Volume 04, Issued 09, Dec 2018
Analysis Of Pathological Lesions For Varicose Ulcer Classification Using Svm Classifier R.R.Bhavani, Dr.G.Wiselin Jiji
Any wound that penetrates deep into the tissues cause deviations in the distribution of cells, leading to changes in biological structures they form. Accurate identification of the affected tissue and analysing the characterization of these structures are essential for accurate diagnosis and classification of any ulcer. In this paper, we present a new approach for the classification of histopathological wound images.
Analysis Of Pathological Lesions For Varicose Ulcer Classification Using Svm Classifier
R.R.Bhavani, Dr.G.Wiselin JijiAnalysis Of Pathological Lesions
Effect of Digitization on Indian economy: An Employment Perspective Bhojraj Yashwant Shewale, Dr. Vani. N. Laturkar
In India, increasing internet penetration, rapid technology adoption and high sale of technical gadgets like smart phones, tablets, etc, have led to an attractive online customer base and unprecedented growth of Digitization. Digitization being a key economic driver in the present world it is important to integrate the economy by creating digital markets. Firms, prices and productivity are the three benefits derived by an economy.
Effect of Digitization on Indian economy: An Employment Perspective
Bhojraj Yashwant Shewale, Dr. Vani. N. LaturkarEffect of Digitization
Study on Effect of Different Ball Milling Duration on SiC Particles H.P. Raju, B.M. Madhusudan, S. Ghanaraja
Significant improvements in mechanical, chemical, and physical properties have been achieved through chemistry modifications and conventional thermal, mechanical, and thermo mechanical processing methods. However, the ever-increasing demands for "hotter, stronger, stiffer, and lighter" than traditional materials have led to the design and development of advanced materials.
Study on Effect of Different Ball Milling Duration on SiC Particles
H.P. Raju, B.M. Madhusudan, S. GhanarajaStudy on Effect of Different Ball
Laplace Transforms Approach for the Velocity Distribution and Shear Stress Distribution of a Unidirectional Laminar Flow *Rohit Gupta, Rahul Gupta, Sonica Rajput
Just as surface tension is the characteristic of a fluid at rest, viscosity is the characteristic of a fluid by virtue of which an internal frictional force (viscous force) produced due to the intermolecular forces becomes active when the fluid is in motion and opposes the relative motion of its different layers. This viscous force acts tangentially and is effective when the different layers of the fluid.
Laplace Transforms Approach for the Velocity Distribution and Shear Stress Distribution of a Unidirectional Laminar Flow
*Rohit Gupta, Rahul Gupta, Sonica RajputLaplace Transforms Approach
Impression Analysis of Twitter moods using Priority Based Features and SVM Hemant Deore, Prof M. V. Kumbharde
Sentimental analysis formality also known as opinion mining refers to finding polarity of the user’s statements (opinions) whether they are positive or negative or neutrals. Sentiment analysis helps to systematically identify, extract, quantify, and study effective states and subjective information. Now a days users are posting theirs reviews on social networking sites like Tweeter which can be prove good source of information.
Impression Analysis of Twitter moods using Priority Based Features and SVM
Hemant Deore, Prof M. V. KumbhardeImpression Analysis of Twitter
Originity of The Number Symbol in The Indus Valley Civilization PUJA KUMARI SRIVASTAVA, *K. B. SINGH
In this section emphasis is laid on the fact that the number-symbol had its origin in the Indus valley civilization. The vedic Civilization was considered the oldest civilization of our Country till 1920 A.D. But, it has been proved wrong. Two old great cities have been discovered after 1920 A.D. They are Mohen-jo-daro and Harappa. The excavations at Mohen-jo-daro and Harappa had unearthed many documents.
Originity of The Number Symbol in The Indus Valley Civilization
PUJA KUMARI SRIVASTAVA, *K. B. SINGHOriginity of The Number Symbol
Vermicomposting Technology As Fertilizer For Improvement Of Crops/Plants Dr. (Mrs) Bhawna Sharma
At global, use of chemical fertilizers reduce land productivity and crops/plants which become dependent on periodic inputs of the chemical fertilizers. Land need to be prevented from degradations. Green manures are effective alternatives in chemical fertilizers in the management and preservation of soil fertility and productivity, adding organic matter and nutrients to the soil.
Vermicomposting Technology As Fertilizer
Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC)-An Extensive Review Vipin Kumar Mishra, Dr. Ritula Thakur
The term active power filter (APF) is a widely used terminology in the area of electric power quality improvement. APFs have made it possible to mitigate some of the major power quality problems effectively. This work focuses on a Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC). The UPQC is one of the APF family members where shunt and series APF functionalities are integrated together to achieve superior control over several power quality problems simultaneously.
Unified Power Quality Conditioner
On The Ternary Cubic Diophantine Equation 5x^2-2y^2=3z^2 K. Thangamalar
The ternary cubic Diophantine equation given by 5x^2-2y^2=3z^2 is analyzed for its non-zero discrete integer points on it. Different patterns of integer points for the equation under contemplation are obtained. A few interesting relations between solutions and extraordinary numbers are obtained.
On The Ternary Cubic Diophantine
Crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and energy frame work of 4-chloro phenyl) (p-tolyl) methyl) Sahaj A. Gandhi*, Shreelatha Nair, Urmila H. Patel
Sentimental analysis formality also known as opinion mining refers to finding polarity of the user’s statements (opinions) whether they are positive or negative or neutrals. Sentiment analysis helps to systematically identify, extract, quantify, and study effective states and subjective information. Now a days users are posting theirs reviews on social networking sites like Tweeter which can be prove good source of information.
Crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and energy frame work of 4-chloro phenyl) (p-tolyl) methyl) piperazin-1-yl) (5H-dipyrido [3, 2-b: 2', 3'-f] azepin-5-yl) methanone, a novel fused di-pyrido azepin derivative
Sahaj A. Gandhi*, Shreelatha Nair, Urmila H. PatelCrystal structure, Hirshfeld surface
A Study On Effectiveness Of Promotional Strategy At Aviva Life Insurance India Limited Dr. B. Merceline Anitha
Promotion is one of the key components of the advertising blend and manages any a couple of way correspondence that happens with the buyer. Settling on a marketing communications strategy is one of the essential jobs of the marketing manager and this procedure includes some key choices about who the client is, the way to get in touch with them, and what the message ought to be.
A Study On Effectiveness Of Promotional Strategy At Aviva Life Insurance India Limited
Dr. B. Merceline AnithaA Study On Effectiveness Of Promotional
Research on cloud computing services in Medical Health Care: Issues and Challenges Vinoth Kumar J, Dr. K. Venkatachalapathy
Cloud computing has been emerging to be one of the most widely researched fields in the past decade due to its immense potential for offering services on a global scale. Most of the information technology and processing firms have undertaken a migration of their data processing centers towards cloud networks to improve the quality of service (QoS) delivered to their clients.
Research on cloud computing services in Medical Health Care: Issues and Challenges
Vinoth Kumar J, Dr. K. VenkatachalapathyResearch on cloud computing services
Analysis and Evaluation of Short-Term Load Forecasting Techniques Anamika Singh, Manish K. Srivastava
To supply electric power and energy to every customer in an economical and secure manner, all the electric companies faces several technical and economic challenges. The short-term load forecasting is the most crucial field of research, has become the most priority operations for reliable and efficient power supply system. It plays a very substantial role in the contingency analysis, scheduling, planning, maintenance.
Analysis and Evaluation of Short-Term Load Forecasting Techniques
Anamika Singh, Manish K. SrivastavaAnalysis and Evaluation
Inter Molecular Interaction of Amino Acids at Different Temperatures V.Hariharakrishnan, B.S.Srikanth, K.Vetrivel, S.Faiyaskhan
The structure of liquids is less well established than that of gases or solids. Despite a great deal of research in this area, we still do not have a clear picture of the way in which molecules are arranged in even the most common liquid, water. We do, however, have a reasonably detailed knowledge of the average distances between atoms or molecules in a liquid.
Inter Molecular Interaction of Amino Acids at Different Temperatures
V.Hariharakrishnan, B.S.Srikanth, K.Vetrivel, S.FaiyaskhanInter Molecular Interaction of Amino Acids
Anti- Nepharocalcinolysis Study Of Bioactive Compounds Isolated From Aerva Lanata Amarnath, S., Narayanan, K. R & *P.Dhasarathan
In the present investigation impact of Aerva lanata active compound (2-Decyl -1-tetra decanol) in Ethylene glycol (0.75%) administered urolithiatic animals. Anti-nepharocalcinolysis effect of Aerva lanata was found and recorded. Chronic administration of 0.75% (v/v) ethylene glycol aqueous solution to male albino rats resulted in hyperoxaluria. Oxalate, calcium and phosphate excretion.
Anti- Nepharocalcinolysis Study Of Bioactive Compounds Isolated From Aerva Lanata
Amarnath, S., Narayanan, K. R & *P.DhasarathanAnti- Nepharocalcinolysis Study
Leadership Traits: A Study of Public and Private Sector Banks in Chandigarh Ravneet Rehan, Radha Sharn Arora
In an organization, the position of a manager is very important. A manager is responsible for management and working of the organization. If a manager possess the leadership skills than it will help him to make his subordinates work with more efficiency and effectiveness. In banking sector, the role of managerial leadership is very important as they deal with human beings.
Leadership Traits: A Study of Public and Private Sector Banks in Chandigarh
Ravneet Rehan, Radha Sharn AroraLeadership Traits: A Study
Experimental Study Of Heat Transfer In Helical Coil Heat Exchanger With Nano Fluid Mr. Arun Barla, Dr. J.N. Mahto
In the present days Heat exchangers are the important engineering system whose applications are used in every engineering plant and industries. Helical coil configuration is very effective for heat exchangers as they can accommodate a large heat transfer area in a small space, with high heat transfer coefficients. This paper presents an experimental analysis of helical coil heat exchanger performance.
Experimental Study Of Heat Transfer In Helical Coil Heat Exchanger With Nano Fluid
Mr. Arun Barla, Dr. J.N. MahtoExperimental Study Of Heat Transfer
Factors persuading school teachers' acceptance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in pedagogy Jobin Joy, Dr. M Srihari
The ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) have enormous potential to transform the academic sphere with innovations. Every step of humanity is backed and anchored by technology hence it is mandatory to have its inclusion in academic sector too where mere learning of technology changed to learning with technology. Last three decades witnessed a technological revolution in the academic sector.
Factors persuading school teachers' acceptance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in pedagogy
Jobin Joy, Dr. M SrihariFactors persuading school teachers
Optimal Allocation of Embedded Cost of Transmission Transaction in Practical Power System PRACHIKA B. GEDAM, Dr. SANJAY B. WARKAD
In the competitive power market, it is obligatory to form a rational pricing scheme which can provide the appropriate cost-effective information to market participants, such as generation companies, transmission companies and customers. Proper transmission pricing scheme for transmission network will ensure reliability and secure operation of power system. A variety of methods and ideas have been tried for electricity.
Optimal Allocation of Embedded Cost of Transmission Transaction in Practical Power System
PRACHIKA B. GEDAM, Dr. SANJAY B. WARKADOptimal Allocation of Embedded Cost
Nano δG-Closed Sets In Nano Topological Spaces R. Vijayalakshmi, Mookambika.A.P.
The aim of this paper is to define and study the new class of closed sets namely Nano δ closed sets and then Using this Nano δ closed sets ,we are introduce Nano Gδ closed sets and Nano δG closed sets in Nano topological spaces and study some of their properties. Also we investigate the relationships between the other existing Nano closed sets .Further, we define and study the concept of Nano δG open sets.
Nano δG-Closed Sets In Nano
Study of Information System and its Importance in Organization Dr. Durgesh Batra, Ritu Vashistha
This paper gives an introduction of Information and Information system and discussed about the various factors of effective Information and Information system. The paper also discuss the how the flood of information can be managed effectively and efficiently with the help of Information system; and Information system should connect the organizations internally as well as externally for more accurate performance.
Study of Information System
Transformation of Financial Services Function Through ERP Kanagasapabathy Sapthaswaran
Transformation of financial services function through ERP is one of the recent evolutions according to the changes in the technology improvement. It is fundamental to change the way of doing things as per the improved technology now a days. Every financial institution has started updating their functioning through the online mode. Specially banking services are being provided to customers for easy accessible and convenience.
Transformation of Financial Services
A Study on Employee Empowerment among selected IT companies with special reference to Coimbatore District *Vaishnavi. S, Dr.S.Aravinth
Empowered employees have extreme confidence and self-determination. Tremendously confident is a persuading factor as it creates higher productivity and career fulfilment. Though, at times, too much confidence in an employee may result in haughty behaviour. Through this research, objective is to ascertain employee empowerment among chosen IT companies with special acknowledgment to Coimbatore district.
A Study on Employee Empowerment among selected IT companies with special reference to Coimbatore District
*Vaishnavi. S, Dr.S.AravinthA Study on Employee Empowerment
A Novel K-means Spectral Graph Partitioning Based Data Clustering for Detection of Risk Factor in Diabetic Patients Abinesh S, G. Prabakaran and R. Arun Kumar
Clustering is a technique used widely in data mining and data analysis applications using a set of data points. It is used for separate data points into groups, based on the similarity many numerical methods which are currently available lagging in its performance due to its probability distribution. Clustering in medical applications plays a vital role to detect the abnormalities in patients.
A Novel K-means Spectral Graph Partitioning Based Data Clustering for Detection of Risk Factor in Diabetic Patients
Abinesh S, G. Prabakaran and R. Arun KumarA Novel K-means Spectral Graph
Pollination Service and Beekeepers of West Bengal: A Case Study at North Dinajpur District Manish Baidya, Sanghamitra Purkait
For long time people have not been seeing insects like bee, butterfly, dragonfly and so others. Most responsive reasons behind it are huge pressure of urbanisation, rapid industrialisation, unscientific usages of pest control materials in farms and few others. But almost all people know that these small insects are very much helpful for pollination. It is striking to think that three-quarters of our important food crops.
Pollination Service and Beekeepers of West Bengal: A Case Study at North Dinajpur District
Manish Baidya, Sanghamitra PurkaitPollination Service and Beekeepers
Banking Inclusion of dairy farmers in India; A critical analysis of pre and post demonetisation scenario Sruthi M G, Dr. Nimi Dev R
The economic status of people in India has improved a lot on account of the initiatives of Financial Inclusion Plans by the Government. India won the credit of World Bank as their reports revealed that about 55 percent of the total bank accounts newly opened in the world were attributable to India. Thus, the overall access to banking services by people in India shows a good sign.
Banking Inclusion of dairy farmers in India; A critical analysis of pre and post demonetisation scenario
Sruthi M G, Dr. Nimi Dev RBanking Inclusion of dairy farmers
Effect of Simultaneous and Non-Simultaneous Mixing of Alum & Lime on Fluoride Removal Efficiency of Existing Nalgonda Technique *Dhananjay Singh Shyamal, Ankita Sawai , Laukush Kumar
Drinking Water is the main source of fluoride intake in human beings. Fluoride intake can cause many health problems in humans if its consumption exceeds the maximum permissible limit of 1.5 mg/L as prescribed by WHO and BIS. Excessive Fluoride intake causes dental and skeletal fluorosis. It causes dental caries formation in children of growing age if its concentration in drinking water is less than 1 mg/L.
Effect of Simultaneous and Non-Simultaneous Mixing of Alum & Lime on Fluoride Removal Efficiency of Existing Nalgonda Technique
*Dhananjay Singh Shyamal, Ankita Sawai , Laukush KumarEffect of Simultaneous and Non-Simultaneous
Implementing Machine Learning Techniques in Malware Detection *Adnaan Arbaaz Ahmed, D.Rajesh, Dr.M.I.Thariq Hussan
Malware is compatible in a world of innumerable computer users, who are constantly faced with these threats from various sources like the internet, local networks and portable drives. Malware is more probable low to high risk and can cause systems to function incorrectly, retrieve data and even crash. Malware may be executable or system library files in the form of viruses, worms, Trojans, all targeted at exploiting the security.
Implementing Machine Learning Techniques in Malware Detection
*Adnaan Arbaaz Ahmed, D.Rajesh, Dr.M.I.Thariq HussanImplementing Machine Learning Techniques
Innovations In Banking Sector To Improve The Operational Efficiency Of Banks Venu Kesi Reddy
In this paper it is tried to explain the different technical tools helping the banks to improve the operational efficiency of the banking industry. Net banking, smart watches, in car app, blockchain technology, ibeacon and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology offers banks the ability to personalize services for customers in branches. Barclays is one of the first to trial this, using the indoor position system improve accessibility.
Innovations In Banking Sector
Performance Analysis Combination of Activated Carbon and Resin for Hard Water Softening *Ajay Adsule, Dr. G. S. Kulkarni
The Water Quality analysis for five samples of Surface water source and five samples of groundwater sources were carried out in an up flow type of water filter reactor. The filter media consisted of two separate columns made of transparent acrylic material of 1m length each mounted on a wooden board with plumbing fixtures connected, first column consisting of Activated Carbon.
Performance Analysis Combination of Activated Carbon and Resin for Hard Water Softening
*Ajay Adsule, Dr. G. S. KulkarniPerformance Analysis Combination
Analysis of Hybrid Lottery Scheduling algorithm using Markov chain Model *Pradeep kumar Jatav, Rahul Singhai, Saurabh Jain
CPU scheduling algorithms decide which of the available ready queue process should be selected next for the execution so that we can have optimum utilization of CPU. A number of scheduling algorithms have been proposed so far. One of the efficient algorithm among them is lottery scheduling. It is based probability scheduling in which one or more tickets are assigned to each process.
Analysis of Hybrid Lottery Scheduling algorithm using Markov chain Model
*Pradeep kumar Jatav, Rahul Singhai, Saurabh JainAnalysis of Hybrid Lottery Scheduling
Financing Health Insurance in Odisha: A Quest *Dr. Bhagabata Behera
Health insurance is very well established in many countries, but in India it still remains an untapped market. Less than 15per cent of India’s 1.1 billion people are covered through health insurance. And most of it covers only government employees. India is at the crossroads of an exciting and challenging period in its history.
Financing Health Insurance in Odisha: A Quest
Computational Fluid dynamics analysis 81cm2 of PEMFC *Dr.V. Lakshminarayanan, J.Nandhakumari, Stalin Durai
Many parameters affect the performance of the fuel cell. In this work the performance of 81 cm2active area with landing to channel width ratio (L: C) 2:1 serpentine flow channel of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) for various pressure (1bar and 2 bar), various operating temperatures ranges (303,313, 323 and 333K) at constant mass flow rate of reactants was analyzed numerically.
Computational Fluid dynamics analysis 81cm2 of PEMFC
*Dr.V. Lakshminarayanan, J.Nandhakumari, Stalin DuraiComputational Fluid dynamics analysis 81cm2 of PEMFC
Integrating Supply Chain Management Practices and Perceived Benefits Dr. Gaurav Sehgal
Supply Chain Management seems to be the exertion of power by customers and consequently is seen by most of the Industries as a one-way process. Most of the Industries do not employ Supply Chain Management, rather they are managed at arm’s length by large customers. Superior competitive strategies are essential if the Indian Industries are to achieve not only absolute growth rates.
Integrating Supply Chain Management
Growth and Financial Performance of RRBS in India: An Exploratory Analysis *Payal Gupta
Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) have emerged as vibrant financial institutions providing core banking facility to rural people including farmers, rural artisans, industrial labourers and entrepreneurs working at small scales. It is a parallel financial institution working with commercial banks as well as cooperative banks in rural and tribal areas. The RRBs have more reach to the rural garden.
Growth and Financial Performance of RRBS
Group Discussions: Skills to Succeed *Dr. Mandeep Singh, Dr. Dipti Gulati
Organizations conduct Group Discussions to explore whether the prospective candidates have the aptitude where they can align their personal goals with the organizational goals for long term success. Group Discussions are held mainly because business management is essentially a group activity and working within groups is one of the most vital parameters of being successful, as a manager.
Group Discussions: Skills to Succeed
Neural Machine Translator for English to Tamil Translation using K-Means Clustering Algorithm Dr. (Mrs)V.VIDYAPRIYA. E.LAVANYA SHREE
The research work aims in developing English to Tamil translation using Neural Machine Translation. In an existing word by word translation system there are lot of issues and some of them are ambiguity, Out-of-Vocabulary words, word inflections, and improper sentence structure. To handle these issues, proposed architecture is designed.
Neural Machine Translator for English to Tamil Translation using K-Means Clustering Algorithm
Dr. (Mrs)V.VIDYAPRIYA. E.LAVANYA SHREENeural Machine Translator for English
Analysis of Bituminous Concrete Mixes Using H.D.P.E & Crumb Rubber as Admixtures THUMAI CHANDRA SEKHAR, KOLA LAKSHMI PRANATHI
Flexible pavements need more attention in selection of Resources and preparation of mixes now a day’s temperature is the main criteria which affect the mix quality, strength and durability, the performance of bituminous roads is to be identified that they are poor in high drainage situations. Present scenario about using various additives for improvement of mix.
Analysis of Bituminous Concrete Mixes Using H.D.P.E & Crumb Rubber as Admixtures
Speed Limits and Lane System Implementation – Ongole City Kola Lakshmi Pranathi, T Chandrasekhar
Transportation is considered as nitty-gritty of human life and backbone of national, regional, and local economy. The pavements performance mostly relies on their design. Setting out speed limits and implementation of lanes depending on the category of roads gives the finest design of pavement and also leads to utmost safety of the public. Establishing the intact and acceptable speed limits.
Speed Limits and Lane System
Error Analysis for Modeling of Multi Solute Effluent Adsorption Studies for Treatment of Kale Acid Z. Z. Painter, Dr. S. A. Puranik
Waste Water Treatment is the most concerned issue as the chemical industries are progressing over the years, as it has three adverse effects, namely, loss of material, degradation of the fresh source of water and environmental issues. Despite being researched over so many years, wastewater treatment is still a hot research topic as it incurs a lot of money and energy.
Error Analysis for Modeling of Multi Solute Effluent Adsorption Studies for Treatment of Kale Acid
Z. Z. Painter, Dr. S. A. PuranikError Analysis for Modeling of Multi Solute
A statistical modeling between rainfall and temperature for the district of Bankura located on Lower Ganges Basin Kush Kumar Dey, Dr. Vijay Kumar Dwivedi, Dr. Satanand Mishra
Water is the prime natural resources for all life. Water scarcity is the most challenges at present day of hydrologists. In this paper we established a statistical model on Simple Linear Regression Analysis. This analysis is evaluating the relative impact of a predictor (independent) variable as temperature on a particular outcome (dependent variable) as rainfall.
A statistical modeling between rainfall and temperature for the district of Bankura located on Lower Ganges Basin
Kush Kumar Dey, Dr. Vijay Kumar Dwivedi, Dr. Satanand MishraA statistical modeling between rainfall
Experimental Investigation of Mechanical Properties of AL 7178 Metal Matrix Reinforced with Silicon Carbide Nagarjuna, Dr.S.Gajanana, Dr.A.Krishnaiah
Aluminium Metal matrix reinforced within silicon carbide (sic) particles are being used for a high-performance application such as automotive, aerospace, military, electrical industries and marine industries. In the current paper aluminium alloy 7178 was taken as base metal (matrix) and silicon carbide was selected as reinforcement.
Experimental Investigation of Mechanical Properties of AL 7178 Metal Matrix Reinforced with Silicon Carbide
Nagarjuna, Dr.S.Gajanana, Dr.A.KrishnaiahExperimental Investigation of Mechanical
Some Matrix Inequalities Related to Orthogonal K. Jaikumar, Aarthy
In this paper we introduced the concept of s-partial ordering and derived some results related to s orthogonal matrices.
Some Matrix Inequalities Related to Orthogonal
A bird's eye view of Life Cycle assessment – An effective tool to evaluate environmental Chandraprakash G. Bhagchandani, Dr. S. A. Puranik
The life cycle assessment (LCA) is an effective tool to assess environment effects of a process or a product throughout its entire life cycle. An LCA examines the product from the extraction of raw materials for the manufacturing process, the production process and use of the item, to its final disposal. The paper discusses the bird’s eye view of the LCA studies broadly considering Goal.
A bird's eye view of Life Cycle assessment – An effective tool to evaluate environmental effects of a process or a product throughout its life cycle
Chandraprakash G. Bhagchandani, Dr. S. A. PuranikA bird's eye view of Life Cycle assessment
Experimental Investigation on Viscosity of CuO/Water Nanofluid Meenu Sharma, Munish Gupta, Puneet Katyal
Nanofluids are new generation heat transfer fluid and it is used in the different areas of heat transfer applications. This study presents the experimental study on viscosity of CuO/Water nanofluid to be used as heat transfer fluid. The nanofluid was prepared by dispersion of nano-size metallic particles in Distilled water.
Experimental Investigation on Viscosity of CuO/Water Nanofluid
Meenu Sharma, Munish Gupta, Puneet KatyalExperimental Investigation on Viscosity
Importance of remotely sensed data to analyze the changing fluvio-geomorphological environment Dr. Jayanta Gour
Lots of researches have been done or being carried on the geographical or socio-economic issues of Indian Sundarbans. Even though, due to the restricted entrance to the uninhabited mangrove islands and unavailability of primary as well as secondary data to carry out a case study or research work, we often depend upon the local people’s statements entered or wonder those mangrove.
Importance of remotely sensed data to analyze the changing fluvio-geomorphological environment
Dr. Jayanta GourImportance of remotely sensed data
Modeling of Multi Solute Effluent Adsorption Studies for Treatment of K Acid *Z. Z. Painter, Dr. S. A. Puranik
Wastewater Treatment is the most concerned issue as the chemical industries are progressing over the years, as it has three adverse effects, namely, loss of material, degradation of the fresh source of water and environmental issues. Despite being researched over so many years, wastewater treatment is still a hot research topic as it incurs a lot of money and energy.
Modeling of Multi Solute Effluent Adsorption Studies for Treatment of K Acid
*Z. Z. Painter, Dr. S. A. PuranikModeling of Multi Solute Effluent
A Study on Effect of Capital Budgeting Techniques on Financial Performance of Manufacturing Industry Dr. Sachin Lad
This study aimed at establishing how various CBT had impacted on the financial performance of manufacturing industry in Sangli and Kolhapur district of Maharashtra, India. This research is subjective and adopted inductive approach in order to answering research questions. The sample size for the study was 50 firms selected as per convenience sampling method from the targeted area.
A Study on Effect of Capital Budgeting Techniques on Financial Performance of Manufacturing Industry
Dr. Sachin LadA Study on Effect of Capital Budgeting
Impact of Investor Protection on Firm Performance Dr. Jyoti
The purpose of this paper is to measure the impact of investor protection on firm performance. The dataset consists of 49 companies over the period of 2001 to 2012, using a panel regression model. We use both accounting (ROA) and market based (Tobin’s Q) measures of firm performance. ROA and TQ are dependent variables and investor protection is independent variable.
Impact of Investor Protection on Firm Performance
A Survey on Agile Software Development Model: Extreme Programming V S Banupriya
Agile software development methodologies are called as the light weight development methods because of the informal, adaptive and flexible approach. An agile process provides numerous benefits include quicker return on investment, better software quality, and higher customer satisfaction. Extreme programming (XP) one of the commonly used agile model that aim to increase a software.
A Survey on Agile Software Development Model
Job Involvement and Organisational Climate of The Executives Dr. P. Jaya Kumar
The executives in organizations are also employees and they are also prone to the influence of job involvement in rendering their performance. Organizations can reach their vision and can perform their mission effectively if executives are working with involvement. An attempt is made to study the Job Involvement of the executives.
Job Involvement and Organisational Climate
Performance and Reliability Analysis of a Single Unit Power Cable with Inspection Policy in Metro Railways Ranu Pandey, Bhupender Parashar, Ajay Kumar Gupta
Metro railways become an essential part of everyone's life. Various power cables of different capacities are used for supplying power (energy) to the metro system. The current study of the metro network system discusses the reliability modelling and profit analysis of this failure resistant network through power cables. These cables are used for supplying power to substations from each station.
Performance and Reliability Analysis of a Single Unit Power Cable with Inspection Policy in Metro Railways
Ranu Pandey, Bhupender Parashar, Ajay Kumar GuptaPerformance and Reliability Analysis
Impact of Managerial Effectiveness on Growth of a Country – A Comparison between Developed & Developing Nations Vaibhav Arora, Shilpy Malhotra
Literature review makes it evident that the growth and development of any country is dependent on its firms and any firm’s performance is dependent on the managerial strategies and practices being followed by its managers. In this paper, we will be studying the impact of managerial strategies and practices on the Global Competitive Index of 40 countries from the list of 137 countries.
Impact of Managerial Effectiveness on Growth of a Country – A Comparison between Developed & Developing Nations
Vaibhav Arora, Shilpy MalhotraImpact of Managerial Effectiveness on Growth
Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana: A Comprehensive Orchestration Tool Towards Financial Inclusion Mrs. O.V.A.M. Sridevi, Prof. G.V.Chalam
Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana is a gigantic program by the Government of India as a part of Financial Inclusion. For the sustainable financial and economic development of the economy, the government launched Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) prestigiously on 28th August 2014. This program is brought into light targeting the people left-out into the mainstream of the financial system.
Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana: A Comprehensive Orchestration Tool Towards Financial Inclusion
Mrs. O.V.A.M. Sridevi, Prof. G.V.ChalamPradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana
Land Use Image Classification Using Deep Learning Networks M. Mary Madura Selvam, R. Valarmathi
Classification is considered as one of the important topics in remote sensing. For classification of land use image, the detection of many objects present in the land is highly essential. Large number of methods was proposed for data classification problem. Most of these method do not extract deep features. In this paper, deep learning concept is introduced to extract deep features.
Land Use Image Classification Using Deep Learning
Customer retention and Customer Loyalty in Public Sector Banks Dr. Preeti Yadav, Manoj Sharma
The present study aimed to analyze the correlation between customer retention strategies and customer loyalty in PSBs and to find the impact of customer retention strategies (perceived service quality, customer satisfaction, customer trust, commitment and bank’s image on customer loyalty in PSBs. Total 383 customers from one branch each of PNB, BoB and UCO bank were selected through purposive sampling technique.
Customer retention and Customer Loyalty
Security Challenges and Attacks in Vehicular Ad-hoc Network: VANET Narayanasamy Rajendran, E.R.Naganathan
Vehicular ad hoc network (VANETS) technologies are growing rapidly in the recent times. In VANET environment security is an important concern to perform secured communication between vehicular nodes. VANET can be protected from various passive and active attacks. As compared to other networks VANETs are less immune and more vulnerable to attacks. The additional overheads in VANETs are dynamic nature.
Security Challenges and Attacks in Vehicular Ad-hoc Network: VANET
Narayanasamy Rajendran, E.R.NaganathanSecurity Challenges and Attacks
Test Effort Estimation Tool for Mobile Apps Anureet Kaur, Kulwant Kaur
The growth of mobile apps in the last decade has taken over all aspects of human life. With this growth rate of mobile devices, the market demand for software running on these devices has also increased. Developers and testers are expected to deliver the mobile apps on time and within budget. Testing is preliminary to deliver the high-quality app.
Test Effort Estimation Tool for Mobile Apps
Impact of social and ethical issues related to advertisement affected by religious perception of controversial product in Kota City Ravi Gupta, Gopal Dhaker
Religious plays a significant role in the way of consumers perceives the advertising of controversial products. Religiosity, which describes an individual’s commitment and adherence to religious values and beliefs, is also of a noteworthy relevance in how consumers appraise product advertisements. The study attempts to investigate the effect of controversial advertisements on consumer attitude.
Impact of social and ethical issues related to advertisement affected by religious perception of controversial product in Kota City
Ravi Gupta, Gopal DhakerImpact of social and ethical issues
Relationship between Trainee Characteristics and Transfer of Training *Chidananda H. L., Udayachandra P. N.
The present study was conducted to determine the relationship between the trainee characteristics (Self-efficacy, motivation to transfer and commitment towards organisation) and transfer of training. 426 employees of the selected microfinance institutions in Karnataka completed a questionnaire that assessed 4 constructs (Self-efficacy, commitment towards organisation.
Relationship between Trainee Characteristics and Transfer of Training
*Chidananda H. L., Udayachandra P. N.Relationship between Trainee Characteristics
On Some Double Integral Transformation Of Aleph-Function Yashwant Singh
In this paper, the author will establish a double integral transform of Aleph (function which leads to yet another interesting process of augmenting the parameters in the Aleph (function. The result is given of general character and on specializing the parameters suitably, yields several interesting results as special cases.
On Some Double Integral Transformation
Interfacing a DC Motor with ARM Cortex M3 Microcontroller LPC1768 Md. Moyeed Abrar
The ARM cortex M3 processor is the need of the hour as it has many salient features which enable the user to use in a wide range of applications in the embedded domain. The ARM cortex M3 processor is ideally suited for low cost microcontrollers which are used most commonly in consumer products such as electrical appliances, toys, ovens and mobile phones.
Interfacing a DC Motor with ARM Cortex
Adjacent Line Graphs of Simple Graphs Dr. B.Vasudevan, K.Vimala
The concept of line graph was discovered by many authors independently and they gave it a different names, like derived graph[4], interchange graph[9], edge graph and edge-to-vertex dual. But the name line graphs comes from a paper by Harary &Norman(1960)[6]. In [1] Bagga, Beineke and Varma introduced the concept of super line graphs. In this paper, we introduce a new graph, called adjacent line graph.
Adjacent Line Graphs of Simple Graphs
R&D and Productivity in Indian Organized Manufacturing Sector *Harwant Singh, Dr. Swati Mehta
This paper is an attempt to analyze the relationship between R&D expenditure considered as knowledge capital and its productivity, to see sectoral differences if any emerge. We use two different industrial databases i.e. CMIE and ASI over the post reform period. we found that R&D has positive and significant impact on productivity, but its elasticity is very less as compare to that of physical capital.
R&D and Productivity in Indian
Heterogeneous Mixed Metal Oxides (MMO's) - Future prospects for the production of Renewable Sustainable Energy biodiesel Aman kumar*, Harish Chandra Joshi, Waseem Ahmad
Biodiesel is synthesised from different feedstock like edible, non-edible seed, animal fat etc via different transesterification technology. Heterogeneous mixed metal oxides (MMO’s) transesterification is account to be a green technological process. During the heterogeneous metal oxides process neither catalyst recovery non aqueous treatment steps is required and very high yields of methyl esters can be obtained.
Heterogeneous Mixed Metal Oxides (MMO's) - Future prospects for the production of Renewable Sustainable Energy biodiesel
Aman kumar*, Harish Chandra Joshi, Waseem AhmadHeterogeneous Mixed Metal Oxides (MMO's)
Impact of Employee Satisfaction on Success of New generation banks in Cuddalore District *L. Prakash, #Dr. K. Sethuraman
In this competitive world, success of any organization depends on its human resource. Banks are no exception to this. The employees of the Bank are important assets for the association. On the off chance that they are profoundly fulfilled they deliver more and it is productive for the association. So in this aggressive condition.
Impact of Employee Satisfaction on Success of New generation banks in Cuddalore District
*L. Prakash, #Dr. K. SethuramanImpact of Employee Satisfaction on Success
Design of Quadratic Equations Multiplier using Urdhava Triyakbhayam Sutra of Vedic Mathematics Parveen Kaur, Dr.B.S. Dhaliwal
Vedic mathematics is the most proficient alternative to conventional mathematics as it simplifies and converts larger computation to smaller one. Vedic Algorithm can also be applied on Binary Arithmetic operations also. In this paper Urdhava Triyakbhayam sutra of Vedic Mathematics is used to implement the multiplication of two quadratic equations.
Design of Quadratic Equations Multiplier using Urdhava Triyakbhayam Sutra of Vedic Mathematics
Parveen Kaur, Dr.B.S. DhaliwalDesign of Quadratic Equations Multiplier
Predicting Soil loss rate and Mapping using RUSLE and GIS in a Watershed of Tamilnadu Velayudha Das M, Poongothai S
Soil loss due to erosion is one of the most critical environmental hazards in the modern world. USLE is a paper-based equation mostly used for soil loss estimation in hilly and plain areas. It was computerized and updated subsequently called as RUSLE. In the RUSLE, the soil loss A= R*K*LS*C*P. In this, R factor corresponding to rainfall values was calculated using regression equations.
Predicting Soil loss rate and Mapping using RUSLE and GIS in a Watershed of Tamilnadu
Velayudha Das M, Poongothai SPredicting Soil loss rate and Mapping
Power Dissipation Analysis of UBCT Cascode Amplifier Circuit Amitabh Kumar
The Unipolar-Bipolar Composite Transistor (UBCT) cascode amplifier circuit is designed to combine the advantages of UBCT common-source amplifier and BJT common-base amplifier to maintain high voltage gain in higher range of frequencies by minimizing the input miller capacitance. For satisfactory operation of the UBCT cascode amplifier circuit, a particular range of supply voltage is taken into consideration.
Power Dissipation Analysis of UBCT
Behavioral Finance: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Literature Sattar Ali, Abhisek Mishra
In present economic scenario Behavioral Finance is seen to be an emerging area of research. It focuses on the rationality of investor’s investment planning and decision making capabilities. Today Behavioral Finance is found to be flourishing with its own principles and methodologies. Most of the researchers however are coming from western part of the globe.
Behavioral Finance: A Bibliometric Analysis
Goods and Service Tax and its impact on petroleum price in India Ayush Kumar Sharma
Goods and Service tax is a very famous concept of Indirect Tax system started by France in 1953. India, took around 64 years to bring this fruitful tax system into effect. After 1991’s economics reform, India adopted a number of measures to come out of financial crisis but failed to introduce GST completely in the country which France has shown to the world.
Goods and Service Tax and its impact on petroleum
A Study on Customer Satisfaction After Sales Services with Reference to Maruti Suzuki in Guntur Dr. P. Lakshmi Narayanamma, Mr. D. Sudhir babu
From the non technological period to the highly sophisticated self guided automobile that is produced, we have covered lot of distance. The opportunities in the automobile industry in India are attracting big manufacturers with big wallet and encouraging them to invest heavily on infrastructure, R & D and marketing. The automobile industry contributes significantly to the Indian economy.
A Study on Customer Satisfaction After Sales Services with Reference to Maruti Suzuki in Guntur
Dr. P. Lakshmi Narayanamma, Mr. D. Sudhir babuA Study on Customer Satisfaction After Sales Services
Deficient Extrapolated Cubic Spline SUYASH DUBEY, Y.P.DUBEY
We study shall in the present paper existence, uniqueness and convergence property of extrapolated cubic spline with multiple knots which interpolate a given function at two points of a general choice of set of points interioreach mesh interval which includes some earlier results in this direction of particular choice.
Deficient Extrapolated Cubic Spline
Linkage between NAVs of Mutual Fund and Benchmark Index and Outperformance of Mutual Funds CA Dr Das Shyamsundar Premanand
Investors has option to invest directly in individual securities or they may invest indirectly through mutual funds. It may be argued that an individual may not have necessary expertise in investing in right stock and outperform the markets. On the other-hand it is believed that Mutual Fund houses hire investment managers who have necessary expertise in managing fund in a way that it outperforms the market.
Linkage between NAVs of Mutual Fund and Benchmark Index and Outperformance of Mutual Funds: An Empirical Study of Index Schemes of Mutual Funds in India
CA Dr Das Shyamsundar PremanandLinkage between NAVs of Mutual Fund and Benchmark
Biosynthesis, Characterization And Antibacterial Activity Of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Using Murraya Koenigii (Curry Leaf) T. Deepika, C.M. Noorjahan*
The present study was aimed to biosynthesize the copper oxide nanoparticle using aqueous leaves extract of Murraya koenigii (Curry leaf). UV-Vis spectroscopy and SEM analysis were carried out to identify the nanoparticle. The antibacterial activity of biosynthesized copper oxide nanoparticle was investigated using Agar well diffusion method.
Biosynthesis, Characterization And Antibacterial Activity Of Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Using Murraya Koenigii (Curry Leaf)
T. Deepika, C.M. Noorjahan*Biosynthesis, Characterization And Antibacterial Activity
A Review of Dictionary Based Approaches for Latent Fingerprints Manvjeet Kaur, Ritika Dhaneshwar
Latent fingerprints are accidental impressions left by friction ridge skin on a surface. Detection of such fingerprints which are not visible to naked eyes can be done using various methods like chemical method, powder method (Fluorescent powder, magnetic powder etc), alternate light sources etc. The print residues that are left at crime scene are generally of very poor quality due to complex background noise
A Review of Dictionary Based Approaches
State of Arts: Natural Fiber Composite Prof. Ketul B. Brahmbhatt, Dr. K. B. Judal
Nature and sustainability. The aim of this review article is to provide a comprehensive review of the foremost appropriate as well as widely used natural fiber reinforced polymer composites and their applications. A number of drawbacks of NFPCs like higher water absorption, inferior fire resistance, and lower mechanical properties limited its applications.
State of Arts: Natural Fiber Composite
Relations on Semigroups D.D.Padma Priya, G.Shobhalatha, U.Nagireddy, R.Bhuvana Vijaya
Equivalence relations play a vital role in the study of quotient structures of different algebraic structures. Semigroups being one of the algebraic structures are sets with associative binary operation defined on them. Semigroup theory is one of such subject to determine and analyze equivalence relations in the sense that it could be easily understood.
Relations on Semigroups
A Comparative study on various Classification algorithms for flying insect classification S.Arif Abdul Rahuman, Dr. J. Veerappan
Mining insects’ sound is an open research issue. Nowadays some insects are harmful to mankind and some are beneficiary. The main objective of such mining is to determine and quantify the insects’ density available in sensible regions of a city. Recognition of insects based on their sound containing spatio-temporal data is also a hard problem. Various classification methods on such time-series data are available.
A Comparative study on various Classification algorithms for flying insect classification based on their spatio-temporal features
S.Arif Abdul Rahuman, Dr. J. VeerappanA Comparative study on various Classification algorithms
An Extensive study on challenging aspect of employability and talent management among engineering students R.Sivakumar, Dr.G.Alex Rajesh
High unemployment rate among the engineering students remains critical challenge in our country. The challenge arise due to low level of education patterns, assesses system of university and colleges and lack of appropriate awareness about their field of study. According to a NASSCOM’s perspective 2020 study, industry is already facing a shortage of employable talent.
An Extensive study on challenging aspect of employability and talent management among engineering students
R.Sivakumar, Dr.G.Alex RajeshAn Extensive study on challenging
Iris Recognition using Feature Optimization *Sumangala Biradar, Krunal B. Pawar
In the current era, due to uniqueness of iris complex features it is used for recognition of a human. The features of the iris image don’t change with age and also not slanted by external factors. The capturing of iris image and optimization of features is not an easiest task. Hence in this paper, a new method is proposed for optimization of iris image features using Gaussian filter.
Iris Recognition using Feature Optimization
Performance Evaluation of Classification Algorithms Based on Different Data Sets J.P.Medlin Julia, Dr.D.Bennet
Data Mining refers to the extraction of hidden knowledge from a huge pool of data. Classification, clustering and association rule generation are the very important data mining techniques. This research analyzed the performance evaluation of popular classification algorithms used by machine learning systems in terms of their accuracy by applying them on three completely different datasets.
Performance Evaluation of Classification Algorithms Based on Different Data Sets
J.P.Medlin Julia, Dr.D.BennetPerformance Evaluation of Classification
Relations on Semigroups D.D.Padma Priya, G.Shobhalatha, U.Nagireddy, R.Bhuvana Vijaya
Equivalence relations play a vital role in the study of quotient structures of different algebraic structures. Semigroups being one of the algebraic structures are sets with associative binary operation defined on them. Semigroup theory is one of such subject to determine and analyze equivalence relations in the sense that it could be easily understood.
Relations on Semigroups
A Comparative study on various Classification algorithms for flying insect classification S.Arif Abdul Rahuman, Dr. J. Veerappan
Mining insects’ sound is an open research issue. Nowadays some insects are harmful to mankind and some are beneficiary. The main objective of such mining is to determine and quantify the insects’ density available in sensible regions of a city. Recognition of insects based on their sound containing spatio-temporal data is also a hard problem. Various classification methods on such time-series data are available.
A Comparative study on various Classification algorithms for flying insect classification based on their spatio-temporal features
S.Arif Abdul Rahuman, Dr. J. VeerappanA Comparative study on various Classification algorithms
An Extensive study on challenging aspect of employability and talent management among engineering students R.Sivakumar, Dr.G.Alex Rajesh
High unemployment rate among the engineering students remains critical challenge in our country. The challenge arise due to low level of education patterns, assesses system of university and colleges and lack of appropriate awareness about their field of study. According to a NASSCOM’s perspective 2020 study, industry is already facing a shortage of employable talent.
An Extensive study on challenging aspect of employability and talent management among engineering students
R.Sivakumar, Dr.G.Alex RajeshAn Extensive study on challenging
Iris Recognition using Feature Optimization *Sumangala Biradar, Krunal B. Pawar
In the current era, due to uniqueness of iris complex features it is used for recognition of a human. The features of the iris image don’t change with age and also not slanted by external factors. The capturing of iris image and optimization of features is not an easiest task. Hence in this paper, a new method is proposed for optimization of iris image features using Gaussian filter.
Iris Recognition using Feature Optimization
Performance Evaluation of Classification Algorithms Based on Different Data Sets J.P.Medlin Julia, Dr.D.Bennet
Data Mining refers to the extraction of hidden knowledge from a huge pool of data. Classification, clustering and association rule generation are the very important data mining techniques. This research analyzed the performance evaluation of popular classification algorithms used by machine learning systems in terms of their accuracy by applying them on three completely different datasets.
Performance Evaluation of Classification Algorithms Based on Different Data Sets
J.P.Medlin Julia, Dr.D.BennetPerformance Evaluation of Classification
Review of Literature on Conjunction Control Methodologies for wireless sensor network using Artificial intelligence Meena Shyamrao Doibale, Dr. Kurundkar Gajanan Dattatray
This paper revolves around comprehensive study of various techniques which are utilized in improvement in performance of WSN and also gives the appropriate solution for the Congestion problems. As the occurrence of the congestion has an extremely deleterious impact on the performance of Wireless Sensor Network (WSNs). Some novel blockage control method utilizing computerized reasoning.
Review of Literature on Conjunction Control Methodologies for wireless sensor network using Artificial intelligence
Meena Shyamrao Doibale, Dr. Kurundkar Gajanan DattatrayReview of Literature on Conjunction
A Study on Frequency and Spatial Domain Specific Steganography Methods for Images Aditi Sharma, V.R.Singh
The data sharing between two individual is possible through a global channel which is insure from the various intruders. The data hiding methods provide the approach for securing the secret sensitive information within the cover image. In this paper, a study on steganography methods is provided. The steganography methods are categorized as frequency domain and spatial domain based methods.
A Study on Frequency and Spatial Domain Specific Steganography Methods for Images
Aditi Sharma, V.R.SinghA Study on Frequency and Spatial
Impact of Inter Functional Conflict and Cohesion on Performance Appraisal Satisfaction among Customer Service Executives in Real Estate Industry Sridhar R, Dr.N. Elangovan
This study aims at exploring the impact of Inter Functional Conflict and Inter Functional Cohesion on Satisfaction of the Customer Service executives on performance appraisal system. The process of performance evaluation and output of the performance appraisal directly impacts the satisfaction of the employee. While performance appraisal is the tool to measure the employees.
Impact of Inter Functional Conflict and Cohesion on Performance Appraisal Satisfaction among Customer Service Executives in Real Estate Industry
Sridhar R, Dr.N. ElangovanImpact of Inter Functional Conflict
E-Commerce in Today's World N. Anchana
E- Commerce or electronic commerce is commonly known as electronic marketing. It was started in early 1990’s by Jeff Bezos. It consists of buying and selling goods and services over an electronic system such as internet. It is purchasing, selling and exchanging goods and services over computer network or internet through which transactions or terms of sale are performed electronically.
E-Commerce in Today's World
Healthy Working Environment in Accounting firms: Ergonomic Solution *Niranjan L R, Dr Elangovan N
Ergonomicstries to combine the physical attributes of person to the physical environment he/she works in.Ergonomics is derived from the Greek word ergon which means work, and nomoi which means natural laws. It is the science of changing the design of products to make them fit for human use. Human characteristics, such as weight, height, and proportions are considered, as well as sight, hearing.
Healthy Working Environment
Online Visual Merchandising of Women's Ethnic Apparel – Literature Analysis of Artisan Reference *Phinu Jose, Dr. Elangovan N
The world has been witness to the dynamic changes in the retail industry. Moving from In Store to Online to Multi Channel to Omni Channel is a journey that most marketing enthusiasts are abreast with, yet the industry seems to be throwing new and disruptive insights in every innovation that it has made. With a lot of information, options, and refined research tools available at disposal to consumers.
Online Visual Merchandising of Women's Ethnic Apparel – Literature Analysis of Artisan Reference
*Phinu Jose, Dr. Elangovan NOnline Visual Merchandising
A Comparative Study on Various Types and Dimensions Stress Among Teacher Professionals *Dr. M. Julias Ceasar, P. Berline Kingcy
Research studies shows that conflicting demands cause confusion among professionals and lead to the creation of stressful situations that even affect their job and job roles. The Multiple pressures (or) pressures that unremitting or prolonged may also form the cause for role stress in a person. The five aspects related to stressors identified that are intrinsic to work.
A Comparative Study on Various Types and Dimensions Stress Among Teacher Professionals
*Dr. M. Julias Ceasar, P. Berline KingcyA Comparative Study on Various Types
The impressive growth of e-tailing in India A.Padma Abinaya
The Present day consumers enjoy huge comfort in ordering the products online with click and thanks to fast shipping system; they get their products delivered at the doorsteps in a day. The retailers are taking digital websites to different level by providing all necessities to their tech-savvy consumers. Over the past few decades the online retailing.
The impressive growth of e-tailing in India
An Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference based Smart Attendance System using Video Surveillance Camera Kartik N Argulwar, Santosh G. Bari, Sharnappa Udge
The classroom attendance survey is a major factor to check the student’s criteria to complete the course. Taking attendance by announcing the names or roll numbers to make presence count of a class is time consuming. As per the development in technology there are alternatives like face detection and fingerprint has developed. These developed system also is the time consuming one, the person have to go in front of fingerprint.
An Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference based Smart Attendance System using Video Surveillance Camera
Kartik N Argulwar, Santosh G. Bari, Sharnappa UdgeAn Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference
Stress That Hidner The Effective Functioning of Doctor Professionals: A Field Study *Dr. M. Julias Ceasar, P. Berline Kingcy
The specific stress experienced by people, often depends on the nature and demands of the setting in which people live or the type of organization where they work. Thus doctors experience different types of stress to different degrees. The professional role is extremely demanding because they serve the society where one has to interact with the other person in one form or the other.
Stress That Hidner The Effective Functioning of Doctor Professionals: A Field Study
*Dr. M. Julias Ceasar, P. Berline KingcyStress That Hidner The Effective
A Study on Employees Motivation with Special Reference to BSNL in Trichirappalli District Dr. P. Samimuthusait
This paper presents the employees motivation with special reference to BSNL. The main focus of this paper to identify the motivational factors adopted by BSNL. Identify which motivational factor motivates the employees the most and to find ot which financial and non – financial incentives motivate the employees the most. For the study convenient sampling was used and the sample size was 60.
A Study on Employees Motivation with Special Reference to BSNL in Trichirappalli District
Dr. P. SamimuthusaitA Study on Employees Motivation
A Study on Customer Satisfaction of Home DTH Services in Tiruchirappalli M.Gajalakshmi, Ms.E.Ragini
Marketing is a total system of business activity designed to plan price ,promote and distribute wants satisfying goods and services to the benefit of the present and potential customers to achieve organizational objectives five DTH service provider such as Sun direct, Tata sky, Dish TV, Airtel digital TV and Big Tv were undertaken for the study used Both primary and secondary data.
A Study on Customer Satisfaction
A Study on Consumer Perception Towards Online Shopping in Trichy Dr. M.Pitchaimani*, Ms. Ambika V
Online shopping is that the method of shopping for product and services from merchants World Health Organization sell on the web. Since the emergence of the globe wide net, merchants have wanted to sell their product to people that surf the web. Shoppers will visit net stores from the comfort of their homes and search as they sit before of the pc currently daily.
A Study on Consumer Perception
Handling Millennials, a need of novelty in management K.Armel Gael, Dr. Y. Vijila
Undeniably, we’re living a word in transition in all sectors of life. Management is not at all spared. Millennials have achieved maturity. On one hand, employees’ vision is no longer the development of the organisation/institution but self-realisation. On the order hand, all the HR functions are moving from classical and modern styles of handling people to new ones.
Handling Millennials, a need of novelty
Influence of Adolescents on Household Product Purchase Decision Dr. Sanjit Kumar Dash
The arena of household decision making proved to be complex and every member of family exert some influence, which may vary in degrees. Each family member may strongly believe that he or she exert a great deal of influence in some decision and a little in others, independent of their influence of other family members. The focus of this research is on the individual who is an adolescent.
Influence of Adolescents on Household
An Inquiry into The Perceived Quality of The Preferred Brand of Malted Food Drinks in Tiruchirappalli *Dr. ARUL R, ARPUTHA A
According to "Aristotle" "Quality is not an act, it is a habit." In many ways Indian consumers are distinct from their counterparts in other nations including their Asian neighbors. This may be because the Indian consumers tend to associate themselves more with values of nurturing, caring and affection than with the values of ambition and achievements.
An Inquiry into The Perceived Quality of The Preferred Brand of Malted Food Drinks in Tiruchirappalli
*Dr. ARUL R, ARPUTHA AAn Inquiry into The Perceived Quality
Consumer Preference towards Online Shopping Sites in Tiruchirappalli City Dr. P. SUGUNALAKSHMI, Ms. V. SOWMIYARAMALAKSHMI
Online shopping is the most favored and preferred mode of shopping by the present day generation due to convenience, easy payment process, easy store navigation, excellent copy for product description, availability of offers and greater variety of products. There is no dearth of online shopping sites available at present.
Consumer Preference towards Online Shopping Sites in Tiruchirappalli City
Dr. P. SUGUNALAKSHMI, Ms. V. SOWMIYARAMALAKSHMIConsumer Preference towards Online
A Study on Quality of Work Life in The Perception Of Health Care Personnel In Trichy Rural Primary Health Centres *Dr M.PITCHAIMANI, V.AMBIKA
Quality of work life is a concept which stimulates work environment makes conducive and it is an attempt to make better environment for workers. In simple terms quality of work life refers to favorable and unfavorable climate of work environment. Health care is striving to prevent disease. So doctors, staff nurses, ward boys, clerks, lab technicians.
A Study on Quality of Work Life in The Perception Of Health Care Personnel In Trichy Rural Primary Health Centres
*Dr M.PITCHAIMANI, V.AMBIKAA Study on Quality of Work Life
A Study on Challenges of Marketing Strategy and Production Issues in The Perception of Cardamom Growers in Tamil Nadu *Dr. K. Kumar, M. Saravana Kumar
Production of cardamom is creating more number of employment opportunities. Cardamom export is not growing in expected level that means meet demand developed countries. If spices like cardamom and pepper production is increased in the expected level that contributes Indian economic development. More than 85% of the production of cardamom is used for domestic purposes.
A Study on Challenges of Marketing Strategy and Production Issues in The Perception of Cardamom Growers in Tamil Nadu
*Dr. K. Kumar, M. Saravana KumarA Study on Challenges of Marketing Strategy
A Study on Customer Satisfaction of Tourist Services in Tiruchirappalli District *Dr.M.PITCHAIMANI, D.NATHIYA
Tourism sector is revolutionized in the impact globalisation and technological developments. It provides direct and indirect employment to many people namely hotel, transport services, banking services and travel guides. So important aspect is to decide selection of tourist place depends up on tourist satisfaction about these services.
A Study on Customer Satisfaction of Tourist Services in Tiruchirappalli District
*Dr.M.PITCHAIMANI, D.NATHIYAA Study on Customer Satisfaction
A Study on Consumer Satisfaction towards Himalaya Skincare Products in Tiruchirappalli Town *Ms. K. SUJATHA, Ms. S. AMALA
All the people are consumers. Consumer consumes things for daily use; they also consume and buy these products according to their needs, preferences and buying power. These can be consumable goods, durable goods, specialty goods or industrial goods .What the consumer buy, how the consumer buy, where and when the consumer buy ,in how much quality they buy.
A Study on Consumer Satisfaction towards Himalaya Skincare Products in Tiruchirappalli Town
*Ms. K. SUJATHA, Ms. S. AMALAA Study on Consumer Satisfaction towards
A Study on Customers' Satisfaction Towards Usage of E- Payment Models Ms. G.Thamaraiselvi
An essential part of our life is banking and it has gone internet just like everything else. Still many number of persons who are visiting the banks for different services like deposits, withdrawals and cheques transactions, etc. There is a rise of payment processing devices and electronic payment systems with more of development of technology.
A Study on Customers' Satisfaction
Manpower Accounting Credentials and Profitability of Selected Companies in India – A Comparative Study Dr. N.Kogila, Dr. SS.Nirmala, Ms.T. Porkodi
The success of an enterprise depends on how best the scarce physical resources are utilized by the Manpower of an organization. Manpower plays the most important role in the growth of an enterprise. Manpower Accounting helps us to measure the cost and value of the people in the organization. The objective of this study is to analyze the profitability of a company.
Manpower Accounting Credentials and Profitability of Selected Companies in India – A Comparative Study
Dr. N.Kogila, Dr. SS.Nirmala, Ms.T. PorkodiManpower Accounting Credentials
Mobile Banking –A Way of life Today *V Anuradha, S.K.Sukhuna
Mobile banking is growing in India with the growth of mobile penetration in every corner of this sub continent. In Japan and South Korea, major wireless operators like NTT DoCoMo and SKTelecom have successfully implemented M-commerce. Japan has nearly 65% of mobile penetration and now in India mobile operators are also doubling.
Mobile Banking –A Way of life Today
A Study on Stress Management Skills for Good Governance and Administration *Dr.R.Mangaiyarkarasi, S.NITHYA
Stress is defined as the emotional and physical strain that caused by a person’s response to pressure from the outside world. It occurs when there is a mismatch between what the people aspire to do and what they are capable of doing .In other words stress results when the pressure to perform a certain task is greater than the resources available to perform.
A Study on Stress Management Skills for Good Governance and Administration
*Dr.R.Mangaiyarkarasi, S.NITHYAA Study on Stress Management Skills
A Study on Impact of Internet Banking in Pudukkottai District *Dr. A. Kanmani Joan Of Arch, Ms.V. Tamilselv
Internet banking service is a service which provide a facility to make payments, update account information and monitor account transactions online, at anytime and anywhere through a single internet connection. Online banking also known as internet banking, e-banking, or virtual banking is an electronic payment system that enables customers of a bank.
A Study on Impact of Internet Banking in Pudukkottai District
*Dr. A. Kanmani Joan Of Arch, Ms.V. TamilselvA Study on Impact of Internet
Government Policy And Foreign Portfolio Investment Challenges In Indian Stock Market: A Scientific Approach Dr. S.Vanitha
The portfolio is an appropriate mix or collection of investments, held by an institution or a private individual. Holding portfolio is part of an investment and risk-limiting strategy called diversification. By owning several assets, certain types of risk (in particular, specific risk) can be reduced.
Government Policy And Foreign Portfolio Investment Challenges In Indian Stock Market: A Scientific Approach
Dr. S.VanithaGovernment Policy And Foreign Portfolio
Co Movements and Causation Effects of Sustainable Investment Indices of Asian Emerging Countries stock markets C. Hariharan, Dr. M.Babu*
In the last few years, the introduction of socially responsible investment indices have increased, thanks to the global investors and fund managers, focusing on sustainable investment for obtaining possible returns with low risk. Hence the world stock exchanges actively promote sustainability and transparency activities in their stock markets.
Co Movements and Causation Effects of Sustainable Investment Indices of Asian Emerging Countries stock markets
C. Hariharan, Dr. M.Babu*Co Movements and Causation Effects
A Comparative Study on Financial Statement Analysis of YES Bank and KOTAK MAHINDRA Bank during the period 2014-2018 Prof. S. Gokila
Banking is one of the major industry that handles cash, credit and other financial transactions. Banks provide a safe place for the public to transfer their savings into an investment. Banks play a major role for the continuous growth and development of a country. It stabilizes the financial position of a country.
A Comparative Study on Financial Statement Analysis of YES Bank and KOTAK MAHINDRA Bank during the period 2014-2018
Prof. S. GokilaA Comparative Study on Financial Statement
A Study on Fixed Assets Management in Stovekraft Pvt. Ltd. Bidadi *Dr. S.Oviya, Dr. V.Chandrakala
Asset management is crucial to the accounting process in any business. It can be difficult to find the time and the tools to devote the needed attention to assets that they deserve. Fixed Assets are the assets held with the intention of being used on continuous basis for the purpose of producing or providing goods or services and are not held for resale
A Study on Fixed Assets Management
A Study on Marketing Strategies in Life Insurance Services N. Padma Priya, Dr. B.J. Parimala Kalarani
The study is designed to evaluate the marketing strategies in life insurance service sector & how these strategies boost sales & marketability of a product which ultimately lead to customer satisfaction. The insurance scenario faces multiple challenges such as increased costs of operation, regulatory pressures, and inflexible technology infrastructure.
A Study on Marketing Strategies in Life Insurance Services
N. Padma Priya, Dr. B.J. Parimala KalaraniA Study on Marketing Strategies
A Study on Entrepreneurial Development in and Around Tiruchirappalli District *DR.A.FRANCIS VIJAYAKUMAR, **Dr. R ARUL
According to "Dhirubhai Ambani" True Entrepreneurship Comes only from Risk Taking Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) in its global study has ranked India 9th among Entrepreneurial countries in the world. India has secured highest position among28 countries in the category of 'necessity-based Entrepreneurship'.
A Study on Entrepreneurial Development in and Around Tiruchirappalli District
*DR.A.FRANCIS VIJAYAKUMAR, **Dr. R ARULA Study on Entrepreneurial Development
Organisational excellence in the pharmaceutical industry Vijayakumar S, Dr. G John
The current article focuses on organisational excellence among companiesin the pharmaceuticalindustry. The pharmaceuticals sector is facing problems as a result of high attrition rate and a severe dearth in the scientific R & D segment. Although its turnover rates compared to other industries is lower, the cost of turnover is much greater.
Organisational excellence
Workaholism in Manpower Recruitment Consultancy Services in Puducherry *R.Sujatha, Dr.K. Karpagam
Work gives income, sets the day, gives a feel of who we are, builds relationships, and gives us determination. Work is traditional and crucial for most people and administers several positive things. Despite the many clear-cut angle of work, some folks are seemingly impelled by internal and external forces to work excessively and compulsively.
Workaholism in Manpower Recruitment
Glass - Ceiling And Women In Management with special reference to Tirunelveli District *Dr.R.Ganesasubramanian, Mr.Ami.S.Ganesan, Ms.P.Prarthna
Despite, the considerable increase in the existence of women workforce in the post reform scenario in the Indian economy, marching record of entry into the higher managerial position is unreasonably restricted. This pitiless phenomena hampering the social economic development of women, this has been referred to as Glass Ceiling effect.
Glass - Ceiling And Women In Management with special reference to Tirunelveli District
*Dr.R.Ganesasubramanian, Mr.Ami.S.Ganesan, Ms.P.PrarthnaGlass - Ceiling And Women In Management
Tourism Industry in Tamilnadu -An Overview *Dr. J.VasanthaArockiaselvi, GeorgiaL.Thinakaran
In modern times, tourism has assumed considerable significance both from the cultural and economic points of view. It has been recognized in both developed and developing countries. Tourism is an important factor of economic development since motivates the development of several sectors of the national economy.
Tourism Industry in Tamilnadu -An Overview
An Impact of Changing Attitude from Gold Consumption to Gold Investment on an Economy –An Analytical Approach GeorgiaL.Thinakaran, C.F .Octovia Antony Sessammal
In India it has been proved that for every 1 percent increase in income, gold consumption increases by 1.5 percent, because gold is considered as a facade for their social status. Gold plays a vital role in Indian families, which has directly linked with their sentiments and ethnic rituals.
An Impact of Changing Attitude from Gold Consumption to Gold Investment on an Economy –An Analytical Approach
GeorgiaL.Thinakaran, C.F .Octovia Antony SessammalAn Impact of Changing Attitude
A Study on Problems and Issues of Corporate Restructuring in Contemporary Business Environment C.F .Octovia Antony Sessammal, Georgia L. Thinakaran
In an era of fast changing business environment where machines are fast replacing humans in every aspect of our daily life. It is imperative to embrace changes and adapt to this change by constantly upgrading our central processing units to meet the everyday challenges that the world throws on us. Corporate restructuring can be driven.
A Study on Problems and Issues of Corporate Restructuring in Contemporary Business Environment
C.F .Octovia Antony Sessammal, Georgia L. ThinakaranA Study on Problems and Issues of Corporate
A study on employee's stress-caused illness and the harmful effects on industry growth GeorgiaL.Thinakaran, Kasthoori queen
Stress is no matter which that brings psychosomatic and biological pressure that directs to panic, nervousness, worry, uneasiness, anger and anxiety and the body responds in a rapid, immediate and ineffective way. Report collected from medical experts, 90-95 per cent of poor health in recent period can be liable on psychosomatic forces.
A study on employee's stress-caused illness and the harmful effects on industry growth with special reference to TNPL Manapparai town
GeorgiaL.Thinakaran, Kasthoori queenA study on employee's stress-caused
An impact of E-banking on E- payment security system Dr.G.John, S. Cecili Suganthi
The paper deals the consumer's usage of e-banking system related to consumer awareness. Most of the bank customers are aware about all banking services provided by the bank. The bank further has to take necessary steps to educate the customer regarding the new technology and services offered by the bank.
An impact of E-banking
A Study on The Employee's Opinion on The Leadership Styles of Different Heads in Bishop Heber College *Mr.R.Mohan, Dr.D.Fennala Agnes Iylin
Every company has president, board chairman or leader. For the most ways we agree that someone individually needs to head our businesses and social institutions. The leader of any organization expectedly completes his role which is given by communicating the values of the organization he or she represents.
A Study on The Employee's Opinion on The Leadership Styles of Different Heads in Bishop Heber College
*Mr.R.Mohan, Dr.D.Fennala Agnes IylinA Study on The Employee's Opinion
A Study on Employees' Competency Mapping in Selected Private Banks With Special Reference to Trichirappalli District K.Vinoth, Dr. P. Gowthaman
In the present aggressive and dynamic world just a single thing is perpetual that is called change" so keeping velocity changing condition is dependably be a prerequisite and test for business world in a few territories particularly human asset management, as it is vital for business houses to pick work fit identity for reasonable development and advancement.
A Study on Employees' Competency Mapping in Selected Private Banks With Special Reference to Trichirappalli District
K.Vinoth, Dr. P. GowthamanA Study on Employees' Competency