Volume 09, Issue 02, May 2023
‘Realia’-a teaching tool to enhance ‘Speaking’ Skill P. Vijay Kumar, K. V. Divya
‘Realias’ as a teaching tool is an effective approach in teaching speaking skill. The universal language that is widely and more popularly used by people across the globe is of course English. People are using English as a second/ foreign language today for all purposes. Communicative language teaching is based on real life situation and teachers should create a classroom ambience where students have access and feasibility
DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0096
Covid-19 Plasma Donation Portal Using MongoDB, Node.JS and Mongoose Girish M Saraswathipura
The COVID-19 pandemic had created an unprecedented demand for convalescent plasma, necessitating the development of donation portals to facilitate this process. This research paper proposes a plasma donation portal using MongoDB, NodeJS and Mongoose with the purpose of offering secure and efficient platform to donors and recipients alike.The proposed system utilizes MongoDB to store donor and recipient information, with NodeJS acting
DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0097
A Novel Approach to Understanding of Statistics in Various Engineering Fields Abhinav Chandra, Neetu Sharma
Engineering is a field that heavily relies on statistical analysis and probability theory to make informed decisions. The use of statistics and probability in engineering can be seen in a wide variety of applications such as quality control, reliability analysis, experimental design, and risk assessment. In this paper, we will discuss the use of statistics in various engineering applications. Along with the use of statistics
A Novel Approach to Understanding of Statistics in Various Engineering Fields
Abhinav Chandra, Neetu SharmaDOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0098
A system for monitoring and alerting during prison escapes Junaid yousuf, Muneeb wali
A prisoner tracking system is proposed to identify prison break-ins and immediately notify authorities. It uses RF technology and two central monitoring devices to continuously monitor each prisoner. Each prisoner has a radio frequency tracker that wirelessly transmits a special prisoner code. The system then sends the prisoner's information to an online alerting portal system that can show alerts and play alarm sounds
DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0099
Role of macrophytes in aquatic ecosystem: A case study on Dal Lake, Kashmir Zahoor Ahmad Rather, Pooja Sharma
Macrophytes play vital role in maintaining the structure and functioning of the lake ecosystems. They act as bio indicators of pollution of water body, provide suitable habitat for different life forms. Macrophytes have a great efficiency and potential of absorbing nutrients from the sediments by their roots, thus improving the lake water quality. In the present study, the higher accumulation of biochemical constituents
Role of macrophytes in aquatic ecosystem: A case study on Dal Lake, Kashmir
Zahoor Ahmad Rather, Pooja SharmaDOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0100
Attendance System by Facial Recognition Manjushri Joshi, Akshat Joshi, Mayur Patil, Kaushal Kulkarni, Meet Parmar
this paper focuses on the attendance system by facial recognition which consists of the following major components: Raspberry Pi 3b, USB Camera, Programming language python. This model provides a convenient way to take attendance automatically by recognising the face of a person and comparing it with the images stored in the database. This model will reduce the work of teachers to maintain attendance. In this model, it can take up to 100 faces
Attendance System by Facial Recognition
Manjushri Joshi, Akshat Joshi, Mayur Patil, Kaushal Kulkarni, Meet ParmarDOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0101
Unpacking Machine Learning Bias: Sources, Mitigation Techniques and Ethical Implications Garvit jain
This research paper aims to analyze and mitigate the bias in machine learning models by exploring the different aspects of sources of bias and ethical implications. The paper reviews existing research on the fairness definitions, and techniques to mitigate bias. The authors propose a basic approach that addresses bias from the source and implications of bias. The paper hypothesizes that proper preprocessing techniques
Unpacking Machine Learning Bias: Sources, Mitigation Techniques and Ethical Implications
Garvit jainDOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0102
The rapid growth in internet and social media have given a huge boost from old form of marketing to consumer engagement, as it is recognized as new form of marketing. The core purpose of customer engagement is not just selling a brand to the customers but the involvement of brand experience and making the brand much more meaningful part to reach targeted customers. Moreover, the brand should grasp its reputation to attract the customers
DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0103
SEISMIC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF RCC TWISTED BUILDING USING ETab Mr. Bhushan Pokale, Mr. Abhay Rajale, Mr. Pratik Malu, Mr. Vishal Kharat
this paper represents the structural behaviour of RCC twisted building subjected to seismic loads with private swimming of the high rise twisted building using ETab. In a twisted tall building various rate of twist and positions of swimming pools for RCC twisted building will be analyzed. The different rate of twist 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 & 3.5 degree per floor for twisted building are considered. The modelling and analysis will be done using ETab
Mr. Bhushan Pokale, Mr. Abhay Rajale, Mr. Pratik Malu, Mr. Vishal KharatDOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0104
A Survey of Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET), its Applications,Characteristics and Challenges Syed Ahteshamuddin Quadri, Pratibha P. Dapke, Samadhan M. Nagare, Sagar B. Bandal, Manasi Ram Baheti
A mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) or a mesh network is a wireless network where wireless devices like laptops, mobile phones, radios, or sensors etc., are connected to each other without having any centralized control or server are called as infrastructure-less network. They can be installed (Set-up) anytime, anywhere, wherever emergency communication or collaborativework is needed. They are easy to install, self-configured network
A Survey of Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET), its Applications,Characteristics and Challenges
Syed Ahteshamuddin Quadri, Pratibha P. Dapke, Samadhan M. Nagare, Sagar B. Bandal, Manasi Ram BahetiDOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0105
Identifying the Main Challenges of Medical Tourism in Rajasthan Faced by Stakeholders Anita Jain
Medical tourism has emerged as a growing industry worldwide, offering patients the opportunity to seek medical treatments and procedures abroad. Rajasthan, a state in India, has become a popular destination for medical tourists due to its rich cultural heritage, affordable healthcare services, and experienced medical professionals. However, like any emerging industry, medical tourism in Rajasthan faces several challenges that affect various
DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0106
An Analysis of Customer Satisfaction on the performance parameters of bancassurance products and services Prof. Smitha Sambrani, E.Pranavi
Bancassurance, also known as the bank insurance model (BIM), is a word that is used to define the reciprocal connection that exists between banking institutions and insurance firms.The goal of the agreement between the bank and the insurance business is to facilitate the selling of insurance-related products by the insurance company through the bank sales channel. This will allow both parties to gain from the arrangement
An Analysis of Customer Satisfaction on the performance parameters of bancassurance products and services
Prof. Smitha Sambrani, E.PranaviDOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0107
Need for 'Professional' English Communication Rama Devi. P., Dr. M. Sandra Carmel Sophia
In an era, which marked by drastic changes in the field of education, Communication is the bedrock of climbing the ladder of success in academic, personal, and professional career.one should be well-versed and proficient in both spoken and written communication. This gives strength and add colour to one’s personality in a profession and helps gain an edge over others and credibility to any organization. Beginning from meetings, presentations
DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0108
Maximizing Performance and Longevity of Wireless Sensor Networks and IoT Systems through Energy Optimization Nahida Mehraj, Hardeep singh Dhillon
Heterogeneous sensor networks have become increasingly important in various fields, but the limited energy resources of sensors pose a significant challenge to their longevity and energy efficiency. In this study, we propose a novel approach to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of heterogeneous sensor networks by implementing more efficient clustering and selecting better cluster heads (CH). We employ the Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) clustering mechanism
Maximizing Performance and Longevity of Wireless Sensor Networks and IoT Systems through Energy Optimization
Nahida Mehraj, Hardeep singh DhillonDOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0109
Lockdown-Slowdown Risk Assessment for the COVID-19 Pandemic Waves impacted on the Life Way Rabin Das
COVID has become a famed catchphrase in the recent globe for last two years. In fact, most of the socioeconomic facets have been featured by a bitter crisis flaunt of massive constraints and confronts. Digha, a well-liked tourist destination over Bengal coast is reflected as a typical example of the finest coastal beaches in India and have been featured by twin developmental processes like tourism and rurbanization for last two decades
Lockdown-Slowdown Risk Assessment for the COVID-19 Pandemic Waves impacted on the Life Way
Rabin DasDOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0110
Effective Cost Comparison of a G+4 Residential Building Using Moderations in Structural Components Design Mohammed Sarfaraz Farooqui, Deepak. P. Patil
In this research paper a G + 4 residential building (already constructed) was chosen for a case – study purpose, in which they have used the traditional bricks of cherry red colored. In order to make the structure more economical only change made was instead of traditional bricks, hollow cement blocks or A.A.C. blocks or C4x blocks were considered as partition walls in the proposed ( imaginary ) structure , as this proposed structure
Effective Cost Comparison of a G+4 Residential Building Using Moderations in Structural Components Design
Mohammed Sarfaraz Farooqui, Deepak. P. PatilDOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0111
Study On Entrepreneurship Attitude of MBA Students with Reference to India Dr. S. SURESH
Global economic crised in 2009 and its impact made the ILO give recommendations to show more importance towards growth of domestic industries. It also recommended tha policy for promoting attitude towards entrepreneurial skills including risk taking, searching of new idea, MBA is exclusively opened the source of informationin terms of subjects for creating more entrepreneurs. This has been focused in the present study
DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0112
An Efficient Approach on the Implementation of RSA Algorithm in network computing environment Reyna Royce, Dr B.G Prasanthi
The internet and other networking applications are gaining rapid growth with an ever-increasing need for strong information security because the internet by default is anything but secure. To protect the data transferred and to carry out safe transactions on the web, cryptographic techniques are used. These techniques play a vital role in keeping the internet as secure as possible. With constant research and developments in the field of encryption
An Efficient Approach on the Implementation of RSA Algorithm in network computing environment
Reyna Royce, Dr B.G PrasanthiDOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0113
The aim of this report is to give a review of the progress in field of cold formed steel sections. Particular emphases are given to the finite element analysis of strength and behaviour of different cold formed steel single and builtup sections with flange or web stiffeners. Cold formed steel members can be plain in simple applications, but if provided with flange or web stiffeners, their performance and resistance to local
S B Yerudkar, S N KhanDOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0114
A Review on Various Approaches on Spam Detection of Mobile Phone SMS Samadhan M. Nagare, Pratibha P. Dapke, Syed Ahteshamuddin Quadri, Sagar B. Bandal, Manasi Ram Baheti
Spam and ham SMS detection in mobile phones, this paper presents review of spam Due to the availability of inexpensive bulk SMS bundles and the fact that messages elicit greater response rates due to the one-on-one and personalized nature of the service, they are a modern problem. In this study, to differentiate the messages, we will that will be classified into two categories spam and ham. Dataset of messages
A Review on Various Approaches on Spam Detection of Mobile Phone SMS
Samadhan M. Nagare, Pratibha P. Dapke, Syed Ahteshamuddin Quadri, Sagar B. Bandal, Manasi Ram BahetiDOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0115
A comparative study of CSR contribution of Top Indian companies Deepa Vinayak Bhat, Rajesh Ramesh Bhat
The incalculable future is common aspect in the rapid changing business environment. This has become a challenge in the long term and sustainable growth of the business. Such growth can be achieved through future oriented long term decisions. One such kind of decision is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). It can be treated as “give and take policy”, where company uses abundant social resources for its existence and growth
A comparative study of CSR contribution of Top Indian companies
Deepa Vinayak Bhat, Rajesh Ramesh BhatDOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0116
Organizational Behavior and Its Impact on Employee Performance Dr. L. PADMA
Today's organizational is predominantly dynamic that pose enormous opportunities and challenges to the corporate practitioners and policy makers. Understanding such dynamism is very crucial to pursue the organizational strategic objectives. Organizational Behaviour has certain factors that improve sustainability on basis of effectiveness. The improvement in productivity leads to employee commitment as norms, values
Organizational Behavior and Its Impact
Development of Anti-collision Security and Surveillance Drone Ankit Kumar Nishad, Ajay Kumar Yadav, Ankit Kumar, Vipin Kumar Yadav
Drone collisions with various objects during flight are a key problem in drone technology and lead to job failure. In the field of unmanned aerial vehicles, anti-collision systems are effective in order to avoid such a situation. The goal of the current study is to construct a drone that employs an ultrasonic sonar-based sensor to avoid collisions. The current paper's goal is to create an anti-collision drone for surveillance
Development of Anti-collision Security and Surveillance Drone
Ankit Kumar Nishad, Ajay Kumar Yadav, Ankit Kumar, Vipin Kumar YadavDOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0117
A General View of Indian Diaspora K. Venkata Lakshmi, Dr. M. Sandra Carmel Sophia
Indian diaspora has a history of about a hundred and fifty years extending over four generations of writers coming from a multi-lingual and mono-cultural platform. The period from 1990 to 2020 has seen the emergence of a huge body of immigrant writers trying to carve out their own milieu with its specific historicity. Indian Literature in English during the four generations, has contributed widely to a range of genres
DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0118
Spinach Leaf Disease Detection and Analysing employing Feed Forward Back Propagation Neural Networks Sandeep kaur, R.P.Singh, Jasmeen Gill
The vegetables and edible leaves overlays around 40% contribution in the growth of our land and the spinach leaves play a significant role in that manner. Although unhealthy leaves can reduce the production of the crop which may lead indirectly to the decrease in the development of nation therefore, leaf disease diagnosis is the main source for averting the losses in the revenue and eminence of the agricultural crops
Spinach Leaf Disease Detection and Analysing employing Feed Forward Back Propagation Neural Networks
Sandeep kaur, R.P.Singh, Jasmeen GillDOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0119
Assessment of Irrigation Potential of Kulsi River Basin using System Analysis Techniques Dr. Krishna Kamal Das
Agriculture is the predominant user of most of the water resources. Efficient use of water for irrigation can help in sustainable development of the region. A typical reservoir operation model should be incorporated for reservoir release for efficient irrigation system. Under a multi-crop environment, the various crops compete for the available water whenever the water available is less than the irrigation demands
Assessment of Irrigation Potential of Kulsi River Basin using System Analysis Techniques
Dr. Krishna Kamal DasDOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0120
Synthesis and Mechanical Behaviour of Aluminium Reinforced with Alumina-Graphite Based Hybrid Composites Ghanaraja S, Ganapathy Bawge, S V Anil Kumar, Ravikumar K S
The development of metal matrix composites (MMCs) represent a new generation of engineering materials in which a strong ceramic reinforcement is incorporated into a metal matrix to improve its properties including specific strength, specific stiffness, wear resistance, corrosion resistance and elastic modulus. Thus, they have significant scientific, technological and commercial importance. During the last decade, because of their improved properties
Synthesis and Mechanical Behaviour of Aluminium Reinforced with Alumina-Graphite Based Hybrid Composites
Ghanaraja S, Ganapathy Bawge, S V Anil Kumar, Ravikumar K SDOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0122
Now a days used of double stage switch mode power supply is used in computer devices. Owing used of switch mode power supply can provide flexibility while dealing with DC regulated power supply. Due to ability of handling different DC loads SMPS topology can be used in medical application. This project proposes the use of SMPS topology for PC application & Medical application. As considering concern of electrical power quality and voltage regulation
DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0092
Design and Analysis of an Arrow Shaped Two-Element Patch Antenna Array with Defected Ground Structure for Sub-6 GHz UWB Applications Rachna Rajput, Alok Kumar Rastogi, Sunil Mishra, Merlyn Sylvester
An arrow shaped two-element patch antenna array for sub-6 GHz UWB applications by using the FR-4 (Flame Retardant), which is a glass-reinforced epoxy laminated substrate material. The two-element antenna array is designed with the planar ground. The designed antenna is an arrow shape, compact and planar for sub-6 GHz UWB applications. The size of the antenna is 44×48 mm (width and length), which shows the bandwidth of 2.86 GHz
Design and Analysis of an Arrow Shaped Two-Element Patch Antenna Array with Defected Ground Structure for Sub-6 GHz UWB Applications
Rachna Rajput, Alok Kumar Rastogi, Sunil Mishra, Merlyn SylvesterDOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2023.0093
A Study on Financial Literacy among Millennials in Mysore City Shyamala G, Dr. R. Mahesh
Financial system influences the economic development of any country. Every generation affects the economy, but generation–Y or millennials have grown up with respect to rapid economic change, which provided them wider career opportunities compared to previous generations. Financial literacy plays a vital role for accomplish the financial goals of the millennials and assist to make financial decisions
A Study on Financial Literacy among Millennials
Neural Network Based Image Classifier for Nuts and Bolts Faizan Muneer, Amritpal Singh
The fundamental objective of the work is to develop a system that will be beneficial in the mechanical sector for the recognition of bolts and nuts. The aim of the study is to develop an image processing algorithm using principal component analysis to deliver standardized pictures which can be utilized as inputs for processing and detection. The Spyder software integrates all algorithms. This application also warrants a prototype which replicates
Neural Network Based Image Classifier
Adversarial Examples Generation and Mitigation in Deep Neural Networks Harvish Jariwala, Nancy Radadia
A trillion-crease expansion in calculation power has promoted the use of profound learning (DL) for dealing with an assortment of AI (ML) errands, like picture order, normal language handling , and game hypothesis. Notwithstanding, a serious security danger to the current DL calculations has been found by the exploration local area: Adversaries can undoubtedly trick DL models by irritating harmless examples without being found by people
Adversarial Examples Generation and Mitigation in Deep Neural Networks
Harvish Jariwala, Nancy RadadiaAdversarial Examples Generation and Mitigation
Prognosis of Rolling Element Bearing Using LSTM Neural Network Shubham Kate, Sharad Gaikwad, Ajeet Patil
Rolling element bearing is crucial component in mechanical system. It is subjected to challenging conditions which leads to rapid wear and tear in bearing. If such deterioration is not addressed, the overall system has risk of failure or breakdown. Prognostics uses prediction techniques to estimate the failure point of a system. RUL prediction techniques can be classified into two categories. Physics-based methods estimate the remaining time
Prognosis of Rolling Element Bearing Using LSTM Neural Network
Shubham Kate, Sharad Gaikwad, Ajeet PatilPrognosis of Rolling Element Bearing
On Assessment of Nonlinear responses of Medium-rise 3D RC Frames using Performance Evaluation Methods suggested in FEMA 440 Param Balaji Bachewar, Mohd. Zameeruddin
It has become necessary to evaluate the seismic capability of medium-rise buildings to quantify the associated repairs, casualties and downtime of usage of property for a predefined seismic hazard. This ensures safety for both structure and occupants life. The present study focuses on a parametric analysis of nine storied 3D-bare frame using performance-based seismic evaluation procedures
On Assessment of Nonlinear responses of Medium-rise 3D RC Frames using Performance Evaluation Methods suggested in FEMA 440
Param Balaji Bachewar, Mohd. ZameeruddinOn Assessment of Nonlinear responses
A Comparative Study of Financial Analysis of Telecom Industry Dr. Meenu Baliyan, Punjika Rathi, Ishika Singhal
The telecommunication plays a significant role in today’s market. In the last decade a dramatic change in the ownership structure of telecommunications companies has taken place, from public (state-owned) monopolies to private companies. Every industrialist must understand the industries in which they operate to ensure continued success. The financial performance of a business concern usually revealed the health
A Comparative Study of Financial Analysis of Telecom Industry
Dr. Meenu Baliyan, Punjika Rathi, Ishika SinghalA Comparative Study of Financial Analysis
Online book store is a web application where the customers can purchase the books through online. The main objective of this project is to create an online book store. The online book store allows the user to search the books based on the title, author and by category finally allows the user to purchase the books through online. The user can login using his or her account details. The new customers can create an account quickly
Prediction of Thyroid Using Machine Learning Techniques Shiva Ranjani J, Monica S, Suhas Shetty
Thyroid disease is one of the leading causes of the emergence of medical diagnosis and prognosis, and its inception is a difficult medical research axiom. The thyroid gland is one of our body's most important organs. Thyroid hormone secretion is caused by metabolic regulation. Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism are two of the most common thyroid gland disorders. The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones and regulates the body's metabolic rate.
Prediction of Thyroid Using Machine
Characterization of Epoxy Matrix Based Polymer Composite with Hair Filler Dikshant Nitnaware, Prof. B.D. Aldar
Composite materials are perfect for structural applications that demand a high strength-to-weight ratio. Composite materials are cost-effective in weight-sensitive systems like aircraft and spacecraft. Manufacturing methods, anisotropy, elasticity, material strength, and micromechanics are all subjects included in the research of composite materials. The goal of this research is to investigate the possibilities of Human Hair fibre polymer
Characterization of Epoxy Matrix Based Polymer Composite with Hair Filler
Dikshant Nitnaware, Prof. B.D. AldarCharacterization of Epoxy Matrix Based
Estimation of Peak Flood for Durgawati Dam Located in Bihar State (INDIA) Amit Kumar, Sitender Chhillar, Ritesh Kumar
This paper describes the procedure for the estimation of 100 Year return period Flood using Flood Estimation Report for Sone Sub Zone – 1(d) by Central Water Commission (CWC), New Delhi. The Dam project for which the estimation of the flood has been carried out is Durgawati Dam project, which is in Kaimur district in the Indian state of Bihar. With the help of Flood Estimation Report of CWC, 25/50/100 year return period flood.
Estimation of Peak Flood for Durgawati Dam Located in Bihar State (INDIA)
Amit Kumar, Sitender Chhillar, Ritesh KumarEstimation of Peak Flood for Durgawati Dam
Performance Analysis of Muscular Paralysis Diseaseusing Machine Learning Sharavathi M H, Mamatha R
Electromyography has been used for many years in regulating paralyzed power limb. Captured and Processed EMG is an indication of human movements. EMG signal (called as Mayo signal) will be captured by various wireless sensor of low power, Bluetooth, and small interference. In this paper, the combined time and frequency analysis has been carried out to extract the required features using Wavelet Transform tools using
Performance Analysis of Muscular Paralysis
Embankment Breach Analysis of Durgawati Dam Using HEC RAS Software Amit Kumar, Sitender Chhillar, Ritesh Kumar
This paper describes the Embankment Breach analysis of Durgawati Reservoir Dam (also known as Karamchat Dam), which is located in Kaimur district in the Indian state of Bihar. The Dam Breach analysis has been performed on HEC RAS software. HEC-RAS is a computer program developed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers. To perform the Dam Breach analysis, various other software has been used such as Google Earth and Global Mapper
Embankment Breach Analysis of Durgawati Dam Using HEC RAS Software
Amit Kumar, Sitender Chhillar, Ritesh KumarEmbankment Breach Analysis of Durgawati
Impact of Covid-19 On Startups & Local Economy Kshitij Garg
The role of startups in economic prosperity is increasing in today’s world as it brings out the hidden entrepreneur in a person and also provide new innovations, new jobs and competitiveness to the business environment. Start-up entrepreneurs work closely with new technological innovation in order to improvepeople’s welfare and provide solutions to current issues. Despite the high risk associated with starting a business.
Impact of Covid-19 On Startups
Implementation of Wavelet based Thresholding Technique for Denoising an Image Mamatha R,Sharavathi M H
The image naturally corrupted with noise is the most classical problem in the field of image processing. Random noise can be easily removed by utilizing simple threshold methods. De-noising of the natural images distorted by the Gaussian noise using wavelet technique is the very efficient technique because of its ability to capture the energy of a signal in few energy transform value. The wavelet based denoising scheme thresholds
Implementation of Wavelet based Thresholding Technique for Denoising an Image
Mamatha R,Sharavathi M HImplementation of Wavelet based Thresholding
Database Systems Performance Evaluation for Cloud Applications Suhas Shetty, Monica S, Shiva Ranjani J
As Cloud applications spread throughout smart city appliances, industry, and agriculture, the volume of data saved in Cloud databases grows. Large volumes of actuator and sensory data must be processed in real-time or interactively by modern database systems. Database providers are battling this first wave of the Cloud revolution on a daily basis to expand their market share, create new capabilities, and try to fix the flaws
Database Systems Performance Evaluation for Cloud Applications
Suhas Shetty, Monica S, Shiva Ranjani JDatabase Systems Performance Evaluation
Kidney Stones Detection using Image Processing & Deep Neural Networks Sai Manohar Vemuri, Kolli Sesha Shai Datta, Pavan Sai Vatrapu
Kidney Stones have been a big problem in recent years, and if not found early, they can cause difficulties, necessitating surgery to remove the stone. Volumetric measurements of kidney stones are more useful and repeatable than linear measurements, according to previous research. Deep Learning-based algorithms that use non-contrast abdominal computed tomography (CT) scans may help detect stones and reduce the workload
Kidney Stones Detection using Image Processing & Deep Neural Networks
Sai Manohar Vemuri, Kolli Sesha Shai Datta, Pavan Sai VatrapuKidney Stones Detection using Image
Design and Analysis on Rear Axle Housing of a Truck J. Surya Prasad, K. Sunil Ratna Kumar
Axle housing is one of the main component to play vital role in the various automobiles which is placed to rear end at the vehicle and carries different loads and stresses both static and dynamically at the same time transmit the power. Both the front and rear axle openings have centre housing. This project analyzing the static and model analysis of rear axle housing on different materials like steel, aluminium alloy
Design and Analysis on Rear Axle
A Study on the application of Capital Asset Pricing Model on selected NIFTY 50 Stocks Kaniganti Rajesh, Mrs. M Sangeetha
The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is a general equilibrium market model evolved to analyze the relationship between risk and required rates of return on assets when they are held in well-diversified portfolios. As a result, a security's only impact on market risk is through its systemic risk; however, measuring systematic risk does not reveal whether or not stocks are accurately priced. Risk and return are related
A Study on the application of Capital Asset Pricing Model on selected NIFTY 50 Stocks
Kaniganti Rajesh, Mrs. M SangeethaA Study on the application of Capital Asset
Gandhian Educational Thoughts and an Awakening of Spiritualism Ananya Mondal
Religion is an institution established by man for various reasons. Exert control; instill morality, stroke egos, or whatever it does. Whereas Spirituality is a complete control over the conduct of human beings. It is the awakening of inner sense and manifestation of the perfection and divinity in men. The meaning of spirituality has developed and expanded over time, and various connotations can be found alongside each other
Gandhian Educational Thoughts and an Awakening
Finite Element Analysis of Buckling Capacity of Pretwisted Steel Bars: A Review Athira S Babu, Dr. Anu James
Any structure's support system is its column, which bears the weight of all the other structural parts. They thus constitute a crucial component of any structural design. Because of structural instability, buckling is the major form of failure for compression members. Pretwisted bars are those that have had their central axis twisted, strengthening the weak flexural plane and weakening the strong flexural plane.
Finite Element Analysis of Buckling Capacity of Pretwisted Steel Bars: A Review
Athira S Babu, Dr. Anu JamesFinite Element Analysis of Buckling Capacity
Effect of a persuasive message on prosocial behavior among adolescents Dr. Saranya TS, Munish Kumar
Helping others is a character choice, however many times, outside elements have an effect on our selection to help others. A small message or video can maximum of the time impact human beings to be concerned in greater prosocial sports like donating cash for a social cause, agreeing for organ donation, blood donation, etc. The researchers attempted to discover the impact of the persuasive message on teenagers’ selection.
Effect of a persuasive message
Impact of education on community development in duvvada village of visakhapatnam district Dr. Ch. Asha Kiran Raju, Prof. T. Sobha Sri
Over the last decade or so, the concept of social capital has grown in importance in relation to a number of related fields of study, including the identification of factors influencing educational attainment, explanations of differing levels of participation in formal and informal education, and conditions required for the construction and enhancement of institutions and practises conducive to lifelong learning
Impact of education on community development in duvvada village of visakhapatnam district
Dr. Ch. Asha Kiran Raju, Prof. T. Sobha SriImpact of education on community
Digital Terrain Analysis of Tapi River Basin in Gujarat, India Gunjan R. Chauhan, Hiren Kumar J. Chaudhari
With the new advancements in GIS techniques and better computer aid, the projects that require field exploration, can now be carried out digitally with ease. In the present paper a digital terrain analysis is performed using QGIS software with SAGA plugin. QGIS version 3.22.2 and SAGA 7.8.2 is utilized in present study. The study area is of Tapi river basin in Gujarat which is Surat district. The raw data is collected
Digital Terrain Analysis of Tapi River Basin in Gujarat, India
Gunjan R. Chauhan, Hiren Kumar J. ChaudhariDigital Terrain Analysis of Tapi
Water Demand Assessment: A case study of Cantonment area Agra Rajat Diwakar, Raghvendra Singh, Kamini Yadav, Shivam Dhakre, Devesh Jaysawal
Water is the lifeline for nature and human. Water is the first essential thing that human need. Scarcity of potable water is a big problem in Agra region because ground water of Agra is not drinkable due to excess hardness and saline taste and Yamuna river which is flowing through Agra is heavenly polluted. Ganga Jal supply is a big project launched in 2020 which has been corrected this deficiency on a large extent.
Water Demand Assessment: A case study of Cantonment area Agra
Rajat Diwakar, Raghvendra Singh, Kamini Yadav, Shivam Dhakre, Devesh JaysawalWater Demand Assessment
Socio Economic Condition of Tuk-Tuk Drivers and Problem Related to Tuk-Tuk Driving Mousumi Das
Nowadays, E-Rickshaw is new the most popular short-distance mode of transport in the urban transport system, locally called Tuk-Tuk. This has made it possible to transport people and goods from one place in the city to other. It is an eco-friendly transportation system. Many people from different wards of Berhampore Municipality have found a new way to earn a living through it. But, unplanned urbanization, lack of road space.
Socio Economic Condition of Tuk-Tuk
Biomedical Waste Segregation and Management Nita Patil, Aniket Wagh, Pintu Mishra, Subodh Shinde, Aniket Koli
Hospitals have been producing waste on a very large scale. The corresponding waste is of many types like wet, dry, metallic, and so on. So, segregation of waste becomes a prominent factor since segregating waste at the dumping ground is burdensome and usually ineffective. This paper aims to design such a model for the segregation of waste in mainly 3 categories such as non-metallic dry, non-metallic wet, and metallic waste
Biomedical Waste Segregation and Management
Nita Patil, Aniket Wagh, Pintu Mishra, Subodh Shinde, Aniket KoliBiomedical Waste Segregation and Management
Elasto-Plastic Analysis of Multi-Storey Building using BIM Kiran N. Hatwar, Mr. Sanjay K. Bhadke, Mr. Amey R. Khedikar
The construction industry is moving towards digitalization, with greater amount of information being stored digitally. This development is being addressed by Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology. BIM is process of creating virtual building model which is parametric in nature, supporting collaboration among different specialists, provides the ability to analyse the building in simulated 3-D environment
Elasto-Plastic Analysis of Multi-Storey Building using BIM
Kiran N. Hatwar, Mr. Sanjay K. Bhadke, Mr. Amey R. KhedikarElasto-Plastic Analysis of Multi
Effective Fare Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithms Dr. K Anuradha, Ashika Jayaraj
Predictive analytics makes use of historical data to forecast future events. Past data is typically used to create a mathematical model that captures significant trends. The predictive model is then used to current data in order to forecast the future or advise actions to take in order to achieve the best results. Due to advancements in supporting technology, particularly in the fields of big data and machine learning
Effective Fare Prediction using Machine
Smart Disease Predictor Using Machine Learning Navaneetha Krishnan M, Prasanth G, Gowtham R
Most of the present machine studying sickness prediction models for health care prediction focus on a single illness per analysis. One analysis may be for heart illness, another for cancer, and still another for diabetic problems. There's no single system in which one evaluation can carry out multiple disease illness prediction. This article proposes a system that uses machine learning and the Flask API to forecast numerous illnesses.
Smart Disease Predictor Using Machine Learning
Criminal Face Detection Navaneetha Krishnan M, Kiyasudeen Jamal M
A surge of organised crime activity is likely to try to weaken our law enforcement and defence agencies. In this case, technology plays a critical role. Video analytics is one facet of law enforcement's use of technology, and video analytics contains several components. Identifying patterns in different videos is one of the components. The goal is to study a 30-minute movie and capture the faces of the individuals in it.
Criminal Face Detection
Impact of Digital Marketing Strategies on The Marketing Effectiveness and Customer Satisfaction Dr. P. Jayarani, Mrs. Sonti Sushila Kishor
Online advertising is a hard and fast of effective equipment and methodologies used for selling merchandise and carrier thru the net. Online advertising consists of a much broader variety of advertising factors than conventional enterprise advertising because of greater channels and advertising mechanism to be had at the net. Online advertising is marketing and marketing and advertising the goods
Impact of Digital Marketing Strategies on The Marketing Effectiveness and Customer Satisfaction
Dr. P. Jayarani, Mrs. Sonti Sushila KishorImpact of Digital Marketing Strategies
Infrastructural Problems of Employees in Banking Services Dr. Anand T. Deshpande
Infrastructure is a broad term, it includes various aspects like premises, flooring of the premises, space and so on. Infrastructure has a direct relationship with office lay out. The sitting arrangements, customer lobbies, safe custodies and record rooms form the part of infrastructure. Infrastructure before and after globalization
Infrastructural Problems of Employees
Review on Environmental sustainability of smallscale biomass power Technologies for agricultural communities in developing countries Mr. Gage Sachin M, Mr. Wani Chandrashekar N
Agricultural wastes are readily available in farming communities and can be utilised for off-grid electrification as an alternative to diesel generators. This work evaluates for the first time the life cycle environmental sustainability of these small-scale systems in the context of Southeast Asia. Rice and coconut residues are considered for direct combustion and gasification, and livestock manure for anaerobic digestion
Review on Environmental sustainability of smallscale biomass power Technologies for agricultural communities in developing countries
Mr. Gage Sachin M, Mr. Wani Chandrashekar NReview on Environmental sustainability of smallscale
Analysis of Crime Against Women Using Machine Learning Algorithms Dr.K.Anuradha, K.Janani
In worldwide Crime level is increasing every day. Offense can't be expected since it is either proficient or unplanned. Crime is a cost-effective trouble distressing life value and economic escalation. The particulars of how crime is performed revolutionize depending on the type of nation and society. Prior researches in crime prediction have originated that factors resembling education, deficiency, employment, and circumstances
Evaluation of Career Guidance
Performance assessment of concrete produced using different types of surface water Nitin U.Thakare, Avinash N.Shrikhande
This research looks into the possibility of using surface water as a concrete mixing water. Three types of surface water were employed as mixing water in concrete, including Futala lake water, Ambazari lake water, and Sonegaon lake water, and the results were compared to concrete created with potable water in terms of mechanical and durability aspects. The purpose of this experiment is to determine how impurities in surface water.
Performance assessment of concrete produced using different types of surface water
Nitin U.Thakare, Avinash N.ShrikhandePerformance assessment of concrete
An Application of Deep Learning Algorithm for Automatic Detection of Unexpected Accidents Under Bad CCTV Prof.Vishal Shinde, Miss.Sneha Shet, Miss.Sneha Chauhan, Miss.Suryanjali Verma
Object Detection & Tracking System (ODTS) is combined with a popular deep learning network which is known as Faster RCNN (Faster Regional Convolution Neural Network), for Detecting the Object and Conventional Tracking of objects an algorithm is introduced and is applied for detecting and monitoring unexpected events automatically on CCTVs, the unexpected events can be Wrong-Way Driving or Stopping, Person getting out of the vehicle or Fire
An Application of Deep Learning Algorithm for Automatic Detection of Unexpected Accidents Under Bad CCTV
Prof.Vishal Shinde, Miss.Sneha Shet, Miss.Sneha Chauhan, Miss.Suryanjali VermaAn Application of Deep Learning Algorithm
Applications of Machine Learning in The Field of Medical Care Prof. Swapnil Wani, Mr.Dipak Bochkari, Mr.Vivek Alaspure, Mr.Tushar Thube
These years, with ML and AI becoming the hotspot of research, several applications have come forth in each of these areas. It exists as a kind of academic frontier as well as something close to our life. In this trend, the combination of both medical field and machine learning become more emerging. This research paper proposes the idea which remarkably reduced the existing situation of unbalanced medical distribution and resources strain
Applications of Machine Learning in The Field of Medical Care
Prof. Swapnil Wani, Mr.Dipak Bochkari, Mr.Vivek Alaspure, Mr.Tushar ThubeApplications of Machine Learning in The Field
Alzeimer Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms Prof. Satish Manje, Miss.Chetana Vishe, Miss.Niharika Dhanik, Miss.Namita Sonavane
Alzheimer's complaint is the one amongst neurodegenerative diseases. This complaint is a grueling bone because there's no treatment for the complaint. Opinion of the complaint is done but that too at the after stage only. Therefore if the complaint is prognosticated before, the progression of the symptoms of the complaint can be braked down. This paper uses machine literacy algorithms to prognosticate Alzheimer's complaints using cerebral parameters
Alzeimer Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Prof. Satish Manje, Miss.Chetana Vishe, Miss.Niharika Dhanik, Miss.Namita SonavaneAlzeimer Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning
Design of a restaurant billing system and data billing synchronization between branches Prof. Swapnil Wani, Mr,Shubham Vekhande, Mr.Sudhir Guntha, Mr.Saurabh Jain
In recent years, the restaurant industry has been one of the most well-known and in-demand industries. E-Bill Resto is a restaurant billing system that was created by collaborating with a number of selling locations/restaurants under the same brand name, all of which are linked to the main firm via a database server. All revenue from restaurant sales may be tracked in real time with an integrated system
Design of a restaurant billing system and data billing synchronization between branches
Prof. Swapnil Wani, Mr,Shubham Vekhande, Mr.Sudhir Guntha, Mr.Saurabh JainDesign of a restaurant billing system
Location Prediction On Twitter Using Machine Learning Techniques Prof.Swapnil Wani, Mr.Shashank Barve, Mr.Prathamesh Khedekar, Mr.Ankit Yadav
This project predicts the position of a user from the text content of a tweet by applying machine learning methods like Support Vector Machine, Naive Bayes, & Decision Tree. These days, predicting location of a user from various social media sites requires extensive research. For decades, researchers have been researching the automatic detection of places associated with or most relevant to records. As a most visited social networking site
Location Prediction On Twitter Using Machine Learning Techniques
Prof.Swapnil Wani, Mr.Shashank Barve, Mr.Prathamesh Khedekar, Mr.Ankit YadavLocation Prediction On Twitter Using Machine
Provably Secure and Light Weight Identification Based Data Sharing Protocol in Cloud Environment Prof.Vishal Shinde, Mr. Rushabh Baranwal, Mr. Vignesh Elagandula, Mr. Shubham Tripathi
In a cyber-physical cloud context, Share and store files that is both secure and efficient via authorized physical devices remains a challenge, especially given the variety of devices to obtain access to the service and data. As a result, we describe a lightweight identity-based authenticated data sharing protocol in this work, which allows for safe data exchange among geographically separated objects and clients
Provably Secure and Light Weight Identification Based Data Sharing Protocol in Cloud Environment
Prof.Vishal Shinde, Mr. Rushabh Baranwal, Mr. Vignesh Elagandula, Mr. Shubham TripathiProvably Secure and Light Weight Identification
Arduino Based Voice Control Robot with Lazer Security Prof. Satish Manje, Mr.Atul Yadav, Mr.Abhishek Shinde, Mr.Bipin Yadav
This study present how a robot responds to voice input. This paper illustrates how a robot interacts with a human by responding to voice commands. This system is quite quick. The first portion of this system is a voice recognition system, followed by a central controller system, and finally a robot. The employment of robots in today's world has spread from industries to everyday life. A healthy interface between people and robotics is critical
Arduino Based Voice Control Robot with Lazer Security
Prof. Satish Manje, Mr.Atul Yadav, Mr.Abhishek Shinde, Mr.Bipin YadavArduino Based Voice Control Robot
Analysis of Machine Learning Classifiers for Breast Cancer Diagnosis Prof. Satish Manje, Mr.Sainathreddy Bonthu, Mr.Arun Elavarasan, Mr.Aniket Gupta
Breast cancer is a form of cancer which originates in breasts of women. Cancer is caused by uncontrolled cell division or expansion. Breast cancer cells usually form a tumor that can be seen on an X-ray. Breast cancer has become one of the most well-known illnesses among women, resulting in the death of the most prevalent malignancies in women. Early treatment helps to cure malignant growth and prevent its recurrence
Analysis of Machine Learning Classifiers for Breast Cancer Diagnosis
Prof. Satish Manje, Mr.Sainathreddy Bonthu, Mr.Arun Elavarasan, Mr.Aniket GuptaAnalysis of Machine Learning Classifiers
Implementation of Machine Learning Algorithm on Factors Effecting Divorce Rate Prof. Swapnil Wani, Mr.Soham Patil, Miss.Viral Jangale, Miss.Mayuri Baviskar
As the number of marriages are growing, so does the amount of detachment and separation. The major factors that prompt separation can be numerous, and machine performed different computations to determine how to characterize the variables. The amount of separation can be reduced by this project as this will consists of possible factors leading to divorce. A sample data set has some main features that cause divorce
Implementation of Machine Learning Algorithm on Factors Effecting Divorce Rate
Prof. Swapnil Wani, Mr.Soham Patil, Miss.Viral Jangale, Miss.Mayuri BaviskarImplementation of Machine Learning Algorithm
House Price Prediction System Using Machine Learning Prof. Gayatri Naik, Master.Dhruv Patil, Master.Rohit Kore, Miss.Priti Ingale
With the help of Python modules, this paper gives an overview of how to predict house expenses using various regression models. The proposed technique took into accountthe more refined components of the property price calculation and offered a more accurate projection. It also goes over the many graphical and numerical techniques that will be used to predict the price of a home. This paper explains what a machine learning-based house
House Price Prediction System Using Machine Learning
Prof. Gayatri Naik, Master.Dhruv Patil, Master.Rohit Kore, Miss.Priti IngaleHouse Price Prediction System Using Machine Learning
Tourist Place Reviews Sentiment Classification Using Machine Learning Techniques Prof. Gayatri Naik, Mr. Sushant Wani, Mr. Rushikesh Pawar, Mr. Rohan Randhir
Social networking is getting increasingly popular these days. On tourism websites, millions of users evaluate and rate tourist attractions every day. These reviews may be subjected to sentiment analysis, which will aid in determining the popularity of tourism destinations. A ML approach was used to implement sentiment analysis in this research The information came from a number of different travel review websites. The feature extraction techniques
Tourist Place Reviews Sentiment Classification Using Machine Learning Techniques
Prof. Gayatri Naik, Mr. Sushant Wani, Mr. Rushikesh Pawar, Mr. Rohan RandhirTourist Place Reviews Sentiment Classification
Machine Learning for Web Vulnerability Detection:The Case of Cross-Site Request Forgery Prof.Kanchan Umavane, Mr. Kunal Jain, Prathamesh Vishwakarma, Manoj Verma
In this research, author present an approach for detecting web application vulnerabilities using Machine Learning (ML). Due to their diversity and broad use of bespoke programming approaches, web applications are particularly difficult to analyses. As a result, machine learning highly valuable in web security: It might blend human understanding of web app semantics into mechanized analysis techniques using manually explained data
Machine Learning for Web Vulnerability Detection:The Case of Cross-Site Request Forgery
Prof.Kanchan Umavane, Mr. Kunal Jain, Prathamesh Vishwakarma, Manoj VermaMachine Learning for Web Vulnerability
A Lightweight Secure Data Sharing Scheme for Mobile Cloud Computing Prof. Kanchan Umavane, Miss. Nidhi Sharma, Miss. Vrushali Gadhari, Miss.Vedangi Pawar, Mr. S Mohd Huzaifa
the widespread cloud computing technology, smart phones may now store and access personal information from any location at any time. Consequently, the database security issue in mobile cloud is becoming increasingly serious, impeding the mobile phone usage is increasing cloud. There have been numerous studies undertaken to increase cloud security. However, because mobile devices have very limited processing abilities and power
A Lightweight Secure Data Sharing Scheme for Mobile Cloud Computing
Prof. Kanchan Umavane, Miss. Nidhi Sharma, Miss. Vrushali Gadhari, Miss.Vedangi Pawar, Mr. S Mohd HuzaifaA Lightweight Secure Data Sharing Scheme
Search Rank Fraud and Malware Detection in Google Play Prof. Vishal Shinde, Miss.Sheetal Shilwant, Miss.Akshata Potale, Mr.Prathamesh Sawant
Fake methods of behaving in Google Play, the brilliant widely known Android software market, gasoline seek rank maltreatment and malware has been elevated in massive number. In this paper, we use framework that serves to unearths and use follows left behind, to differentiate each malware and packages uncovered to appearance rank extortion. FairPlay accomplishes greater than 95% precision in arranging great pleasant stage datasets of fake and legit apps
Search Rank Fraud and Malware Detection in Google Play
Prof. Vishal Shinde, Miss.Sheetal Shilwant, Miss.Akshata Potale, Mr.Prathamesh SawantSearch Rank Fraud and Malware Detection in Google Play
A Study of Blockchain Technology in Farmer's Portal Prof. Namrata Shinde, Miss.Pratima Yadav, Miss.Pranali Pashte, Miss.Ruchita Patil, Miss.Komal Awar
Blockchain may be a methodology within which a authentication of a transaction is unbroken by betokens that of a crypto-currency. The record is maintained transversally, linking many computers during a peer to look network. Agreement, transactions, and therefore the documentation of them outline the economic system of a rustic. They set boundaries and supply security to the assets. Considering the options of blockchain
A Study of Blockchain Technology in Farmer's Portal
Prof. Namrata Shinde, Miss.Pratima Yadav, Miss.Pranali Pashte, Miss.Ruchita Patil, Miss.Komal AwarA Study of Blockchain Technology in Farmer's Portal
Connecting Social Media To E-Commerce Cold-Start Product Recommendation Using Microblogging Information Prof. Namrata Shinde, Miss. Pradnya Panmand, Miss. Pranjali Kapate, Miss. Aditi Hedau
In last few years, the bounds in the middle of e-commerce and social media have become increasingly dim. Many e-commerce websites support a public login system where buyer can sign up for websites using their social website. network identity such as their Facebook or Instagram accounts. this paper prefer a new solution for a product that starts in the cold recommendation, which aims to recommend products from electronic commerce web pages
Connecting Social Media To E-Commerce Cold-Start Product Recommendation Using Microblogging Information
Prof. Namrata Shinde, Miss. Pradnya Panmand, Miss. Pranjali Kapate, Miss. Aditi HedauConnecting Social Media To E-Commerce Cold-Start
Blockchain as a Platform for Secure Cloud Computing Services Prof. Vishal Shinde, Mr. Jas Verma, Miss. Mayuri Pawar, Miss. Ruchita Gaikwad
In recent years problems associated with cyber-attacks and privacy of data have increased which is resulting in the speedy growth of Cloud Computing. Secure cloud computing services gets connected on a blockchain platform with the support of this work, which is called cloud@blockchain, which enjoy the notoriety and unchangeable side of blockchain. Cloud@blockchain designs two functions- unidentified file sharing and evaluation
Blockchain as a Platform for Secure Cloud Computing Services
Prof. Vishal Shinde, Mr. Jas Verma, Miss. Mayuri Pawar, Miss. Ruchita GaikwadBlockchain as a Platform for Secure Cloud
Predicting CO2 Emission Using Machine Learning Prof. Swapnil Wani, Mr. Akash Akhilesh Yadav, Mr.Mihir Mukesh Panchal, Mr. Prashant Vinod Pandey
The Random Forest & SVM are put forward to estimate the outlay of CO2 outpouring. Energy expenditure, such as power and coal energy, is the cause of the aggressive growth in CO2 emissions. The aim is to track co2 emissions gleaned from electrical energy and coal utilized in the manufacturing process. In setup to train and test the model, the statistics on electrical and energy were obtained
Predicting CO2 Emission Using Machine Learning
Prof. Swapnil Wani, Mr. Akash Akhilesh Yadav, Mr.Mihir Mukesh Panchal, Mr. Prashant Vinod PandeyPredicting CO2 Emission Using Machine Learning
Tomato Leaves Diseases Detection Using Image Processing and Deep Learning Prof.Satish Manje, Mr. Trusharth Pawar, Mr. Khan M. Waseem, Miss.Sneha Sapale
Tomato is a very popular crop, this paper tries to solve the disease-causing problems that farmers face. This research paper attempts to eliminate the harmful side effects of chemicals and pesticides with the help of the Image Processing system. In this study, 10 different types of tomato leaf disease were diagnosed including one healthy class. Farmers can use pictures of affected tomato leaves and it will predict disease
Tomato Leaves Diseases Detection Using Image Processing and Deep Learning
Prof.Satish Manje, Mr. Trusharth Pawar, Mr. Khan M. Waseem, Miss.Sneha SapaleTomato Leaves Diseases Detection
Machine Learning Algorithm for Stroke Disease Classification Prof. Vishal Shinde, Mr.Nikhil Patil, Mr.Omkar Sonar, Mr.Nishant Shedage
Stroke is the most significant element of death as well as obesity in various countries. This study analyzes CT scan image enhancement data for stroke patients by improving image quality to improve image effects and noise reduction, and using ML algorithms to separate patient images into two subtypes of stroke i.e. ischemic stroke and stroke haemorrhage. Eight ML algorithms are operated in this study to classify stroke i.e., Naive Bayes
Machine Learning Algorithm for Stroke Disease Classification
Prof. Vishal Shinde, Mr.Nikhil Patil, Mr.Omkar Sonar, Mr.Nishant ShedageMachine Learning Algorithm for Stroke Disease Classification
Analysis and Prediction of Cardiovascular Disease using Machine Learning Classifiers Prof. Vishal Shinde, Mr. Hrithik Kedare, Mr. Rahul Gupta, Mr. Vinit Mahajan
Cardiovascular disorder refers to a variety of issues that encompass narrowed or blocked veins, which can result in a heart assault, chest pain (angina), or stroke. The condition is anticipated via the gadget gaining knowledge of classifier based at the nation of the patient's facet impact. This research is used to look at the presentation of system mastering Tree Classifiers inside the prediction of Cardiovascular disorder (CVD)
Analysis and Prediction of Cardiovascular Disease using Machine Learning Classifiers
Prof. Vishal Shinde, Mr. Hrithik Kedare, Mr. Rahul Gupta, Mr. Vinit MahajanAnalysis and Prediction of Cardiovascular
Performance Analysis of Machine Learning Classifier for Predicting Chronic Kidney Disease Prof. Vishal Shinde, Mr. Shubham Narayan Bhoir, Mr.Zaid Irfan Khan, Mr. Mrunal Umakant Nagmoti
In today’s life everyone has been trying to be conscious about health due to workload and busy schedule this gives attention to the health when a it shows symptoms but chronic kidney disease does not shows particular symptoms it is difficult detect and predict, to prevent this best solution prediction and analysis this problem Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) has the type of chronic disease which means that a it happened calmly over period of specific time
Performance Analysis of Machine Learning Classifier for Predicting Chronic Kidney Disease
Prof. Vishal Shinde, Mr. Shubham Narayan Bhoir, Mr.Zaid Irfan Khan, Mr. Mrunal Umakant NagmotiPerformance Analysis of Machine Learning
Content Analysis of Messages in Social Networks, Identification of Suicidal Types Prof.Satish Manje, Mr.Shubham Dhawale, Mr.Acchutam Kulthe, Mr.Rohit Ghoshtekar
This project describes a content analysis of text to spot suicidal tendencies and kinds. This article describes the way to make a sentence classifier that uses a neural network created using various libraries created for machine learning within the Python programing language. Attention is paid to the matter of teenage suicide and «groups of death in social networks, the look for ways to prevent the propaganda of suicide among minors
Content Analysis of Messages in Social Networks, Identification of Suicidal Types
Prof.Satish Manje, Mr.Shubham Dhawale, Mr.Acchutam Kulthe, Mr.Rohit GhoshtekarContent Analysis of Messages in Social
Survey on Machine Learning Techniques for The Diagnosis of Liver Disease Prof. Satish Manje, Miss.Tannaz Inamdar, Miss.Shivani Kamalekar, Miss. Akanksha Shaha
Machine Learning Algorithm focuses on building the model using sample data which is known as training of the data for making decisions or predictions. The project focuses to give a survey and providing a comparative survey of the entire ML techniques for diagnosing and predicting liver disease in Medical Areas, which are been already used for predicting liver disease by several authors, and analyses are based on Sensitivity
Survey on Machine Learning Techniques for The Diagnosis of Liver Disease
Prof. Satish Manje, Miss.Tannaz Inamdar, Miss.Shivani Kamalekar, Miss. Akanksha ShahaSurvey on Machine Learning Techniques
Federated Data Management Aggregation Framework by using NLP Prof. Swapnil Wani, Miss.Jyoti Gupta, Miss.Namrata Kasturi, Mr.Suraj Yadav
Given the increasing range of heterogeneous information hold on in relative databases, file systems or cloud environments, it has to be simply accessed and semantically connected for any information analysis. The potential of information federation is essentially unrealized, this paper provides associate interactive information federation system by applying large-scale techniques as well as heterogeneous information federation
Federated Data Management Aggregation Framework by using NLP
Prof. Swapnil Wani, Miss.Jyoti Gupta, Miss.Namrata Kasturi, Mr.Suraj YadavFederated Data Management Aggregation