Volume 05, Issued 09, Dec 2019
Performing the KMO and Bartlett's Test for Factors Estimating the Warehouse Efficiency, Inventory and Customer Contentment for E-retail Supply Chain Dr. L. Sudershan Reddy, Parigya Kulshrestha
This paper describes the analysis of the validity test using KMO and Bartlett’s test. This test is used in this paper to evaluate the supply chain parameters that is the warehouse, the inventory and the satisfaction level of customers with respect to the E-retail industry. The main aim of this paper is to check the validity.
Performing the KMO and Bartlett's Test for Factors Estimating the Warehouse Efficiency, Inventory and Customer Contentment for E-retail Supply Chain
Dr. L. Sudershan Reddy, Parigya KulshresthaPerforming the KMO and Bartlett's Test
Factors Affecting Labour Productivity and Methods to Improve it in Building Construction VIVEK KUMAR CHANDRAVANSHI, MR. MUKUND P. CHOUGALE
The most challenging issue in Construction industry is to improve the production efficiency. The main outcome from the literature is that there is no standard definition of productivity. It covers the construction labour productivity definitions, aspects, factors affecting it. The productivity of labour is particularly important especially in developing countries.
Factors Affecting Labour Productivity and Methods to Improve it in Building Construction
VIVEK KUMAR CHANDRAVANSHI, MR. MUKUND P. CHOUGALEFactors Affecting Labour Productivity and Methods
IoT Enabled Accident Prevention System Using IFTTT Cloud Server V.Kowsika, Dr.S.S.Sivaraju
Traffic accidents are unpreventable in trendy automobile world. The designers and analyst within the automotive sector have wanted to plan and erect procurer automobiles. Patterns concerned in severe crashes may be detected, if tend to design precise prediction designs able to classify the sort of injury hardness of various road accidents. This design encapsulates a shot is formed to design.
IoT Enabled Accident Prevention System Using IFTTT
Design of Metal 3D Printer Using CO2 Laser and Cooling System For Laser Tube Akshay Gandhi, Shubham Pode, Suhrud Purohit
Conventional methods of manufacturing pose a number of difficulties like skilled labor requirement, difficulty in manufacturing intricate components, low speed of prototyping, need for pattern making, etc. Rapid Prototyping processes over come these manufacturing problems. Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) process is a type of RP processes that directly 3D prints metal or thermoplastic components
Design of Metal 3D Printer Using CO2 Laser and Cooling System For Laser Tube
Akshay Gandhi, Shubham Pode, Suhrud PurohitDesign of Metal 3D Printer Using CO2
Study of Frame Work for Real Time Network Feature Construction Module, Architecture and Implementation Nabonarayan Jha, Anand Singh
This paper presents the technical details of the system implementation. The whole system is implemented by using mixture of C++, Java and MATLAB language as we show fit for certain tasks. For instance, we used C++ under Linux to implement the feature extraction process, since this tasks is time critical and is designed to work on-line and in real-time.
Study of Frame Work for Real Time Network Feature Construction Module, Architecture and Implementation
Nabonarayan Jha, Anand SinghStudy of Frame Work for Real Time Network
A Study on Employee's Perception towards retention policies in BPO's -Visakhapatnam T. Narayana Rao, Prof. K. John
The Indian BPO sector is making progress with a unique speed. Regardless of its momentous development and prospect, the BPO sector has experienced high attrition rates. With modernization and innovation, massive demands for a variety of products and services in the market are increasing gradually. Due to this, there is an extensive opportunity for customers care executive jobs.
A Study on Employee's Perception towards retention policies in BPO's -Visakhapatnam
T. Narayana Rao, Prof. K. JohnA Study on Employee's Perception towards retention
An Assessment of The Impact of NGO-MFIS on Entrepreneurial Development Dr. Noorul Hasan, Zaibun Nisa
Microfinance is referred as the provision of credit, savings and other financial products and services of very small amounts to the poor in rural, semi-urban or urban areas in order to enable them to raise their income levels and improve standards of living. Micro credit aims at not only to provide financial support to the poor but also to assist them in finding their way out of poverty.
An Assessment of The Impact of NGO-MFIS on Entrepreneurial Development
Dr. Noorul Hasan, Zaibun NisaAn Assessment of The Impact of NGO-MFIS
Entrepreneurship and Non-Government MFIs: With reference to skill development of women entrepreneur Dr. Noorul Hasan, Zaibun Nisa
Indian women of today have come out of the four walls of the kitchen and are more willing to take up entrepreneurial activities. Women today want more economic independence, their own identity, achievements, equal status in the society and greater freedom. Further, many women have proved that they are more productive than men in contributing to the growth of the economy.
Entrepreneurship and Non-Government MFIs: With reference to skill development of women entrepreneur
Dr. Noorul Hasan, Zaibun NisaEntrepreneurship and Non-Government MFIs
Awareness of Digital Banking Among Working Employees in Amaravathi Dr. K.Sarvani, Md. Raheemunnisa
The cash less transaction is soon becoming a preferred option and there are large number of benefits.Net banking, Credit cards, UPI systems etc’s are some cash less transactions .It helps authentic and formal transactions that are done. Printing and transportation of currency costs will also reduce. The main aim of this step was aimed to attack on counterfeit currency, currency used for terrorist.
Awareness of Digital Banking Among Working Employees
An Efficient Approach for Encrypted File Sharing and Anomaly Detection in Cloud Storage Miss. Neha A. Kale, Miss. Snehal S. Kshatriya
Cloud Computing is the emerging technology that combines the concept of Software-as-a-Service and Utility Com-puting, provides the on-demand services to the end users. In cloud computing security is the important aspect and has various issues and problem. Nowadays many organizations are moving their data on the cloud, by using File Syncing and Sharing Services.
An Efficient Approach for Encrypted File Sharing and Anomaly Detection in Cloud Storage
Miss. Neha A. Kale, Miss. Snehal S. KshatriyaAn Efficient Approach for Encrypted File Sharing
Corporate Social Responsibility is the initiative taken by the business houses to bring about sustainable development. The rest of the world practices CSR as a voluntary exercise but with effect from 1st April 2014, India’s new companies act 2013 as per section 135 makes it mandatory for certain firms to spend a certain minimum amount on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities.
Thermal Model for Analysis of Hard Turning of Titanium alloy by Coated carbide Tool Surendra Mahtha, Suryanarayan Panda, Babul Das
Hard turning has emerged an important machining process in manufacturing sector for cutting hardened material such as titanium alloy. There are many advantages of Hard Turning operations. It is used to achieve very good surface finish, excellent product quality, lower machining time, minimum operating cost and environmental friendly characteristics.
Thermal Model for Analysis of Hard Turning of Titanium alloy by Coated carbide Tool
Surendra Mahtha, Suryanarayan Panda, Babul DasThermal Model for Analysis of Hard Turning
Constitution 103rd Amendment Act, 2019 and its Position in Indian Constitutionalism: An Observational Study Rupak Das
With the advent of the year 2019 India celebrated its 73rd Independence Day while embracing glory of success pertaining to Mission Shakti, Train 18 (Vande Bharat Express), lunching of Chandrayan II by ISRO, getting placed in UNSC and many more. But, gazing on the other face of the coin, it is so ironical that even after years of independence we are in need of a system which reserves seat for some particular sections.
Constitution 103rd Amendment Act, 2019 and its Position in Indian Constitutionalism: An Observational Study
Rupak DasConstitution 103rd Amendment Act, 2019
Review of Deep Learning techniques for patient disease prediction using health data Atiya Khan, Neha Purohit, Mohammed Shahid
Chronic diseases like obesity, stroke, depression, and cancer are one of the biggest threats to human life. These Diseases are related with our lifestyle and can affect health on large scale. Disease prediction using patient treatment history and health data by applying data mining and machine learning techniques is ongoing struggle for the past decades. Many works had applied deep learning techniques.
Review of Deep Learning techniques for patient disease prediction using health data
Atiya Khan, Neha Purohit, Mohammed ShahidReview of Deep Learning techniques for patient
Effective Role of Digital Marketing for Growth of a Business - A Descriptive Study MANOJ KUMAR
Marketing play a vital role in growth of successful business. Marketing is more than product. Digital marketing is done by marketers to promoting the products and services into market, with the help of electronic media. Digital marketing is attracting the customers and allow them to interact with the digital media. This paper also focus on factors that affecting the digital marketing
Effective Role of Digital Marketing for Growth
Analysis of Net Zero Energy Building using PV System Software Mrs. Sneha K Sawant, Mrs. Ashwini R Patil
The net zero-energy building (NZEB) concept recently gained importance worldwide. Large scale adoption and implementation of NZEBs will potentially contribute greatly to greening of the building sector. Most of the power generated by the utilities is consumed by the domestic loads and with urbanization; energy demand is continuously increasing in developing countries like India.
Analysis of Net Zero Energy Building using PV System Software
Mrs. Sneha K Sawant, Mrs. Ashwini R PatilAnalysis of Net Zero Energy Building
FinTech Knowledge among the Finance Students in Telangana State Mohammed Ali Malek, S Vijay Kumar
FinTech has become a catchword in all over the world and has reached its maturity in recent years. Academia undoubtedly is one of the stakeholders of FinTech ecosystem. Therefore, its involvement in development and usage of financial technology is very much imperative. FinTech companies need qualified employees who are able to deal with FinTech practices; Therefore, just as finance students represent an important segment.
FinTech Knowledge among the Finance Students
Ethereum Blockchain Analytics using Machine learning ARIMA model P.Pavan Kumar, Deepika Gowlikar
Blockchain can be considered as a distributed, cryptographic and decentralized database for storing and retrieving information. Blockchain transactions are immutable, which means that the data contained in it can not be deleted by any means and will continue to grow with time. The massive volume of Blockchain data can be analyzed to gain valuable insights into the future.
Ethereum Blockchain Analytics
A Study of Organ Donation and Transplantation With Respect to Indian Laws C L Avadhani
There are many who believe that transplantation represents one of the most unimaginable achievements of modern healthcare. Historical evidence of transplantation is seen in Indian Mythology where lord shiva transplanted an Elephant face to Lord Vinayaka. Though it appears to be a myth the present situation proves the same. Organ Transplantations are either from a dead or a living person with the acceptance.
A Study of Organ Donation and Transplantation
Pairwise S**GLC Continuous Maps in Bitopological Space V. Subha, N. Seenivasagan, A. Edward Samuel
The purpose of this paper is to introduce the distinct concepts of pairwise S**GLC – continuity and we discuss some of their consequences and the restriction maps of pairwise S**GLC – continuity.
Pairwise S**GLC Continuous Maps in Bitopological Space
Unstructured Architecture for Mobile ad-hoc Networks using Hybrid Protocol Aarti Rahul Salunke, Arun Natha Gaikwad
Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a collection of wireless mobile nodes used to connect devices dynamically. Mobile ad hoc network is temporary network, where devices connect to other devices in the mobile range. The recent applications of MANETs are in defense operations, emergency search and rescue information system for a natural disaster, where sharing of information is done using Mobile ad hoc network.
Unstructured Architecture for Mobile ad-hoc Networks using Hybrid Protocol
Aarti Rahul Salunke, Arun Natha GaikwadUnstructured Architecture for Mobile ad-hoc Networks
A Study of Customer Preference and Satisfaction of Hypermarket in Coimbatore City Karthika.M
There always extant one or the other trend in shopping – be it fashion or grocery. Hypermarket is the emerging trend in shopping that combines all forms of shopping together. It is undeniable that people would shopping all their need under one roof. That is the rationale behind hypermarkets. Though it is novelty to the Indian culture, there is a huge response and welcome for it in India
A Study of Customer Preference and Satisfaction
Knee Flexion/Extension Measurement System using Wearable Sensor Jaimini Nagar, Ashish Panat, Reena Gunjan
Knee Osteoarthritis is a complex disease influence by various aspects, containing aging, wear and tear and the loading environment. Examining biomechanics of a knee during walking is particularly relevant and clinically important because of the walking is most important cyclic and load-bearing activity. A unique and cost-effective knee angle measurement system by employing a wearable sensor is proposed to compute knee joint angle.
Knee Flexion/Extension Measurement System using Wearable Sensor
Jaimini Nagar, Ashish Panat, Reena GunjanKnee Flexion/Extension Measurement System
The Potential of M-Services on improving benefits of Smallholder Farmers- A Study on Regions of Tanzania Rehema Khalfan, Dr. P. Christie
This study attempts to throw light on the Potential of M-services on improving benefits of smallholder farmers of three districts Nachingwea, Liwale and Ruangwa-Tanzania. The study endeavors to examine the use of mobile phones services as a means for improving the coverage of marketing services for agricultural products among the small holder farmers. The study adapted a cross sectional study design and a multistage sampling technique
The Potential of M-Services on improving benefits of Smallholder Farmers- A Study on Regions of Tanzania
Rehema Khalfan, Dr. P. ChristieThe Potential of M-Services on improving benefits
Mathematical modeling and analysis of a liquid rocket propellant (LH2/LOX) combustion chamber with variable mass flow ABHAY KUMAR, Dr. Manoj Chopra, Dr. S.S. PAWAR
The study of the subject on which the thesis is been written is for a cryogenic engine. Cryogenic is a branch of physics, which deals with the production and behaviour of materials at very low temperatures. Cryogenic being a vast branch of physic has many applications. The application with which or study is concerned cryogenic rocket engine. Further explanation for cryogenic will be elaborated in this study
Mathematical modeling and analysis of a liquid rocket propellant (LH2/LOX) combustion chamber with variable mass flow
ABHAY KUMAR, Dr. Manoj Chopra, Dr. S.S. PAWARMathematical modeling and analysis of a liquid rocket
Investigation of Thermal and Hydraulic Performance and Characteristics of Forced Circulation Food Dryer Manoj Kumar Singh, Dr.G. N. Shah
The most abundant continuing energy source available to the human race is solar energy especially the electromagnetic energy emitted by the sun, while solar energy is not being used as a primary source of fuel energy at present time a large research and development effect is underway to develop economical system to harness solar energy efficiently as major source of fuel energy particularly for heating and cooling of buildings.
Investigation of Thermal and Hydraulic Performance and Characteristics of Forced Circulation Food Dryer
Manoj Kumar Singh, Dr.G. N. ShahInvestigation of Thermal and Hydraulic Performance
A study on E-Shopping and Perceived Challenges Dr. Dimple
Days have gone when we need to go to the market for shopping. Now in digital era, life has changed and access of everything is in your hand. Same with shopping, now everyone like to purchase online for various reasons but we cannot ignore the challenges which can comes in front of this online shopping. The major objective of this paper is to find out these challenges perceived by the respondents in online shopping
A study on E-Shopping and Perceived Challenges
Optimization of Process Parameter in EDM for Titanium Based Alloy by Using Taguchi Based Grey Relational Analysis and Metaheuristics Pradeep Kumar Yadav, Suryanarayan Panda, Babul Das
Titanium based Alloy is mostly used in area of automobile, marine, aerospace, biomedicine etc. in various form of components, die and products. The work has been done in order to optimize various machining parameters on Electric Discharge Machine (EDM) in which Titanium base is used as work-piece. Pulse on time (Ton), discharge current (Ip) and Pulse off time (Toff) are used as control parameter.
Optimization of Process Parameter in EDM for Titanium Based Alloy by Using Taguchi Based Grey Relational Analysis and Metaheuristics
Pradeep Kumar Yadav, Suryanarayan Panda, Babul DasOptimization of Process Parameter in EDM
Mass production from underground developed coal pillars by Continuous Miner Technology– a safe, sustainable Mesa Naganna, Dr G Budi
In Indian underground(UG) coal mines developed most of the mines with Bord and Pillar method of mining, the coal reserves locked up in the pillars has been extracted either by manual or by semi mechanization such as SDLs/LHDs. The rate of extraction is less in these methods which involves lot of time apart from exposure of manpower at the dynamic work place
Mass production from underground developed coal pillars by Continuous Miner Technology– a safe, sustainable
Mesa Naganna, Dr G BudiMass production from underground developed coal
DROBOT: an application for Defense Prof. Sharada K Shiragudikar, Prof. Jagadeesh Meti, Prof.Nagaraj Benakanahalli
DROBOT word is derived from “Drone” and “Robot”. This is a modern approach for surveillance at remote and border areas using multifunctional robot based on current internet technology used in defense and military applications. This Robotic vehicle has ability to substitute the solider at border areas to provide surveillance. The Robotic vehicle works both as autonomous and manually controlled vehicle
DROBOT: an application for Defense
Prof. Sharada K Shiragudikar, Prof. Jagadeesh Meti, Prof.Nagaraj BenakanahalliDROBOT: an application for Defense
Review paper on Convolutional encoder for different code rate based on FPGA S.D.Giri, P.P.Patil, A.R.Salunke
In this paper, in OFDM baseband processing systems a modified FPGA schemes using Vivado2016.1 for the Convolutional encoder is presented. The proposed design shows Convolutional encoder for different rate. The Convolutional encoder is finite state machine which contain a memory of past inputs and also a finite number of different states. Convolutional codes as well as other codes are used for correct bit errors.
Review paper on Convolutional encoder for different code rate based on FPGA
S.D.Giri, P.P.Patil, A.R.SalunkeReview paper on Convolutional encoder for different code
Leveraging HR Analytics to Study Employee Churn and Retention of Special Education Professionals - A Review of Literature Nirmala Mungamuru, Prof (Dr.) Pukhraj Dadhich
Due to higher overall efficiency and reliability diesel engines have become the prime movers of today’s world, there is a continuous increase in demand for fossil fuels in transportation, agriculture and power generation. In these circumstances, it is necessary to search an alternate energy source. Biodiesel is one of the feasible choices of the renewable energies
Leveraging HR Analytics to Study Employee Churn and Retention of Special Education Professionals - A Review of Literature
Nirmala Mungamuru, Prof (Dr.) Pukhraj DadhichLeveraging HR Analytics to Study Employee
Review on Various Techniques of Cryptography Seema S. Kute, Mukti E. Jadhav, Chitra G. Desai
The most important issue in network is information security. There are different cryptography techniques that provide security to our professional and personal information on top of the network. In our everyday life information sharing is needed and that data sharing is increased a lot. Many of us do online transactions in the day today life so, online transactions needed security.
Review on Various Techniques of Cryptography
Multimodal Biometrics system for feature extraction of iris and fingerprint Chhaya S.Khandelwal, Ranjan Maheshwari, Ulhas Shinde
We propose in this paper a multimodal biometrics system for feature extraction of iris and fingerprint . That basic objective of a biometric detection system is to automatically discriminate between subjects in a reliable manner, Multimodal biometric detection systems aim to provide false acceptance rate (FAR) and false rejection rate (FRR) for two or more physical or behavioral traits
Multimodal Biometrics system for feature extraction of iris and fingerprint
Chhaya S.Khandelwal, Ranjan Maheshwari, Ulhas ShindeMultimodal Biometrics system for feature extraction
Today marketers aiming at better understanding of their customers and consumer’s preferences, motivations and expectations than ever before. Over the decade the traditional methodologies of understanding the customers have welcomed mixed reactions and some have not gained the success as they rely on the expressions and more often the customers have to articulate the situation before answering any questions
Optimization of Process Parameter in WEDM of Ti6Al4V by Using Taguchi based Grey Relational analysis Naval kishore mahatha, Dr. Rakesh, Suryanarayan Panda
Titanium based alloy material has high strength to low weight ratio and excellence corrosion resistance because of this property, titanium is highly usable in Aerospace and Medical industries. Ti6Al4V grade alloy is most usable titanium alloy. The present work has been carried out to Optimization of Process Parameter in Wire Electric Discharge Machine of Ti6Al4V by Using Taguchi based Grey Relational analysis.
Optimization of Process Parameter in WEDM of Ti6Al4V by Using Taguchi based Grey Relational analysis
Naval kishore mahatha, Dr. Rakesh, Suryanarayan PandaOptimization of Process Parameter in WEDM
Employer Branding-A newfangled facet of Talent Management Dr. Sruthi Pillai, Ms.Divya K M
In this cutthroat era of competition for acquiring and managing talented employees, it is essential for the organization to create a space for itself by conveying strong brand message. It is noteworthy that an organization’s success lies on the familiarity of it, among the consumers/employees. This brings out the relevancy of creating a strong employer branding. This study is intended to analyze the various factors
Employer Branding-A newfangled facet
Parametric Analysis of a Safflower Bio Diesel on a C I Engine with Engine & Fuel Modifications Kalluri RadhaKrishna, Narkedamilli Pavan Kumar, R.Sam Sukumar, B.Srinivas
The area of Alternate fuels has many challenges related to sources as well as running of the Machine. The availability, extraction of crude oils, Food Protocols, Energy content etc. are source challenges. By the properties of fuel atomization, proper combustion, emissions are the machine challenges. Based on the Source challenges Safflower is considered as a source and to achieve the machine challenges.
Parametric Analysis of a Safflower Bio Diesel on a C I Engine with Engine & Fuel Modifications
Kalluri RadhaKrishna, Narkedamilli Pavan Kumar, R.Sam Sukumar, B.SrinivasParametric Analysis of a Safflower Bio Diesel
Integration of Migrant Women Garment Employees in Tirupur City Dr. T. Sreerekha
This paper aims to measure the potential factors and life of migrant employees in garment industry with special reference to Tirupur. The study helps to make out the various factors and their level of satisfaction of migrant employees towards their job. Then, it brings out a group of measures to improve their satisfaction of migrant employees through the management. Integration is the result of degree to which members
Integration of Migrant Women Garment Employees
Exploring Job Satisfaction With Reference To Employees Working In Banking Sector Dr. Pallavi Kumari
The study of job satisfaction is one of the emerging issues which influence the productivity of employees. Job satisfaction of employees is important because it is linked to other many variables, including productivity, absenteeism and turnover. Job satisfaction affects a person’s attitude and beliefs and his or her behavior. To perform and work hard attitudes and beliefs play a vital role
Exploring Job Satisfaction With Reference To Employees
Effect of Booster Mirror on Inclined Roughened Solar Air Heaters Performance Avinash, Suresh Kumar Badholiya, Rohit Kumar Chaudhary
Higher value of intensity of radiation on absorber plate of solar air heaters and effective heat removal from the plate by the carrier fluid, air enhances thermal performance of solar air heaters. The paper deals with the experimental result of enhancing the intensity of radiation by means of booster mirrors and that of heat transfer by means of providing artificial roughness on the air flow side of the absorber plate.
Effect of Booster Mirror on Inclined Roughened Solar Air Heaters Performance
Avinash, Suresh Kumar Badholiya, Rohit Kumar ChaudharyEffect of Booster Mirror on Inclined Roughened Solar
A Study on Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on Women’s Buying Behaviour towards Diamond Jewellery at MV Jewels, Bangalore Mr. KARTHIK P, Mrs. DEVI CHANDRIKA
Celebrity endorsement is one of the most popular tools for advertising in last few years. Marketers endorsed their products by using celebrity’s leads to impact on sale and changed their perception towards the brands. This study examined the relationship between celebrity endorsement and women buying behaviour towards diamond jewellery. Based on the research gap there is a scope for the researcher
A Study on Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on Women’s Buying Behaviour towards Diamond Jewellery at MV Jewels, Bangalore
Mr. KARTHIK P, Mrs. DEVI CHANDRIKAA Study on Impact of Celebrity Endorsement
Development of knowledge test to measure the Extent of Knowledge of women Farmers about Rice Production Technology Dr. Pompi Saikia, Dr. Manoshi Baruah Deka
Both male and female farmers participate in rice farming but have different roles. It is therefore not appropriate to measure their knowledge level with the same yardstick. In this study, knowledge test was developed for measuring the knowledge level of women farmers who are involved in rice production. Pertinent items were collected covering all aspects of the rice production including variety and seed selection.
Development of knowledge test to measure the Extent of Knowledge of women Farmers about Rice Production Technology
Dr. Pompi Saikia, Dr. Manoshi Baruah DekaDevelopment of knowledge test to measure
A study on Impact of Spiritual Intelligence on Job satisfaction among employees in the banking sector of Kerala Meghana C. Mohan, Dr. Santhosh.P.Thampi
The aim of this paper is to study the influence of Spiritual intelligence on employee job satisfaction. The study was done by collecting data from bank managers located in the central region of Kerala. Data were collected from 150 bank managers. The data collected were analysed using correlation and regression. The end results validate that employee job satisfaction is highly dependent on the level of spiritual intelligence
A study on Impact of Spiritual Intelligence on Job satisfaction among employees in the banking sector of Kerala
Meghana C. Mohan, Dr. Santhosh.P.ThampiA study on Impact of Spiritual Intelligence
Interaction Between Solvent-Solvent Molecules in A Tertiary Mixture at Different Temperatures by Ultrasonic Technique S. R. Dudhat, Sonali. S. Chine
The basic parameters like viscosity (η), density(ρ) and velocity (U) can be measured by ultrasonic Interferometer. From these three parameters various thermodynamical and acoustical parameters such as specific acoustic impedance (Z), Intermolecular free length (Lf), adiabatic compressibility ‘s (β) etc can be estimated using standard relations from measured values of Ultrasonic viscosities, densities
Interaction Between Solvent-Solvent Molecules in A Tertiary Mixture at Different Temperatures by Ultrasonic Technique
S. R. Dudhat, Sonali. S. ChineInteraction Between Solvent-Solvent Molecules
Self Assessed Financial Knowledge: Evidence from Educated and Employed Urban Indian Population Dr. Prabhash Chandra, Dr. Shweta Anand, Dr. Bidisha Banerji
The paper reports investigation of the various factors influencing financial literacy in the Indian context in light of the socio demographic and economic conditions prevailing in the Indian urban cities specifically in the Indian metro cities. Indian metro cities are synonymous to the apparitional middle class who are motivated to prefer education, employment in fulfilling their financial well beings.
Self Assessed Financial Knowledge: Evidence from Educated and Employed Urban Indian Population
Dr. Prabhash Chandra, Dr. Shweta Anand, Dr. Bidisha BanerjiSelf Assessed Financial Knowledge
An Empirical Evaluation of Select Mutual fund Styles Through Cluster Analysis Dr. B. Ratnavalli
A developed financial market is critical to overall economic development, and mutual funds play an active role in promoting a healthy capital market. Mutual funds are the fastest growing institutions in savings sector. Growing complications and risks in the stock market, rising tax rates and increasing inflation have pushed investors towards investments in mutual funds. A variety of mutual funds have witnessed
An Empirical Evaluation of Select Mutual fund
Customers Perceptions of Online Banking Service Quality of Public and Private Sector Banks in Tirupur District O.S.Vivekanantham, Dr. M. Mekala
Social media highlights the increasing importance of social media and social networks in society. It is the expected to provide an invaluable opportunity for researchers to share their findings in this new area. the life of people. Facebook has become noticeably widespread among the youth, and students in particular.
Customers Perceptions of Online Banking Service Quality of Public and Private Sector Banks in Tirupur District
O.S.Vivekanantham, Dr. M. MekalaCustomers Perceptions of Online Banking Service
Development of method for extractive spectrophotometric determination of Fe (ll) of 2-{4-(1h benzimidazole-2-yl) phenyl Ritima Singh, Ratnamala P. Sonawane, Atul Singh
A spectrophotometric method has been developed for the determination of Fe (II) using 2-{4-[1h benzoimidazole-2-yl] phenyl imino}-2-hydroxy-4-methoxy benzaldehyde (BPIHMB) as an acquired reagent. BPIHMB with Fe (II) formed red coloured complex at the range of PH 9.8 in an n-butanol solvent and showed maximum absorption at 370nm. This method complied with Beer’s law within 1 to 100ppm.
Development of method for extractive spectrophotometric determination of Fe (ll) of 2-{4-(1h benzimidazole-2-yl) phenyl
Ritima Singh, Ratnamala P. Sonawane, Atul SinghDevelopment of method for extractive spectrophotometric
Psychological Contract and Organisational Commitment : A Study on IT Sector Shalini Singh, Prof. (Dr.) Harminder Gujral
There exists an unspoken and unwritten promise between the management and employees. Purpose of the present research is to know the concept of psychological contract and organisational commitment, the bond that is there in the organisation. It is concerned with the mutual expectations of employer and employees .If an employee feel the bond or connection with the organisation, relates themselves with the organisation's goals
Psychological Contract and Organisational Commitment : A Study on IT Sector
Shalini Singh, Prof. (Dr.) Harminder GujralPsychological Contract and Organisational Commitment