.inSIGHT' 20
6th National Summit, Jan 8-9, 2020
Organized by
MITCOM, MIT-ADT University, Pune, India.
Effect of pond ash as sand replacement on properties of concrete Sanket Sunil Bhadane, Akhilesh Jitendra Jagtap
Pond ash has coarser particle size which is comparable with particle size of sand. Hence, the beneficial use of pond ash in concrete is the preferable option for safe and economical utilization of millions of tons of pond ash. In India it is observed that at very few places good quality of sand may be available in plenty. All metro and mega cities in India are facing acute shortages of good quality of sand.
Effect of pond ash as sand replacement on properties of concrete
Sanket Sunil Bhadane, Akhilesh Jitendra JagtapEffect of pond ash as sand replacement
Study of Proportinating and Properties of Reactive Powder High Strength Concrete Aditya Gandhi, Omkar Magdum
Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) is associate ultra-high strength and high ductile material with advanced mechanical properties. Reactive powder concrete may be a concrete while not coarse mixture, however, contains cement, silicon dioxide fume, sand, quartz powder with terribly low tide binder quantitative relation. The absence of coarse mixture was thought of by inventors to be key side for the microstructure.
Study of Proportinating and Properties of Reactive Powder High Strength Concrete
Aditya Gandhi, Omkar MagdumStudy of Proportinating and Properties of Reactive
Use of Fly Ash Aggregate as Partial Replacement of Natural Aggregate in Concrete Sidharth Saste, Prathmesh Sawant
In recent decades, we have noticed a gradual increase in disposal of different wastes in the environment, as well as problems arising from the shortage of natural raw materials in the civil construction business. These factors have encouraged the development of research in universities, academic centers, institutes and companies in search of specific alternatives to the use of industrial waste as new materials.
Use of Fly Ash Aggregate as Partial Replacement of Natural Aggregate in Concrete
Sidharth Saste, Prathmesh SawantUse of Fly Ash Aggregate as Partial Replacement
Pavement Evaluation & Overlay Design Jay Vyas, Amey Jagdale
In our study, a trial stretch section from Km 143+000 to Km 153+000 on both side carriageway of NH-8 B road project connecting Rajkot to Jetpur is selected. Primarily pavement condition by visual observation gathering various distresses is collected. Pavement Evaluation by non-destructive equipment like BBD & 5th Wheel Roughometer is carried. The BBD test is conducted in line to IRC: 81 and Roughness test.
Pavement Evaluation & Overlay Design
Comparative Study of Tunnel, Aluminium and Conventional Formwork Mr. Azhar M Baig, Mr. Sourabh Shukla
Since India is the fastest growing major economy and rural to urban migration has been increasing which will led to increase in urabanisation and increase in demand for housing. In order to cater to this demand there has been vertical growth in the cities which have given rise to construction of muti-storied buildings and formwork plays important role in construction of framed or monolithic buildings.
Comparative Study of Tunnel, Aluminium and Conventional Formwork
Mr. Azhar M Baig, Mr. Sourabh ShuklaComparative Study of Tunnel, Aluminium
BIM Model for Efficient Design Pratik B. Thorat, Abhishek R. Pawar, Aishwarya P. Patil
One of major objective is to understand the processes, tools and techniques required for implementing Building Information Modelling on projects and also experience the working methodology & processes which is experienced by working in a BIM based project environment. Enhance the understanding of using of BIM model and design the project in a way that meets the all the requirement and also have efficient.
BIM Model for Efficient Design
Effect of Nanosilica Pritam Pabale, Abbas Kasia
The present study incorporates mix design based on the guidelines as per Indian Standard code IS 10262- 2009. The nano-silica used is imported from a supplier. The use of any kind of admixture is strictly prohibited in the mix design. The water content has been kept constant to facilitate a better comparison for different samples. The compressive strength measurements are carried out for 7-day 14 day 21 day and 28-day.
Effect of Nanosilica
Risk in Subcontracts Management Akshay Kishor Lad, Tamal Sur Chowdhury
Instead of transferring, the contract risks to the contractors, in observe, the development company ultimately winds up presumptuous new responsibilities and risks that aren't forever evident. If some important measures are not taken by management team then hiring contractor for a particular project can increase risk of execution. This paper presents actions that management team should take to avoid risk.
Risk in Subcontracts Management
Duration Comparison of Mivan Formwork over the Conventional Formwork Aarti Nanasaheb Kote, Aahuti Ramesh Nandeshwar
The aluminum formwork system was developedby the Malaysian Company, which is why the alumin formwork technology is named after it.Mivan is coming up with new construction technology for the successful completion of a mass housing project in India.In this project, we discussed the cost Comparison of mivan technology with conve ntional construction technology. The technology of Mivan is absolutely fine with cost.
Duration Comparison of Mivan Formwork over the Conventional Formwork
Aarti Nanasaheb Kote, Aahuti Ramesh NandeshwarDuration Comparison of Mivan Formwork
Strategies to Reduce Cost Overrun, Delays and Risk Involved in Construction Management Hiten M Gawad, Kalpesh M Gawad, Maithilee V Thakare
This study briefs about, how project management practitioners uses the strategies to reduce cost overrun, delays and risk involved in construction management by using some of the centralized themes. A construction project needs appropriate planning throughout the project lifecycle. All the construction projects have some or the other risks involved and there is a need to mitigate those risks.
Strategies to Reduce Cost Overrun, Delays and Risk Involved in Construction Management
Hiten M Gawad, Kalpesh M Gawad, Maithilee V ThakareStrategies to Reduce Cost Overrun, Delays
Introduction to Building Information System in Construction Industry Prof. Shankar Banerjee, Abhishek Sagar Chougule
Building Information Modeling “BIM” is becoming a far better known established collaboration process within the Civil Engineering industry. Owners are increasingly requiring BIM services from construction managers, architects and engineering firms. Many construction firms are now investing in “BIM” technologies during bidding, preconstruction, construction and post construction.
Introduction to Building Information System in Construction Industry
Prof. Shankar Banerjee, Abhishek Sagar ChouguleIntroduction to Building Information System
Geographic Information System in Civil Engineering Prof. Shankar Banerjee, Abhishek Sagar Chougule
GIS technology has been in use for over 25 years. It’s a proven diary in assisting land managers to correlate and analyze large amounts of spatial and tabular data, leading to scientifically sound land management decisions. Like any tool, GIS isn't appropriate altogether situations. Offices where staff are supportive of GIS technology, in situations where the info are going to be used variety of times for analysis.
Geographic Information System in Civil Engineering
Process and application of BIM in Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industry with Effective Planning Prof. Shankar Banerjee, Kalyani F. Bisen, Hrushikesh S. kittad
Abstract— This research has been undertaken to study the process and application of BIM in Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industry worldwide.
Process and application of BIM in Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industry with Effective Planning
Prof. Shankar Banerjee, Kalyani F. Bisen, Hrushikesh S. kittadProcess and application of BIM in Architecture
Seismic Assessment of Multi Storey Buildings for Different Lateral Resistance Elements Nilesh N. Tile, Prof. Shankar Banerjee
Abstract - The main objective of this project is to study different techniques for resisting lateral forces acting on structure. The method studied and analyzed are shear walls and bracing. The project also aims at finding the most suitable method along with the design of a G+25 structure using infill wall, shear wall and bracing. The analysis is carried out using analytical methods.
Seismic Assessment of Multi Storey Buildings for Different Lateral Resistance Elements
Nilesh N. Tile, Prof. Shankar BanerjeeSeismic Assessment of Multi Storey Buildings
Reasons and Preventions of Materials Wastage in Building Construction Nilesh N. Tile, Prof. Shankar Banerjee
Abstract: The main objective of this project is to study different techniques for resisting lateral forces acting on structure. The method studied and analyzed are shear walls and bracing. The project also aims at finding the most suitable method along with the design of a G+25 structure using infill wall, shear wall and bracing. The analysis is carried out using analytical methods.
Reasons and Preventions of Materials Wastage in Building Construction
Nilesh N. Tile, Prof. Shankar BanerjeeReasons and Preventions of Materials Wastage
Automated refurbishment & end-of-life processes - research approaches in construction Aishwarya Patil, Pratik Thorat, Abhishek Pawar
Abstract - Recently, efficiency in the building fabrication process and on construction sites in terms of energy consumption, sustainability and reuse has become more and more important in the discussion of the building life-cycle and the construction site of the future. In this paper, different approaches for the development of automated refurbishment and end-of-life concepts with focus on robotic.
Automated refurbishment & end-of-life processes - research approaches in construction
Aishwarya Patil, Pratik Thorat, Abhishek PawarAutomated refurbishment & end-of-life
Housing for All Affordable Housing within the city limits of Mumbai under PMAY 2022 Hiral Manish Shah
I see the space around me, but not in any use. I see the space around me but it does not have any character. I see the space around me, but that space is a dead space.” I see a lot of slums around me, “Architecture by the poor” than “Architecture for the poor.” In this thesis, the main objective of optimizing the housing development and construction is to achieve quality, productivity and flexibility, together with reducing time and costs.
Housing for All Affordable Housing within the city limits of Mumbai under PMAY 2022
Hiral Manish ShahHousing for All Affordable Housing within the city
Tourist Amenity Centre Aahuti R. Nandeshwar, Amey Jagdale
In our study, tourist amenity center, visitor information center, tourist information center, is a physical location that provides tourist information to the visitors who tour the place or area locally. It may be: A visitor center at a specific attraction or place of interest, such as a landmark, national park, national forest, or state park, providing information (such as trail maps, and about camp sites.
Tourist Amenity Centre