Volume 05, Issued 03, June 2019
Physical Performance Of Handloom Industry In India : An Overview T.Gopi, Prof.K.Ramakrishnaiah
Indian handloom sector of the textile industry is an ancient industry, which serve the economy well in terms of providing direct and indirect employment to over 13 million weavers and is the largest economic activity second only to agriculture. Handloom industry is the largest cottage industry in the country. The relevance of the handloom sector.
Physical Performance Of Handloom Industry
Effect of Thermal Cycles On Concrete: An Overview B. Vidya, K. Srinivasa Rao
Concrete is made up of two major components; hardened cement paste and graded aggregates. When such a material is subjected to heating/cooling cycles, unequal expansion/contraction of the components occurs due to the difference in coefficient of thermal expansion. This creates internal stresses which could lead to cracking of the composite material.
Effect of Thermal Cycles
Automated E-Farming Based On Prediction Mr. Sagar C. Agwan , Prof. Manish Rai
In some of krishi countries peoples are having insufficient knowledge about revolution of ICT in agricultural sector . Agriculture plays an important role in Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In previous system farmers get short mandi rates, crop information through internet. But they can't get the enough information related to farming . In proposed system interaction between ICT and farmers.
Automated E-Farming Based On Prediction
Material characterization and imaging using rectangular spiral interdigital capacitive sensor array Neethu P, Anagha Babukumar, Jiss Paul
This paper presents a cost effective solution for proximity detection and imaging of material under test using an interdigital capacitance sensor array. The key element of the system is an image scanner which consists of a scan head. The scan head incorporates a parallel in plane capacitance sensor array having rectangular spiral shape.
Material characterization and imaging using rectangular spiral interdigital capacitive sensor array
Neethu P, Anagha Babukumar, Jiss PaulMaterial characterization and imaging
Welding High Strength Steels to Ultra High Strength Steels for Commercial Vehicle Chassis Hrishikesh C. Aher, Moreshwar R. Khodke
In commercial vehicles, to suit design needs and to have economic balance, combination of high and low strength steels becomes necessary with high strength being used only in critical areas. To have such a combination, appropriate joinery is used. The objective of this work is to achieve high strength welding joints of dissimilar steel grade to be used in commercial vehicle chassis
Welding High Strength Steels to Ultra High Strength Steels for Commercial Vehicle Chassis
Hrishikesh C. Aher, Moreshwar R. KhodkeWelding High Strength Steels
Farm Stays - An Opportunity or Challenge Dr Manju Mittal, Ramanpreet Kaur
Farm tourism helps in framing the country side in a better and flourished manner. There is a great scope of farm tourism in Punjab. On one side, like in other parts of India, farm owners in Punjab are taking Farm Tourism as an opportunity to shoulder their income from crops. On other side, farm owners face a lot of challenges in their day to day operations.
Farm Stays - An Opportunity or Challenge
Performance Analysis of Hybrid And Ensemble Techniques For Efficient Malicious Tumor Detection S.SubashChandraBose, Dr.T.Christopher
Biological Medical healthcare data are more complex and heterogeneous, single clustering algorithms are not efficient and not best in finding outliers and optimal solutions. While using bagging like ensemble methods, more techniques are combined to find more accurate and efficient tumor detection. To improve the efficiency, accuracy and robustness.
Performance Analysis of Hybrid And Ensemble Techniques For Efficient Malicious Tumor Detection
S.SubashChandraBose, Dr.T.ChristopherPerformance Analysis of Hybrid And Ensemble
Startup India Movement: A Review of Growth In Madhya Pradesh Ms. Neetu Kushwaha, Dr. G.L. Puntambekar
India adopted several policies science independence to achieve faster economic growth with equitable distribution of fruits of the economic growth but the problem of unemployment and poverty especially among the educated youth remained unsolved. The failure resulted in an unrest among the young generation and further created several social and economic problems
Startup India Movement: A Review of Growth In Madhya Pradesh
Ms. Neetu Kushwaha, Dr. G.L. PuntambekarStartup India Movement
Gender in sustainable entrepreneurship: Evidence from Nagaland Dr. Bendangienla Aier, Prof. Elangbam Nixon Singh
Sustainable development refers to “development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs” (WECD, 1987: 43). Sustainable entrepreneurship has emerged as an overlapping research and practice area between sustainable development and entrepreneurship (Cohen and Winn, 2007).
Gender in sustainable entrepreneurship: Evidence from Nagaland
Dr. Bendangienla Aier, Prof. Elangbam Nixon SinghGender in sustainable entrepreneurship
Enrichment of Return Loss Characteristic of a Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna with Defected Structures for 5G Wireless Applications Murthi Mahadeva Naik G, Sharath J, Naveen Kumar S.K
The Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna (RMPA) with enriched impedance matching is proposed for 5G application. The conventional RMPA designed to resonate at 15.21 GHz, gives return loss (S11) of -21.76 dB with a bandwidth of 1.58 GHz. The return loss and bandwidth of the proposed RMPA are improved by engraving square slots at the non-radiating edges.
Enrichment of Return Loss Characteristic of a Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna with Defected Structures for 5G Wireless Applications
Murthi Mahadeva Naik G, Sharath J, Naveen Kumar S.KEnrichment of Return Loss Characteristic
Impact of Organization Culture on Employee Job Satisfaction: A Case of Indian IT Sector Dr. Asita A. Ghewari, Dr. Satish N. Pawar
The research attempts to study the three types of organizational culture of Indian IT sector and its effect on employee job satisfaction. Organizational Culture Index (OCI) developed by Wallach (1983) was used in the in the study while framing the questionnaire, which consists of bureaucratic culture, innovative, and supportive culture index.
Impact of Organization Culture on Employee Job Satisfaction: A Case of Indian IT Sector
Dr. Asita A. Ghewari, Dr. Satish N. PawarImpact of Organization Culture
A Comparative Analysis of Priority Sector Lending to Urban & Rural MSMEs By State Bank of India Rashmi Sarda, Dr. Devi Baruah
The praxis of development discourse demonstrates that rural development is crucial to overall economic and social growth. Rural industries and rural enterprises can contribute to economic development: sustained growth in this vital sector could be a paradigm changer for regions and countries. However it is also observed that rural enterprises.
A Comparative Analysis of Priority Sector Lending to Urban & Rural MSMEs By State Bank of India
Rashmi Sarda, Dr. Devi BaruahA Comparative Analysis of Priority
Structural Evaluation of Flexible Pavement and Rehabilitation using Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) Nitin S.Aher, Abhishek Loya
Fast development of road networks has become a trend in India and everywhere across the world. From the past few years, it has been observed that number of highways are in a phase of deteriorations, so that have to be evaluated to assess their structural condition and also to assess the remaining life of the pavement and how much more time the pavement.
Structural Evaluation of Flexible Pavement and Rehabilitation using Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD)
Nitin S.Aher, Abhishek LoyaStructural Evaluation of Flexible
A Study on Virtual Machine Selection, Placement and Migration Techniques Kalpana Ettikyala, Dr. Y Vijayalata
Cloud computing is handled by virtualization technology. Virtualization simplifies the delivery of services in cloud computing and it provides a platform for optimizing the complex IT resources in scalable manner and hence it makes cloud computing so cost effective. The concerns like heterogeneity and scalability of physical resources, migration cost.
A Study on Virtual Machine Selection, Placement and Migration Techniques
Kalpana Ettikyala, Dr. Y VijayalataA Study on Virtual Machine Selection
Securing Data Warehouses Prathamesh Bhiku Jadhav, Nadeem Pathan, Prof. Mayuri D. Dendge
Data Warehouses (DWs) are the enterprise's most precious resources regarding what considerations vital business info, creating them associate appealing target for malicious within and out of doors the attackers. Given the quantity of data and the nature of DW concerns, almost all of the existing data security solutions for data sources are inefficient
Securing Data Warehouses
Application of Personality Theory on A Consumer's Behaviour Fanny Grace S, Dr. Florence John
Personality is a common word which is used in our daily lives. The description of a person according to his attire and his looks, is what many people think personality is all about. Personality doesn’t constrain itself just to looks, it has more to deal with. Phycologists say that personality is a pattern of moods, behaviour, thoughts, communication with in people.
Application of Personality Theory
Automobile bumper by Varying Materials to control energy Absorption for improve passenger car safety performance Sagar P Dhamone, Dr. Arun kumar P.
Modern bumpers are made with a combination of materials. The first element is an impact absorbing spring device, usually gas-filled cartridges which mount the front bumper to the chassis. This allows the bumper system to absorb minor impacts without any damage. Different impact attenuation systems in the vehicle were studied with emphasis on the bumper modeling.
Automobile bumper by Varying Materials to control energy Absorption for improve passenger car safety performance
Sagar P Dhamone, Dr. Arun kumar P.Automobile bumper by Varying Materials
Expectations of Millennials/Generation Z employees with respect to Workplace Transformation K.R Vrinda Menon, Dr. Kemthose P Paul
The paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the changing expectation of millennial and generation Z work force on Industry 4.0 & the need for work place transformation to meet this demand. Industry 4.0 refers to the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technology comprising of all cyber-physical system decentralized decisions
Expectations of Millennials/Generation Z employees with respect to Workplace Transformation
K.R Vrinda Menon, Dr. Kemthose P PaulExpectations of Millennials/Generation
Evaluation of Hardness, Toughness and Sliding Wear Resistance after Replacing Zn into SiC in Al5Mg5Zn/3WO3-p Metal Matrix Composite Murlidhar Patel, Bhupendra Pardhi, Sushanta Kumar Sahu, Ashok Kumar, Mukesh Kumar Singh
The present era is the modern era in which Al Metal Matrix Composite (MMC) plays an important role as compared to conventional materials. In this research work 5 wt. % Zn present in Al-5Mg-5Zn + 3 wt. WO3 particulate reinforced Al Metal Matrix Composite is replaced with 5 wt. % SiC particulates and fabricated the Al-5Mg + 3 wt. % WO3 + 5 wt. % SiC hybrid MMC.
Evaluation of Hardness, Toughness and Sliding Wear Resistance after Replacing Zn into SiC in Al5Mg5Zn/3WO3-p Metal Matrix Composite
Murlidhar Patel, Bhupendra Pardhi, Sushanta Kumar Sahu, Ashok Kumar, Mukesh Kumar SinghEvaluation of Hardness, Toughness and Slidin
Design Of Sense Amplifier For Sram With Low Power Consumption And High Stability Vyshna P, Dr.Jinsa Kuruvilla
Performance of embedded memory and its peripheral circuits adversely affects the speed and power of overall system.Static random-access memory (static RAM or SRAM) is a type of semiconductor memory that uses bistable latching circuitry (flip-flop) to store a bit. A better sense amplifier senses even a smaller differential voltage.
Design Of Sense Amplifier For Sram With Low Power Consumption And High Stability
Vyshna P, Dr.Jinsa KuruvillaDesign Of Sense Amplifier For Sram
Design of OP-AMP Having High Gain and Reduced Power Consumption Athira.K, Dr. Jinsa Kuruvilla
Design of circuits with low power and high gain is a difficult task to meet since these two requirements contradict each other. As the technology scales down the design complexity increases since the less power supply has to ensure the proper biasing of MOSFETs. The design of Op-Amp is now for specific application thus some parameters are compromised.
Design of OP-AMP Having High Gain
Opportunities and Challenges in Financing of Startup Enterprises in the State of Odisha: A Literature review Anubhab Patnaik, Prof (Dr.) P.Srinivas Subbarao
In the past few years there has been huge uprising in startup enterprises in India, and now days lot of innovation are coming in the shape of startup enterprise. The startup enterprises are no doubt the outcome of the startup concept. The aim of the Central Government was to consider the collective aspirations and enterprise of the risk taking Indian by provide maximum
Opportunities and Challenges in Financing of Startup Enterprises in the State of Odisha: A Literature review
Anubhab Patnaik, Prof (Dr.) P.Srinivas SubbaraoOpportunities and Challenges in Financing
AGROBOT: Sowing and Irrigating Farming Machine Ann Mary Peter, Ponnu Priya Saju, Anila P.V.
A new and innovative technique for precise farming called ‘Agrobot’ is proposed here that will shift dependence on large scale agriculture by giving people the ability to cultivate their own plants with little to no actual physical labour on their part. Agrobot would be able to provide specialized care to feed nutrients and water to each plant as needed.
AGROBOT: Sowing and Irrigating
An Adaptive Approach to Mitigate Harmonics in a Distributed Power Generating System Shravankumar Venumula, Dr. Virendra Kumar Sharma
In this paper, A 3-phase distributed power generation along with harmonics compensation technique is proposed. The techniques to combine the power generation with mitigation of harmonics using hybrid power filters. Harmonics compensating analyzation is done using various configurations of hybrid filters. The control technique based on adjustable digital system
An Adaptive Approach to Mitigate Harmonics in a Distributed Power Generating System
Shravankumar Venumula, Dr. Virendra Kumar SharmaAn Adaptive Approach to Mitigate Harmonics
Wearable Health Monitoring System Gokulkrishna P V, Meenakshi S, Mohammad Sahal T K, Annu P Sunny, Thomas Mohan
Cardiovascular disease is the world’s leading killer. It accounts for 16.7 million or 29.2 percent of total global deaths. Heart diseases are the leading cause of increased mortality rate as this is an era of industrialization, changing lifestyles and dietary habits. The mortality rate reported in government hospitals show that there is an increase in death due to heart diseases
Wearable Health Monitoring System
Gokulkrishna P V, Meenakshi S, Mohammad Sahal T K, Annu P Sunny, Thomas MohanWearable Health Monitoring System
A Voltage Control Technique for Single Phase Inverter Nesrin O.A, Dr. Mathew K, Sithara Jeyaraj
This paper describes an improved voltage control technique for single phase inverter. Voltage control technique is a single loop control technique. It has simplicity, outstanding stability, easy implementation and robustness. In this study, output voltage of an inverter is controlled by comparing it with a reference voltage.
A Voltage Control Technique
A Novel Hysteresis Current Control of Single Phase Grid Connected Inverter Greeshma P, Dr. Mathew K, Sithara Jeyaraj
This paper describes an improved Hysteresis current control technique for grid connected voltage source inverters (VSI). Hysteresis current control is a method of controlling a VSI where output current of inverter is compared with reference current to produce switching pulses of inverter. Though the conventional hysteresis current control method exhibits.
A Novel Hysteresis Current Control of Single Phase Grid Connected Inverter
Greeshma P, Dr. Mathew K, Sithara JeyarajA Novel Hysteresis Current Control
A Study of Awareness Level of Banking Ombudsman Scheme With Special Reference to Mini Cities Like Haldwani Trilochan, Dr. C.S Joshi
Banking Ombudsman is an official appointed by RBI to redress the grievances of customers regarding the services rendered by banks. This scheme enables an expeditious and inexpensive forum to bank customers. Banking Ombudsman Scheme has been started in India on the recommendation of Narasimham committee in 1995. This scheme has been started in India on the footprint
A Study of Awareness Level of Banking Ombudsman Scheme With Special Reference to Mini Cities Like Haldwani
Trilochan, Dr. C.S JoshiA Study of Awareness Level of Banking
A Study on Inventory Management in Manufacturing Company Dr. V. SIVA SANKARAN
Vendor Evaluation (VE) may be defined as the evaluation of a prospective vendor or supplier to determine if he can effectively meet the obligations and needs of the business regarding a product or service for the company. Vendor evaluation and selection is not only a process to choose the one offering the lowest price, but it is a process to select the best vendor.
A Study on Inventory Management
Renewable Energy Technology Transfer for Rural Development M. Senthil Kumar
This paper is focusing on Renewable Energy Technology Transfer for Rural Development in India. Renewable Energy sources like solar energy, bio energy and wind energy are having more roles for the development of rural areas. Initially the technology development started from rural areas. But due the present education system, now more renewable energy concepts.
Renewable Energy Technology Transfer
Role of Hashtag (#) in Social Media and Data Mining: A Review Vandana Shukla, Nidhi
With the rapid growth of Social media platform, its significance and usage has also grown so far. Social Media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. are powerful communication and information sharing tools which are used by many people resulting in production of heaps and heaps of random data. With such a rapid growth of data each day.
Role of Hashtag (#) in Social Media
Identification of Zero Day Vulnerabilities and Its Techniques Used to Protect System Gajanan P Bherde, Dr. M.A.Pund
Little is known about the duration and prevalence of zero-day attacks, which exploit vulnerabilities that have not been publicly revealed. Knowledge of new vulnerabilities gives cyber criminals a free pass to attack any target of their choice while remaining undetected. Unfortunately, these serious threats are difficult for dev.
Identification of Zero Day Vulnerabilities and Its Techniques Used to Protect System
Gajanan P Bherde, Dr. M.A.PundIdentification of Zero Day Vulnerabilities
Export Performance of Indian Handicrafts Industries: An Analytical Study Dr (Capt) Sonal Rai
The handicraft sector plays an important role in the national economy. It provides employment opportunities. A large number of artisans in rural and semi-urban areas have created a large amount of foreign exchange for the country, retaining its cultural heritage. Handicraft has great potential because they are not only the key to maintaining an existing set.
Export Performance of Indian Handicrafts
Raspberry PI Based OCR System For Vehicle Piyush D. Umbare, Santosh G. Bari, Priti J. Rajput
As the evolution of technology increases with upcoming new technology, the Digital image processing, i.e. the use of computer systems to process pictures, has applications in many fields, including of medicine, space exploration, geology and oceanography and continues to increase in its applicability
Raspberry PI Based OCR System
High Tech Housing for Sustainable Mushroom Cultivation Adarsh S, Jafeel V, Priya Boban, Sruthy S, Prof. Jiss Paul
Mushroom cultivation is important due to its nutritional value, medicinal value, income generation and employment creation. Currently the mushroom cultivation are just being done in a very primitive way. Thus it is crucial to upgrade the facilities to increase yield through optimum resources. . The system developed is a High Tech system for mushroom cultivation
High Tech Housing for Sustainable Mushroom Cultivation
Adarsh S, Jafeel V, Priya Boban, Sruthy S, Prof. Jiss PaulHigh Tech Housing for Sustainable
Career Growth and Retention A Study Among Faculty Members in Self-Financing Colleges in Kerala Chinju CJ, C.K.Madhusoodhanan
Employee retention is a complex issue faced by numerous organizations today. Most higher education institutions, especially professional institutes and colleges are able to develop the needed skills in students for success in the working world, experience shows that the management of upcoming technical and management institutions has failed to be just and fair.
Career Growth and Retention A Study Among Faculty Members in Self-Financing Colleges in Kerala
Chinju CJ, C.K.MadhusoodhananCareer Growth and Retention
A comprehensive review of "The Future of Jobs Report 2018 - World Economic Forum" Surabhi Singh
With the adoption of advanced technology, the HR function is undergoing a major change and the new age HR will be very different from what it appears to be today. Through this review article, the author has tried to analyze the existing challenges faced in the job market with respect to skills and jobs and has suggested possible solutions, by discussing the parameters to be analyzed.
The Future of Jobs Report 2018
Psychographics as an Effective Tool to Measure Overall Site Equity of E-tailers Dr. Shailesh G, Priya Vaz
Demographics and Psychographics are considered to be the dominant factors that determine the buying behavior of customers. The strategies formulation by the online promoters' is mainly dependent on psychographic attributes of online shoppers. Psychographics in relation with suitable demographic data helps in establishing more focused profiles of target audiences and markets
Psychographics as an Effective Tool to Measure Overall Site Equity of E-tailers
Dr. Shailesh G, Priya VazPsychographics as an Effective Tool
Study on Preferences in Vegetable Buying Behavior of Consumers Between Two Different Districts in Tamil Nadu, India Dr. S. Suresh, Dr. T. Jeyachandran
Consumer behavior perceived after Second World War. Modern marketing approach elevated as the dominating size of decision making influences transferred from manufacturer to consumer. Retail marketing is another factor that leads to the consumer approach and especially consumer towards fast moving product studied frequently.
Study on Preferences in Vegetable Buying Behavior of Consumers Between Two Different Districts in Tamil Nadu, India
Dr. S. Suresh, Dr. T. JeyachandranStudy on Preferences in Vegetable
Application of Matrix operation in Transportation Rashi Khubnani, Tarunika Sharma
Matrix operations can give very interesting results when it comes to Adjacency matrix of a Graph .If M is the Adjacency matrix for a graph representing a route map, then (i,j) entry of n M gives count of n-step path from vertex “i” to vertex “ j”. Also If we consider a matrix then (i,j) entry in this matrix tells us the number of ways to get from vertex.
Application of Matrix operation
Current Business & Market Opportunities : Trends and Types Samiksha Mhatre, Prof. Mayuri Dendge
This study intends to examine the technology focused companies in complex market dynamic and find new business opportunities from contender knowledge. For this, we consider both technology and market characteristics in giving contender insight by using patent information as a representative proxy for a company's innovation and trademark information as a data hotspot.
Current Business & Market Opportunities
A Hybrid Classification Model using Genetic Algorithm and Support Vector Machine combined with Consistency M. S. Padmavathi, C.P Sumathi
Medical data mining is an area of application where classification accuracy is important. Specifically in the area of disease diagnosis, researchers have concentrated on hybrid classifiers to efficiently improve the accuracy of their model. The proposed hybrid model involves Consistency-based subset evaluation method in conjunction with re-ranking algorithm.
A Hybrid Classification Model using Genetic Algorithm and Support Vector Machine combined with Consistency
M. S. Padmavathi, C.P SumathiA Hybrid Classification Model
Recommender System for Machine Learning with Big Data in Education Priyanka Thakur, Dr. Jyoti Kharade
Machine Learning (ML) is the exploration of making calculations and program which learn alone. When planned, they do not bother with a human to turn out to be better. Big Data is one of the incredible difficulties for Learning Machine (LM) calculations on the grounds that most genuine applications include a bit of monstrous data or huge information base.
Recommender System for Machine Learning with Big Data in Education
Priyanka Thakur, Dr. Jyoti KharadeRecommender System for Machine Learning
Study of Customer Spending Behavior using KMeans Algorithm Aishwarya Raut, Prof.Priya Chandran
Huge customer transaction data is available due to the wide use of information technology. Business organizations are implementing different tools to evaluate customer behavior and thereby promoting their products. In our proposed research study we propose the use of data mining algorithm to study customer spending behavior. We have used K-means algorithm
Study of Customer Spending Behavior
An Efficient Real-Time Ear Biometric System Using Deep- Learning Prerna Mehta, Ela Kumar
Biometric system has certain unique features which can be used to distinguish people from each other and makes the security robust. People can be easily distinguishable using ear images for the reason being ears can be easily captured from the distance making it appropriate for applications like cybercrimes and surveillance. In this paper, real-time ear recognition
An Efficient Real-Time Ear Biometric
Crypto currency with Bitcoin and Ethereum in Indian context Priyanka Jamblikar, Dr. Jyoti Kharade
Advancement in Information Communication Technology and online users there is increase in the use of crypto currency users. Digital forms of money are a piece of the virtual cash gathering. It speak to significant and immaterial articles which are utilized electronically in various applications and systems, for example, online informal communities.
Crypto currency with Bitcoin
Speed Control of Three-Phase Induction Motor Drive Using V/f Control of Space Vector Modulation Inverter Dr. Chirag N. Jasani, Dr. Hitesh V. Paghadar
Induction motors are not inherently having the capability of variable speed operation but they are reliable, robustness and have cheaper cost. However the main field of research in induction motor speed controlling methods is intended for implementing electrical drives in large scale application. Most of the electrical drives used in industry.
Speed Control of Three-Phase Induction Motor Drive Using V/f Control of Space Vector Modulation Inverter
Dr. Chirag N. Jasani, Dr. Hitesh V. PaghadarSpeed Control of Three-Phase Induction
Development Of Computer Aided Part Coding System For Bus Body Building Industry T. Prem Singh Inbaraj
In India, a positive growth trend is observed in city and luxury bus markets. The demand for commercial bus building is also high throughout the year. The bus body building industry is still highly unorganized. The problem chosen is of bus body building industry involving 3000 parts which are grouped in 18 part groups. All activities such as vendor sourcing, procurement
Development Of Computer Aided Part Coding System For Bus Body Building Industry
T. Prem Singh InbarajDevelopment Of Computer Aided
A Study on Consumer Awareness Towards Solar Products With Special Reference to Nilgiris District of Tamilnadu Dr. A. Gowrishanker
Consumer awareness on solar product means the awareness of consumers in different aspects of consumption activities and availability of different solar products. Solar Energy innovation emerged because of the shortage of conventional energy resources. Conventional energy utilization caused global energy crisis along with serious environmental issues.
A Study on Consumer Awareness Towards Solar Products With Special Reference to Nilgiris District of Tamilnadu
Dr. A. GowrishankerA Study on Consumer Awareness
Study on Malaria Disease in Developing Countries And Linking Malaria Cases With Climatic Situations Tarunika Sharma, Rashi Khubnani, Dr.Harish Chandra
n the present paper we have done study on mosquito-borne infectious disease ‘MALARIA’ in human body. This disease is spread by an infected female Anopheles mosquito, which breeds in open water beds. Factors which affect the transmission of disease are climatic conditions which include Rainfall, Vegetation, Temperature and Humidity, Biological factors.
Study on Malaria Disease in Developing Countries And Linking Malaria Cases With Climatic Situations
Tarunika Sharma, Rashi Khubnani, Dr.Harish ChandraStudy on Malaria Disease
Matrix Application in Social Network Analysis Tarunika Sharma, Rashi Khubnani, Dr.Harish Chandra
In this paper we have applied the concept of adjacency matrix and matrix operation to social network. In the first part of the paper we defined the concept of graph and various matrix operations. In the second part we considered two social network and applied concept of matrix operation on them, to find the popularity and type of bond between the members. In third part we applied the concept of permuted matrix and blocks.
Matrix Application in Social Network
Design and Development of Remote Control Lawn Mower Tapan B. Dalwadi, Rohan A. Bhavsar, Harsh U. Patel, Jay A. Prajapati, Divyeshkumar Dave
Remote control lawn mower comprises of a system of speed multiplication pulleys which drive the cutting blade. Thus the machine is considered highly efficient and is readily adaptable to different cutting conditions. The signal will be transpose from the remote control to the lawnmower by the aerial joystick and the signal transfer is using radio frequency signal.
Design and Development of Remote Control Lawn Mower
Tapan B. Dalwadi, Rohan A. Bhavsar, Harsh U. Patel, Jay A. Prajapati, Divyeshkumar DaveDesign and Development of Remote
Green HRM - an initiative for organisational sustainability: A conceptual approach Prof. Shijimol. E. A
Green HRM practices aimed at providing green initiatives to improve organisational sustainability in every organisation. The study on “Green HRM - an initiative for organisational sustainability: A conceptual approach is aimed at understanding the concept of Green HRM and the measures taken by various organisations in this regard.
Green HRM - an initiative for organisational sustainability: A conceptual approach
Prof. Shijimol. E. AGreen HRM - an initiative
A Passive Technique based on CWT FFT for Region Duplication Detection in Digital Images Ms. Preeti Kale, Dr. Vijayshree A. More, Dr. Shinde Ulhas
Copy move forgery is the widespread type of image forgery witnessed in the contemporary world .In such cases a segment of an an image copied there-after pasted on at another position of same image. Here in this paper, we used Complex Wavelet features to find the Image Duplicates. The approximation band is divided into 6 sub bands and eventually Fourier
A Passive Technique based on CWT FFT for Region Duplication Detection in Digital Images
Ms. Preeti Kale, Dr. Vijayshree A. More, Dr. Shinde UlhasA Passive Technique based on CWT FFT
A Study on the potential of Paytm Payment Banks Arathy Krishnan R K, Dr Nimi Dev
Demonetization policy of Government of India raised the usage of digital money across India, as the result the payment mechanism was reframed by the use of digital wallets. Wallets are the ultimate mode of online payments. Currently a large number of payment techniques are available. Paytm is the largest digital wallet providers
A Study on the potential of Paytm
Brain Network Analysis using fMRI Features Aparupa Ghosh, Indrajit De
functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) is a technique that provides the opportunity to study brain function non-invasively and is a powerful tool utilized in both research and clinical arenas since the early 90s[1]. This paper is based on the identification of brain activation regions of a group of healthy subjects.
Brain Network Analysis using fMRI
Voice Assistive Smart Walking Stick for Physically Impaired Person Using IoT Dr.Dayanand J, Jessica Priya
This task introduces a structure and usage of voice assistive keen strolling stick that encourages the visually impaired individuals to travel separately. The proposed hardware comprises of Arduino UNO, Sensors, APR33A3 voice yield, GPS and GSM. To make it increasingly helpful the dampness sensor that distinguishes and cautions the visually impaired if any dampness substance.
Voice Assistive Smart Walking Stick for Physically Impaired Person Using IoT
Dr.Dayanand J, Jessica PriyaVoice Assistive Smart Walking Stick
Minimization of warpage on slender prismatic parts while milling of Aluminum 2014-T651 N.Vinaya Kumar, Dr M.Indira Rani
Minimization of warpage on slender prismatic parts while milling of Aluminum 2014-T651 by experimental study of aging and stress relieving processes is new approach. In the present work, warpage is studied on rough milling on the sized blocks by aging or stress relieving temperatures and then final milling operations. In this experiment, Taguchi L9 (34) orthogonal
Minimization of warpage on slender prismatic parts while milling of Aluminum 2014-T651
N.Vinaya Kumar, Dr M.Indira RaniMinimization of warpage on slender prismatic
Minimization of Warpage on Slender Prismatic Parts while Milling of Aluminum 2014-T651 by Inducing Thermal stress N.Vinaya Kumar, Dr M.Indira Rani
Minimization of warpage on slender prismatic parts while milling of Aluminum 2014-T651 by inducing thermal stress is new approach. In the present work, warpage is studied on different thickness samples by sizing, carrying out heat treatment at different temperatures, and then milling operations. Thermal stress is induced due to restricted thermal expansion.
Minimization of Warpage on Slender Prismatic Parts while Milling of Aluminum 2014-T651 by Inducing Thermal stress
N.Vinaya Kumar, Dr M.Indira RaniMinimization of Warpage on Slender Prismatic
Hirshfeld Surface and Natural Bond Orbital Analysis of 2-Amino-6-Methylpyridinium Hydrogen Glutarate S. Nithya, B. Chandar Shekar, K.R. Aranganayagam, K. Boopathi
Single crystals of 2- Amino-6-methylpyridinium hydrogen glutarate (2A6MPHG) have been grown by slow evaporation technique. From the single crystal X-ray diffraction studies, it was found that the crystal belongs to orthorhombic crystal system with the non-centrosymmetric space group P212121. The presence of various proton and carbon positions.
Hirshfeld Surface and Natural Bond Orbital Analysis of 2-Amino-6-Methylpyridinium Hydrogen Glutarate
S. Nithya, B. Chandar Shekar, K.R. Aranganayagam, K. BoopathiHirshfeld Surface and Natural Bond
Flow Simulation of 3d Printed Unsymmetrical Naca 4412 Airfoil TAHSEEN ALAM, PRABHAKAR
Now a day aircraft industry is very growing industry. Aircraft use in both passenger and war purpose. Design and testing of aircrafts and their components are very complex and need skill, this makes design and testing of aircraft and its component are expensive. So very less organization manufacture the aircraft wings like BOEING and NACA.
Flow Simulation of 3d Printed Unsymmetrical
A Study on Television Advertising and Emotional Intelligence of women Consumers in Puducherry Nirmala G, Panchanatham N.
Television advertising is a vital promotion mix components and plays major role in creating demand in the market. It has the ability to communicate effectively to target market. Television has become an integral part of women in the society and plays a significant role in their purchase decision. Puducherry is a hi-tech city with different religion and culture.
A Study on Television Advertising and Emotional Intelligence of women Consumers in Puducherry
Nirmala G, Panchanatham N.A Study on Television Advertising
Bandwidth Enhancement using Two Dumble Shaped Defected Ground Structures and a strip of Gold on feed Murthi Mahadeva Naik G, Geetha B S, Naveen Kumar S K
This article presents Quarter-Wave Transmission fed Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna (QWT-RMPA) with Two Dumble shaped Defected Ground Structure (DGS) and a strip of gold on quarter wave feed, which generate wide bandwidth to cover IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN. The RMPA designed on a durable low – cost FR4 epoxy dielectric substrate with ɛr = 4.4 and having thickness h = 1.6 mm.
Bandwidth Enhancement using Two Dumble Shaped Defected Ground Structures and a strip of Gold on feed
Murthi Mahadeva Naik G, Geetha B S, Naveen Kumar S KBandwidth Enhancement using Two Dumble
Corporate Social Responsibility in India - The Past, Present & Future Satbir Yadav
The concept of CSR in India can be found deep ingrained in the idea or concept of 'Trusteeship' propounded by no other than the father of the nation – the legend for all ages, the Mahatma – Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, and seems more relevant than ever before when the bridge or gap between haves and have-nots is widening at a rapid pace signaling the danger
Corporate Social Responsibility in India
On The Generalized Leguerre Polynomial With Wright's Generalized Hypergeometric Function And Applications Yashwant Singh
Live video streaming is widely used in our daily applications. Virtual class rooms, remotely assisted surgery, tele-medicine are some of the important applications where loss on data is intolerable. Error resilience technique plays vital role in these kinds of applications. Error resilient technique is a classical area of research for which several techniques
On The Generalized Leguerre Polynomial With Wright's Generalized Hypergeometric Function And Applications
Yashwant SinghOn The Generalized Leguerre Polynomial
Hierarchical Privacy Preserving Of High Dimensional Data Using Modified K-Means & Vq Approach Ms. N. REVATHI, Mrs. INDUJA
Data mining agreements with a large database of important information. Data preparation requires disclosure of confidential information and forms of confidentiality and privacy obligations. Improve efficient data mining has increased the risk of exposure to key data. When an intimidation data is collected for an individual's privacy, anyone can identify specific people.
Hierarchical Privacy Preserving Of High Dimensional Data Using Modified K-Means & Vq Approach
Ms. N. REVATHI, Mrs. INDUJAHierarchical Privacy Preserving Of High
Novel Approach Of Privacy Preserving Mobile Sensing Using Data Aggregation Framework Ms. G. DIVYA, Mrs. M. KAVITHA
In recent days, mobile phones improve their performance, calling for computing, realization, and reporting devices. Worldwide, seven billion people use mobile phones. The advances in mobile-phone expertise are everywhere connected to their location, and they have a great new way to achieve a widespread sense, called Mobile Sensing - occasionally known as opportunistic.
Novel Approach Of Privacy Preserving Mobile Sensing Using Data Aggregation Framework
Ms. G. DIVYA, Mrs. M. KAVITHANovel Approach Of Privacy Preserving
Results of Real Time Detection of Phishing Websites Raj Kumar Singh, Dr. Rashmi Jha
Web Spoofing lures the user to interact with the fake websites rather than the real ones. The main objective of this attack is to steal the sensitive information from the users. The attacker creates a ‘shadow’ website that looks similar to the legitimate website. This fraudulent act allows the attacker to observe and modify any information from the user
Results of Real Time Detection
Solar Panel Cleaning Robot Chiranjeeb Sarmah, Dr.Aditya Bihar Kandali
Now-a-days Photo Voltaic (PV) module solar panels are increasingly used for generation of electrical energy. This helps in decrease in the consumption of non-renewable fossil fuels and decrease in global warming, which has become very essential to save this world. The PV module solar panels suffer from dirt deposition with consequent decrease in efficiency.
Solar Panel Cleaning Robot
Analysis of Pile Foundations for Liquefaction Premalatha K, Muthulakshmi K, Bhuvanapriya D, Nikesh L, Vinitha M, Jakkammal Devi M
Poor performance of pile foundations in liquefiable soils after major earthquakes remains a great concern to the earthquake engineering community. The current understanding of the pile failure in liquefiable soils considers either bending or buckling as a probable cause of failure. However, in reality, the two mechanisms interact. Hence, the pile foundations.
Analysis of Pile Foundations for Liquefaction
Premalatha K, Muthulakshmi K, Bhuvanapriya D, Nikesh L, Vinitha M, Jakkammal Devi MAnalysis of Pile Foundations
NGO-MFIs and their Socio-Economic effect on SHG members Prof. Mahrukh Mirza, Zaibun Nisa
The microfinance initiative of the government aims at developing income generation activities, entrepreneurship and reduction of poverty their core objective. It is expected from microfinance movement that this will bring secluded and marginalised to the mainstream and have positive impact on their economic and social conditions.
NGO-MFIs and their Socio-Economic
Comparison of Capillary Effect of Marble Slurry With Fine Aggregate Er. R P Singh Kushwah, Prof. (Dr.) H P Singh
Marble slurry is being produced in so huge quantity in marble producing areas like Kishangarh, Makrana, Rajsamand, Udaipur and Alwar that the scene surrounding is like Siachin, Leh and Laddakh. It seems that whole topography is covered by snow fall. This is not a pleasant scene at all. This bye product is creating Sevier damage to the environment.
Comparison of Capillary Effect of Marble Slurry With Fine Aggregate
Er. R P Singh Kushwah, Prof. (Dr.) H P SinghComparison of Capillary Effect
Earnings Per Share (EPS) Analysis for Investing in Equity Market (A Tool for Individual Investor) DR. VIKAS SHROTRIYA
Investment in equity shares is considered as most risky option as in equity market only the probability of earning more return on investment increases and there is no guarantee of increased return on investment. On the contrary, there are chances of total loss of even the invested amount, leave aside the loss of returns. Amongst all investment avenues available.
Earnings Per Share (EPS) Analysis for Investing in Equity Market (A Tool for Individual Investor)
Classes of Gensets & Controller Designed for Genset Security Ishwari Kalyanshetty, Pooja Gundewar
This paper primarily concerns with protection against faults and abnormal operating conditions for large hydraulic, steam, and combustion-turbine generators. This guide is not a standard and does not purport to detail the protective requirements of all generators in every situation. We will correspondingly perceive the vivid classes of Gensets
Classes of Gensets & Controller Designed
The Integrated Conceptual Model on Well Being among Dual Earner Couples Dr. J. Jayavel
Well being is an increasingly relevant and necessary consideration in the modern workplace. Well being at simplest level is perhaps ultimately about personal happiness, food and living safety and healthy. This means not allow work to undermine our basic purpose and needs in our lives and by extension these of our families and loved ones.
The Integrated Conceptual Model
Human Resources Accounting and Organizational Performance : A Study of Infosys Ltd Mukesh Kumar Meena
In the era of 21st century , most of the economies are growing and the service sector is the main sector in those economies. And we know how much employees play the role in an service organizations. In india many companies have started accounting for human resources. his examination endeavors to investigate the significance of Human Resource Accounting (HRA).
Human Resources Accounting and Organizational Performance : A Study of Infosys Ltd
Mukesh Kumar MeenaHuman Resources Accounting and Organizational
Implementation of Advanced Intrusion Detection & Prevention System based on Hybrid Approach Dr.A.B.Pawar, Dr.M.A.Jawale, Dr.D.N.Kyatanavar
The current scenario in information security shows that attacks are evolving at very fast rate. With the level of automation in attack tools continuing to increase, the expertise requires to breach the security is minimizing, the complexity also increases proportionally, making the tasks of security professional very challenging.
Implementation of Advanced Intrusion Detection & Prevention System based on Hybrid Approach
Dr.A.B.Pawar, Dr.M.A.Jawale, Dr.D.N.KyatanavarImplementation of Advanced Intrusion Detection
Health monitoring device for visually impaired people based on Virtual Instrumentation Vishal N. Autade, Dr. Meena S. Panse
Heart rate monitoring using Photoplethysmography (PPG). Photoplethysmography (PPG) signal has often used to estimate the heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure. Accurate heart rate (HR) estimation using photoplethysmogram is a challenging task due to motion artefacts. This paper also introduces the text to speech conversion for visually impaired individuals
Health monitoring device for visually impaired people based on Virtual Instrumentation
Vishal N. Autade, Dr. Meena S. PanseHealth monitoring device for visually
A Study on Present Scenario of Tea Industry in India Uddipana Gogoi, Prof. Rama Chandra Parida
Tea industry of India significantly contributes to the economy of the country in terms of productivity, export, foreign exchange, revenue, employment etc. Indian Tea Industry is one of the largest in the world with over 13,000 gardens, and a total workforce of over two million people. India is ranked second position in terms of production and fourth position.
A Study on Present Scenario
Giving it back to society : Escalating Volunteerism for social development Honey Goyal, Dr. Sandeep Vyas
In Indian ethos, “art of giving” (making efforts to do good to people) have substantially been positioned as one of the supreme karma of every individual’s life. The idea of bringing change to society through engaging and involving youth volunteers is not a new one. It is evident from the fact that our country has manifested the spirit of unity by community participation.
Giving it back to society : Escalating Volunteerism for social development
Honey Goyal, Dr. Sandeep VyasGiving it back to society
Sentiment Analysis using Convolutional Neural Networks Aishwarya A. Kokate, Parul. M. Jadhav
Facial emotions help in effective communication among the individuals as it conveys emotional state or feeling of a person. Facial expression recognition is a wide application of human-computer interaction which is not an easy task as there are a lot of variations and complexity in the face. Machine learning algorithm uses extracted features for modeling the face.
Sentiment Analysis using Convolutional
Lean Techniques in Construction Industry: State of the Art Kiruthika M, Renuka S.M, Umarani C
Several construction industries around the world have started to implement lean techniques to eliminate waste and to increase their project performance. Lean principles applied in construction industry can result in waste elimination, continuous flow and improved reliability. An extensive literature review was carried out to understand the principles.
Lean Techniques in Construction
High Quality Factor 2D Photonic Crystal Based Pressure Sensor Tejaswini M R, Indira Bahaddur, Santhosh Kumar T C, Dr. P C Srikanth
This work presents the High Quality factor 2D photonic crystal based pressure sensor is proposed and designed with high quality factor. The sensor is created by the coupling of two photonic crystal based waveguides and one nanocavity. The photonic crystal with the rectangular structure having a triangular lattice which is composed of silicon material
High Quality Factor 2D Photonic Crystal Based Pressure Sensor
Tejaswini M R, Indira Bahaddur, Santhosh Kumar T C, Dr. P C SrikanthHigh Quality Factor 2D Photonic
Analysis Of Heat Pipe Of Different Materials With Different Fluids Arun Kumar, Pankaj Kumar
Heat pipes are one of the most effective procedures to transport thermal energy from one point to another, mostly used for cooling. In the present work heat transfer and effectiveness of different heat pipe of material like copper, aluminum, high-grade steel and nickel with different fluids like acetone, ammonia, Freon, methanol, water will be investigated
Analysis Of Heat Pipe Of Different
Photogravitational Effect on the Sitnikov Five body Problem forming Kite Configuration Chandan Kr. Singh, M. R. Hassan, M. A. Rahman, Md. Aminul Hassan
In this paper, the effect of photogravitation (radiation pressure) on the motion of the infinitesimal mass in the Sitnikov’s Kite configuration has been studied, under the perturbation of photogravitation, the series solution of the equation of motion of the infinitesimal mass has been established by the iteration process of Green’s function. By solving the variational equations
Photogravitational Effect on the Sitnikov Five body Problem forming Kite Configuration
Chandan Kr. Singh, M. R. Hassan, M. A. Rahman, Md. Aminul HassanPhotogravitational Effect on the Sitnikov
Enhance the performance of network lifetime optimization and increase the stability period using Gravitational Energy Mohit Singh Tomar, Dr. Piyush Kumar Shukla
Day by day wireless sensor networks necessity was increased, but when we work on it we find two well-known major issues which are cluster head selection and routing for this cause reducing their life time and increasing number of dead nodes. the energy saving of each sensor Node are associated with high computational complexity which depend on supervision of algorithms.
Enhance the performance of network lifetime optimization and increase the stability period using Gravitational Energy
Mohit Singh Tomar, Dr. Piyush Kumar ShuklaEnhance the performance of network
Hardware and Software Co-simulation Environment with Integrated Graphical User Interface Ojaswi Zope, Charudatta Kulkarni
Co-simulation of hardware and software together provides a methodology for ASIC verification. ASIC based devices will have a part of software running on hardware to manipulate it. So, co-simulation plays important role in good design tradeoffs. Therefore, this methodology can be used to verify hardware and software functionality precisely after prototype of hardware is on tap.
Hardware and Software Co-simulation Environment with Integrated Graphical User Interface
Ojaswi Zope, Charudatta KulkarniHardware and Software Co-simulation
Feature Set for the Extraction of Exudates for the Analysis of Diabetic Retinopathy Mr. Abhinandan Kalita
Diabetic patients suffer from diabetic retinopathy because of prolonged diabetes. This paper deals with some image processing operations to extract exudates with the help of some innovative features for the analysis of diabetic retinopathy. The performance of the proposed method stands out prominent in terms of specificity and accuracy.
Feature Set for the Extraction of Exudates for the Analysis of Diabetic Retinopathy
Mr. Abhinandan KalitaFeature Set for the Extraction
Patient E-health Monitoring System on ARM7-LPC2148 Micro Controller and GSM Priyanka A J, Dr. N Manja Naik
New alternate solutions are introduced for health parameters in country like India where population and human resource health maintenance is a very big challenge. For checkup of health, advancements in technology are introduced now and then. Consulting doctor and hospital visiting is consumption of time as well financial crisis.
Patient E-health Monitoring System on ARM7-LPC2148 Micro Controller and GSM
Priyanka A J, Dr. N Manja NaikPatient E-health Monitoring System
A Study of Work life Balance with special reference to Information Technology Sector Kuldeep Bhalerao, Makarand Pole
Work life balance is the one of the unease area in today’s fast paced employment tenure of employee. This article is focusses on various factors which affect the work life balance of one of the fastest growing sector i.e. Information Technology. Since work life balance is a personal issue but it needs to be handled by individual employee very judiciously in career planning.
A Study of Work life Balance with special reference to Information Technology Sector
Kuldeep Bhalerao, Makarand PoleA Study of Work life Balance
A Survey on the factors affecting security of the cloud Ruksar Ahmadi
Cloud has recently emerged as a technology which provides effective storage and computational mechanism to its users. Almost all the IT infrastructures these days rely on the various services offered by the cloud to carry out their day to day business tasks. One of the main benefits of the cloud is that the services are made available at a lower cost than the other conventional mechanisms.
A Survey on the factors affecting
A Comparative Study on Fuel Economy and CO2 Emissions in Passenger Cars in India, Canada and Singapore Vishvak R, Dr. Ravi VV
The measure of Fuel Economy is important as the Carbon dioxide emission is a direct function of the fuel consumed. In India, Fuel Efficiency of the Passenger Cars is declared by the manufacturers through Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers of India (SIAM). Unlike in the US or Europe, the testing process behind this declaration is not specifically mentioned.
A Comparative Study on Fuel Economy and CO2 Emissions in Passenger Cars in India, Canada and Singapore
Vishvak R, Dr. Ravi VVA Comparative Study on Fuel Economy
Adaptive Switching based Impulse noise suppression using Wind Driven Optimization Bibekananda Jena, A Shiva Kumar, Punyaban Patel
A new Optimization based technique of suppression of Random valued impulse noise from the corrupted image using adaptive Switching Technique is presented in this paper. The algorithm has two stages, i.e. detection of impulses followed by filtering. The impulse detection method is based on the concept of cumulated distances between the processed pixel and its neighbors.
Adaptive Switching based Impulse noise suppression using Wind Driven Optimization
Bibekananda Jena, A Shiva Kumar, Punyaban PatelAdaptive Switching based Impulse noise
Analysis of Students' Performance using Modified K- Mean Algorithm Mr. A. T. Sonawane, Prof. Pritesh Jain, Mr. Upendra singh
Machine Learning is a branch of artificial intelligence that provides computers with the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning is a field that is used in every system. Machine learning is used in educational system, pattern recognition, Games, Industries, Social media services, online customer support, Product Recommendation
Analysis of Students' Performance using Modified K- Mean Algorithm
Mr. A. T. Sonawane, Prof. Pritesh Jain, Mr. Upendra singhAnalysis of Students' Performance
Smart Fruit Grading System Using Raspberry PI Gaurav Gawande, Prof. V. L. Jogdand
In this paper the sorting of fruits is one of the most important process in fruits production, while this process is typically performed manually in most countries. Agriculture adds to a noteworthy segment of India’s Gross domestic product. Two noteworthy issues in present-day agriculture are water shortage and exact fruit grading. These issues can be settled utilizing agriculture
Smart Fruit Grading System
Application of Fuzzy logic in stock market Dr. Manish Pande, Dr. Jay Prakash Tiwari
The Indian Capital Market though an emerging market, has in recent times been adjudged to be one of the most resilient in the world even in the heat of the global economic meltdown. It offers high returns on investment as compensation for its high risk. In this research, we have investigated the predictive capability of the fuzzy inference system.
Application of Fuzzy logic in stock market
Applications of Principal Component Analysis in Multimodal biometrics system Chhaya S..Khandelwal, Ranjan Maheshwari, Ulhas Shinde
Unimodal biometric systems have many problems like intra-class changes, spoof attacks, limited degrees of independence, noise data, non-universalism and unacceptable error rates. Use this problem to use the multimodal biometric system. It uses many sources of information. The use of multimodal biomatrics automatically discriminate between subjects and protect data.
Applications of Principal Component Analysis in Multimodal biometrics system
Chhaya S..Khandelwal, Ranjan Maheshwari, Ulhas ShindeApplications of Principal Component
A Comparative Study of Customer's Satisfaction in Public and Private Sector Mobile Banking in India Nitya Dawra, Dr. Kirti Siwach
Today the expectation of customers have increased from the services rendered to them by Banks in the form of Internet Banking, Branch Banking, Mobile Banking to name a few. With the onset of latest technology in the branch of banking customers are able to access and transact the banking services without even going to the banks physically
A Comparative Study of Customer's Satisfaction in Public and Private Sector Mobile Banking in India
Nitya Dawra, Dr. Kirti SiwachA Comparative Study of Customer's Satisfaction
k and (k, d)- Odd Edge Mean Labeling of Triangular Graphs Dr. A. Muthaiyan, R.G. Agalya
k and (k, d)- Odd Edge Mean Labeling of Triangular Graphs.
k and (k, d)- Odd Edge Mean Labeling
Lung Cancer Detection using Transfer Learning Mr. Chaithan Suvarna D, Ms. Pavanalaxmi, Mr. Savidhan Shetty C S
Lung cancer is one of the major threats faced by people around the world. Detection of lung cancer in the early stages can save lives. Human radiologists use CT scan images of the chest cavity to find the presence of tumor. This manual observation by the radiologists may involve human biases and errors which leads to false positives/false negatives.
Lung Cancer Detection using Transfer Learning
Mr. Chaithan Suvarna D, Ms. Pavanalaxmi, Mr. Savidhan Shetty C SLung Cancer Detection using Transfer Learning
Design and Simulation of Solar PV module in Mat lab Simulink Smruti Ranjan Nayak
It's a worth saying that after a few years we must put ourselves deeply into the crises of artificial energy. So to overcome we should go for an innovation towards natural energy sources from nature which is at our doorstep. Nothing to say only the renewable energy can fulfill our demand one of which solar energy is almost all known to everyone.
Design and Simulation of Solar PV
Itemset Mining using Horizontal and Vertical Data Format A. Subashini, M. Karthikeyan
In data mining, Item set mining is an essential subfield. It is made to determine patterns which are interesting and useful in transaction database. The frequent item set mining task is to discover collections of items that appear frequently composed in transactions made by customers and the next task of infrequent item set mining is to discover rare.
Itemset Mining using Horizontal
Total Quality Management & Higher Educational Aspects: A Study Allied With Students’ Awareness DR. B. THULASI PRIYA, MAHESHWARI M
Quality is a great concern in many societies across the world. In an extremely competitive educational sector, the victory of academic institutions depends on the quality of education. Educationalists, policy makers, scholars, and researchers are showing their sincere interest towards the total quality management as it is recognized as an effective management philosophy.
Total Quality Management & Higher Educational Aspects: A Study Allied With Students’ Awareness
DR. B. THULASI PRIYA, MAHESHWARI MTotal Quality Management & Higher Educational
Effective Load Distribution Using Intuitionistic Fuzzy For Better Fault Tolerance in MANET Dr.S.P.Swornambiga
In recent years exploration of wireless devices with small in size and platforms based on processing mobile have bring great attention towards the ad hoc networks. These Ad hoc networks are generally consists of temporary links connected among the nodes. MANET is such a dynamic network which compromises many good qualities to handle the wireless communication devices
Effective Load Distribution Using Intuitionistic Fuzzy For Better Fault Tolerance in MANET
Dr.S.P.SwornambigaEffective Load Distribution Using Intuitionistic
Evaluating Customer Based brand Equity: An empirical evidence of Indian e-commerce market Dr. Prashant Gupta, Dr. Ravi Kumar C
Purpose - This study is done to examine the practical utility of the customer-based brand equity model in the Indian ecommerce market. Design/methodology/approach - This study employs a conclusive research design and SPSS is used to analyse the data secured through self-structured questionnaire for David Aaker's model of brand equity
Evaluating Customer Based- brand Equity: An empirical evidence of Indian e-commerce market
Dr. Prashant Gupta, Dr. Ravi Kumar CEvaluating Customer Based brand Equity
Analytical Study of RERA ACT 2016 and Its Impact on Home Buyer & Promoter Patil Samarth Suresh, Dr. Tushar Bagul
Until 2016, apart from the general consumer and property laws in the country, there was no specific statute to regulate and govern real estate sector. Therefore, in 2016 the Parliament of India passed The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 which seeks to protect home-buyers as well as help boost investments in the real estate industry.
Analytical Study of RERA ACT 2016 and Its Impact on Home Buyer & Promoter
Patil Samarth Suresh, Dr. Tushar BagulAnalytical Study of RERA ACT 2016
Numerical investigation for the rectangular stepped change fin heat exchanger: A Review Barun Dev Kumar, Manoj Kumar Singh
Cooling of hardware part is a noteworthy assignment in today designing examinations. The task of a few designing frameworks results in the generation of heat. This may cause a few overheating issues and lead to the disappointment of the framework. To conquer this issue and to accomplish the wanted rate of scattering as when fins or extended surface are using.
Numerical investigation for the rectangular stepped change fin heat exchanger: A Review
Barun Dev Kumar, Manoj Kumar SinghNumerical investigation for the rectangular
Employees' Job Involvement in Iron and Steel Manufacturing Sector in The District of Coimbatore, Tamilnadu A.Ayyanar, Dr.N.Umadevi
Iron and steel sector is the backbone of an economy. It is one of the primary vehicles of economic development of a country. The per capita production and consumption of steel is the index of the depth of a country's economic infrastructure. According to Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, "Steel is a symbol of strength of the economy and a portent
Employees' Job Involvement in Iron and Steel Manufacturing Sector in The District of Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
A.Ayyanar, Dr.N.UmadeviEmployees' Job Involvement in Iron
IOT Based Smart Irrigation System Aparna S. Patil, Dr. R. B. Ghongade
This work reports a design of SMART IRRIGATION system. This project uses ESP32 Wi-Fi module which connects the system to the internet. The system monitors moisture level of the field using soil moisture sensor. Based on the information received from soil moisture sensor, ESP32 module controls relays and solenoid valves for supplying water to the field.
IOT Based Smart Irrigation System
Central Hub For Home Automation Neha Patil, Dr. R. B. Ghongade
This paper reports the designs of a 'Central Hub for Home Automation'. The important units of this system are a single board computer-orange pi zero, microcontroller -ESP32, web interface to envision the data dispense by orange pi and to send, receive and process the request. The system senses various information such as temperature, motion through temperature.
Central Hub For Home Automation
Road Traffic Sign Recognition and Vehicle Accident Avoidance System Paresh Kothawade, Prof. A. M. Maske
Traffic sign recognition and vehicle accident avoidance system gets a of interest late by huge scale associations, e.g., Apple, Google and Volkswagen and so on driven by the market requirements for smart applications, e.g. Automatic Driving and Driver Assistance Systems , Mobile Eye, Mobile Mapping and many more. In this paper, traffic sign recognition and vehicle accident.
Road Traffic Sign Recognition and Vehicle Accident Avoidance System
Paresh Kothawade, Prof. A. M. MaskeRoad Traffic Sign Recognition
A Study on Foreign Investment Inflows into India S. SURESH
This study examines the economic impact of India’s current approach to intellectual property rights, as it affects pharmaceutical products and Foreign Investment. We begin by reviewing the economic effects of Foreign Investment generally on the growth and development of developing nations. As the effective application of new technologies.
A Study on Foreign Investment Inflows into India
Arenosclerin E Derivatives as Inhibitors for Mycothiol-S-conjugate Amidase Akansha Saxena, Sanjay Mishra
Background and Objective: Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the causative agent of tuberculosis (TB) and accounts for latently infected one-third of the world population. Increasing incidence of multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant TB is a serious concern. Therefore, it is urgent to identify effective and inexpensive anti-tubercular drugs.
Arenosclerin E Derivatives as Inhibitors for Mycothiol-S-conjugate Amidase
Akansha Saxena, Sanjay MishraArenosclerin E Derivatives as Inhibitors
NABARD SHG Bank-Linkage Model: Progress, Challenges & Recommendations Dr.Vineeta Agrawal
Economic empowerment of citizens particularly women can be replicated into economic empowerment of nation. It has been observed that offering financial services to the poor has benefitted them largely all across the world. Financial services to the economically disadvantaged groups become more influential when they are combined with enhancement of entrepreneurial skills
NABARD SHG Bank-Linkage Model
The Effect of Liquidity And Leverage on Profitability of Select IT Companies Dr. Sowmya kethi Reddy, Dr V Harileela
The organizations performance is measured on liquidity and capital structure variables. Thus for may finance managers these variables are of at most concern. This paper attempts to understand the relationship between liquidity and profitability and also attempts to examine the impact of financial leverage and liquidity on the performance of the organization
The Effect of Liquidity And Leverage on Profitability of Select IT Companies
Dr. Sowmya kethi Reddy, Dr V HarileelaThe Effect of Liquidity And Leverage
Comparative Analysis on Human Action Recognition Using Spatio Temporal Feature G. Augusta Kani, P. Geetha
Human Interaction Detection is more essential in the arena of computer vision because of upward demands in several applications such as surveillance monitoring, entertainment and healthcare monitoring. Therefore, many research attempts have been undergo to precisely detect the human activities using data mining technique
Comparative Analysis on Human Action Recognition Using Spatio Temporal Feature
G. Augusta Kani, P. GeethaComparative Analysis on Human Action
A Study on Training And Development at Parag Milk Foods Pvt Ltd. Dr. A. Srinivasan, Dr. M. Rama Kumari, Dr. S. Mohana
Training and Development is a challenging topic for managers and has also attracted the attention of researchers. This study is a try to give a novel perception to the area of (HRM) Human Resource Management taking (T&D) Training and Development as two important factors that influences on Employee Performance in Parag Foods Private Limited.
A Study on Training And Development at Parag Milk Foods Pvt Ltd.
Dr. A. Srinivasan, Dr. M. Rama Kumari, Dr. S. MohanaA Study on Training And Development
Personality Traits Influencing Consumer Involvement in Experiencing a Product Dr Jyoti Rawat, Dr Bikramjit Singh Mann
Customer experience is created when the consumer internal characteristics and preferences interact with the product. This starts an involvement process that makes the consumer to evaluate the product on hedonic and utilitarian dimensions. Thus, we propose the role of consumer personality influencing customer involvement with the product in creating customer experience
Personality Traits Influencing Consumer Involvement in Experiencing a Product
Dr Jyoti Rawat, Dr Bikramjit Singh MannPersonality Traits Influencing Consumer
Development of Full Color Images From Gap Camera Mosaic Images By Hybrid Approach A.Boyed Wesley, F.Ramesh Dhanaseelan, R .Gracy Star
Demosaicking is the process which is used to reconstruct the images taken by the single sensor camera by estimation and restoring the missing pixels. Generalized assorted pixel (GAP) camera, by capturing a single image of a scene, can control the trade-off between spatial resolution, dynamic range and spectral detail
Development of Full Color Images From Gap Camera Mosaic Images By Hybrid Approach
A.Boyed Wesley, F.Ramesh Dhanaseelan, R .Gracy StarDevelopment of Full Color Images
Oral Microbiota in Healthy Thai Adults in Bangkok and Nearby Provinces Matanee Palasuk, Patcharee Ritprajak, Naraporn Somboonna
Oral cavity is a complex organ including teeth, tongue, gingival and cheeks, that exhibits a variety of bacteria. More than 700 species of bacteria have been reported in oral cavity. Dysbiosis in oral microbiota can increase a risk of oral disease and may lead to systematic disease. Oral microbiota diversity could be indicated oral health and there are several factors.
Oral Microbiota in Healthy Thai Adults in Bangkok and Nearby Provinces
Matanee Palasuk, Patcharee Ritprajak, Naraporn SomboonnaOral Microbiota in Healthy Thai
An Analytical study of Corporate Social Responsibility : Bharti Airtel and Idea Cellular Dr. Anshuja Tiwari, Swati Yadav
Corporate social responsibility basically is a corporate initiative to assess and take responsibility for the company's effects on the environment and impact on social welfare. The CSR generally applies to company efforts towards various social welfare initiatives to benefit employees, customers, and the community at large.
An Analytical study of Corporate Social Responsibility : Bharti Airtel and Idea Cellular
Dr. Anshuja Tiwari, Swati YadavAn Analytical study of Corporate Social
Growth and Future Trend of Self Help Group- Bank Linkage Programme (SHG-BLP) in India Payal Gupta, Dr. Pratibha Tiwari
The Self Help Groups (SHGs) initiative was adopted by India several decades ago.The SHG initiative was adopted in order to alleviate poverty, improve women’s ability, and improve living standards and delivering public goods and services. The movement of SHG as the most effective tools for financial institution was started some 30 years ago with NGOs promoting Self Help Groups.
Growth and Future Trend of Self Help Group- Bank Linkage Programme (SHG-BLP) in India
Payal Gupta, Dr. Pratibha TiwariGrowth and Future Trend of Self Help
Role of NGOS in Rural Development of Himachal Pradesh Prof. Usha Sharma, Bittu Kumari
Rural development generally refers to the process of improving the quality of life and economic well-being of people living in relatively isolated and sparsely populated areas. Rural development has traditionally centred on the exploitation of land-intensive natural resources such as agriculture and forestry. Rural development actions are mainly and mostly to development.
Role of NGOS in Rural Development
IOT and Its Application in cloud Deepesh Mishra
we are living in an era of technology i.e. (IOT) internet of things and cloud .IOT is system that allow users to interrelate there computing devices .They can be an object, animals, digital and mechanical machines or people that have unique identifiers and have the ability to transfer data over a network . IOT connect devices brilliantly and smartly, one machine is connected
IOT and Its Application in cloud
Spatial Distribution of Start-up Cities of India Dr. Daljit Singh
Cities are centers of very high density of population, mainly engaged in non-agricultural activities. The population is usually well educated, trained, highly technical and innovative. Cities with such population are vibrant and energetic and lead the country in different sectors of socio-cultural-economy of the country. Historically cities led the society in trade and commerce
Spatial Distribution of Start-up
A basic idea on synthesis, characterization and applications of nanoparticles Sunder Pal Singh
Nanoparticles have been synthesized by different chemical and physical methods. The optical and size dependent properties of quantum dots were analyzed in the presence and absence of different capping agents in aqueous solution. The nanoparticles have been characterized by X-ray diffraction, UV–Vis spectrophotometer, Photoluminescence, and Fourier-transform.
A basic idea on synthesis, characterization
Real-time surface EMG Signal processing using virtual instrumentation T.V. Suryawanshi, Dr.M.S.Panse
Surface electromyogram (sEMG) is widely used to measure muscle activity. The subject on which signal acquisition is been performed has no risk, as it is a non-invasive method for analysis. EMG signal is widely used to control rehabilitation devices like prosthetic arm or leg. In the paper, the sEMG signal acquisition system has been carried out for upper limb.
Real-time surface EMG Signal processing using virtual instrumentation
T.V. Suryawanshi, Dr.M.S.PanseReal-time surface EMG Signal
A Multiple Linear Regression Model between different climatic variables for the district of Purulia located on Lower Ganges Basin Kush Kumar Dey, Dr.Vijay Kumar Dwivedi, Dr. Satanand Mishra
Water is the prime natural element for all life in the Earth. Water stress is the most challenges matter at present day of Civil Engineer. In this paper, we established a Statistical Model on Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. This analysis is evaluating the relative impact of predictor (independent) variables such as Temperature and Cloud Cover on a particular outcome
A Multiple Linear Regression Model between different climatic variables for the district of Purulia located on Lower Ganges Basin
Kush Kumar Dey, Dr.Vijay Kumar Dwivedi, Dr. Satanand MishraA Multiple Linear Regression Model
Nδg Closed Sets in Nano Topological Spaces Meera Devi, Nithya
In this paper a new class of sets, namely Nδg ̂ -closed sets is introduced in nano topological spaces. We prove that this class lies between the class of Nδ-closed sets and the class of Nδg -closed sets. Also we find some basic properties and characterisation of Nδg ̂closed sets. Applying this sets to introduce an new space namely.
Nδg Closed Sets in Nano Topological Spaces
Finger Print Based Child Monitoring System Ms. Maheshwari A. Khade, Mr. Chaitanya D. Kakade, Mr. Danish K. Joshi, Mr. M. P. Gajare
To solve the issues related to illegal abortions in India, we have built up a tracking system and child monitoring. In our proposed system we have 2 units, one of which would be placed in a hospital and the other one would be a server unit. At whatever point the couple goes to the specialist for their enlistment, the mother needs to enroll using her fingerprint.
Finger Print Based Child Monitoring System
Ms. Maheshwari A. Khade, Mr. Chaitanya D. Kakade, Mr. Danish K. Joshi, Mr. M. P. GajareFinger Print Based Child Monitoring System
Role of Yoga in Managing Stress among Middle Level Managers of select Pharmaceutical Companies of Sikkim Dr. Pradip Kumar das
The present study was aimed at assessing the role of yoga in managing stress among middle level managers of select pharmaceutical companies of Sikkim. Fifty four managers participated in the study. Among them 36 were randomly selected for the experimental group and the remaining 18 were treated as control group.
Role of Yoga in Managing Stress among Middle Level Managers of select Pharmaceutical Companies of Sikkim
Dr. Pradip Kumar dasRole of Yoga in Managing Stress
A Survey Paper on Efficient Reputation-Based Trust Assurance model for delay tolerant network Vidya U, Dr. Bhat Geetalaxmi Jairam
Examining the trust worthiness of node is an important mission to be done before data transmission. The mobility of nodes in delay tolerant network leads to many demanding situations. This paper describes several methods, which was developed by many researchers to overcome these issues. It also explores different routing schemes used on delay tolerant network.
A Survey Paper on Efficient Reputation-Based Trust Assurance model for delay tolerant network
Vidya U, Dr. Bhat Geetalaxmi JairamA Survey Paper on Efficient Reputation
A Review Paper on Identification of Various Branding Dimensions Affecting the Buying Behaviour of Luxury Brands Dr. Sougata Banerjee, Ms. Sheena Gupta
India is amongst the fastest growing luxury markets in the world and a lot of global luxury brands have entered India in the last 15 years. To distinguish themselves in the ever-expanding luxury customer base, luxury brands need to apply branding strategies specific to the Indian luxury consumer. In this review paper, the researchers have tried to extrapolate.
A Review Paper on Identification of Various Branding Dimensions Affecting the Buying Behaviour of Luxury Brands
Dr. Sougata Banerjee, Ms. Sheena GuptaA Review Paper on Identification
A Study on Investment Alternatives Available to Investors Ramandeep Kaur
A wide variety of investment alternatives are available to the investors to suit their needs and nature. A knowledge about the different alternatives enables the investors to choose investment intelligently. The required level of return and the risk of tolerance level decide the choice of investor. The investment alternatives range from financial securities
A Study on Investment Alternatives
Measurement of Deflection Profile under Varying Clamping Pressure and Effect on Workpiece Accuracy after Machining Yadav M. H., Kanase N. S., Mohite S. S.
Thin wall parts have increasing demand in aerospace, surgical, power sectors, automotive industries etc., due to its high strength to weight ratio. The major serious challenge in machining complex thin-walled components is deformation caused during machining that disturbs its accuracy and surface quality and this is maintained with proper clamping and supports
Measurement of Deflection Profile under Varying Clamping Pressure and Effect on Workpiece Accuracy after Machining
Yadav M. H., Kanase N. S., Mohite S. S.Measurement of Deflection Profile
A Study on Logo Redesign And Impact On Consumers' Brand Attitudes Manisha Mittal
This study not only explores the topic of branding, which is often associated with the values and perception of an organization in the customers mind set but also tries to find the answers to a very covalently bonded issues of Re-Branding. The focus of this research is on a specific type of rebranding - logo changes. The objective is to have a better insight.
A Study on Logo Redesign And Impact
Application of Management Techniques For Improving of Rescue and Relief Operations in Flood Disaster Management Operations Ranbir Singh, B. S. Dhaliwal
Flood disasters in specific areas are usually of repetitive nature. Maintaining of data viz a viz previous similar calamities and taking precautions such as proper weather / flood forecasting can give required reaction time for the analysis and application of management techniques to flood disaster management. Rescue and relief operations are important component.
Application of Management Techniques For Improving of Rescue and Relief Operations in Flood Disaster Management Operations
Ranbir Singh, B. S. DhaliwalApplication of Management Techniques
Analysis of Digitalization of Life Insurance Corporation of India Geetika Tandon Kapoor, Nupur Pandey, Nidhi Singh
Digitalization is transforming every Industry and insurance sector is no different. The insurance model which is agent driven is slowly but surely being replaced by digital metamorphosis, the aim being to improve the end-to-end customer experience. The customers are happy that the insurance companies are also hopping onto the digital age
Analysis of Digitalization of Life Insurance Corporation of India
Geetika Tandon Kapoor, Nupur Pandey, Nidhi SinghAnalysis of Digitalization of Life
Survey on Tissue Classification Using Multi Support Vector Machine And Convolutional Neural Networks V.Rajathi, R.R.Bhavani, Dr.G.Wiselin Jiji
In the field of Medical image processing tissue classification is the most important step to start the treatment at the earlier stage. There are different types of tissues in pressure ulcer, varicose ulcer and diabetic foot ulcer namely Granulation tissue, Epithelial tissue, Necrotic tissue and Slough tissue.
Survey on Tissue Classification Using Multi Support Vector Machine And Convolutional Neural Networks
V.Rajathi, R.R.Bhavani, Dr.G.Wiselin JijiSurvey on Tissue Classification
Relevance of Islamic Banking System to India in Light of its Effectiveness in Bringing Long Run Dr. S Nayamath Basha
India holds world’s second rank in the agricultural sector and provides employment to 48.9% of Indian workforce. On the other hand, on an average one farmer committed suicide for every 53 minutes in India between 1997 and 2008. National Crime Records Bureau reported that 2, 474 farmers who have committed suicides out of the studied 3,000 farmer suicides in 2015.
Relevance of Islamic Banking System to India in Light of its Effectiveness in Bringing Long Run
Dr. S Nayamath BashaRelevance of Islamic Banking System
RFID based Intelligent Traffic Control System Mrs. Vidya Bhilawade, Dr. L. K. Ragha
Now a days, the growth of industrialization and urban population causes the tremendous increase in the vehicles. There are approximately 1 million licensed vehicles in the last year. Vehicle volume is increased exponentially, but the road infrastructure cannot be, that leads to increase traffic congestion. Different technologies are there to detect traffic congestion.
RFID based Intelligent Traffic Control System
Analysis of tall structure considering composite steel columns using ETAB Mohammad UmairQureshi, AslamHussain
The present work carried out to analyze the structural performance of high rise building structure constructed using composite columns in combination with RCC beam & Slab. In this study a model of stilt +10 storied framed structure subjected to seismic loading of Zone – II analyzed using equivalent static method as per IS 1893-2002 on software package.
Analysis of tall structure considering composite steel columns using ETAB
Mohammad UmairQureshi, AslamHussainAnalysis of tall structure
Exile and Displacement: A Traumatic Study of Selected Short Stories in Dr K. L. Chowdhury’s Faith and Frenzy KAMAL KUMAR
The present research paper will explore the experience of exile, the psychological upheaval, the familial struggles and the ethical questions raised by the forced migration of the individuals and communities in the selected short stories of the Dr K L Chowdhury’s Faith and Frenzy: Short Stories from Kashmir.
Exile and Displacement: A Traumatic Study of Selected Short Stories in Dr K. L. Chowdhury’s Faith and Frenzy
KAMAL KUMARExile and Displacement
IoT Based Healthcare Monitoring & Alert Generation System Khalil Ahmed M Mujawar, Savita Sangam, Ankit Sanghvi
In the most recent decade, the medicinal services observing frameworks have drawn significant consideration of specialists. The essential objective was to build up a dependable patient checking framework with the goal that the human services experts can screen their patients, who are either hospitalized or executing their ordinary day by day life exercises
IoT Based Healthcare Monitoring & Alert Generation System
Khalil Ahmed M Mujawar, Savita Sangam, Ankit SanghviIoT Based Healthcare Monitoring
280 or more? Twitter and Brand Value of Firms Prof. Isha Dave, Dr. Avani Desai
Twitter has emerged as one of the most influential microblogging platforms of social media. Microblogging, a new form of communication in which users can describe things of interest and express attitudes in a few words, enables the creation of stakeholder experiences around a specific brand, its products, services and reputation
280 or more?
Risk Analysis in Precast Industry Ankita Surve, Prof. Arjita Biswas
India is growing fast with the rapid growth in infrastructure, smart city projects and other commercial and housing projects to satisfy the population. This all things cannot be managed by old time consuming conventional construction methods. The conventional construction is too lengthy and risky for man and money. It also hinders the quality and cost of project
Risk Analysis in Precast Industry
Modeling and Analysis of Gear box Using ABAQUS Dr. B. Jayachandraiah
An attempt is made in this paper the modeling and static analysis of the Gearbox by using the Finite Element Analysis for the different materials such as steel STE-285 & Cast-Iron GG-30. The modeling of Gearbox is done by using CATIA V5 software and then the meshing is done the 73,590 quadratic tetrahedral elements of type C3D10 by using hyper mesh software.
Modeling and Analysis of Gear box Using ABAQUS
Survey on Recent Image Forgeries and their Detection Methods Vinay D Mohite, Uttara Athawale, Sonali Athawale
In recent years, with the improvement of digital manipulation tools, image forgeries have become a social issue. Copy-move forgery is an important type of digital manipulation which is done by duplicating some parts of the image with the purpose of hiding specific information. Image forgery detection is emerging as one of the hot research topic among researchers
Survey on Recent Image Forgeries and their Detection Methods
Vinay D Mohite, Uttara Athawale, Sonali AthawaleSurvey on Recent Image Forgeries
The Future Education with Artificial Intelligence Chaitanya Dev Singh Sisodiya, Dr. Sanjeev Singhal
Artificial Intelligence technology is not new to us as it has its own history which is vigorously and continuously modifying and expanding. It centers on intelligent machines and tools that senses surroundings and acts accordingly to maximize success probabilities. In this paper - the aim is to highlight the relation between Artificial Intelligence and Education.
The Future Education with Artificial Intelligence
Perceptions Of The Respondent Employees Of Andhra Bank And Icici Bank L.Vijay Kumar Setty, Prof.K.Seshaiah
Banking business organizations mostly depend upon human resources for gaining strategic advantages only from the core competencies, which are developed by the individuals working in it. Training and development play a key role in the effective functioning of banks and to the experiences of people in work. Training is part of banking business.
Perceptions Of The Respondent Employees Of Andhra Bank And Icici Bank
L.Vijay Kumar Setty, Prof.K.SeshaiahPerceptions Of The Respondent
Impact of Sales Promotion on Customer Purchase Intention With Respect to Organized Retail Industry *Dr. Atul Kumar, Dr. Jena Joshi, Dr. Vinaydeep Brar
The present study is based on different tools of sales promotional as adopted by supermarket chain of Aditya Birla Retail Limited -“More”. This paper studies the impact of sales promotions on the customer‟ satisfaction level as well as on their purchase intention with respect to various sales promotional tools applied by the organized retail industry.
Impact of Sales Promotion on Customer Purchase Intention With Respect to Organized Retail Industry
*Dr. Atul Kumar, Dr. Jena Joshi, Dr. Vinaydeep BrarImpact of Sales Promotion
Survey on Recent Image Forgeries and their Detection Methods Vinay D Mohite, Uttara Athawale, Sonali Athawale
In recent years, with the improvement of digital manipulation tools, image forgeries have become a social issue. Copy-move forgery is an important type of digital manipulation which is done by duplicating some parts of the image with the purpose of hiding specific information. Image forgery detection is emerging as one of the hot research topic among researchers
Survey on Recent Image Forgeries and their Detection Methods
Vinay D Mohite, Uttara Athawale, Sonali AthawaleSurvey on Recent Image Forgeries
The Future Education with Artificial Intelligence Chaitanya Dev Singh Sisodiya, Dr. Sanjeev Singhal
Artificial Intelligence technology is not new to us as it has its own history which is vigorously and continuously modifying and expanding. It centers on intelligent machines and tools that senses surroundings and acts accordingly to maximize success probabilities. In this paper - the aim is to highlight the relation between Artificial Intelligence and Education.
The Future Education with Artificial Intelligence
Perceptions Of The Respondent Employees Of Andhra Bank And Icici Bank L.Vijay Kumar Setty, Prof.K.Seshaiah
Banking business organizations mostly depend upon human resources for gaining strategic advantages only from the core competencies, which are developed by the individuals working in it. Training and development play a key role in the effective functioning of banks and to the experiences of people in work. Training is part of banking business.
Perceptions Of The Respondent Employees Of Andhra Bank And Icici Bank
L.Vijay Kumar Setty, Prof.K.SeshaiahPerceptions Of The Respondent