Volume 06, Issue 07, OCT 2020
Review on Bifidobacterium and its Applications G.Madhavi, M.Shiva Prakash
Bifidobacteria are Saccharolytic, hetero fermentative gram-positive anaerobes. It belongs to the phyla Actinobacteria. Bifidobacteria exists in the intestine of mammals and other animals. In the human intestine, Firmicutes and Bacteroides are predominant in adults and Actinobacteria in breast-fed infants. They are the first colonizing bacteria of neonates' intestines
Review on Bifidobacterium and its Applications
Quality Control Management in Building Construction Ali Hamid Abdullah, Rishav Kumar, Chaman Singh Rawat, Abdullah Abdulghany, Prof. Dr. C.P Sharma
Quality is the symbol of human civilization, and with the progress of human civilization, quality control will play an incomparable role in the construction industry. It can be said that if there is no quality control, there is no economic benefit. Projects comprise of enormous interconnected processes. Lot of determinants which determine the quality of construction are design.
Quality Control Management in Building Construction
Ali Hamid Abdullah, Rishav Kumar, Chaman Singh Rawat, Abdullah Abdulghany, Prof. Dr. C.P SharmaQuality Control Management in Building Construction
Implementing 5S Technique in an Indian MSME: A Case Study Vivaan Mehta
Purpose: This research paper aims to identify the process undertaken to implement 5S technique and describe the advantages obtained due to its implementation at an Indian manufacturing concern, categorized as Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME). Design/methodology/approach: The case study approach was used because it is suitable to provide a description of a phenomenon
Implementing 5S Technique in an Indian MSME: A Case Study
Analysis of Labour Productivity in Building Construction with Speakers Reference to Residential Projects VIVEK KUMAR CHANDRAVANSHI, MR. MUKUND P. CHOUGALE
The most challenging issue in Construction industry is to improving the production efficiency. The main outcome from the literature is that there is no standard definition of productivity. It covers the construction labour productivity definitions, aspects, factors affecting it. The productivity of labour is particularly important especially in developing countries
Analysis of Labour Productivity in Building Construction with Speakers Reference to Residential Projects
VIVEK KUMAR CHANDRAVANSHI, MR. MUKUND P. CHOUGALEAnalysis of Labour Productivity in Building Construction
Magnetron sputtered Zr0.7Nb0.3O2 thin films: Annealing temperature influenced structure and optical properties B. Gopal Naik and S. Uthanna
Zirconium niobium oxide (Zr0.7Nb0.3O2) thin films were deposited on to quartz and silicon substrates held at room temperature by DC reactive magnetron sputtering of composite target of zirconium niobium (Zr0.7Nb0.3) target at oxygen partial pressure of 4x10-4 Torr. The as-deposited films annealed in air at temperatures in the range 500 - 750oC. The influence annealing temperature
Magnetron sputtered Zr0.7Nb0.3O2 thin films: Annealing temperature influenced structure and optical properties
B. Gopal Naik and S. UthannaMagnetron sputtered Zr0.7Nb0.3O2 thin films: Annealing temperature
New Paradigm in Learning through Futuristic Learning Management System Mr. Tamhane Kantilal Nanaso, Dr. Salati Abid Yunus
The today’s scenario of changing word due to the pandemic situation created by covid 19 is affecting the all activities in human life, educational system as a part of our life, too affected with this, to overcome this situation and continue with education we can implement the Learning Management System (LMS), as it is driven online it has taken rapid uptake of campus-wide learning LMS.
New Paradigm in Learning through Futuristic Learning Management System
Mr. Tamhane Kantilal Nanaso, Dr. Salati Abid YunusNew Paradigm in Learning
Smart and Intelligent Power Saving System Prof. Jagdish A. Patel, Kasturi Sanjay Pawar
The cause of this project is to save the electricity used in locations like libraries, staircases, parking, gardens, and so on. Where masses of energy are wasted unnecessarily by keeping the lovers and lights on even when there may be nobody present, and also at locations where safety is paramount, and a light intensity varies when a person is passing through. Consequently, the usage of the same device.
Smart and Intelligent Power Saving System
Study of Effect of Different Biodiesel blends (70% Diesel + 30% Biodiesel) on Tribological Property of IC Engine components Dr. Venkata Sundar Rao K, Dr. Shreeprakash B
The internal combustion (IC) engine is a heat engine that converts chemical energy into mechanical energy, usually made available on a rotating output shaft. Chemical energy of the fuel is first converted to thermal energy by means of combustion or oxidation with air inside the engine. This thermal energy raises the temperature and pressure of the gases within the engine, and the high-pressure gas.
Study of Effect of Different Biodiesel blends (70% Diesel + 30% Biodiesel) on Tribological Property of IC Engine components
Dr. Venkata Sundar Rao K, Dr. Shreeprakash BStudy of Effect of Different Biodiesel blends
A Study of Employee Attrition and prediction using Logistic Regression in R programming Pramit Banerjee, Anchita Mishra
Employee attrition is a major concern for the employer and most of the organizations are trying to finding ways to deal with the situation. It is very difficult to ascertain which set of employees will stay with the organization and who will leave the organization in the near future without understanding the pattern of employee behavior. This work aims to analyze the employee behavior.
A Study of Employee Attrition and prediction using Logistic Regression in R programming
Pramit Banerjee, Anchita MishraA Study of Employee Attrition and prediction
Performance Analysis of IC Engine using Rice bran Biodiesel (R40) by Combustion test Dr. Venkata Sundar Rao K, Dr. Shreeprakash B
Combustion, also known as burning, is the basic chemical process of releasing energy from a fuel and air mixture. The engine consists of a fixed cylinder and a moving piston. The expanding combustion gases push the piston, which in turn rotates the crankshaft. Combustion test is carried out to determine the performance of the IC engine by measuring the Brake power, Brake thermal efficiency.
Performance Analysis of IC Engine using Rice bran Biodiesel (R40) by Combustion test
Dr. Venkata Sundar Rao K, Dr. Shreeprakash BPerformance Analysis of IC Engine using Rice bran
Malware Detection Using Machine LearningC Diksha Kulkarni
Malevolent URL, or malignant website be a conspicuous piece of a huge portion of the network safety hazard. Noxious site assume a basic function in the present assault as well as tricks. Malignant URLs preserve be convey to consumers via means of Email, instant message, pop-ups otherwise obscure notice. These malware URLS draw in confused consumers to turn keen on the survivors.
Malware Detection Using Machine Learning
One consider the variety of the unitary binary group in n variable and it is shown that, this algebraic variety is rational and it has n2 parameters. Then it is given a parametrical rational representation of this variety. We have established someone parameter subgroups of the unitary binary group. Besides we showed that these subgroups are geodesics of the pseudo-Riemannian space.
Dr. Niranjan Kumar Mishra, Manohar Kumar SinghUNITARY BINARY GROUP VARIETIES
Fabrication and Characterization of Basalt Powder Filled Aluminium Matrix Composite Material Pravesh Kumar, Bhaskar Srivastava
In these days composite materials have become very important material in the field of aerospace, automobile industries because of its heterogeneous composition and better properties such as low density, light weight, high fatigue strength, high specific modulus etc. This research paper contain the method of manufacturing of a metal matrix composite and testing of its mechanical properties.
Fabrication and Characterization of Basalt Powder Filled Aluminium Matrix Composite Material
Pravesh Kumar, Bhaskar SrivastavaFabrication and Characterization of Basalt Powder
Time and Cost Overruns in the Construction Industry due to Downtime of the Construction Equipment and Machineries Mr. Kaustubh S. Giri, Mr. B. K. Bhonde, Mrs. Ashwini R. Patil
Equipment downtime occurs due to planned or unplanned stops. However, the unplanned stops caused by failures and disturbances occurrence are the most common unexpected factors that have the non-trivial influence on the overall productivity. Also, this interrelation between downtime events and productivity lies in gist of economic connotation, in which cost and profit variables.
Time and Cost Overruns in the Construction Industry due to Downtime of the Construction Equipment and Machineries
Mr. Kaustubh S. Giri, Mr. B. K. Bhonde, Mrs. Ashwini R. PatilTime and Cost Overruns in the Construction
Plastic waste is one such resource, a major Component of solid waste which is abundantly available and disposed of without proper treatment. There has been an exponential growth in municipal Plastic waste disposal especially in urban areas which Deteriorates the beauty of the landscape. plastic was Found to be an effective binder for bitumen mixes use In flexible pavements.
Use of Plastic in Road Construction
Causes, Prevention and Repair of Cracks in a Building Prof. (Dr.) C.P Sharma, Er. Arshid Ul Hassan, Umar Sani Mohammed, Adamu Shehuddeen Baba, El-Hussain Rabiu, Komal Shankar Shushant
Cracks in building are a common occurrence. It affects the stability and appearance of buildings. So, it is important to understand the cause of cracks and the effective measures should be taken for prevention. Though cracks in concrete cannot be prevented entirely but they can be prevented by using proper material and technique of construction and considering criteria. Sometimes water penetrates through cracks in building and cause severe damage to building.
Causes, Prevention and Repair of Cracks in a Building
Prof. (Dr.) C.P Sharma, Er. Arshid Ul Hassan, Umar Sani Mohammed, Adamu Shehuddeen Baba, El-Hussain Rabiu, Komal Shankar ShushantCauses, Prevention and Repair of Cracks in a Building
An Analytical Study of Digital Financial Literacy N. Vani
Finance is the thing that holds all the pieces of life together. It helps in keeping the money at the place, in right time and in right projects. To save or borrow money is to move money from present to future and future to present. The global revolution in technology, along with gradual advances in digital payment systems, is creating opportunities to connect poor to affordable and reliable financial tools through mobile phones, and other gadgets.
An Analytical Study of Digital Financial Literacy
Existence of Periodic Orbits of the First Kind in the CR4BP when the Second and Third Primaries are Triaxial Rigid bodies Payal Singh, M. R. Hassan, Md. Aminul Hassan
The present paper deals with the existence of the first kind when the second and third primaries are triaxial rigid bodies and the fourth primary is of comparatively smaller mass and placed at triangular libration point of the CR3BP (Circular Restricted Three – body Problem). Applying the model of Hassan et al. [1, 2], we have verified the criterion of Duboshin [3] for periodic orbits and found satisfied
Existence of Periodic Orbits of the First Kind in the CR4BP when the Second and Third Primaries are Triaxial Rigid bodies
Payal Singh, M. R. Hassan, Md. Aminul HassanExistence of Periodic Orbits of the First Kind in the CR4BP
Diagnosis & Self Monitoring of Tremor Severity Associated with the Neurological disorders Dr. C.Chandrasekhar, S.jameela
The main objective of the project is to develop a device that can detect the multiple tremor (resting & Action) which includes different Neurological disorders where tremors are in precondition state.The concept of mechanically suppressing tremor achieved through device using IOT base platform, Micro fabrication technologies, various devices characterization techniques for mechanical, electrical and bio-medical
Diagnosis & Self Monitoring of Tremor Severity Associated with the Neurological disorders for improving the Quality life style of Elderly Persons
Dr. C.Chandrasekhar, S.jameelaDiagnosis & Self Monitoring of Tremor Severity
Employee Welfare Measures In Cement Industries in Maharashtra Dr. Sanjay Keshaorao Katait
Employees play an important role in the industrial development of a nation. Employee welfare refers to amenities, services, & facilities provided to the employees by employer which improve their productivity, working conditions & their standards of living. Employee welfare is a service provided by entrepreneurs to protect not only the employees, but also their family members through financial security, including health care
Employee Welfare Measures In Cement Industries in Maharashtra
Design and Analysis of Honeycomb Structure Used in Different Automobile Applications V.LEELA SIVA SAI, S.RAJESH, P. RAMA MURTY RAJU
The wellbeing to driver and travellers is a significant worry to each vehicle maker. For achieving this, new norms are being set for the security of the tenant in various vehicle situations like frontal head crash. The car body is the primary burden transporter and energy retaining segment in all accident occasions. In the cutting edge world, fuel utilization additionally comprised as a major issue that must be thought of. Keeping all these obliges in thought.
Design and Analysis of Honeycomb Structure Used in Different Automobile Applications
V.LEELA SIVA SAI, S.RAJESH, P. RAMA MURTY RAJUDesign and Analysis of Honeycomb Structure
Digital Transformation & Social Media Influence on Buying Behavior of Consumers Ms. Jaya Mehrotra, Dr. Pallavi Kumari
Social media has changed the way many marketing disciplines have worked in past, including consumer behavior. Consumer behavior became prominent in 1940s and 50s as a part of the marketing area. It studies the level at which emotions, attitudes and preferences affect the buying behavior of consumers. This paper aims at analyzing impact of social media on Digital/Online decision buying behavior. We shall be making comparisons to show the growing trend of online decision making
Digital Transformation & Social Media Influence on Buying Behavior of Consumers
Ms. Jaya Mehrotra, Dr. Pallavi KumariDigital Transformation & Social Media Influence
An Experimental Study of Human Hair in Concrete as Fibre Reinforcement Prof. (Dr.) C.P. Sharma, Er. Arshid Ul Hassan, Suraj kumar jha, Ravindra singh, Sheraz shafi, Vivek kumar mishra, Jahangir majied mir
Since the ancient times, many researches and advancements were carried to enhance the physical and mechanical properties of concrete. Fiber reinforced concrete is one among those advancements which offers a convenient, practical iand economical method for overcoming micro cracks and similar type of deficiencies. Since concrete is weak in tension hence some measures must be adopted to overcome this deficiency.
An Experimental Study of Human Hair in Concrete as Fibre Reinforcement
Prof. (Dr.) C.P. Sharma, Er. Arshid Ul Hassan, Suraj kumar jha, Ravindra singh, Sheraz shafi, Vivek kumar mishra, Jahangir majied mirAn Experimental Study of Human Hair in Concrete
An overview of technological advancement in Mobile-based Augmented Reality using Mobile edge computing and 5G Nitika, Tanuja Kumari Sharma
Mobile-based augmented reality (MAR) is gaining more popularity due to the advancement in the intelligent Smartphones which are having features and hardware requirements for implementing augmented reality (AR), Mobile based segmented reality is an innovative technique of adding, overlaying the digital assets onto the real scene when the user’s device’s camera is pointed out at real environment for detection and renders the digital content
An overview of technological advancement in Mobile-based Augmented Reality using Mobile edge computing and 5G
Nitika, Tanuja Kumari SharmaAn overview of technological advancement in Mobile
Optimization of the process parameters in TIG welding Process using DoE and Regression analysis Santosh Kumar, Dr. Prakash Kumar
The objective of any industry is production of high quality products at low cost and increase the production rate. In industry fabrication is most important operation so welding is commonly used as fabrication of the parts. In industry we join the ferrous and non-ferrous material both so TIG is commonly used to complete this task. TIG welding is versatile used in industry so it is essential to optimize the various parameters such as welding current
Optimization of the process parameters in TIG welding Process using DoE and Regression analysis
Santosh Kumar, Dr. Prakash KumarOptimization of the process parameters in TIG welding
Green chemistry – A new branch of Chemistry for organic product synthesis Dr. Manoranjan Kumar
A new field of chemistry is rapidly emerging called “Green chemistry”. With the utilization of maximum possible resources in such a way that there is negligible or minimum production of hazardous chemical waste. As we can easily synthesize the derivatives of acelanilyde(compounds I-IV) . So this new synthesis process is better than old conventional process. By using this process we can not only able to avoid the use of acetic anhydride.
Green chemistry – A new branch of Chemistry
Revisiting Bloom's Taxonomy to Investigate the Influence of Developmental Psychology in Career Planning: A Case of Management Executives in Bangalore Isani Gazala
Career choice , Career transition are two important terms in career planning. In which, career choice is the selection of a career from many choices while career transition is the process of shifting from one career option to another option. This paper analyse the theoretical background of factors that influence the career choice or career planning. The career planning starts from the childhood and extend to the retirement and the trajectory
Revisiting Bloom's Taxonomy to Investigate the Influence of Developmental Psychology in Career Planning: A Case of Management Executives in Bangalore
Isani GazalaRevisiting Bloom's Taxonomy to Investigate the Influence
A Comparative Study on Effectiveness of Mega Placement Camp organized by Gujarat Government with special reference to Ahmedabad and Saurashtra region Dr. KALPESH B. GELDA
At the time of the contest, every student and their parents are concerned about whether the student will get a job after completing his studies. Similarly, some companies and industries are also concerned about whether they can get the workforce they want at the right time and with less effort. In such a scenario, the purpose of both will be fulfilled if job-seeking students and the candidates-needing companies are gathered at one place
A Comparative Study on Effectiveness of Mega Placement Camp organized by Gujarat Government with special reference to Ahmedabad and Saurashtra region
Dr. KALPESH B. GELDAA Comparative Study on Effectiveness of Mega Placement
Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Dissimilar Friction Stir Welded Joints of AA7075 and AA6061 Chikkala Sumanth Kumar Nag, MR.G.S.V. Seshu Kumar
Friction stir welding (FSW) is a solid-state joining process that uses a non-consumable tool to join two facing work pieces without melting the work piece material. Heat is generated by friction between the rotating tool and the work piece material, which leads to a softened region near the FSW tool. While the tool is traversed along the joint line, it mechanically intermixes the two pieces of metal, and forges the hot and softened metal by the mechanical pressure
Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Dissimilar Friction Stir Welded Joints of AA7075 and AA6061
Chikkala Sumanth Kumar Nag, MR.G.S.V. Seshu KumarInvestigation of Mechanical Properties of Dissimilar Friction
Network Attack Vulnerability Detection Prevention and Forensic Techniques Using Various Soft Computing Algorithms Samira Prabhune, Dr. Sivakumar Nadarajan
A daunting activity is automated investigations on the cloud platform. The purpose but behind implementation of cloud forensic analysis is the protection of evidence. In the Virtual Case, there is proof of virtual machines. If the VMDK (Virtual Machine Disk file) is lost, the VM cannot be restored. There is no sustained customer at current that can restore a destroyed (deleted) VM again, which is the VM itself fault
Network Attack Vulnerability Detection Prevention and Forensic Techniques Using Various Soft Computing Algorithms
Samira Prabhune, Dr. Sivakumar NadarajanNetwork Attack Vulnerability Detection Prevention
Loan Fraud Detection – Using ML Angel Parmar, Kelvin Parmar, Premkumar Balani
With the enhancement in the technology and availability of financial funds in banking sector, lots of people are applying for bank loans but the bank has its limited assets which it has to grant to limited people only, plus it needs to check in-depth about if the borrower will repay the loan in determined time-period properly. Thus, finding out to whom the loan can be granted.
Loan Fraud Detection – Using ML
Nickel oxide thin films formed by DC magnetron sputtering: Influence of oxygen partial pressure on the physical properties K. Ravindra, M. Hari Prasad Reddy, S. Uthanna
Thin films of nickel oxide were prepared on glass and p- silicon substrates by direct current magnetron sputtering of metallic nickel target at oxygen partial pressures (pO2) in the range 8x10-5 - 6x10-4 mbar. The deposited films were characterized for the composition, chemical binding configuration, structure, electrical and optical properties. The influence of oxygen partial pressure on the physical properties
Nickel oxide thin films formed by DC magnetron sputtering: Influence of oxygen partial pressure on the physical properties
K. Ravindra, M. Hari Prasad Reddy, S. UthannaNickel oxide thin films formed by DC magnetron sputtering
Impact Analysis on Aluminum Alloy Wheel Using ANSYS G.SAI PRIYANKA, P.RAM MURTHY RAJU, S.RAJESH
In automobile sector wheel rim is one of the important part which are used as protection for passengers from collision. There are number of wheel test are available in designing of rim to fulfill the safety requirements and standards. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact analysis for car wheel rim by using the numerical method in ANSYS. The most of the test procedure has to comply with international.
Impact Analysis on Aluminum Alloy Wheel Using ANSYS
Analysis of Flow Ability of Concrete Using Lubricant Admixture Using Discrete Element Method by CFD Arif Khan, Prof. Vikrant Dube
In our analysis, ANSYS is used and the model is developed on ANSYS 15.0 and also analysed for CFD (Fluent) 15.0. The analysis results show that 6mm of layer thickness of polycarboxylic ether thickness gives absolute convergence on Reynolds stresses, shear stresses and velocity that enhances the flow ability of concrete, Validation and optimization is done to determine the effect of shear stress distribution during flow of concrete
Analysis of Flow Ability of Concrete Using Lubricant Admixture Using Discrete Element Method by CFD
Arif Khan, Prof. Vikrant DubeAnalysis of Flow Ability of Concrete Using Lubricant
Potato Contract Farming in Hooghly District of West Bengal Kumar Satyaki Ray, Dr. Dhananjoy Datta
Globalization led to a radical change in agri-business industry. The taste and preference of consumers which ever since remained divergent in nature, started converging. Mom and pop stores started conceding ground to the big retail chains. The homogeneity of demand and dominance of structured retails called for re-configuration of agri- business value chain. Since, corporates are at the focal point
Potato Contract Farming in Hooghly District of West Bengal
Securing Web Application Data in Cloud Environment: A Comprehensive Review R.S.Kanakasabapathi, Dr. J.E.Judith
In the corporate environment, cloud computing plays a very important role in education and the Internet, which is accessible to individual users. Data security plays an important role in today's world. In the IT environment, data security and data protection prevail in areas such as government, industry and commerce to ensure data security in the future. As new data security challenges emerge in the cloud.
Securing Web Application Data in Cloud Environment: A Comprehensive Review
R.S.Kanakasabapathi, Dr. J.E.JudithSecuring Web Application Data in Cloud Environment
Scheduling techniques for Linear Highway Project - Review Paper Mr. Gaurang V. Bhadage, Prof. Abhijit N. Bhirud
Road Transportation is the backbone of developing countries. The network of the roads is most important and cost effective; it provides connectivity and access in urban and rural areas. Based on the time allocation for activities, there are various methods for Planning and scheduling of highway projects. It has been traditionally done with Project evaluation and review Technique, Critical Path method, Bar charts, Gantt chart
Scheduling techniques for Linear Highway Project - Review Paper
Mr. Gaurang V. Bhadage, Prof. Abhijit N. BhirudScheduling techniques for Linear Highway Project
Performance of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA): A review of women employment Shefali Goyal, Dr. Dhananjay Datta
National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005, later renamed as “Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act” (MGNREGA) is an Act which guarantees the “right to work” in rural India. MGNREGA in its framework has provisions for creation of durable rural assets with the Panchayats as the nodal agency for providing job cards. The Act has employment norms and gender sensitive provisions to ensure participation of rural women workers.
Performance of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA): A review of women employment
Shefali Goyal, Dr. Dhananjay DattaPerformance of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment
Human Resource Management: Going Green All the Way Dr. Aditi Gaur
Human Resource Management over the past few decades has played a big role in managing people effectively for organization’s success. With a growing concern to make the world livable for coming generations and to reduce global warming effects, Human Resource Management is promoting environmental friendly practices for the organizations as a part of “Go-Green” Initiative. Integrating this popular concept with Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management: Going Green All the Way
Challenges and Prospects of Empowerment of Tribal Women with reference to Jharkhand Poonam Binjha
Women empowerment is a dynamic process of different dimension-social, economic, political, cultural, legal, familial/interpersonal and psychological. Empowering women may be understand as enabling the weaker sections like poor, marginalized, backward women especially the tribal women. Women empowerment means women’s participation in decision making and development of her life. Women in tribal society plays a significant role
Challenges and Prospects of Empowerment of Tribal Women
Marketing Challenges faced by Nepalese Commercial Bank towards being profitable and Socially Responsible Shiva Prasad Pokharel
Nepalese bank has been hovering around numerous problems. Bank needs proper plan and strategy to perform exceptionally in such challenging scenario. From traditional concept of financial transactions of borrowing and lending to cashless transactions of contemporary Nepal, banking sector has changed a lot. In 21st century, commercial bank has many hurdles to tackle for retaining in market. Thus, banking sector has to make effective marketing plan.
Marketing Challenges faced by Nepalese Commercial Bank towards being profitable and Socially Responsible
Shiva Prasad PokharelMarketing Challenges faced by Nepalese
High-Speed Parallel LFSR Architectures Based on Improved State-Space Transformations with Efficient Yarabala Bharath Kumar, P Pushpa Latha
This paper introduces the development of experimental models using the low-resolution version of the BIT-SWAPPING LFSR, which reflects the desired conversion rate faster than traditional pseudo-dimensional models by reducing the conversion rate to the desired level. The proposed design produces efficient and powerful test models and minimizes overall change performance that can reduce overall overall time delay
High-Speed Parallel LFSR Architectures Based on Improved State-Space Transformations with Efficient
Yarabala Bharath Kumar, P Pushpa LathaHigh-Speed Parallel LFSR Architectures
HDFC Bank: A Case For Corporate –NGO Partnership for Successful CSR Programs VIDHYA B
The introduction of Mandatory CSR norms by the Companies Act 2013 paved way for a systematic corporate participation into social development. The act also mentions that NGO’s should be involved which would help in proper channelization of funds towards a positive social change. It gives a better scope for corporates and NGO’s to collaborate effectively to work at grass root level to affect any systematic social change. In the light of this law this paper is an attempt to see how HDFC
HDFC Bank: A Case For Corporate –NGO Partnership