Volume 06, Issue 12, MAR 2021
Development and Validation of Trimethoprim in Pharmaceutical Dosages Form by Spectrophotometric Method B. Parthasaradhi Naidu, Bandi Ramachandra, K. Purushotham Naidu, N.Venkatasubba Naidu
To develop the sensitive, selective, subjective, accurate and precisely simple UV-visible spectrophotometric method for the quantitative estimation of trimethoprim (TMP) in pure form on parallel with the pharmaceutical dosage forms. Methods: The method relied on the combination of the diazotized primary amino aromatic group of the analysed compound with Ortho phenylene diamine in both acidic and basic media
Development and Validation of Trimethoprim in Pharmaceutical Dosages Form by Spectrophotometric Method
B. Parthasaradhi Naidu, Bandi Ramachandra, K. Purushotham Naidu, N.Venkatasubba NaiduDevelopment and Validation of Trimethoprim in Pharmaceutical
Goods and Service Tax, a revenue loss or gain: A Comparative study of revenue collection in West Bengal Ayush Kumar Sharma, ACMA Mukesh Bhatter
GST, a process towards standardization of taxes across the country, is being criticized for its near-term impact on inflation and to some extent impacting states’ autonomy in deciding tax rates. Rolling of GST by states was very challenging; at one hand it must take care of its revenue on the other hand state has to maintain the balanced rate on goods and services. Goods and service tax Act came into force from 1st July 2017 under Central Goods and Service tax.
Goods and Service Tax, a revenue loss or gain: A Comparative study of revenue collection in West Bengal
Ayush Kumar Sharma, ACMA Mukesh BhatterGoods and Service Tax, a revenue loss or gain
A Modern Concept of Broad Banding Pay Scales Mr. MANIKANDAN.S, Ms. Priya. K
To develop a competitive advantage in a global economy, the compensation program of the organization must support totally the strategic plans and actions of the organization. The compensation system results from the allocation, conversion and transfer of a portion of the income of an organization to its employees for their monetary and in kind claims on goods and services. Broadbanding practice in which the number of grades
A Modern Concept of Broad Banding Pay Scales
Effect of reinforced particle on the mechanical and metallurgical properties of AA6101/WC Amanpreet Singh, Assa Singh
Aluminium, due its properties, such as high stiffness to weight ratio, and high electrical and heat conductivity, it is used in automotive and aerospace industries. However, its use is limited due to poor surface properties and low abrasion resistance. So, in order to widely use this materials, researchers processed aluminum with the help of friction stir processing by doping it with various materials to improve its structure, but there is rare use of tungsten
Effect of reinforced particle on the mechanical and metallurgical properties of AA6101/WC
Amanpreet Singh, Assa SinghEffect of reinforced particle on the mechanical
A New Approach for Secure Transmission and Stabilization of a Video Anshul Kumar Singh, Prachi Pundhir
A method of stabilizing and safe transmission of a video was suggested by our study. Without the nervous effect of shaking the handheld cam feature recording, a stable yield function will be achieved. First, from every edge of the data feature, notable focuses. The distinguished and transformed feature was enhanced and settled afterwards. Enhancement incorporates the nature of the adjustment of the feature and less unrelated range
A New Approach for Secure Transmission and Stabilization of a Video
Anshul Kumar Singh, Prachi PundhirA New Approach for Secure Transmission
Pneumonia Detection Using Deep Kernel-Based Extreme Learning Machine Dr. Afzal A.L., Smitha C. S.
Deep learning, an emerging trend in machine learning research and application, opens up a new outlook in machine learning realms. Even though the deep learning methods have been mainly investing their efforts in the neural network, recently there are many attempts to leverage these features into kernel machines. However, the gradient-based and quadratic-based parameter tuning methods enforce iterative training procedures in artificial neural networks
Pneumonia Detection Using Deep Kernel-Based
Digital payments in Indian Petro-Retail: adoption & change in Landscape Santanu Purohit, Sujoita Purohit
Digitalisation has changed the way of operation of every industry influencing the efficiency and effectiveness at every stages. At the same time, the exposure of modern technologies, social media etc have also influences the behaviour, expectation of customers in general. Covid-19 pandemic has also accelerated the adaptation of digitalisation. Safe, secure & hygiene process as the need of the hour globally. Digital adoption has also seen a sea change
Digital payments in Indian Petro-Retail: adoption & change in Landscape
Santanu Purohit, Sujoita PurohitDigital payments in Indian Petro-Retail: adoption
PriceGazer – Automated Price Comparison Tool Danish Ansari, Grishma Nagvadaria, Yash Patil, Yogita Ganage
E-commerce is the market which is constantly growing and is a boom in modern business. E-commerce provides a platform where people can directly buy goods or services online without any intermediary service. Different e-commerce platforms are available for the customers where they can buy the products. Comparing prices on different e-commerce sites is an important task for online retailers as well as e-shoppers
PriceGazer – Automated Price Comparison Tool
Danish Ansari, Grishma Nagvadaria, Yash Patil, Yogita GanagePriceGazer – Automated Price Comparison Tool
An improved design of Elliptical dipole antenna for Wireless Communication Applications Dr Krishna Samalla, Dr SPV Subbarao
In present days, antenna design is one of the major technologies to deliver the signal in large covering area. The radiation pattern is one of the very important performance parameters in antenna design. Based on the antenna design size, all the performance parameters will be varied. So, size optimization also playing vital role in the designing of antenna. In this paper, Elliptical Dipole Antenna with Inset Feeding.
An improved design of Elliptical dipole antenna for Wireless Communication Applications
Dr Krishna Samalla, Dr SPV SubbaraoAn improved design of Elliptical dipole antenna
Experimental Analysis on Angular Footing to Determine Different Angles for Compression and Failure Loads Tasadduk Mohd Khan, Pankaj Dwivedi, Dr. Manendra Pratap Verma
The creation is pushing ahead on a quick leap, and the recognition goes to regularly developing innovation. One such idea is Internet of things with which robotization is never again an augmented simulation. IOT interfaces different non-living articles through the web and empowers them to impart data to their locale system to computerize forms for people and makes their lives simpler. The paper shows what's to come difficulties of IoT.
Experimental Analysis on Angular Footing to Determine Different Angles for Compression and Failure Loads
Tasadduk Mohd Khan, Pankaj Dwivedi, Dr. Manendra Pratap VermaExperimental Analysis on Angular Footing to Determine
Psychosocial Impact of Smartphone Among College Going Youth Jasmine, A., Dr. Arul Selvi, Harithaa, A., Maria Belsiya, Jayathi Lakshmi
Media has become an integral part of daily life today. Everything which attracts the public attention has its positive and negative effects. People spend their time on social media through Smartphone, for various purposes like doing business, writing emails, doing academic research finding answers to questions, playing games and the like. Among the Mobile phones, the Smartphones are widely used and are very popular with adolescents worldwide.
Psychosocial Impact of Smartphone Among College Going Youth
Jasmine, A., Dr. Arul Selvi, Harithaa, A., Maria Belsiya, Jayathi LakshmiPsychosocial Impact of Smartphone
Expert Systems in Library and Information System Poonam Gupta
Expert System has become a trending topic in the field of Library and Information System (LIS) likely as in the other fields such as in education, medicine, industries, health, agriculture etc. The meshing of Expert system with Library and Information System has improved the quality, accuracy and performance of the LIS field in providing various services to their clients and users. Expert System is basically knowledge based computer system.
Expert Systems in Library and Information System
A Review on Effect of Tool Parameter in Finite Element Analysis of Friction Stir Welding on Aluminium Alloys Chaitanyakumar S. Jivani, Shivdatt V. Mishra, Vipul P. Patel
Friction stir welding (FSW) is a relatively recent solid state welding technique for welding aluminium alloys. The welding parameters play a very important role in achieving optimal results in friction stir welding. Temperature variation, material flow, microstructure, plastic deformation and joint strength are all affected by tool shape, shoulder diameter, pin diameter and tool tilt angle. Finite Element Analysis of Friction Stir Welding
A Review on Effect of Tool Parameter in Finite Element Analysis of Friction Stir Welding on Aluminium Alloys
Chaitanyakumar S. Jivani, Shivdatt V. Mishra, Vipul P. PatelA Review on Effect of Tool Parameter in Finite Element
An Analysis of Factors Affecting Employee – Retention during Crisis of COVID -19 Tammana Mohapatra, Debasmita Nayak
The COVID -19 pandemic has hampered the economy of almost all the countries worldwide. It has caused huge sufferings and loss of life. Organizations throughout the industry opted for remote working due to lockdown announced after the outbreak of novel corona virus. This outbreak has disrupted global workforce fully/ partially which resulted in sudden loss of livelihood for many and is been a concern to organizations that are interested in succession planning.
An Analysis of Factors Affecting Employee – Retention during Crisis of COVID -19
Tammana Mohapatra, Debasmita NayakAn Analysis of Factors Affecting Employee – Retention
Political Participation Accelerating the Development of Tribal Women in Tripura Dr. Ranjan Acharjee, Dr. Surajit Debnath
Development always inquires about the participation of all section of the society. Out of different dimensions of participation-political participation is one of the means through which people can fulfill their desires and aspirations. The level of political participation always reflects the strength and health of a democratic political system. Political participation encompasses with the freedom to speak out, assemble, associate.
Political Participation Accelerating the Development of Tribal Women in Tripura
Dr. Ranjan Acharjee, Dr. Surajit DebnathPolitical Participation Accelerating the Development
Solution of Instability Phenomenon in Homogeneous Porous Media with and Without Inclination by Differential Transform Method Krisha Shah, Amit K Parikh
Over the lifetime of the reservoir, the pressure will fall and, at some point, there'll be scarce amount of underground pressure to force the oil to the surface. Secondary oil recovery techniques increase the reservoir pressure by water injection, which pushes oil towards the well. During this study, instability phenomenon has been observed when the water is injected in an inclined oil formatted area due to viscosity difference between water and oil.
Solution of Instability Phenomenon in Homogeneous Porous Media with and Without Inclination by Differential Transform Method
Krisha Shah, Amit K ParikhSolution of Instability Phenomenon in Homogeneous Porous Media
IoT Based Water Irrigation System for Agriculture using Solar Prachi Subhash Kulkarni, Prof. Jitendra Rana
Now-a-days whole world is suffering from water stress problem and agriculture is one of the most affecting factor for it. Due to improper management most of the water is wasting in agriculture. So we implement a proof of concept of IoT based cost effective smart irrigation control system for agriculture. In which according to moisture conditions we are controlling the water pump timing. Where we can control the ON/OFF timing of pump using internet.
IoT Based Water Irrigation System for Agriculture using Solar
Prachi Subhash Kulkarni, Prof. Jitendra RanaIoT Based Water Irrigation System for Agriculture
Employee Engagement- A Theoretical Perspective Vandana, Dr.T.P.Renuka Murthy
Business organizations have an important role of attracting and retaining the key talent of the industry in order to achieve the competitive edge. In recent times, employee engagement has attracted much of the attention of the industry leaders, HR experts and research experts. This conceptual paper tried to know the key factors and impact of employee engagement, knowing the importance of employee personality dimensions which support the higher level
Employee Engagement- A Theoretical Perspective
A Review of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) – Origin, Development & Future Directions Prof. Alok Gaddi, Dr. Prashantha C, Dr. Shivashankar K
Technology is developing at faster pace and becoming a necessary need for human life in today’s technology driven environment. Thus, it is very essential to understand technology acceptance behavior with a popular Technologies Acceptance Model (TAM). The TAM model exists from many decades, but still today, it is one of the popular models used in the field of technology acceptance. The main aim of the paper is to present detailed review of TAM
A Review of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) – Origin, Development & Future Directions
Prof. Alok Gaddi, Dr. Prashantha C, Dr. Shivashankar KA Review of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
Promotional Strategy to Rejuvenate the Channapatna Toy Making Industry ANUPAMA .B.R, DR.K.R.SRILAKSHMI
The toy making industry of Channapatna needs no introduction. It requires locally available raw materials, locally available semi-skilled labourers and some marketing support from the powers that be. Once these are in place, the industry will be able to step on the gas pedal and market the toys even internationally. The international market has welcomed the toys but events beyond anybody’s control including the Covid-19-driven lockdown
Promotional Strategy to Rejuvenate the Channapatna Toy Making Industry
ANUPAMA .B.R, DR.K.R.SRILAKSHMIPromotional Strategy to Rejuvenate the Channapatna
Model of Enhanced Aarogya Setu App to Make it A Permanent Health App for Indian Citizens Himanshu Mishra, Dr Manju, Dr Harish Rohil
In the late 2019, a novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 was first identified in Wuhan city of Hubei Province, China. On February 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the official designation for this current CoV- associated disease to be “Covid-19”, caused by the SARS-CoV-2. People around the world started panicking due to highly infectious nature of the virus. Almost all countries of the world started making efforts for the containment of this pandemic.
Model of Enhanced Aarogya Setu App to Make it A Permanent Health App for Indian Citizens
Himanshu Mishra, Dr Manju, Dr Harish RohilModel of Enhanced Aarogya Setu App
Necessity of Green Economy to Ensure Sustainable Development Prof. Subhendu Bhattacharya, Prof. Y. Nisha
Humanity today is confronted by formidable challenges on earth in the present decade of the 21st century. These can be listed down as drastic changes in climatic conditions, loss of biodiversity, burgeoning income inequality, spread of communicable diseases, loss of livelihood, economic slowdown, deprivation, poverty and malnutrition, rise of terrorism, geopolitical tension, social insecurity, aging population etc. With the rise in population
Necessity of Green Economy to Ensure Sustainable Development
Prof. Subhendu Bhattacharya, Prof. Y. NishaNecessity of Green Economy
A Two Tier Security Model for IoT Based Devices Snehlata, Dr. Dilbag Singh
Internet of things (IoT) is recognized as foremost important areas of future technology and gaining enormous attention from a wide range of industries. As the use of IoT devices are increasing day by day, the threats and attacks on IoT based devices are also increasing. In an IoT based system, the data is saved on cloud servers or remote location. So, there is always risk to confidentiality & availability of data before selecting a network path and protocol.
A Two Tier Security Model for IoT Based Devices
Advance Equipment for Compaction on Site Rohan S. Sawant
Compaction is very important in construction of plinth in building. The contractor needs the densest and stable earthwork obtainable at lowest price. Now a day’s plinth filling is not completed within stipulated time due to lack of workers. The problem of settlement of floor finish occurs due to poor compaction. Now day’s vibrator is used for compaction of plinth, but it is harmful to operator which causes Reynaud’s Syndrome with symptoms
Advance Equipment for Compaction on Site
A Study of Consumer Preference and Satisfaction Towards Various Mobile Phone Handsets with Special Reference to Ramanathapuram Economy Dr.A.LOGU
The mobile phones are the electronic devices which help to communicate across the world. In the communication era mobile phones is one of the dependable and successful ways to communicate by different modes of communication. The mobile phone is very vital part of daily routine of human life and it is the one of fastest growing product in the global market. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, a sample of 300 respondents were taken by using connivance sampling method
A Study of Consumer Preference and Satisfaction Towards Various Mobile Phone Handsets with Special Reference to Ramanathapuram Economy
Dr.A.LOGUA Study of Consumer Preference and Satisfaction
A Study on The Cause of Stress Among Employees in Private Banking Sector Mr. Manjunatha M K., Dr.M.S.Yathish Chandra
Purpose of this study is examining the cause of stress among selected private banking employees. Stratified sampling method was used to carry out the data collection. For this employee of various private banks were chosen. A questionnaire with 12 items with dichotomous (Yes-1, NO-2) were developed and tested for reliability and prior to the distribution of questionnaire. 253 respondents were selected from various private banks in Mysore district, Karnataka state India.
A Study on The Cause of Stress Among Employees in Private Banking Sector
Mr. Manjunatha M K., Dr.M.S.Yathish ChandraA Study on The Cause of Stress Among Employees
Existential Crisis of Single Screen Theatres in India Prof. Subhendu Bhattacharya, Prof. Utsavi Patel
Single screen theatres are in moribund status and fighting hard for their survival in India. Year 2020 delivered a mortal blow to single screen cinema halls which faced restrictions on running shows at the outbreak of novel coronavirus in March 2020. After prolonged closure, movie theatres were allowed to be functional from November 2020. There was huge loss incurred due to COVID restrictions for several months. Although government granted permission.
Existential Crisis of Single Screen Theatres in India
Prof. Subhendu Bhattacharya, Prof. Utsavi PatelExistential Crisis of Single Screen
Exhaust Systems for the vehicle are the most crucial system required in the transmission which follow IC engine trend. Concerning race car, the exhaust systems determine the performance along with the treatment of exhaust gases. Mufflers, catalytic convertors and resonators make up the system complete for treatment of exhaust gases. Exhaust gases norms getting strict all over the world makes the topic more interesting and important for the innovation and development
Vijay A. Shinde, Tejas M. Shinde, Prachi R. Pansare, Vaibhav G. Kodape, Sanket S. PawarEXHAUST DESIGN FOR GO-KART ACOUSTICAL DESIGN
A Hybrid Approach for Content based Image Retrieval Preetpal kour, Avininder Singh
The image search system processes the visual query and retrieves the relevant visual documents efficiently from the very large scale visual corpus. It will be very difficult to manage this database of images stored at the remote servers. The right tool will be required which can process these images for different operations. These operation include searching etc. It will be difficult to classify the images into groups and then search each class
A Hybrid Approach for Content based Image Retrieval
Sgreen Marketing Management Providing Value Via Sustainable Marketing Strategies Ms. Anju K J, Mr. Sunil Thomas, Mr. Jithin Joy Jose
The American Marketing Association defines Marketing as “the activity, set of institutions and process for creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners and society at large”. Green marketing has positive influences on multiple participants in the economy. The environment developing economics, consumers, corporate strategy, the product, production process and supply chain benefit from green marketing
Sgreen Marketing Management Providing Value Via Sustainable Marketing Strategies
Ms. Anju K J, Mr. Sunil Thomas, Mr. Jithin Joy JoseSgreen Marketing Management Providing Value
Morphometric Analysis of Deepor Beel Basin Using GIS Dipankar Sharma, Dr. Bibhash Sarma
Morphology is a field of science which deals with the change of river plan form and cross sections due to sedimentation and erosion. A proper study of the basin morphometry helps a lot in the better understanding of the basin characteristic and thus helps in better planning and management of the basin. In the present study, morphometric analysis of the drainage basin has been carried using earth observation data and Geographical.
Morphometric Analysis of Deepor Beel Basin Using GIS
A Novel Pseudo PMOS Integrated Low Power Inductor less LNA used for Wireless Receiver Malika Jain, Ramesh Bharti
A performance study of a novel Pseudo-PMOS integrated LNA used for wireless receiver with zero static power dissipation is presented in this paper. The simulation of power and performance measurement, as well as comparisons with existing systems used in wireless receivers, is the key focus. The commonly used devices use a lot of power and aren't reliable enough for long-term. The conventional device has low slew rate, high power consumption
A Novel Pseudo PMOS Integrated Low Power Inductor less LNA used for Wireless Receiver
Malika Jain, Ramesh BhartiA Novel Pseudo PMOS Integrated Low Power Inductor
A Study on Effectiveness of Regional Rural Banking System in Costal Karnataka ADITYA DEV V, MUKUNDAKRISHNA N
From four decades rural banking have been in existence in the Indian financial scene. But the effectiveness is not yet fully achieved. So, the present study was undertaken to investigate the effectiveness of top rural banking chain of south costal district of Karnataka which were the set ups under RBI Act in 1976, which was started with the purpose of financial inclusion of those people who were deprived of banking system.
A Study on Effectiveness of Regional Rural Banking System in Costal Karnataka
ADITYA DEV V, MUKUNDAKRISHNA NA Study on Effectiveness of Regional Rural Banking
Survey on Classification of Insincere Questions on Quora Ms.Tanvi Patel, Dr.Udesang K Jaliya, Mrs.Mahasweta Joshi
With the expansion Usage of internet in general and Social media play substantial role in our life where data is massively exchanged. Online Social media, community Forums and discussion platforms are scant examples of frequent playground of online discussion where people are freely connected. Due to freedom of speech gain the abusing or insincere questions. Quora is one of the platform for post online Q & A and share knowledge. Meanwhile among these users, there are bad actors
Survey on Classification of Insincere Questions on Quora
Ms.Tanvi Patel, Dr.Udesang K Jaliya, Mrs.Mahasweta JoshiSurvey on Classification of Insincere Questions on Quora
Role of Micro finance in Empowering Self-help Groups – An Opportunistic Approach Ruckmani.R, Dr.S. Brindha
Micro finance is a strategy where the growth is normally distributed among the society and it creates opportunity for all the members of self-help groups. It targets on rural women’s as they considered to be more dependent on others and it is a powerful tool for empowering women particularly. It always focuses on serving the women in the self-help group and is mainly for the rural poor who are living below the poverty line and they should make sure the poorer women
Role of Micro finance in Empowering Self-help Groups – An Opportunistic Approach
Ruckmani.R, Dr.S. BrindhaRole of Micro finance in Empowering Self-help Groups
Kinetic study of Fast brominations of regioisomers of Chloroacetanilide using Competition Techniques J.B.Bhore, Bhaskar Gatkul
The competitive kinetics applied with assurance and determine the kinetic in milliseconds due to fast bromination reaction. Determination of kinetics is fundamental aspects for the design and operation of the reactor. Competition kinetic method was proposed to determine directly bromination rate constant of regioisomers of Chloroacetanilid Xylidine.The specific reaction rates determined from this study are 1.7 x 105M-1S-1 for PChloroacetanilide.
Kinetic study of Fast brominations of regioisomers of Chloroacetanilide using Competition Techniques
J.B.Bhore, Bhaskar GatkulKinetic study of Fast brominations of regioisomers
Enhancing Healthcare Supply Chain Performance Through Barcoding and Business Intelligence Mr. Sudesh Zingde, Dr. Neha Shroff
In recent years, the healthcare sector is under constant pressure to have efficient supply chains with high speed, high accuracy and a complete traceability of products throughout the supply chain. Such complex supply chain management can be simplified using barcode technology for automatic identification and data collection. The barcoding systems are becoming popular in many industries as they reduce human errors, save time and improve accuracy
Enhancing Healthcare Supply Chain Performance Through Barcoding and Business Intelligence
Mr. Sudesh Zingde, Dr. Neha ShroffEnhancing Healthcare Supply Chain Performance
A Study on Consumers’ Purchasing Behaviour of Digital Marketing towards FMCG with Special Reference to Kanyakumari District Ms.S.RAJA PRATHIBA, Dr. R.DHARMARAGINI
FMCG companies are well-known in selling their products to the middle class people; it means rural India is a gainful and probable market for FMCG producers. Rural consumers’ incomes are increasing and willing to buy the products which change their lifestyle. Producers of FMCG have to craft their marketing strategies entirely for rural consumers. In this process they need to understand the rural consumer purchasing behaviour which may differ geographically.
A Study on Consumers’ Purchasing Behaviour of Digital Marketing towards FMCG with Special Reference to Kanyakumari District
Ms.S.RAJA PRATHIBA, Dr. R.DHARMARAGINIA Study on Consumers' Purchasing Behaviour of Digital Marketing
Development and Validation of Pyraclostrobin in its Formulations by HPLC Technique N. Sarath Babu, B. Parthasaradhi Naidu, N.Venkatasubba Naidu
A simple, selective, precise and accurate high performance liquid chromatographic method for the analysis of Pyraclostrobin in its formulations was developed and validated in the present study. The mobile phase consists of a mixture of acetonitrile and 0.1% Formic acid in the proportion 70: 30 (v/v). This was found to give sharp peak of Pyraclostrobin at a run time of 20 min. HPLC analysis of Pyraclostrobin was carried out at a wave length of 230 nm
Development and Validation of Pyraclostrobin in its Formulations by HPLC Technique
N. Sarath Babu, B. Parthasaradhi Naidu, N.Venkatasubba NaiduDevelopment and Validation of Pyraclostrobin
IoT based Indian Railway Ticket Booking and Authentication System-A Smart Approach Anita Panwar, Deepak Kumar, Shashwat Kanwar
In this rapidly changing digital world, the use of android application is also increasing and which makes day-to-day tasks more efficient and secure. Considering the problems occurring during the railway journey right from booking ticket to passenger verification and during journey also we are trying to improve the digitization of ticket booking and verification process of railway using smart devices available around us
IoT based Indian Railway Ticket Booking and Authentication System-A Smart Approach
Anita Panwar, Deepak Kumar, Shashwat KanwarIoT based Indian Railway Ticket Booking
Analysis of Dubious Conversations on Online Forums Namita Mhatre, Manav Mishra, Kaustubh Lawale, Prof. Govind Wakure
With the revolution of social media, it facilitated a lot in reshaping and redefining the way people communicate and express themselves. More and more people regardless of their age and gender are signing up for profiles on social networking platforms. Facebook, Twitter, Reddit are among some of the most used social networking forums. Data is being produced at an exponential rate by internet users on various platforms.
Analysis of Dubious Conversations on Online Forums
Namita Mhatre, Manav Mishra, Kaustubh Lawale, Prof. Govind WakureAnalysis of Dubious Conversations on Online Forums
Cyber Aid Station - Cyber Security Application Saurabh Adate, Harsh Chaudhary, Ashish Jaiswal, Yogita Ganage
We can see that technology has touched many spheres of our lives in India. There is technology in business, in education, in socializing and retaining human relations, in purchasing, in agriculture, in banking, communication, and nearly each a part of our lives. This intrusion of technology has aided the add of these sections and has proved beneficial, and time and effort-saving. The only major part of our society that remains majorly devoid of this luxury
Cyber Aid Station - Cyber Security Application
Saurabh Adate, Harsh Chaudhary, Ashish Jaiswal, Yogita GanageCyber Aid Station - Cyber Security Application
Miniature Insert Feed Of Microstrip Patch Antenna The Usage Of Defected Ground Shape For Wireless Programs Nagari Naveen Kumar, P. Chandana
This research paper we've evolved a new take a look at concerning the miniaturization of microstrip patch antenna via the usage of defected floor shape DGS resonating at 3.5GHz. The goal from this paintings changed into to shift the resonance frequency from 10 GHz to 3.5 GHz. without any trade inside the dimensions of the authentic micro strip patch antenna. A miniature microstrip patch antenna has been developed, analyzed and verified for WI-Max applications
Miniature Insert Feed Of Microstrip Patch Antenna The Usage Of Defected Ground Shape For Wireless Programs
Nagari Naveen Kumar, P. ChandanaMiniature Insert Feed Of Microstrip Patch Antenna
Ebola virus: Virological and epidemiological perspectives of the Ebola viral disease Tanveer Kour Raina, Digvijay Singh, Romesh k Salgotra
Ebola infection is transmitted to individuals because of direct contact with body liquids containing infection particles of a contaminated patient. The incubation time frame more often lasts up to 5 to 7 days and roughly 95% of the patients show up signs within time frame of 21 days after introduction. Common highlights incorporate fever, significant weakness, loose bowels, stomach torment, cramping and sickness for 3-5 days and possibly continuing
Ebola virus: Virological and epidemiological perspectives of the Ebola viral disease
Tanveer Kour Raina, Digvijay Singh, Romesh k SalgotraEbola virus: Virological and epidemiological
Consumer Decision Making Process for Mortgage Services in Banks Dr. TamizhSelvan. P, Sathivel. A
Housing finance and mortgage loans have been sought out by individuals for various purposes like purchase of house/flat, acquisition of land. It was found that more than the Housing Finance Companies (HFC's), Banks dominated the market in 2020 and the trend is likely to continue in the forthcoming years as well. The customers have to be counseled and taken step by step through the mortgage acquisition process. The scope of the research is limited to outcome of relationship.
Consumer Decision Making Process for Mortgage
High Gain Operational Transconductance Amplifier Shikha Goswami, Dr. Anand kumar Tripathi, Dr. Satnam Singh
In recent years interests have been seen in wireless system and software radio using sigma-delta modulators to digitize signals near the front end of radio receivers. Such applications necessitate clocking the modulators at a high frequency (MHz or above). A continuous-time implementation using trans-conductors and integrators rather than discrete time implementation using switched capacitors is preferred for high frequency operation
High Gain Operational Transconductance Amplifier
Shikha Goswami, Dr. Anand kumar Tripathi, Dr. Satnam SinghHigh Gain Operational Transconductance Amplifier
Analysis of Formability in Incremental Sheet Forming of Aluminum Alloy AA1100 Prof.Rahul D. Shelke, Dr.V.B. Tungikar
Non-corrosiveness and lightweight are the characteristics of aluminium due to which it is finding wider application in industries. However, forming aluminium sheet is difficult as compared to steel. Thus, emerging methods like incremental sheet forming in which formability is higher as compared to conventional method must be used for the purpose. Also with increasing demand to custom made products and extensive use of prototypes in new product development
Analysis of Formability in Incremental Sheet Forming of Aluminum Alloy AA1100
Prof.Rahul D. Shelke, Dr.V.B. TungikarAnalysis of Formability in Incremental Sheet
Two Wheeler Exhaust Pressure Drop Optimization Mr. Admile Amrut S., Prof. Qaimi Mudassar
An exhaust system is usually a piping used to guide reaction exhaust gases away from the controlled combustion inside an engine.Pressure drop across the exhaust manifold requires to be dealt with by engine and extra power of engine will be used in forcing the exhaust gases from exhaust valve to exit of the exhaust pipes. In this paper the focus is on finding remedies to reduce the pressure drop across the system of the exhaust
Two Wheeler Exhaust Pressure Drop Optimization
A Sociological Analysis of Workers Alienation in Socio-Technical Systems of Production Shoryaditya, Karan Singh Chauhan
Researches on work attitude and perceptions of work roles of workers employed in Indian industrial organizations so for received little attention from Indian psychologists and sociologist particularly in the context of the impact of modern technology on the worker alienation. Some treatises have no doubt appeared on social change in India but the fact has lamentably been obliterated that the transformation of the Indian workers constitutes
A Sociological Analysis of Workers Alienation in Socio-Technical Systems of Production
Shoryaditya, Karan Singh ChauhanA Sociological Analysis of Workers Alienation
Production of an Ecofriendly Enzyme Biocleaner from Fruit Wastage Aartheeswari. S, Dr. B. Kirthiga
Enzyme biocleaners are an organic compounds which could be produced by fermentation process of fruit wastages by the addition of brown sugar and water in the presence of the selective microorganisms like Yeast and Bacteria. The present study was carried out for the production and analysis of enzyme bio-cleaners by using yeast and bacterial cultures in different fruit wastes, lemon collected from fresh Juice stalls in Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.
Production of an Ecofriendly Enzyme Biocleaner
Wireless Mesh Networking Using HC-12 for Agriculture Ankush More, Ram Chandra Gupta, Mayank Gupta, Prof. Prashant Raghuvanshi
The Internet of things is a widely growing technology. Billions of devices are connected through the internet using various communication modules. So, communication between these devices is of major concern.The internet of things communication can be done in two ways, both wirelessly and wired, but wireless communication has various advantages over wired communication. Further in wireless communication, to improve the performance measure of communication protocol.
Wireless Mesh Networking Using HC-12 for Agriculture
Ankush More, Ram Chandra Gupta, Mayank Gupta, Prof. Prashant RaghuvanshiWireless Mesh Networking Using HC-12 for Agriculture