NGEPT - 2019
National Conference on New Generation Emerging Trend Paradigm - 2019
Organized by
East Point College of Engineering & Technology, Bangalore, India
May, 2019.
Revolutionizing smart cities using IOT and Big Data Mrs. Bindiya A J, Ms. Indumathi S, Ms. Vandana N S
A smart city is a concept which integrates multiple information and communication technology (ICT) solutions in a secure way to manage a city’s assets. City’s assets include, but are not limited to, transportation systems, waste management, water management, safety systems, local department’s information systems and other community services, and data management
Revolutionizing smart cities using IOT and Big Data
Mrs. Bindiya A J, Ms. Indumathi S, Ms. Vandana N SRevolutionizing smart cities using IOT
Big Data Analytics: Tools and Techniques Shefali Arora
The big data analytics technology is a combination of various techniques and processing methods. And the property that makes big data effective is their collective use by enterprises to obtain relevant results for real time implementation and strategic management. The radical growth of Information Technology has led to several complimentary conditions in the industry.
Big Data Analytics: Tools and Techniques
Comparative study of attributes for a performance analysis of renal disease over big data using machine learning Ayesha, Ms. Netra S N, Deepthi S Babu, Archana N, Harshitha N S
Renal disease refers to the condition of kidneys caused by conditions, diabetes, glomerulonephritis or high blood pressure. These problems may happen gently for a long period of time, often without any symptoms. It may eventually lead to kidney failure requiring dialysis or a kidney transplant to preserve survival time.
Comparative study of attributes for a performance analysis of renal disease over big data using machine learning
Ayesha, Ms. Netra S N, Deepthi S Babu, Archana N, Harshitha N SComparative study of attributes
Detection of Pediatric Kidney Disease Based on Data Mining and Machine Learning Using Python Megha Jangid, Mrs. Jayashree M, Mary Stephina Gilbert, Monika Sharma, Monisha M
As electronic health records are continuously increasing, we add clinical documentation as well as laboratory values and demographics into risk prediction modeling. Data Mining in Healthcare has become a present trend for obtaining accurate results of medical diagnosis. Pediatric Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) has become an international fitness problem and is a place of concern.
Detection of Pediatric Kidney Disease Based on Data Mining and Machine Learning Using Python
Megha Jangid, Mrs. Jayashree M, Mary Stephina Gilbert, Monika Sharma, Monisha MDetection of Pediatric Kidney Disease
Raspberry Pi Based Reader for Blind People Ms. Pavithra C A, Prof. N Kempraju, Ms. Pavithra Bhat N, Ms. Shilpa P, Ms.Ventaka Lakshmi V
This paper shows the programmed report peruser for outwardly hindered individuals, created on Raspberry Pi. It utilizes the Optical character acknowledgment innovation for the distinguishing proof of the printed characters utilizing picture detecting gadgets and PC programming. It changes over pictures of composed, transcribed, or printed.
Raspberry Pi Based Reader for Blind People
Ms. Pavithra C A, Prof. N Kempraju, Ms. Pavithra Bhat N, Ms. Shilpa P, Ms.Ventaka Lakshmi VRaspberry Pi Based Reader for Blind People
TKSE: Trustworthy keyword search over encrypted data with two side verifiability via block chain Rohini M, Dr. Nanda ashwin, Sneha C, Sushmitha N, Yashaswini M N
The cloud computing is very attractive model, cloud computing makes it possible for resource constrained users to enjoy cost-effective and flexible resources of various things. The untrustworthiness of cloud servers and the data privacy of users are necessary to encrypt the data before uploading it to the cloud. Encryption may cause a serious of problems.
TKSE: Trustworthy keyword search over encrypted data with two side verifiability via block chain
Rohini M, Dr. Nanda ashwin, Sneha C, Sushmitha N, Yashaswini M NTKSE: Trustworthy keyword search
Dynamic Mobile Cloudlet Clustering Policy Using Nano Cloudlet Clustering Ms. Soundarya G, Mrs. Bindiya A J, Ms. Shubha M, Ms. Tejashwini N, Ms. Likitha N
In spite servers have obtained too many capabilities such as CPU power, memory and battery they still insatiable the necessity of high resource consuming applications. Fog computing is one of the solution for unloading the task of a mobile. Yet the potential of fog server is limited due to the high deployment cost. A Dynamic Cloudlet Cluster Policy (DMCCP) to use cloudlet.
Dynamic Mobile Cloudlet Clustering Policy Using Nano Cloudlet Clustering
Ms. Soundarya G, Mrs. Bindiya A J, Ms. Shubha M, Ms. Tejashwini N, Ms. Likitha NDynamic Mobile Cloudlet Clustering
Dynamic Online Diagnosis Nirmala S. Guptha, Amer Sohel, Ramakrishna, Prudhvi, Guna Mahendra Rao
When comes to the treatment of any disease diagnosis is very paramount. As there is availability of required equipments near and far instead there are diseases which cannot be diagnosed and predicted easily in all centres. This intends us to aid in this sector to provide not absolute but approximate software solution. Our project includes the database of diseases.
Dynamic Online Diagnosis
JAVA Code Analyzer Tool to Destroy Liability and Provide Remedy for Programmers Dr. Chandramouli H, Prabhuraj M Patil, Madhu R, B Vishwanatha
Programming helplessness is a flaw that can be exploited to gain access to the code making the product highly unstable. To make the product safe, liabilities should be recognized and remedied. This tool is used to assess the severity of the condition and the finding remedy for the developer which helps to avoid the liabilities along with solution for the liability.
JAVA Code Analyzer Tool to Destroy Liability and Provide Remedy for Programmers
Dr. Chandramouli H, Prabhuraj M Patil, Madhu R, B VishwanathaJAVA Code Analyzer Tool
Smart Traffic Control and Improving Emergency Communication with the Hospital Servers Dr. Nanda Ashwin, Mr. Lohith C
As of now prominence of private vehicles is getting urban traffic increasingly swarmed. As result traffic is getting to be one of essential issues in huge urban areas in everywhere throughout the world. A portion of the traffic concerns are clogs and mishaps which have caused a tremendous exercise in futility, property harm and natural contamination.
Smart Traffic Control and Improving Emergency Communication with the Hospital Servers
Dr. Nanda Ashwin, Mr. Lohith CSmart Traffic Control and Improving Emergency
VoteEth : An e-Voting System Using Blockchain Divyanshi Dixit, Dr. Nanda Ashwin, G Lakshmi, Aman Mishra, M U Bhavin
Technology has positive impacts on many aspects of our social life. Access to a variety of resources becomes easy because of globally connected architecture. Furthermore, technology like the Internet has been a fertile ground for innovation and creativity. One such disruptive innovation is blockchain – a keystone of crypto currencies.
VoteEth : An e-Voting System Using Blockchain
Divyanshi Dixit, Dr. Nanda Ashwin, G Lakshmi, Aman Mishra, M U BhavinVoteEth : An e-Voting System Using Blockchain
Intelligent Resource Management in Blockchain-Based Cloud Datacenters Ashika N, Geetha R, Devika P, Kusuma H T, Sneha Regi Thomas
Currently, many companies migrate business from their own servers to the cloud. The data centers consume tremendous energy every day, due to the high volume of transactions that varies due to the influx in the computational resources that enforces great attention and focus to be given in the energy efficiency dilemma.
Intelligent Resource Management in Blockchain-Based Cloud Datacenters
Ashika N, Geetha R, Devika P, Kusuma H T, Sneha Regi ThomasIntelligent Resource Management
Attribute based encryption for cloud Computing Ms. Sona L Singh, Prof. Nandini Gowda P, Ms. Archana Pandey
The Attribute-Based Encryption is used in mobile cloud storage to protect data from malicious users. It is necessary for ABE scheme to achieve attribute revocation as the attribute will keep on changing. Keyword search is also required for mobile cloud storage. For resource constrained mobile device is used for computational efficiency.
Attribute based encryption for cloud Computing
Ms. Sona L Singh, Prof. Nandini Gowda P, Ms. Archana PandeyAttribute based encryption for cloud
Smart Water Leakage Detection and Water Level Monitoring Mr. Aman Kumar, Prof. Shefali Arora, Ms. Harshitha H, Ms. Megha S, Mr. Ravi Sinhar
This paper is about the application of wireless sensor networks. In order to overcome the problem of water dispersion in underground water pipes, this application is used to detect water leakage in water distribution networks. Prevention of leakages and identification of breaks in water distribution networks are basic for an adequate.
Smart Water Leakage Detection and Water Level Monitoring
Mr. Aman Kumar, Prof. Shefali Arora, Ms. Harshitha H, Ms. Megha S, Mr. Ravi SinhaSmart Water Leakage Detection
Secret Image Sharing Based on Encrypted Pixels Ms. Kaveri B, Dr. Nanda Ashwin, Mr. Shashank Tiwari, Mr. Rishob Gogai, Mr. Akhil Mukesh
The exceptional Thien and Lin's (k, n) puzzle picture sharing (SIS) plan and its widely inclusive adjustments are limit plans, in which a secret picture is shared among n shadow pictures and it will in general be recovered from any k shadow pictures. To diminish the proportion of shadow picture, in those plans, riddle picture pixels are embedded in all coefficients.
Secret Image Sharing Based on Encrypted Pixels
Ms. Kaveri B, Dr. Nanda Ashwin, Mr. Shashank Tiwari, Mr. Rishob Gogai, Mr. Akhil MukeshSecret Image Sharing Based on Encrypted Pixels
K-Means Clustering and PCA Classifier for Epilepsy Classification From ECG Signals Ms. Shalini Jennifer J, Mrs. Priya N, Ms. Samreen Taj, Ms. Swathi, Ms. Vinutha M
The people who are suffering from epilepsy can be controlled by the help anti-epileptic drugs. For some people to overcome epilepsy specialists are required. The general practitioner plays a major role for coordinating both the treatment and diagnosis. If people maintain a healthy lifestyle, for most patients epilepsy can be controlled
K-Means Clustering and PCA Classifier for Epilepsy Classification From ECG Signals
Ms. Shalini Jennifer J, Mrs. Priya N, Ms. Samreen Taj, Ms. Swathi, Ms. Vinutha MK-Means Clustering and PCA Classifier
CHARGESPOT Ms. Jyoti Sharma, Prof. Anshula B A, Mr. Anuraag Anush, Mr. Arpit Singh, Mr. Mohammed Salman
Nowadays, Mobile phone plays a vital role in human life. Power consumption by mobile is a big issue faced by the people. Everyday depending upon the usage of mobile phone multiple times charging is needed which requires power source wherever go. The coin based mobile charging system charges the mobile phones when the coin is inserted
Ms. Jyoti Sharma, Prof. Anshula B A, Mr. Anuraag Anush, Mr. Arpit Singh, Mr. Mohammed SalmanCHARGESPOT
Unmanned Patrolling Vehicle for Border Security Kiran S Gachchinmath, Ms. Indumathi S, Mohan Kumar M, Narendra Gowda D M
The necessity for robotics was recognized few decades ago. Ever since significant advancements has been made in this field. Unmanned patrolling vehicle is an invention of such advancements. Such developments will help our soldiers to observe the border zones especially in dangerous weather surroundings where it is difficult for the soldiers to survive.
Unmanned Patrolling Vehicle for Border Security
Kiran S Gachchinmath, Ms. Indumathi S, Mohan Kumar M, Narendra Gowda D MUnmanned Patrolling Vehicle for Border Security
Stock Price Prediction Using Machine Learning Regression Richard Jebraj, Mrs. Nandini Gowda P, Sai Sreeram B V, Apoorva G, Rakshith H R
Time series forecasting is used to determine the future prices of stock, and the analysis and modeling of finance time series help investors in taking decisions and trades. In addition, in a dynamic environment such as the stock market, the non-linearity of the time series is pronounced, immediately affecting the efficacy of stock price forecasts.
Stock Price Prediction Using Machine Learning Regression
Richard Jebraj, Mrs. Nandini Gowda P, Sai Sreeram B V, Apoorva G, Rakshith H RStock Price Prediction Using Machine Learning Regression
Autonomous Robot For Bridge Inspection Using Raspberry Pi Deepika B H, Ms.Vandana N S, Bhavya D, Brunda R, Sarika K S
Visual inspection is an important part of inspecting a bridge bearing. In fact, regular inspection is defined in the European and British standard for inspection and maintenance of structural bearings as: “close visual inspection without measurements, spaced at equal reasonably frequent, intervals”. Most of the main problems affecting bearings
Autonomous Robot For Bridge Inspection Using Raspberry Pi
Deepika B H, Ms.Vandana N S, Bhavya D, Brunda R, Sarika K SAutonomous Robot For Bridge Inspection
Weather Notifier Nirmala S. Guptha, G. Sai Madhukar, G. Charan Teja, G. Devendra Kumar
In this paper, we developing a web application which is used to notify the user about the weather conditions. The user must specify the time to the application to notify the user about the weather conditions. The user must have an active internet connection to track the location of the user. The weather conditions are displayed according to the location of the user.
Weather Notifier
Inspection With Eye [IWE] Sandhya R, Ms. Nayana N Kumar, Prajwal Kulkarni, Bharath D, Sandeep T
The new solution reduces the inspection time by 85 percent and cut manufacturing defects by 8-10 percent. Using a high definition (HD) camera and cognitive capabilities from IBM Watson and the visual defect tracking system to visually track defects and provide possible remediation steps, the solution captures images of products as they move through the production.
Inspection With Eye [IWE]
An Vehicle Based Embedded System for Road Safety Adharsh Gowda B, Dr. Anitha N, Akshay B S, Durgashree B S, Mamatha B R
This project is based on Road traffic safety. Efforts to enhance road security have been under way for a long time and majorly affected the road safety record. A notable reduction in danger practices, for example, alcohol-impaired driving or non-wearing of safety belts authenticates this. At that point likewise such a large number of road related accidents.
An Vehicle Based Embedded System for Road Safety
Adharsh Gowda B, Dr. Anitha N, Akshay B S, Durgashree B S, Mamatha B RAn Vehicle Based Embedded System
Associating the Text and Visual attributes in Vertical Image Search Engine Nayana N. Kumar
The image search based on the content is the most demanding issue in the present world on the web; this is mostly due to the connotation gap that exists between and high-level terms and low-level visual attributes. And the excessive computation brought by huge amount of images and high dimensional attributes. The concept of furnishing ALIKE.
Associating the Text and Visual attributes
A Journey of Machine Learning Algorithms for the prediction of Long-Term Kidney Disease Jayashree M
Long-term kidney disease (CKD) is becoming major health problem all over the world. Long-term kidney disease(CKD) is the one in which the function of the kidney is slowly getting decreased, and goes unnoticed till the end stage.CKD has becoming more common in children presenting unique features.
A Journey of Machine Learning Algorithms
Handwritten Digit Recognition Ms. Suma Y, Dr. Anitha N, Ms. Maria Supreetha, Ms. Shilpa H, Ms. Babitha M
Handwritten digit recognition has recently been of very interest among the researchers because of the evolution of various Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Computer Vision algorithms. In this report, I compare the results of some of the most widely used Machine Learning Algorithms like SVM, KNN & RFC and with Deep Learning algorithm.
Handwritten Digit Recognition
Ms. Suma Y, Dr. Anitha N, Ms. Maria Supreetha, Ms. Shilpa H, Ms. Babitha MHandwritten Digit Recognition
Real Time Precision Farming through Cloud Computer Vision and Deep Learning Mr. Uday Kumar Adusumilli, Prof. Teena KB, Ms. Ankita Dahiya, Ms. Faiza Anjum F, Ms. Ramya K
Current paper introduces an innovative approach that will automatically detect the disease on any plant leaves. Currently, phytopathologist rely mainly on naked eye prediction and a disease scoring scale to detect the diseases. This manual grading is not only time consuming but also infeasible. Hence, the current paper proposes an image processing.
Real Time Precision Farming through Cloud Computer Vision and Deep Learning
Mr. Uday Kumar Adusumilli, Prof. Teena KB, Ms. Ankita Dahiya, Ms. Faiza Anjum F, Ms. Ramya KReal Time Precision Farming
SSO Mechanism For Providing The Authentication Against The Faulty Users Ms. Vandana N S, Ms. Indumathi S , Mrs. Bindiya A J
Introducing authentication mechanism for proper access of the data from websites or any official accounts have become very hectic in recent days. In this paper we are using a single sign-on(SSO) mechanism to provide the authentication proof for the users who log-in, by providing proper user name and passwords.
SSO Mechanism For Providing The Authentication Against The Faulty Users
Ms. Vandana N S, Ms. Indumathi S , Mrs. Bindiya A JSSO Mechanism For Providing The Authentication
An Enhanced Cryptographic Scheme for Data Security in the Cloud Mrs. R Geetha
One of the primary usage of cloud computing is data storage. Cloud provides huge capacity of storage for users. Benefits of cloud storage are easy access to your knowledge anyplace, anyhow, anytime, scalability, resilience, cost efficiency, and high reliability of the data. Because of these benefits each and every organization is moving its data to the cloud.
An Enhanced Cryptographic Scheme for Data