. In the present investigation experimental work is carried out to estimate the performance characteristics of a single cylinder, four stroke C.I. engine fueled with Palm biodiesel blended with diesel.
Effect of Supercharging & Injection Pressure on C.I. Engine Performance Characteristic with Palm Biodiesel - Diesel Blend
Gaurav N Sutaria, Prof. P C Sheth, Prof. R J ChoubeEffect of Supercharging & Injection Pressure
Quantifying the Efficiency and Efficacy of Pulsed Electric Field Apparatus for Liquid Food Preservation Nilanjan Bhattacharya, Shubham Argulwar, Rakesh Yadav, C. Ramalingam
Abstract - Sufficient shelf life of food product is the one of major factor in the food processing industry mainly include liquid food. Pasteurization is more preferably thermal method to kill pathogenic bacteria and increase life of food product. Thermal application involved in Pasteurization might degrade food quality. Amongst non-thermal methods, Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) apparatus has received wide attention recently compare to other method.
Quantifying the Efficiency and Efficacy of Pulsed Electric Field Apparatus for Liquid Food Preservation
Nilanjan Bhattacharya, Shubham Argulwar, Rakesh Yadav, C. RamalingamQuantifying the Efficiency and Efficacy
IOT Based Intelligent Door Lock System Using Raspberry PI Kalpesh Shinde, Apurv Yande, Suraj Khot, Rohan Bapardekar, Prof. Priya A. Gupta
Abstract - Door lock security systems are classified based on technology used as:1) Password based, 2) Biometric based, 3) GSM based, 4) smart card based, 5) RFID based, 6) Door phone based, 7) Bluetooth based, 8) Social networking sites based, 9) OTP based, 10) Motion detector based, 11) VB based, 12) Combined system.
At present if the personal identification number is somehow blanked out the system could not be accumulate. Powered by electricity may not comportment congruously in the case of a potency failure. The microcomputer apperception is the next step for dactylogram apperception. With the avail of GSM module, sends SMS to a corresponding number.
IOT Based Intelligent Door Lock System Using Raspberry PI
Kalpesh Shinde, Apurv Yande, Suraj Khot, Rohan Bapardekar, Prof. Priya A. GuptaIOT Based Intelligent Door Lock System Using Raspberry PI
Advanced Touch Based Food Ordering System For Restaurants Divya Nagarajan, Shreya Dube, Sakina Musekhan, Prof. Vandana Maurya
Abstract - Since, technology has been growing rapidly in all fields that exist today, the idea of implementing an advanced touch based food ordering system for restaurants arises. Though we have food ordering apps and previously existing systems, they somewhere lack the efficiency so the idea of adding some interesting features to enhance the working and service was born.
Our system is different as it has data that can be shared among users (including chef ,manger, customer and admin).A large number of users can access this system.. There will be devices on each table and the users have to register first and then can login in the system. Users can choose whatever dish they would like to have after scrolling through various sections of food menu. The ordered dish will be displayed to chef as well as manager and cashier.
As soon as the dish is delivered or brought to the table, chef will tick on his screen and that particular dish will be added to the bill on cashiers screen for the particular table. For each customer there will be a unique ID that will be generated. The Customer can book the table before coming to the restaurant.
Advanced Touch Based Food Ordering System For Restaurants
Divya Nagarajan, Shreya Dube, Sakina Musekhan, Prof. Vandana MauryaDivya Nagarajan, Shreya Dube, Sakina Musekhan
A Study On Effect Of Micro Credit Towards Empowerment Of Women Self Help Groups With Special Reference To Nilgiris District Dr. R. Sridevi
Abstract- Empowerment of women involves a multi-dimensional approach which covers social, political, economic and social aspects. The concept of Micro finance is an attempt to empower women socially and economically. With the prevalence of women discrimination worldwide, the concept of Micro Finance as catalyst has gained momentum in the sphere of economic and social life of women. The study aimed to trace out the socio economic and demographic profile.
A Study On Effect Of Micro Credit Towards Empowerment Of Women Self Help Groups With Special Reference To Nilgiris District
Dr. R. SrideviA Study On Effect Of Micro Credit Towards Empowerment
Review of Behavioral Finance: Insights into Irrational Minds and Market Mrs. Jyothi E Singh, Dr H N Shivaprasad
Abstract - In the field of finance, there are many theories like EMH, CAPM, etc which have revolutionized the study of finance. All the above said theories are based on the premise of rationality. The traditional finance theories played a very limiting role in understanding the most important factor that of human behavior in the investment process. This limiting factor paved a way for the many researchers to bridge this gap and that has led to the emergence of behavioral finance.
Review of Behavioral Finance: Insights into Irrational Minds and Market
Mrs. Jyothi E Singh, Dr H N ShivaprasadReview of Behavioral Finance
Automation in Hydroponic System Danish Budye, Priyanka Dhanawade, Kirti Parab, Prof. Poornima Mahesh, Prof. Archana Gupte
Abstract— The aim of this project is to develop automation in hydroponic system using arduino. Hydroponics is the knowledge of growing plants in water without soil. Hydroponics is a fresh agricultural invention system in which the production takes place in soil less mediums using either a simulated soil medium or water. Nutrients are supplied to the plant through the water.
Hydroponic system requires organized environment for proper growth plants less chance of diseases and faster growth. It includes Automated Monitoring and controlling parameters like temperature, humidity, light intensity etc. The parameters like Temperature, Humidity, and Light Intensity are read by the sensors. If these values exceed or decrease their corresponding set points, the system starts the monitoring and controlling action and set back to its idle value.
Automation in Hydroponic System
Danish Budye, Priyanka Dhanawade, Kirti Parab, Prof. Poornima Mahesh, Prof. Archana GupteAutomation in Hydroponic System
Customers Outlook Towards E- Banking Services in Tiruchirappalli District, Tamilnadu, India Dr. P. Sridevi
An Abstract - E-banking is a virtual blessing to all customers. It is different from normal banking with one big exception that the customers need not go to bank and they can do all such transactions at home itself. It is a wonderful opportunity to all human concerns, without spending much time in banking or any institutions.
Internet banking is becoming indispensable part of modern day banking services. The shift from the traditional banking to e-banking services brings a varied opinion among the customers. Hence, the researcher wishes to know the impact of e-banking services among the customers in Tiruchirappalli district, Tamilnadu, India.
Key words: customer preferences, customer modern lifestyle, customer perspectives, customer satisfaction etc.
Customers Outlook Towards E- Banking Services in Tiruchirappalli District, Tamilnadu, India
Dr. P. SrideviDr. P. Sridevi
Most Secured and Flexible Authentication Scheme for Ad Hoc Wireless Sensor Networks Apurva J. Shastri, Vinayak D. Shastri
Abstract: In Wireless Sensor Network, when user wants to access the data at sensor node at that time user should be authorized. There are many malicious users in network. In previous systems, there are chances of many network attacks like node capture, stolen smart card attack, sensor node spoofing attack, stolen verifier attack, and fails to ensure backward secrecy. To overcome these attacks and to prevent our sensor, sensor data.
Most Secured and Flexible Authentication Scheme for Ad Hoc Wireless Sensor Networks
Apurva J. Shastri, Vinayak D. ShastriMost Secured and Flexible Authentication Scheme
Modelling Multiechelon Inventory Systems for Repairable Items using Spreadsheets Dinesh Shenoy, Hoshiar Mal
Abstract - Multiechelon inventory models are key to optimizing overall inventory management costs in organizations that have multiple operating sites and associated maintenance policies. However, these models are extremely complex and difficult to understand due to the level of mathematics involved. Practitioners, especially those without any background of probability theory and integral calculus, often find it difficult to implement this technique in their organizations.
Modelling Multiechelon Inventory Systems for Repairable Items using Spreadsheets
Dinesh Shenoy, Hoshiar MalModelling Multiechelon Inventory Systems
Business Performance of Selected Cooperative Milk Plants in Punjab Kamaldeep Kaur Makkar, Dr. Kulwaranjit Kaur
Abstract - Dairy cooperatives have played an important role in the dairy development in India. Milk cooperatives proved to be a proper organized system for the dairy development in the country. This movement was started from Gujarat and it had covered whole India through 'Operation Flood'. MILKFED is the dairy cooperative of Punjab, which had been developed on 'Anand' pattern. It had played an important role in the dairy development of the state.
Business Performance of Selected Cooperative Milk Plants in Punjab
Kamaldeep Kaur Makkar, Dr. Kulwaranjit KaurBusiness Performance of Selected Cooperative Milk
Vehicale Pollution Monitoring Using IoT Madhuri Pandharinath Bagul, Rutuja Sharad Nikam, Prof.Pallavi Jadhav
Abstract - The objective of this paper is to watch pollution on roads and track a vehicle that causes pollution, to unravelthis downside, several countries and regions have already bestowed a series of emissions standards, meantime some ways has been developed, as well as update motor engine or up the standard of the gasoline. However, these actions have not caused hanging impact, as we tend to expect.
During this system, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology as an inexpensive and mature wireless communication methodology is adopted to gather and transmit emissions data of vehicles and Internet of Things (IoT) concept is proposed. Moreover, The RFID devices have to be put in on the traffic lights so reliable reading of emissions signals from a vehicle may be interrogated once the vehicles
Vehicale Pollution Monitoring Using IoT
Madhuri Pandharinath Bagul, Rutuja Sharad Nikam, Prof.Pallavi JadhavVehicale Pollution Monitoring Using IoT
Touch Based Digital Ordering System Using Android And Wi-Fi For Restaurents Prajakta H. Kadu, Pranita P. Mhatre, Ashwini G. Kumbhar
Abstract - The research work aims for the betterment of hospitality industry by incorporating technology. In Touch based digital ordering system, it is discussed about the design and implementation of digital dining in restaurants using android technology. The system is a basic dynamic database utility system which fetches all information from a centralized database.
The tablet at the customer table contains the android application with all the restaurant and menu details. The customer tablet, kitchen display and the cashier counter connects directly with each other through Wi-Fi. This wireless application is user-friendly, improves efficiency and accuracy for restaurants by saving time, reduces human errors and provides customer feedback.
The automated food ordering systems is less expensive as it requires a one-time investment for gadgets. Keywords - Wireless Food Ordering, User-friendly, Android App, Tablet, Wi-Fi, Customer App, Restaurent App.
Touch Based Digital Ordering System Using Android And Wi-Fi For Restaurents
Sandip Parmar, Kalpesh Chudasama, Jayesh Vankar, Apurva GohilPrajakta H. Kadu, Pranita P. Mhatre, Ashwini G. Kumbhar
Design of Smart Energy Meter for Smart Grid with Net Metering & Theft Detection Kavita Narayan Mule, Prof. B. T. Deshmukh
Abstract - The demand for reliable smart energy meter (SEM) is increasing now-a-days. The technologies for e-metering are changing very fast. This paper presents design of smart energy meter with net metering using GSM & ZigBee. GSM is used for the purpose of automatic billing & managing the collected data. The proposed system provides the facility of remote monitoring, net metering & remote disconnect in case of electricity theft.
Design of Smart Energy Meter for Smart Grid with Net Metering & Theft Detection
Kavita Narayan Mule, Prof. B. T. DeshmukhDesign of Smart Energy Meter for Smart Grid
Open Road Tolling Using NFC Pooja Gharat, Kiran Koli, Sayali Kadam, Chudaji Gawas, Prof. Madhuri Patil
Automated toll Collection framework is considered as a viable technique keeping in mind the end goal to conciliate movement blockage and jams, upgrade the comfort and security of voyagers, and minimize fuel consumption and air pollution for environmental protection need. The paper proposes Architecture for collecting toll using Near Field Communication (NFC) technology.
Open Road Tolling Using NFC
Pooja Gharat, Kiran Koli, Sayali Kadam, Chudaji Gawas, Prof. Madhuri PatilOpen Road Tolling Using NFC
Grid Synchronized Voltage Source Inverter Controlled By Using PI Controller Nikita Dhake, Pankaj Bari, Sushil kale, Dipak Patil, Atul Barhate, Amit Borole
Abstract - Over the years power converters have found wide application in grid interfaced systems, including distributed power generation with renewable energy sources. In distributed energy systems like solar, hydro or any diesel generation where the output of the system is DC and is expected to be converted in AC, an inverter is used. There are various modes to have a controlled output of inverter.
Grid Synchronized Voltage Source Inverter Controlled By Using PI Controller
Nikita Dhake, Pankaj Bari, Sushil kale, Dipak Patil, Atul Barhate, Amit BoroleGrid Synchronized Voltage Source Inverter Controlled
Improve The Speed Characteristics of Slip Ring Induction Motor By Thyristor Control On Rotor Side Amit V. Mohod, Dr. Vilas Ghate
Abstract - The aim is to create a Simple control mechanism for speed variations of a HIGH POWER SRIM – Slip Ring Induction motor as an extension to the available Non slip power recovery mechanisms available for low power SRIMs. The most basic ways to control the speed of a slip ring induction motor is either from the STATOR OR ROTOR SIDE. The mechanism employed here is to control the speed via a Single thyristor acting as an ON/OFF switch at the rotor side of this slip ring induction motor..
The core scheme here is to control the high power machine by directly varying the load current or the rotor side current by the single thyristor after conversion of the available load side current into the DC current by a 3 phase RECTIFIER BRIDGE made of 6 diodes respectively. Thus, all the AC power is converted into simple DC current and is controlled by the thyristor ON/OFF time giving the required speed control
Improve The Speed Characteristics of Slip Ring Induction Motor By Thyristor Control On Rotor Side
Amit V. Mohod, Dr. Vilas GhateImprove The Speed Characteristics of Slip Ring
Digital India - Empowered Society and Knowledge Economy Dr. M.Venkata Rao, Dr. K. Kanaka Raju
Abstract - Digital India enhances the quality of life of people through the easy solutions, effective technology of it and operated by the every citizen of India. The main objectives of the paper are to examine the nine pillars of Digital India, understand the utility of business process Re-engineering using IT,
consider the possibility of the digital empowerment along with the utility of digital infrastructure to every citizen and identify the electronic delivery of services through the e-Kranti. This study also focused on the issues of national e-governance plan along with to offer a suitable suggestions to strengthen the activities of Digital India.
The data obtained through the various websites i.e., official website of Digital India, various journals and websites . It bridge the variation between have nots and haves of services and deliveries and also bridge the India’s digital divide.
Key Words: Digital India, e-Kranti, Business Process Re-engineering, Digital Empowerment..Dr. M.Venkata Rao, Dr. K. Kanaka Raju
Mobile Self Encryption Techniques Mitesh Parmar, Summedh Kharat, Nilesh Palve, Chetan deokate, Prof. Yogesh shahare
Abstract - This paper allows users to store sensitive data on their mobile phones without having to worry about is confidentiality even if the mobile is lost. This system is developed so that employees and other mobile users can store and operate on sensitive data on their mobile phones without having to worry of it being leaked. This software project concentrates on securing data on mobile phones by storing it in an encrypted form.
Mobile Self Encryption Techniques
Mitesh Parmar, Summedh Kharat, Nilesh Palve, Chetan deokate, Prof. Yogesh shahareMobile Self Encryption Techniques
Irrigation Automation Using IoT Siddharth Patil, Roopshree Shelke, Aditya Kadam
Abstract - India is an agricultural country, and about 70% of the population depends on agriculture. Automation of farm activities can transform agricultural domain from being manual and static to intelligent and dynamic leading to higher production with lesser human supervision. The management of irrigation can be improved using automatic watering system. Automation of farm activities can transform agricultural domain.
Irrigation Automation Using IoT
TSA: Scalable Machine Learning Online Service for Big-Data Real Time Analyasis Using HDFS and Python Jupyter Notebook Mr. Mahesh B. Shelke
Abstract - India is an agricultural country, and about 70% of the population depends on agriculture. Automation of farm activities can transform agricultural domain from being manual and static to intelligent and dynamic leading to higher production with lesser human supervision. The management of irrigation can be improved using automatic watering system. Automation of farm activities can transform agricultural domain.
TSA: Scalable Machine Learning Online Service for Big-Data Real Time Analyasis Using HDFS and Python Jupyter Notebook
Mr. Mahesh B. ShelkeTSA : Scalable Machine Learning