National Seminar on A Pathway To Sustainable Development Of The Society 2018
Organized by
St. Vincent Pallotti College, College in Raipur, C.G.. Nov 24-25, 2018.
Application and Role of ICT in Rural Development *Mrs. Abhilasha Khare, Ms. Suraj Singh
For any country to progress rural development plays a vital role, but due to short scarcity of information and use of ICT in rural area development is at low rate. In fact, 67% of the populations are situated in rural areas, while 33% make up the populations in the larger cities. Information and communication technology increasing day by day, so rural people should be conscious of it how ICT will help in development.
Application and Role of ICT
'Nai Talim' - A Tool For Sustainable Development of The Society Aayesha Hendricks
Education for sustainable Development is an emerging field of study that is being addressed from various perspectives, shaping links between academic and non-academic institutions. Sustainable development as a process embraces environmental issues, poverty, health, security, democracy, gender and human rights. This provides multiple perspectives regarding the possibility of creating sustainable education practices that are integrated.
'Nai Talim' - A Tool For Sustainable
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Aayesha Hendricks
Hygiene is a set of practices performed to safeguard health, according to the world health organization (WHO), "Hygiene refers to conditions and practices that help to maintain health and prevent the spread of diseases." WASH is a necessary element in ensuring public health. WASH is an acronym for water, sanitation and hygiene. Owing to their interdependent nature, these three crucial issues are grouped together to constitute a growing sector.
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
Health and Hygiene and Develolping its Awareness Through Co-Operative Learning in School Students Dr. Neera Pandey, Mrs.Bani Saha, Mrs.Yashswee Lonkar
Health is the sound state of body and mind .It is important for an active ,successful and happy life. To be healthy right food habits, hygiene habits, sleep and rest , yoga or exercise are necessary. A person incorporating these four in his daily life remains healthy. Right food includes nutritional and at least nearly balanced food which are readily available from Indian local food materials.
Health and Hygiene and Develolping its Awareness Through Co-Operative Learning in School Students
Dr. Neera Pandey, Mrs.Bani Saha, Mrs.Yashswee LonkarHealth and Hygiene and Develolping
A Comparative Study of Dynamic Endurance among Ethnic Tribal Adolescent Boys of Chhattisgarh Dr. Kuldeep Dubey
The aim of the present study is to compare dynamic endurance of adolescent tribal boys belonging to Gond, Halba, Kamar and Oraon tribes. This study was carried out on 200 ethnic adolescent tribal boys of Chhattisgarh. Gond, Kamar, Halba and Oreon tribes were chosen as ethnic group and 50 adolescent boys were selected from each ethnic tribe. Sit ups as prescribed in American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Recreation.
A Comparative Study of Dynamic Endurance among Ethnic Tribal Adolescent Boys of Chhattisgarh
Dr. Kuldeep DubeyA Comparative Study of Dynamic Endurance
Collective Farming and Collective Marketing in Agriculture: Boon to Indian Economy Dr. Prachi Singh, Mrs. Neetu Gupta, Mrs. Garima Tahiliani, Dr. Shraddha Verma
Agriculture is a most dominant sector of Indian Economy. It works as a backbone to Indian economy. Around 2/3 of population in india is still dependent on agricultural sector for its livelihood. Still today agriculture forms base for a number of agro-based industries and agro-services, it would be more meaningful to view agriculture not as farming but as a whole circle which includes farming, wholeselling, warehousing.
Collective Farming and Collective Marketing in Agriculture: Boon to Indian Economy
Dr. Prachi Singh, Mrs. Neetu Gupta, Mrs. Garima Tahiliani, Dr. Shraddha VermaCollective Farming and Collective Marketing
Study on The Journey of Mohan to Mahatma Dr. Shraddha Verma
Before Gandhiji there was a lot of social discrimination in the society .people were treated on the basis of their caste and the work they were associated with. His initiatives bought a transformation in the nation rather the whole world .One among such initiatives was Nai Talim .He said jobs cannot be created therefore emphasized vocationalisation. This transformative revolution also brought Mahatma from Mohan.
Study on The Journey of Mohan to Mahatma
Review analysis of Public Distribution System of Rural Chhattisgarh with Special Reference to Raipur District Dr. Kalpana S. Kumar
Food security implies access to food by all people at all times to sufficient quantities to lead an active and healthy life. Government of India has relied on the following three food-based safety nets (a) Public distribution system (PDS), (b) Integrated child development services (ICDS) and (c) Mid-day meals programme (MDM). PDS is the most important medium through which government ensures food security at micro-level.
Review analysis of Public Distribution System of Rural Chhattisgarh with Special Reference to Raipur District
Dr. Kalpana S. KumarReview analysis of Public Distribution
Developing habits of sharing , cooperation.. by NAI TALIM a study Dr. Saummya Tiwari
In the following paper I have just share my own opinion related to NAI TALIM the Gandhijis Basic education, recentaly I have attended a work shop related to making of curriculum on Nai talim for B.Ed students and after making it I thought to first implement in my students of B.Ed Isem and IIIsem so the sample size was 200 and objective of the study was to see the development of habits like cooperation ,obedience ,mutual support, sharing, caring, self-discipline.
Developing habits of sharing, cooperation
Effective strategies of Nai Talim – Education system of Chhattisgarh State Dr. G. Padma Gouri
Education is the continuous and life long process. It helps to develop human character, personality, economic efficiency , social adjustment, social unity … the list is endless. It moulds a child into a complete individual with all virtues. Education in its actual sense must help an individual to lead a peaceful and happy life. Since decades, the youth of India are suffering from unemployment which led to the distress and discontentment.
Effective strategies of Nai Talim
Nai-Talim : Blueprint of the Desirable Tomorrow Dr. Nisha Dubey
The Gandhian outlook towards education was not the one emerging out of old rugged books but from the fresh breeze of fields and countryside. It dwells on the principle to grow food than to procure it from other means. Education for him was an overall development of persona who stays in the path of truth even in the unprecedented conditions. After so many years of our Independence we need to turn our heads back to remember our own indegenious.
Nai-Talim : Blueprint of the Desirable Tomorrow
Impact of ICT On Learning of English Language In Rural Region Mrs. Mini S. Pillai, Dr. Pushplata Sharma
E- Learning comprises all forms of electronically-supported learning and teaching. This study is primarily concerned about how much the multimedia technologies, especially e-learning influence the achievement in English language. The researcher is interested in examining the effectivenessof e-Learning on pupils’ achievement in English at high school level. e-Learning Package and Achievement Test in English were the tools used to collect the data.
Impact of ICT On Learning of English Language In Rural Region
Mrs. Mini S. Pillai, Dr. Pushplata SharmaImpact of ICT On Learning of English
Molding Global Mind Power using pinnacle approach Dr .K .K. Bedi
Keeping in view with the Gandhian’s principle on NaiTaleem, broad study and wide perspectives have been put forth by numerous intellectuals. The present paper is not an attempt to enumerate them rather would focus on an unbiased view of its meaning, significance and creating more reliable and innovative measures depending completely on its implication in the current scenario contributing to the society’s upliftment.
Molding Global Mind Power
Impact of ICT On Learning of English Language In Rural Region Mrs. Mini S. Pillai, Dr. Pushplata Sharma
E- Learning comprises all forms of electronically-supported learning and teaching. This study is primarily concerned about how much the multimedia technologies, especially e-learning influence the achievement in English language. The researcher is interested in examining the effectivenessof e-Learning on pupils’ achievement in English at high school level. e-Learning Package and Achievement Test in English were the tools.
Impact of ICT On Learning of English Language In Rural Region
Mrs. Mini S. Pillai, Dr. Pushplata SharmaImpact of ICT On Learning
A study of Role of commercial banks in the Rural development in India *Mr. Paritosh Dube, Ms. Komal Gupta
Indian economy is characterized by a number of features such as high urban growth, low rural growth, exodus of rural masses to urban centres, low infrastructural and employment opportunities at rural areas. The answer lies in ensuring all round development of rural areas. This requires development of necessary financial facilities at rural sector itself. Banks play a very important role in accumulating and dispersal of funds.
A study of Role of commercial banks in the Rural development in India
*Mr. Paritosh Dube, Ms. Komal GuptaA study of Role of commercial banks
A relative study of mental health between non sports person and sports person Amit Verma, Nilkanth Sahu
Social well-being, psychological and emotional is sump with Mental Health. It varies when we think, feel and act. Whenever we feel stress and take any decisions. It also helps to determine them in different faces of life, like childhood, adolescence and adulthood. And play very important role. So that the present study has been aim to perceive the deference of positive mental health in between sports person and non sports person.
A relative study of mental health between non sports person and sports person
Amit Verma, Nilkanth SahuA relative study of mental health
Role of Mathematics Education in Sustainable Rural Development Mrs. M.Nitisha
Mathematics education is crucial in the development of any nation. Mathematics is necessary in the field of lifelong learning. This paper discusses the challenges of mathematics education that rural population of India faces. It provides a perspective on the concise and diverse scenery of the subject. The background of mathematics learning in rural India calls for a very broad visualization to take in and figure out.
Role of Mathematics Education
HEALTH & HYGIENE - Personal hygiene for girls during menstruation Piyali Gosh
Health is a positive state of well being, where every part of the body and mind is in harmony & in a proper functioning balanced with other part. Health is the attribute to life that enables a person to live longer. Hygiene is an essential component of healthy living .Adopting hygienic practices and promoting hygiene in the community, school, and workplace prevents innumerable infections & infectious diseases.
Way to Make Nai Talim A Lifelong Process Piyali Ghosh Hore
Use of imagination or original ideas to create something inventiveness is creativity. In this article writer has been focused on nail talim as an innovative and lifelong process. Article suggested various ways to make learning ecstatically. As Gandhiji proposed Basic Education as a path for vocational education and to develop skill worth fully. Article concluded various processes which can be considered as a part of life and act of survive.
Way to Make Nai Talim A Lifelong Process
Problems and Solutions in Facilitating Educational Technology in Rural India Mrs. Pooja Rathi, Mrs. Abhilasha Khare
Teaching learning is a most important factor when it comes to the quality education. In this era, when the world is rapidly marching toward the advancement in technology, problem solving has become easier with the help of different tools and machines. To remain in the race and to acquire a place, it has become mandatory to be tech savvy with efficient and smart working. Technology is playing a very vital role in the process of teaching learning.
Problems and Solutions in Facilitating Educational Technology in Rural India
Mrs. Pooja Rathi, Mrs. Abhilasha KhareProblems and Solutions in Facilitating
Women Empowerment - An essential tool for sustainable development of the Indian Economy *Dr. Prachi Singh , Mrs. Shilpi Gupta, Mr. Vaibhav Shrivastava
It has been well understood in the 21st century without the upliftment of women, India cannot attain the desired level of growth. The government has taken various initiatives to promote the growth of women through various policies and schemes. Women today have made a strong presence in the traditional economic life, but the question still unanswered is whether this presence can be maintained till what date.
Women Empowerment - An essential tool for sustainable development of the Indian Economy
*Dr. Prachi Singh , Mrs. Shilpi Gupta, Mr. Vaibhav ShrivastavaWomen Empowerment - An essential tool
A Study on The Comprehensive Approach of Government to Deal with Rural Problems Dr. Prachi Singh, Ms. Tanushree Banerjee, Ms. Aanchal Mishra
The term 'rural development' is a subset of the broader term development which implies . overall development of rural areas with a view to improve the quality of life and bring a positive change in the conditions of poor. Rural development is a comprehensive and multi-dimensional concept, encompassing the development of agriculture and allied activities, village and cottage industries including crafts, socio-economic infrastructure.
A Study on The Comprehensive Approach of Government to Deal with Rural Problems
Dr. Prachi Singh, Ms. Tanushree Banerjee, Ms. Aanchal MishraA Study on The Comprehensive Approach
Education Through Nai Talim: Relevancy of A Gandhian View Education Through Nai Talim
Education means knowledge. Knowledge is to know surrounding, recognise your inner and performing those actions which affect our growth. Knowledge is comprised of three things one who gives knowledge which is known as 'tutor'; second who take knowledge that is 'tutee' and third which is being taken that is 'Tuition'. Thus the process of knowledge divided between tutor, tutee and tuition.
Education Through Nai Talim
Woman Empowerment Through Transformative Education Mrs. Ramola Vikas Dan
Women's participation is essential in the progress of the country in the progress of the country. Women's position in the creation and operation of the world is more than men. The male plants his seed in the women but women nurtures the seed and lets it grow into a child. In the process of creation and observance, the contribution of women from male is far superior. Both men and women will have to be equally matched.
Woman Empowerment Through Transformative
Role of Sustainable Entrepreneurship towards Sustainable Rural Development of India Dr. Shilpa Pandey
Gandhiji continuously favoured the education system supported by personal life experiences. It has been ascertained if some live demonstration, real experiences and value examples get enclosed in educational programmes of management studies; it will positively be tested productive. This can develop spirit of entrepreneurship and therefore the attributes and perspective as future entrepreneurs in students.
Role of Sustainable Entrepreneurship towards Sustainable Rural Development of India
Dr. Shilpa PandeyRole of Sustainable Entrepreneurship
A study on the efforts made to the development of Rural India through Information and communication technologies *Mr. Singamala Vamsee Krishna, Mr. Krishnakant Choubey, Mr. Dhaneshwar Yadav
With the advent of new challenges of Rural India in the fields of agriculture, education, communication, health and infrastructure- India is rolling out innovative policies and programs successfully with the continuous evolution of the technological advancements from Department of Science and Technology (DST) as well as by Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) in the areas of Communication, earth-observation.
A study on the efforts made to the development of Rural India through Information and communication technologies (ICT) by innovative policies and measures
*Mr. Singamala Vamsee Krishna, Mr. Krishnakant Choubey, Mr. Dhaneshwar Yadav>A study on the efforts made to the development
Role of ICTs in Library and Information Science Ms Sunita pawar
The devices for information conveyancing knowledge and technology have resulted in the fleeting transformation of knowledge and have circulated the information handling task in research and curricular libraries in India. The exposure of contemporary library advances in ICT and unlatched up new way of collecting, regulating and spreading methodical and well organized information.
Role of ICTs in Library
Developing Entrepreneurship Skills in Transgender Through Nai Talim Dr. Pushpalata Sharma, Mrs. Yashswee Lonkar, Mrs. Bani Saha
India has a long history right from prosperity and intellectual excellence to the trenches of illiteracy, poverty and social discrimination. It has also been facing the consequences of the non-Indian imported educational system. From ages people have felt a need of the indigenous system of education that should be based on the local needs and fulfill the social and technological developmental goals without harming the true Indian culture.
Developing Entrepreneurship Skills in Transgender Through Nai Talim
Dr. Pushpalata Sharma, Mrs. Yashswee Lonkar, Mrs. Bani SahaDeveloping Entrepreneurship Skills in Transgender